(Daily Mail UK) The European Jewish Congress announced that it is recommending new editions of the Bible be published with warnings about which passages are “antisemitic”:
Jewish leaders are calling for new editions of the Bible and Koran to carry warning messages which highlight anti-Semitic passages in the holy texts.
The recommendations have been made in a new document called ‘An End to Antisemitism! A Catalogue of Policies to Combat Antisemitism’.
It was produced following an international conference organised by the European Jewish Congress, at which academics gathered to discuss how prejudice and discrimination can be tackled.
Ariel Muzicant, Vice-President of the European Jewish Congress, and co-author of the new document holds it up, showing the title ‘An End to Antisemitism! A Catalogue of Policies to Combat Antisemitism’
Among the policies mentioned in the document was the idea of warning messages in holy texts, a topic discussed in a chapter entitled ‘recommendations regarding Religious Groups and Institutions’.
The document reads: ‘Translations of the New Testament, the Qur’an and other Christian or Muslim literatures need marginal glosses, and introductions that emphasize continuity with Jewish heritage of both Christianity and Islam and warn readers about antisemitic passages in them…
There are several themes in the New Testament that have come under fire for their use as justification for anti-Semitic attitudes.
These include the blame of Jews for the death of Jesus and the seemingly stubborn nature of the Jewish people and their disloyalty to God…
The Archbishop of Canterbury (((Justin Welby))) has previously spoken of how religious texts can be exploited or misinterpreted to promote discriminatory attitudes…
‘The fact that anti-Semitism has infected the body of the Church is something of which we as Christians must be deeply repentant. We live with the consequences of our history of denial and complicity.’
The document, which was produced by academics including Dina Porat and Lawrence H. Schiffman, also calls on all antisemitic texts and passages in the heritage of Christianity and Islam ‘to be identified and rejected‘.
Other recommendations include religious leaders and thinkers ‘publicly denouncing as unholy writ’ canonical or quasi-canonical writings of religious anti-Semites…
It reads: ‘God’s revelation is thus marred by human fallibility. Beginning with the New Testament, divine revelation expresses itself in Christian holy texts that also express a form of hatred.
‘The manifestations of this hatred resulted in a tradition of antisemitism that gave moral legitimacy to crimes against the Jewish people, the epitome of which is the Shoah.’
The Jews have been planning to censor the Bible, especially the New Testament, for years, so this formal announcement merely shows that the Jews believe that they have now amassed enough power to go public with their demands.
The real problem for the Jews, however, is that the entire Bible is ‘antisemitic’, not just certain passages that explicitly excoriate the Jews. Christ rebuked and rejected the Jews at every turn.
If you removed all the anti-jewish content from the New Testament, you wouldn’t have a New Testament.
True Christianity is NOT based on Judaism but is rather a refutation of Judaism or the ‘traditions of the elders’.
Of course, if Christians demanded that the Jews remove all the anti-Christian, anti-Gentile passages of their holy book, The Talmud, they would scream ‘antisemtism!’
And no one dares challenge the Jews on their specious claim that they are real descendants of the ancient Hebrews. A true Hebrew would never call for the words of Christ to be censored.
And the Jews don’t really care about what the Koran says about them because jewish scribes wrote the Koran for Mohammed who was illiterate.
“[Jewish] Bolshevism, the creed of which contains the very highest precepts of Islam, has just triumphed over an enemy [Russia], who was threatening our existence.”
—Mustapha Kemal, jewish dictator of Turkey, Aug 14, 1920
A new part of the jewish assault on Christ is the spurious claim that all antisemitism originated with Christianity, and that it was traditional and ‘irrational’ Christian hatred of Jews that set in motion the so-called ‘Holocaust’.
Any man who allows the Jews to censor the words of Christ is destined to be ruled over by the Jews.
This battle is real, and Christians everywhere need to tell these pharisaical jewish censors to take a hike into the Lake of Fire where they belong.
Nobody N. Particular
Those who claim to be Zionist Christians are NOT Christians, they are just Zionists. There is no fellowship possible with those who deny Jesus is the Christ; and any Christian (fake) who believes otherwise will be treated as the false believers they are (Matthew 7:21-23).
“You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them.”
– Marcus Eli Ravage, Jewish author, quote from January 1928 issue of Century Magazine
“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.”
– Maurice Samuels, Jewish author, quote from You Gentiles
British historian Lord Macaulay warned, “Your republic will be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth century as the Roman Empire was in the fifth, with this difference, that the empire came from without and your Huns and vandals will have been engendered within your own country, by your Israeli Zionist owned institutions.”
“The Jewish Question is being discussed by statesmen in a way more acute and compelling than ever before in the history of the world. They can do whatever they want, but the nations of the earth will never be able to get away from this question. The Jewish serpent will show its hydra’s heads everywhere, blocking the way to a relaxation of international tensions. We Jews will not allow peace in the world, however hard statesmen and peace advocates try to bring it about.”
— London Jewish Chronicle, March 3, 1939
Good call. I’m wondering when the Babylonian Talmud will be up for discussion. Strange no one discusses the evolution (or devolution) of the Pharisees and the Moneychangers.
Jim from Fishy
Since the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD under Titus the Jewish Nation dispersed and disappeared so to speak into the melting pot of humanity…the diaspora. The huge record of tribes and families was destroyed in the fire.
No person today or since that fire can legitimately prove Jewish decent.
Modern Jews as most know are imposters from Khazaria.
Christ said ..woe to those who say they are Jews and are not.
There are many Jews that actually do know of which tribe they descend. Jewish genealogy is passed through the mother’s side. Many have passed down yizkor books, memorial volumes and it is also on Jewish graves going back centuries. In addition, Rabbis have kept many records as well as genealogists established after the Holocaust. Also, recently science has discovered a part of a gene in DNA that does denote Jewish decent for certain Jews. So, yes, many Jews know exactly of which tribe they descended.
Jennifer ……………
“……………many Jews know exactly of which tribe they descended…………………….”
Are you stable? It is Scientifically IMPOSSIBLE for modern Jewry to trace their lineage back to the 12 Tribes simply for ONE reason —– They have NO blood connection to the 12 Tribes.
Do you realize the Website you are on??? This Website is dedicated to proving the White Race are the literal blood descendants of the 12 Tribes of Israel.
Not to mention ………………… it would be Scientifically impossible for a White person to trace their blood lineage back to a specific Tribe of Israel for ONE reason — We don’t have an actual identified dead body from one of the 12 Tribes to compare DNA scientifically.
Let’s say we knew 100% where one of the Apostles was buried. Or someone who is identified in the Old Testament. Let’s use King David as an example. If we knew beyond a shadow of doubt that we knew where his grave was — then we could dig him up and use Bone DNA to “compare”. But last I checked, this has never been done.
Jews believe they were gassed in the so called holocaust i.e., holofraud. They believe this because someone they know told them that someone they knew told them, that someone they knew were gassed and lived to tell about it.
So, for you to make some LEAP of logic or illogic that Modern Jewry can trace their lineage back to a certain Tribe is total hearsay and a load of boloney.
Not sure why you are here. Clearly you have not read ANY of the Historical or Theological articles here.
Learn or leave. Thank you. Are you even a White person???
Tremendous information about Zionism and so-called Zionist Christians here:
Bud butley
The way to deal with this rump gaggle of electoral frauds is to point out that religious groups are not permitted in the e.u. parliament under e.u. constitution, they have no legitimacy – and these morons are funding their crypto aipac propaganda with e.u. parliamentary allowances. Jail time? You bet.
Religious so-called Christians refuse to follow Jesus the Nazarene in, by or with Christ’s Holy Spirit.
Therefore they fall for this so-called Judaism tripe and Zionism, worshipping the illegitimate, Satan’s-seat of New Babylon (reconstructed by family Rothschild and friends) terrorist, supremacist, terror-state of Zionist Israel. Where does God’s Word tell a converted Christian to help Satan build his anti-Christ kingdom ?
FWIW, my mother was a Schlesinger (her grandparents changed name to Schlesiger from Germany and attended Lutheran churches in USA Inc). So I dna test approximately 40% Ashkenazi so-called Jew. I repented and started taking up my cross and following Jesus awhile ago.
When people reject Holy Spirit, they reject all of Christianity.
And, finally, THE ONE THING that I want to impress upon any sincere people here is that WE HAVE TO LOVE THESE DEMON POSSESSED PEOPLE.
Hating them is easy. Even natural. But, if we can’t love even the ugliest lost people heading straight to eternal hell forever then we also reject God and His kingdom.
I was a Zionist so-called Christian, well-deceived, for the first 15 years since I first met Christ. I take full responsibility for my delusion. I don’t blame the Zionist fakers and preachers.
Studying what REALLY HAPPENED ON 911 brought me forward.
911 was the beginning of Satan’s end game. 911 was an Izraeli job (with Rothschild elements the world over involved. Amerika, Izrael and the Saudis were the prime actors but the credits are too long to list.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say we are to love God’s enemies. Period. It says to love our enemies, but the context is within Israelite Christians. The same is true with ‘turn the other cheek’. We are not to turn our other cheek to God’s enemies. Christ said pick up a sword. He came to create divisions, divide the sheep from the goats. He wasn’t a pacifist, Gandhi-type. He chased the money changers out of the temple with a whip.
Loving the anti-Christ Jews who hate us and want us destroyed is not biblical. The Bible commands us to separate ourselves from them. Live holy and separately. If we cut the Jews out from all of our lives, they would be powerless over us. Start by turning your televisions off, and watch the Jews go broke.
You are correct in that people misinterpret the scripture and apply it to lost and saved alike, when the bible says no such thing. Arminian heresy, which has permeated most churches, teaches man can save souls and nobody is beyond redemption and we should work to save everyone. That’s not in scripture either. God made some vessels to honor and some to dishonor. Those made for the destruction will never be saved.
People say this opened my eyes or that opened my eyes, but the fact is, God opens eyes. He uses tangible things around us when it’s time for us to turn and walk his way, like Paul did. For myself, I was converted in the fake Arminian religion to the broad road of hell and didn’t doubt Israel was God’s chosen. One day I typed a question into a search engine about NT scriptures backing modern day Israel’s right to the land and right there the scales fell off. It wasn’t me, but God opening my eyes. I was never the same and horrified I had been so deceived.
It was my turn to turn and walk in the truth. That’s how it’s done. God chooses and to him goes all the credit and glory and to me nothing, for without him, I would still be a supporter of the devils lies.
Great insights, Mona. Thank you!
Andrew James Patton
God certainly hasn’t opened your eyes. You sound like the Pharisee boasting to God that he is not like other men. You presume to know the final judgment of God, even as you blaspheme God by claiming He loves some and hates others. Repent and believe the Gospel- the real Gospel, not that damnable heresy of Calvin, else you may find that those you condemned as vessels of wrath will go to Heaven instead of you.
Andrew, do you even read your Bible? Or do you just ignore the parts you don’t like, the parts that show God chooses at His discretion, and there is nothing we can do about it:
“And these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.” (Romans 8:30)
“Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use?” (Romans 9:21)
“As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” (Romans 9:13)
“You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your sins.” (Amos 3:2)
Emmanuel D'souza
Gandhi was a racist.
How about Christians first have a go at editing the Torah? We “others” are looked down on by zionists. They will find their just desserts.
Christians have ‘edited’ the Jews Torah/Talmud by literally burning it many times, most famously in front of Notre Dame in Paris in the 12th century, which is why the Jews burned it down last year as pay back.
Emmanuel D'souza
It’s no coincidence that Jews created Kosova – a Moslem nation to destroy the white race.
America’s Pulpits should be shaking from sermons of Condemnation:
The greatest betrayal of Christ Jesus since “The KISS” of Judas Iscariot.
Trump’s “SUPER SUPERIORITY” Executive Order for Jews. The order will effectively interpret Judaism as a nationality, not just a religion, to trigger a federal law penalizing colleges and universities, and soon (((lawyers))) will expand it to cover Worshiping CHRIST since Judaism has hated and attacked Christ for 2,000 years.
For the first time since Emperor Constantine recognized Christianity in the 300th Year of Our Lord, Christians are relegated to SECOND CLASS CITIZENSHIP. 1700 years and JUDAS trump ISCARIOT again betrays CHRIST.
The first step in legalizing State sponsored Christian Persecution.
Trump has set the legal precedent for the subjugation of Christianity.
Trump just set the legal foundation for the TRIBULATION so many fret about.
Crosses on Churches ALREADY “offend” Jews . … so do Nativities, Carols, Trees …. Where do you think the “War on CHRISTmas” originates? Jews refuse to acknowledge Jesus or the NEW Testament and Trump just handed them the weapon to attack.
Talk about “War on Christmas” … Like King Herod attempting to murder the Baby Jesus, King Trump has launched an attack on CHRISTianity by Officially Legalizing the elevation of Judaism ABOVE Christ, just 13 DAYS before CHRISTmas.
The USA has a “National Menorah” but NOT a “National Nativity
There is a “christmas tree” but that is nothing but a DECORATION .
Passing an executive order that prohibits First Amendment freedom of speech and religion on college campuses, elevates Zionistic Judaism to de facto state religion status, makes every Christian and non-Jew in America second-class citizens and prohibits any criticism of all things Israel on college campuses—which by implication prohibits the reading of the New Testament
It gets biblical because he is establishing the Legal Precedent which will become “anchored in Law” and lasts forever
Oh those crafty (((ones)))
They pretend to hate Christ, who everyone knows was a Jew.
Meanwhile, they sit back and enjoy watching the goy worshiping a Jew.
Christians For Truth
Incorrect. Jews do not pretend to hate Christ. Their hatred is genuine, and spelled out clearly in their ‘holy’ book The Talmud.
And, no, Christ was NOT a Jew in the sense that Jerry Seinfeld and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are Jews. Christ was from the Tribe of Judah, but today’s Jews are not, they are Edomite/Khazraian imposters who have usurped the title of Judah and Israel to run a religious con game on the world.
There is absolutely no blood connection between today’s Jews and Christ, and that’s why they hate Him. They also hate Him because they know He is God and they want to take His place.
A Must Read:
Good stuff!!!
(1) Jews instigate and aggravate the genocidal muslum invasion of Christian Europe to clear population so Israel can steal MORE land for “GREATER” Israel…..
(2) We are witnessing the SECOND, slow motion, Israeli SHOAH of the People of Palestine..
They brag about the First SHOAH the Canaanites/Amorites/Philistines/Midianites/PALESTINIANS who were in PALESTINE long before ABRAHAM passed through from Babylon/Ur ……Israel’s “claim” to Palestine is based entirely on War Crimes and GENOCIDE.
“israel” is founded on Genocide, Sexual Enslavement, Conquest and War Crime. Therefore “israel” has no Right or Argument for existing. Actually, ALL Humanity should be united in eradicating “israel”.
For 70+ years holocaust scorn and guilt has been used to destroy Western Christianity by the very people who ORIGINATED genocide.
“The Holocaust is the Holy Grail of white guilt.”
The Jews BRAG about and self document their “holocausting” others and then “PLACE A YOKE” on Gentiles for supposedly doing the same to them.
Everything they claim the nazis did is an EXACT COPY of their own self-recorded acts/history..
Emmanuel D'souza
Cªna’ānites, ‘Amōrites, Yebūsites, Perizites, Ḥiwites and Ḥittites dwelt in what’s known as the Promised land long before the sons of Yiśrā’ĕl (and others) invaded it.
Julio Hagen
Jews do not recognize Jesus Christ as Messiah, rather they abominate his name.
When Jesus Christ began preaching in Galilee the Rabbis and other members of the Jewish synagogue disapproved of his conduct, accused him of being revolutionary, mass agitator, etc.
Jesus was imprisoned by the Jews and taken to Poncio Pilatos (governor of Rome in Palestine) with a series of imputed crimes. Pilate interviewed Jesus and said: I see no crime in this man, the people who decide!
And what did the (Jewish) people decide? Had the Jew thief freed Barabbas and crucify Jesus Christ!!!
Therefore the murderers of Jesus Christ, according to the Bible, are the Jews and the rabbinate who disagreed with the ideas of the Messiah. Want more?
Therefore, no Christian or Catholic can be a defender of Judaism because they are conflicting beliefs. The Jews do not accept Jesus Christ as Messiah, the Jews only accept the Torah and the Talmud. And the Catholics and Christians who believe in Jesus Christ can also accept who denies Jesus??? No.
Jews do NOT accept the Torah. They accept only The Talmud as the highest authority. The Talmud is a series of arguments against, and refutations of The Torah. Judaism is based on The Talmud, which came out of the occult mystery religions of Babylon. The Jews claim the Torah just to fool Christians into thinking we have something in common with these demons. We don’t.
Max Harb.
Jews worship Satan, wake up everyone. They have stolen everything they have, started every war from the beginning of time, raped young boys before drinking their blood and killing them, killed BILLIONS of people, LIED TO THE WORLD through their ‘owned’ media companies, brainwashed the world, created EVERY DISEASE ON EARTH, CREATE A DEADLY VACCINE FOR THE DISEASE THEY MAKE IN A LAB, FAKED THE HOLOCAUST, it never happened, they made it up so no one can say anything about jews, ever, plan on wiping out humanity, forcefully, so they can have the whole world for themselves. But they do it from under a rock coz they got no balls, like rats. BUT, they’re so dumb, if they read the true Bible instead of the satanic Talmud, they’ll see that WE WIN IN THE END. HAHAHAHA, God is going to EXPOSE YOU.
Christ exposed the Jews for the liars that they are, and they’ve never forgiven Him for that.
Boxwood tree
I have read in several places that the original Hebrews were from India. Aristotle even said this himself. I have also read that archaeologists have investigated several old remains of people who were once there and found them to be mostly Yemeni.
In the story of Jacob, the Bible says that he wrestled with a man and was not able to overcome him till he lessened his sinew. Then God told him that if he could do this to God, what could he not do to man. I interpret this to mean that the Hebrews tried to take over another race of people (the true Israelis?) and were unable to do so unless they changed something. I am guessing that they married into the true Israelites and watered the distinction between the 2 peoples down and gradually they became Israelis.
As can be seen from history, they corrupted gradually the true Israeli religion, just the way that they have corrupted and watered down the Christian religions of today, thereby now calling themselves Christians in many instances .
I wonder if this is where the idea of the movies of the body snatches came from. They are chameleons and true faith in the Eternal Father, Son, and Holy Ghost mean nothing to them anymore than the religion of the true Israelis meant anything to them. Their star of Israel, which is also the star of Moloch, appears on a temple dedicated to the black devil goddess Cali in one of Nepal’s major cities. And she has her tongue sticking way out the same way that I have seen in pictures of Albert Einstein, a Jew. It is not surprising that they have been able to do the things that they have as remember the Bible saying that God said to Jacob, if you can do these things to God, what can you not do to man.
There is ample evidence that the ancient Israelites (Aryans) traveled to east to India and conquered it about 4,000 years ago. They inter-bred with the Black natives of India, thus creating the racial caste system we see there even today, with the whitest skinned Indians on top and the Black ‘untouchables’ on the bottom. Of course, there are no unmixed Israelites left in India today, but the country is a reminder of the dangers that can happen when Whites disobey our God and race mix.
Table of Contents from The Babylonian Tulmud, “The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today” by Elizabeth Dilling . Formerly titled THE PLOT AGAINST CHRISTIANITY
This American Heroine Crusaded Against Jewish Influence in the 30s, 40s and 50s (Elizabeth Dilling)
Why don’t Jews denounce and reject the Babylonian Tulmud thats full of hate for Christians and all non Jews ? The Tulmud is the most racist supremacist book in existence , chock a block full of Satanism , Demonology and perversions of every kind .
“For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:26-29
In Pauls time they didn’t differentiate between “Hebrew” and “Jew”, but we know one as a religion, one as a race. Jesus condemned the Judaic religion, not the Hebrew race. (I know 1 in 100000 Hebrews are actually Christian) Part of the jews blasphemy is putting themselves above everybody else as being “chosen of God”, instead of humbly recognizing Jesus the Christ as being the ONLY “human” above everyone else. I see a bunch of people here throwing around “white” like jews throw around “chosen”…be damned if I’m going to be like those I disdain! They are wrong…I don’t point out the SOS’s vile ways, then partake in them!
Tom, you are taking these verses out of context. Clearly, Galatians 3 was addressed to the Lost Tribes of Israel only. Remember, Christ stated flatly that He came ONLY for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel (Matthew 15:24), no exceptions noted. James 1 confirms this that the apostles go out to the “12 Tribes” only. Jeremiah 31:31 makes it clear that both the Old and New Covenants will be only with the Israelite people. No substitutions, no exceptions. Your reading of the Bible makes God a liar who contradicts Himself.
The meaning of Galatians 3:26 is simply that Israelites lose their previous identities, whether Judean or Greek, free or slave, male or female, and become now known as ‘Christians’ after accepting Christ as God. You Israelites are Christ’s children because you are Abraham’s seed to whom the promises were made. Those promises were made only to the seed of Abraham, no substitutions, no exceptions, no dispensations as the modern ‘judeo-Christian’ churches mistakenly assert.
Daniel confirms Jeremiah 31:31 when he states, “And the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” (Daniel 2:44B)
You evidently don’t know who or what the lost sheep of Israel is? It has nothing to do with a physical realm or a scripted narrative written by men. It’s those of like minds who disdain anyone of a particular group that claims to be above or better than another. It’s an equality from the spiritual realm that should be mirrored here on earth but never has because of a particular group that always feels they hold the only true law, which they completely reversed and corrupted. That is not natural law, but is forced compliance’s based on an self entitlement perspective to rule over others. It’s psychopathic in nature and suppressive of ones free will. The only law man should follow is that. Not a pyramidal sure authority with few above the many.
Lisa, sounds like you’re making up your own Bible based on the satanic ideas of the Illuminati principles of the French revolution: equality, fraternity, liberty.
The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel are indeed race of people who came out of the loins of Jacob/Israel, also known as the Seed of Abraham. Period. You’ve spiritualized that and made a mockery of God’s blessings to them.
That’s why in Amos 3:2 God tells the Israelite people, “Of all nations on earth, you are the only one I have chosen.” Are you arguing with God’s words here? They are completely consistent with the words of Christ in Matthew 15:24, “I come only for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.” Period.
And there is ‘equality’ among the Israelites–they are all the same under Christ. That’s what Galatians 3 is about. Yet the Israelites are not to rule over the non-Israelites but rather to separate themselves from them. No ‘hierarchy’ with the other peoples. Separation is not ‘pyramidal’.
You are seeing things in the Bible that aren’t there. Your interpretation nullifies Jeremiah 31:31, and you make God a liar. Your interpretation must be wrong, not Jeremiah. God is consistent. His promises never change.
Danae concerning the lost sheep of the house of Israel statement, quoted correctly of Jesus. Jesus also said I have sheep not of this fold. At the completion of His ministry he said go unto all nations. If only one Aryan nation was to be saved he could not say that. For God so loved the WORLD. The apostle and his Jewish witnesses were astonished they Gentiles had received the spirit just as we did in the beginning. Gentiles = other ethnos = non Jews not diaspora Jews. Christian identity has become Judiazed and lost the plot.
Even of the Roman soldier Jesus said I have not found so great a Faith as this in Israel. Lets concede we have a Jewish problem but it is not racial. The flesh counts for nothing it is the spirit that gives life….
John 3
When Christ said, “I have sheep not of this fold” he was referring to the dispersed Israelites who were not in Judea where He was ministering–the “uncircumcision”. The majority of Israelites at that time did not live in Judea but were living as far off as the British Isles, which is referred to in 2 Timothy 4:21.
For God so loved the world–yes, you universalists love that verse, but don’t understand it. The English word “world” is a mistranslation of the original Greek “kosmos” which is better translated “order” or “society” created by God’s children, the Israelites. It is not referring to the whole earth or every hominoid in it. Nothing in the greek word “kosmos” would allow for that reach. https://biblehub.com/greek/2889.htm
“Ethnos” does NOT mean non-Jews and it never did. It means “nations”, and it refers to the the 12 Tribes of Israel–or in certain contexts, especially in the OT, it can refer to the Genesis 10 nations that descended from Noah. Jerome made up the term “Gentile” and sowed this confusion that you are repeating.
It’s universalized Judeo-Christianity that has become Judaized. All of Christian churches fear the Jews and dare not speak their name. The Jews want you to falsely believe they are the people of the Bible and that they are not a race. You’ve fallen for it. You cannot understand the world through their universalist prism.
Russ, you make God a liar in order to maintain your false dispensationalist doctrine. Jeremiah 31:31 clearly states that the Old and New Covenants will be with the same people and NO ONE ELSE. How exactly do you reconcile that except to make God a liar and capable of making mistakes or changing His mind, which is absurd?
And notice that Jeremiah makes a distinction between Judah and the Israelites in general. The non-Judah Israelites are the “nations” or “gentiles” referred to in the New Testament. There is no adoption, no grafting of aliens into Israel, as you falsely claim. You make God contradict Himself with your doctrine, which is proof your doctrine cannot be the truth.
31 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord:
33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Jesus rebuked the jews because of what they ARE, their ORIGINAL family lineage of their father the Serpent, Satan incarnate in the garden of Eden. Look at what they do in the world, or in biblical terms, examine the fruit of their tree…what you will always find with this cursed tribe is a scheming cabal of greedy bloodthirsty liars and inveterate thieves, out to rape, abuse and pollute the world for their benefit.
These are the descendants of SATAN, and just as Jesus said, the lusts of their father are their lusts also. They have sought to keep their satanic blood lineage ‘pure’ by intermarrying among themselves, many rabbis will not perform a marriage ceremony to a goyim for this reason.
They hate Jesus Christ to this very day as the devil hates any light of truth that illuminates its filthy nature and crass deceptions. Not all jews are this way, but why eat from a platter of selectively poisoned fruit?
Avoid these people, their businesses, their thought products (books, films, entertainment, tv and radio peograms etc) and anything else having anything to do with them. AMERICA: STOP ELECTING JEWS TO PUBLIC OFFICE! WAKE THE HELL UP! THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND!!
Yes folks the Jews subvert the good laws we non Jews used to keep by our nature.
You have only one of two choices a Talmudic world order or a nation sate that does not allow foreigners into their assemblies. No Jew in education or parliament or any national assembly. They are pushing us to accept the Law but we must reject their Rabbinate and fear God. Christianity is our religion for eternal salvation but for earthly nations we must accept Gods laws and apply them to the state in a Christian way. Remember Paul said the Law was not for the righteous but for the unrighteous. We have an unrighteous no not a serpent seedline but unrighteous who use good and evil to direct their affairs in this world. The Law said Paul is good but the Tamud is evil. So with the tree of life in the garden lets accept the tree of the knowledge of good and evil must be present to have paradise.
John 3
Russ wrote, “So with the tree of life in the garden lets accept the tree of the knowledge of good and evil must be present to have paradise.” That’s like saying we need Satan to have paradise. Jews concocted the idea that we need evil to have paradise. Hindus believe that too. Two degenerate people believe that.
Dusty Rusty
No body is capable to change a symbol from Qur’an, since there are millions of Hafiz-e-Qur’an in the world in various countries. But changing Bible isn’t a new case. Nobody can be able say how many times it changed & to be Chang, because there was no acient conned tradition of Bible from its inception. And current Jews intention clearly indicates that behind the changing Bible misdeed they were involved initially and manipulated the resalat/religion that was sent to prophet ISA ibne Maryam, though Jews are considered as Christian’s kinsman.
Grand Inquisitor Silencius
Jews are nation wrecking parasites.
@Grand Inquisitor Silencius: Amen to that!
Wow, almost had me speechless there, jews.
Ok, I’m over my feigned surprise…but shame on any white person left who dares call themselves Christian who will stay silent over the New Testament being rewritten as The Jewish Jebus.
Christ rebuked and rejected the Jews for falsely claiming that they were legitimate blood descendants of Abraham. Christ stated he came only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel, and since the Jews are not Israelites, Christ rejected them. Jews are not, and never were, the children of God. This is the Jews’ Achille’s heel that will eventually be revealed to the world.
Unfortunately, most Christians today believe the jewish lie that the Jews rejected Christ, and that’s why Christ rebuked them–a complete inversion of the truth.
Precisely correct. And this/these fact[s] are the main reasoning behind the jews hatred of US. Oh, that and they are, as Jesus said, ‘of their father the devil’…
perfectly stated on point!
The men Christ rebuked were Pharisees and Scribes and descendants of Esau, Jacob’s brother. But Esau was rejected by God because he gave up his birth right for a bowl of beans, and because he married outside of his race. Consequently, Christ rejected Esau’s descendants and said that they were of their father the devil. (John 8:44)
But the Jews of today are actually Mongols and Huns from the empire of Khazaria. When the Israelites were conquered and taken to Babylon, the emperor of Khazaria requested the Pharisees to come and teach his people Judaism. Judaism is the evil Talmud, a series of books written by rabbis, and not inspired of God. We know that these people were responsible for editing the Bible and inserting the word “Jew” because the letter ‘J’ did not exist in the English language until the 18th century.
Enquiring Mind
Please elaborate on this. Why would they insert the word Jew in the Bible? How does that benefit them? And what word did they take out when they replaced it with the word Jew?
Christians For Truth
Enquiring Mind, if your question is indeed sincere, you will find some answers here:
Enquiring Mind
Read the article. So is it correct then to say that people today claiming to be Jews inserted the word Jew in the Bible a couple of hundred years ago to A) Worm their way into having a Biblical claim to the land of Palestine. B) Confuse people into believing that Jesus was a Jew. C) Confuse people into believing that Christianity derives from Judaism.
Is there more besides this?
Christians For Truth
Up until about 200 years ago, “iew” was changed to “jew” as part of a natural evolution of English. But up until a couple hundred years ago, “Jew” in the Bible would have been understood to mean ‘Judean’, a citizen of Judea, or Judahite, someone from the Tribe of Judah, like Christ.
Then these fake Khazar/Edomites started to push the false claim that they were the “Jews” or “Hebrews” of the Bible to give them a ‘get out of jail free’ card with the Christians, and the Christians, especially the Protestants, for the most part, didn’t challenge those false claims.
But there have been fake “Jews” since even before the time of Christ who rebuked them for making that false claim. In the last book of the Old Testament, Malachai, there are edomites already infiltrating the ranks of the Israelite priesthood.
Which raises the question: if today’s Jews are fake Israelites, are there real Israelites? If so, how would we identify them? What are the signs to prove who are the legitimate descendants of the Israelites for whom Christ said He came (Matt 15:24)? Watch this: