Numerous Jews throughout the world are outright denying and/or questioning key aspects of the official Holocaust narrative, particularly the claims about “6 million” Jews being killed in “gas chambers” at the height of World War II. This article examines the Jews who are publicly criticizing the official Holocaust narrative and the arguments they make.
The Holocaust is a tricky issue that many Christans are afraid to discuss, let alone even question. Despite this, Holocaust skepticism is on the rise throughout the world. In fact, many people doing the questioning are Jews themselves – and their arguments are quite interesting and compelling.
What is the Holocaust? According to Wikipedia and official sources, the Holocaust was the systematic extermination of 6 million Jews, carried out by Nazi Germans in various concentration camps during World War II, often using “gas chambers” with Zyklon B (a common household pesticide used to kill lice, which carried deadly Typhus).
Over the years, and even to this day, there are many prominent Jews who have questioned and/or fully deny the official version of the Holocaust.
1. Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman (Austria)
Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman, who is from Austria and speaks German, is a prominent Holocaust denier who has traveled the world warning people about the dangers of Zionism.
He has made international headlines as an orthodox Jew who vehemently denies the official Holocaust narrative. Below you can see Rabbi Moshe Friedman (left) with Rabbi Ahron Cohen (center) at a Holocaust denial conference in Iran.

In 2006, Rabbi Friedman traveled to Iran where he attended and spoke at Holocaust denial conferences and also made various media appearances. Quoting Rabbi Friedman:
The existence of the Zionist regime is based upon the belief that they have to destroy the belief in God throughout the world. Another one of their goals is to destroy the other peoples both physically and economically. Every believer throughout the world should fight Zionism. Whoever cooperates with Zionism in any way is, in fact, opposing his own religion. Whoever believes in Islam and wants to support the Zionist regime in any way, rather than be hostile to it is, in fact, casting doubt upon the sincerity of his belief.
We have a great problem. By fabricating lies about the Holocaust global Zionism has succeeded in distorting historical truth in its favor…Throughout this period in which Hollywood succeeded in influencing global public opinion and creating the myth of the Holocaust which they interpreted to their advantage the Islamic Republic of Iran was steadfast and exerted efforts in the struggle against the global myth of the Holocaust to the benefit of all peoples of the world. May God protect you. We are grateful for your support.
In order to accomplish their goals, the Zionists had to create a global disaster such as the threats, pressure, and oppression that the jews suffered. They needed to use this in order to establish Herzl’s philosophy. It was the Zionists who drove the Third Reich in Germany to publicly use pressure and oppression against the jews. It should be pointed out that it was the Zionists who promoted this policy and who led Germany down the path.
Video interview on Iranian TV (with English subtitles):
And here’s the same video, but on Bitchute:

Rabbi Friedman has apparently been targeted and harassed by the Mossad for speaking out against Zionism and the Holocaust. Unlike other Holocaust deniers in Europe, however, he has never been criminally charged or spent years in jail for questioning history. I guess we can attribute that to his jewish privilege.
2. David Cole (USA)

David Cole is one of the more famous jewish Holocuast deniers. Cole was born and raised in a jewish family in California and rose to fame in the late 1980s and 1990s. During this time, a growing number of people were questioning the “6 million” number and the existence of homicidal “gas chambers” during World War II. David Cole set out to prove these deniers wrong by thoroughly investigating the matter and traveling to various concentration camps throughout Europe.
After thoroughly investigating the Holocaust in an attempt to prove the “deniers” wrong, David Cole himself became a Holocaust denier with a wealth of evidence.
You can find numerous videos of David Cole touring concentration camps, giving interviews, and providing evidence for his beliefs. This is one of his most famous videos, where he tours Auschwitz while wearing his yarmulke, interviews the museum staff, and explains why the gas chambers are a hoax:
After Cole rose to prominence as a well-spoken jewish Holocaust denier, he began receiving death threats from the Jewish Defense League and went into hiding. David Cole then faked his own death and re-appeared as “David Stein” and worked in Hollywood, but was eventually outed in 2013. He continues to deny the Holocaust to this day.
David Cole appears on the Montel Williams Show
See other works by David Cole here.
3. Professor Roger Dommergue (France)

Jewish professor Roger Dommergue from France is another outspoken Holocaust denier who states his only passion is for the truth. He calls the Holocaust an “absolute lie” and has worked with other prominent Holocaust deniers including Ernst Zündel and Robert Faurisson.
He states in the video below that debunking the “6 million” number of the Holocaust is a “simple technical arithmetic problem which can be solved by a child in high school.”
Professor Dommergue also wrote an open letter to Steven Spielberg.
4. Nathanael Kapner (USA)

Nathanael Kapner is an outspoken jewish Holocaust denier in the US. He was raised in an orthodox jewish family in Brooklyn. Today, he goes by the name “Brother Nathanael” and claims to be an orthodox Christian, which explains his outfit.
Nonetheless, he is jewish by blood and vehemently denies the Holocaust in various videos. Kapner also runs a foundation where he discusses other aspects of history and jewish power in the world.
Below is one of Kapner’s Holocaust videos.
Kapner has other videos, but most of them have been removed and censored from Youtube.
5. Bobby Fischer – World Chess Champion (USA)

Bobby Fischer, whose father was German and mother was Jewish, rose to international fame in the 1960s and 70s as a world chess champion.
Later in his life, Fischer became an outspoken critic of the jewish power structure, which got him into a lot of trouble.
In the video below, Fischer discusses various topics, including the Holocaust around minute 3:10, where he states “there were no gas chambers – that’s all baloney.”
Bobby Fischer spoke out on many other topics, in addition to being a well-known Holocaust denier.
6. Benjamin Freedman (USA)

Benjamin Freedman was a jewish insider from New York who swam against the tide during and after World War II.
Wikipedia officially labels him a Holocaust denier.

Similar to Nathanael Kapner, Freedman is jewish by birth (jewish race) although he later “converted” to Christianity and adopted Catholicism as his religion.
Although Freedman doesn’t spend too much time on the Holocaust, his 1961 speech in the Willard Hotel is fascinating. It deals with some interesting topics, including Zionism and the jewish declaration of war and international boycott against Germany in 1933.
7. Paul Eisen (USA)
Paul Eisen is yet another jewish Holocaust denier.
With regard to being smeared with the term “Holocaust denier” he had this to say:
They call me a Holocaust denier. But “Holocaust denier” is just an abusive term for a Holocaust revisionist—the slur being that Holocaust revisionists are like flat-earthers, people who have lost all touch with reality and deny that anything unpleasant at all happened to Jews at the hands of the National Socialists. They do not. ‘Holocaust denier’ along with ‘racist’ ‘neo-Nazi’, anti-Semite and all the rest is just one more non-definable term of abuse used rather like ‘witch’ in the Middle Ages—a curse to silence those with whom one does not agree.
You can read Eisen’s essay called “My Life as a Holocaust Denier” here.
8. Joseph Burg

Joseph Burg was a Jewish inmate who spent three years at Auschwitz — and who testified for the defense in the trial of Ernst Zundel that from his first hand knowledge, there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz.
You can read about Joseph Burg’s testimony under oath here.
9. Steven Anderson (USA)
Although Steven Anderson today professes to be a Christian, he admits in his video “Marching to Zion” that he is of Ashkenazi jewish descent through his grandmother, which he confirmed through genetic testing.
In the 37 minute video below, Anderson delves into many of the reasons why he rejects the official version of the Holocaust.
Here is the same video on Bitchute:
Of course, we can’t agree with everything that Anderson says – or any of these other jewish Holocaust deniers, for that matter. But for the purpose of this article, we’re only concerned with their opinions regarding the Holocaust narrative.
Where did the “6 million” number come from?
Perhaps you are wondering where the famous “6 million” number came from.
Interestingly, the claim of 6 million Jews being killed (or on the verge of death) appears in many newspapers long before World War II even started:
The video above is actually just a small collection of the times before World War II when the “6 million” number was used.
The book 6 Million Open Gates reveals 180 of newspaper articles describing exactly 6 million jews being on the verge of death or already dead.
In short, the “6 million” number is very important and ties into to the jewish Kabbalah, their prophecy of their coming messiah, and the larger Zionist movement. Apparently, they believe that the Jews would “return” to the land of Israel “minus 6 million” of them, which is why they cannot budge on that number no matter how much objective evidence proves it to be a lie.
Other Jews denying the Holocaust
Of course, there are certainly many other Jews around the world who reject and/or question the official narrative of the Holocaust and would therefore be labeled “Holocaust deniers.”
In much of Europe, however, questioning any aspect of the Holocaust can get you locked up for years in jail. Therefore there are likely many more Jews who have issues with the Holocaust narrative, but are afraid to speak out.
This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather a brief overview of some of the more famous jewish Holocaust deniers over the past few decades.
From my experience no one does a better job exposing the lie of the 6M than Ron Unz, a non practicing jew, and many of the contributors to his web review site Unz.com
Thank you for such a fantastic site, with such good articles, resources (reader: see the Resource page), and commenters who pass on what they have learnt.
PS. Do you have a dropbox where videos and documents can be deposited?
and as for Dr Zelenko and his Covid cure Z-Pack
I say it now and say it again
“Beware any jew bearing gifts”
This one isn’t related to the Holocaust but it’s of the same theme:
The World Significance of the Russian Revolution by Oscar Levy-
I have heard from two other cases, separate women who claimed that their Jewish families were Satanic, and one took after their European ancestors in appearance, but was disgusted by the fact she was the result of… well, I think she implied human trafficking. The other one looked more Jewish, but she was ranting about how they prevent family members like her from being taken seriously. These were very small channels and I have no idea how I found them at different points in time.
At the time, I don’t think I believed them, and excused their behaviour as a result of trauma, and so I didn’t note their channels down, but after finding out so much, what little I remember about what they said, certainly rings more true.
My father was a ‘Holocaust Doubter’ and shared Benjamin Freedman’s speech exposing the 6 million lie. I also remembered listening with my patriotic dad to weekday ‘Conservative Viewpoint’ hosted by Richard Cotten from Bakersfield, CA on the Mutual Radio Network. Christian patriot Richard Cotten exposed the six million legend in his monthly newsletter. I have doubted the six million legend before becoming a teenager and I will be 79 years old in March 2021!
I would like to point out one small thing regarding Steven Anderson being a Jew – I know this is his own claim using an Ancestry DNA test, but I don’t personally believe those tests are accurate, as those companies are run by Jews themselves, and there’s hundreds of testimonies online of people finding the results to be incorrect, such as DNA tests between paternal twins, which should not be possible.
It may be that these DNA testing agencies “slip in” a bit of Jewish DNA into White European people to “kosher” them up, so to speak. After all, if you were say, a “normal person” and were suddenly told you were part Jewish, you may start being more sympathetic to them and their behaviors.
This isn’t a defense of Anderson’s character, teachings or beliefs, but simply a warning to others to avoid DNA testing as much as possible, as it’s all run by Jews and subject to deception.
You are correct–those test are not accurate and most of the DNA companies are owned or controlled by Jews who intentionally add some Jewish DNA to test results so that everyone thinks they are a little bit Jewish.
As far as Steven Anderson goes–he said his grandmother also took a DNA test and the number one profile on her list was Ashkenazi Jew–that is very likely to be true–not just a small percentage within the random error sample. His grandmother is Hungarian Ashkenazi–which also showed up in his profile along with some Romanian, which isn’t exactly White either.
Romanian is as white as German or Russian. Maybe you were thinking Roma or Gypsy which are not white nor Romanian
There may be some truly White Romanians left today, but it’s an exaggeration to claim they are as White as Germans. Romania got overrun by the Turks, just as had Albania and Greece–and occupied. Like Spain was overrun and occupied by the North African Moors. Result was a darkening of the population, undeniable. Not just the Roma.
Wrong…The turk and tatar empires stumbled at the borders of Wallachia (Țara Românească) and Moldavia(Moldova)…While they took tribute, for peace keeping, they never conquered the country and very small number mixed with the native population, in the south-east of the country.
Atlantids & Brunn tend to have dark hair but pale skin and blue eyes.
A lot of Germans are like that too.
You can use this to check the disparity between populations on Averages.
The Germans are on par with the Spanish in disparity from Romanian, but they have close proximity to Bulgarians & Serbs.
Additionally, even in the case that he is *at most* 1/4 Jewish, does it really matter at that point? By Nuremberg laws that was 2nd degree Mischling, whom were treated more or less equally. By the point of “25%” Jewish blood, what’s more important in my opinion is if that person conducts himself like a Jew, and their phenotype of course. In the case of Anderson, he has made it quite clear his intention is to expose Jewish doings, and he doesn’t look like one. Therefore, he isn’t one.
Another way to “kosher up” the gentiles is having Jewish doctors claim that circumcision is healthy. I was traumatized on my eighth day of life to serve the agenda of satanic Jews.
One of the greatest ironies is that Jews truly believe they are smarter than everyone else, and yet 99% of them believe in the Holocaust, a fictitious event which defies all logic, common sense, and scientific probabilities — that even six year olds should have serious doubts about….around the same age they start to realize that Santa isn’t exactly real.
Perhaps Jews must believe in the Holocaust, not because it’s true, but rather it is required by Jewry in order to receive in-group preferential treatment, nepotism. Jewish children perceive the positive reinforcement they receive from their parents for believing and not asking too many questions, as David Cole did.
Perhaps there’s a tacit understanding that even if it isn’t exactly true, it’s good for Jews to insist that it is true to keep the goyim at bay, and keep their international crime syndicate well lubricated with cash reparations and ersatz sympathy.
If you check online, you will find analyses of national IQ scores.
The average score is 100.
Israel comes in at an average IQ of 94.
This means that they are – as I recall – in 34th position globally.
But as they own all media, they have managed to add 34 places to their ranking.
It confuses me how a country can have resources to handle millions of prisoners, execute them, and destroy millions of bodies while having severe supply problems on their war fronts. I’ve seen testimony from Jews who said they went through those death camps on their way to forced labor. Yet the official narrative is that no one who went through those camps came out alive.
Jews have made it ILLEGAL to question their version of World War II in many European countries. They know that when the goyim eventually figure out they’ve lied about the Holocaust, there will be hell to pay, so they throw people in prison for questioning it.
Truth is “hate” to the Jews. To Christians, truth is LOVE.
The truth does not need laws to protect it, which is prima facie proof that the Jews are lying about the Holocaust. That’s why when bolshevik Jews took over Russia (and post-war Eastern Europe), they had to create a brutal police state to protect themselves from the masses, and maintain the lies on which it was all based. Everyone was forced by threat of prison and murder to accept their lies.
German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, observed that the Jews were the “master of the great lie” for good reason.
This is why Jews spend their entire lives having to always be looking over their shoulders–they know what’s coming, but it’s just a question of WHEN.
“For the jew, nothing is more offensive than the truth.”
( A. Solzhenitsyn. )
Steven Anderson is a racial Jew, regardless of his profession of Christianity, and his interpretation of scripture isn’t necessarily reliable or accurate. Regardless, you seem to falsely presume that “Nazis” were bad — and if you take away the so-called fictitious “Holocaust”, what exactly did the “Nazis” do that was so bad? Save all of Europe from a communist takeover? One thing is certain: Jews hate both Hitler and Jesus Christ–so they must have something in common outside of being hated by Jews.
I was just cracking a little joke there to see how you would react. I wanted to see if you would defend Jesus against Hell as you defend Hitler against the Holocaust. Or would you rationalize Hell & thus, by implication, the alleged atrocities of the Nazis as well?
But all jocularity aside, I don’t think Hitler was any worse than Stalin or Churchill. Of the three, he was probably the only one who wasn’t utterly without conscience. The Nazis themselves were just men & women who ran the gamut from prosocial to psychopathic; that some abused their power & inflicted real cruelty on Jews & other inmates in the camps doesn’t mean that all National Socialists were evil.
Jews hate Hitler for obvious reasons & many probably hate Jesus because he is a symbol, a personification of a religion that has persecuted them for over 1500 years. Though the historical Jesus (if he existed) was himself a Jew & thus unlikely to have condoned the persecution of his own people, the Jesus of the gospels called Jews children of the Devil – a pretty clear incitement. So of course they hate Jesus. If you were a Jew, wouldn’t you feel the same way?
The Roman historian Flavius Josephus who lived at the time of Jesus stated in his writings that Jesus did indeed exist. And there were others:
Do you doubt that Alexander the Great existed? There are NO contemporary accounts of him. The first writings describing him were written 200 years after his death, and his grave has never been found. There is far more first hand testimony of the existence of Jesus than Alexander the Great, yet you have more faith in the existence of Alexander. Why?
And, no, Jesus was NOT a “Jew” in the sense that Jerry Seinfeld, Marty Feldman, and Barbara Streisand are Jews. The “Jews” that Christ rebuked were true Israelites who rejected Him as the promised messiah. Today’s Jews are non-Israelite imposters, and Judaism is a fabricated “religion” of these imposters to justify their rejection of Christ and subversion of His followers. Read this to learn more if you are sincerely interested in the truth:
I don’t doubt that Alexander the Great existed, but I strongly doubt that he was, as he purportedly believed, the son of Amon-Zeus. Likewise, I can accept the possibility of Jesus’ existence while doubting much of the things written about him (such as his alleged divinity). The problem is that Jesus, as we know him, is more legendary than historical. If Alexander was really the son of Philip of Macedonia, not Amon-Zeus, then that revelation has no impact on whether or not he conquered Egypt, Greece & Asia-Minor. But if Jesus wasn’t really the son of God then that puts much of his biography into question. A mere man could not pull off real miracles or return from the dead. If the man the Jesus legend was built upon turned out to be nothing but some renegade rabbi living in 1st C. Palestine, then in what sense would he be ‘Jesus’?
Or look at it this way: I don’t doubt Alexander because warlords who try to conquer the world are hardly without precedent. If I believe in Napoleon & Genghis Khan, why not Alexander? If I did not know he was fictional, I’d probably believe in Conan the Barbarian as well. But if I’m going to believe in Jesus as he is described in the gospels, then I would also be obliged to accept the historicity of Hercules, Perseus & all other sons of God. In short: belief in Alexander doesn’t commit me to belief in the supernatural, but belief in Jesus Christ would. So if you want me to believe in Jesus Christ, you’d first have to prove that there are gods or a God that transcends nature. Good luck with that.
As for Jesus being of a different racial heritage from modern Jews, I do not see how this is relevant. The Samaritans were ethnically distinct from Jesus & his kin, and yet his parable of the good Samaritan makes very clear Jesus’ attitude towards racism. I do not deny that most Jews possess a high degree of cosanguinuity, but the Jesus of the gospels obviously didn’t care about this & would have sympathized with the practicing Jews (no matter their heritage), not there persecutors. And yes, the Jewish religion has changed over the centuries (as has the Christian one). I’m sure Jesus would take issue with some those changes, just as he took issue with some of the practices of of the Temple Judaism of his time; but that doesn’t mean he’d side with Hitler against his own folk.
Jesus’ genealogy is given twice in the New Testament, so obviously race is important to not only his legitimate claim to the throne of David, but also as the promised messiah of the Israelite people, per Isaiah. Christ came only for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel (Matthew 15:24), and no one else. So that makes race very important to Him.
You’ve projected your own anti-racist, leftist political agenda onto Christ in contradiction to the gospels, but that’s what the majority of Christians and non-Christians alike have done–changed the gospels to suit political correctness of the day.
If race isn’t important to Christ, why did He come only for the Israelites first, those from the same race as Himself?. Then the “Gentiles” (‘ethnos’in koine Greek) were not non-Jews–they were the dispersed, lost and “uncircumcised” Northern Tribes of Israel, all of whom Christ came to regather under the new Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31), along with the unmixed descendants of the original Genesis 10 nations.
As Justin Martyr, the early church father, stated, “Christ is our King, and Christianity is our race which you knew once as Israel.”
—Justin Martyr, 100-160 AD, from “Paragraphs of Trypho” chapter 135
This truth has been buried and hidden over the last two millennia, and you cannot understand the Bible or what’s happening in the world today without comprehending it.
Jews are not children of Abraham spiritually:
Israel Moment #8 Abraham is not the Father of the Jews Matthew 3:9
Christians are God’s chosen people.
Who said that Jews were Abraham’s children either physically or spiritually? I didn’t. And Rev. Stephen Anderson is wrong–there is a true physical seed of Abraham that was blessed through Jacob–and that’s the true Israelites of today.
Anderson is a dispensationalist Christian–and he is greatly misled. While he’s right that Jews are not Israelites, he’s wrong that there isn’t a real physical Israelite remnant still today. Christ came only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matt 15:24), confirming that the new covenant would be with the same people as the old covenant (Jeremiah 31:31). Read:
“….Though the historical Jesus (if he existed) was himself a Jew…”
Firstly, even the celebrated antichrist Richard Dawkins was forced by Professor John Lennox to reluctantly accept the historicity of the Lord Jesus Christ, as in fact do the jews themselves; including their acceptance of the miracles He did.
And as they were there at the time, and you were not, then I think the preponderance of the evidence is in favour of His existence on earth at the time stated.
Secondly, Jesus Christ was not a jew.
He was a Judahite, of the line of King David.
The word “jew” only entered the language around the time when the KJV was translated; and so it was a novel coining. The jew began his counterfeit history on earth in 125 BC, when the Edomites ( ie descendants of Esau, whom “God hated” ) were forcibly converted to the Hebrew religion by the High Priest at the time, one John Hyrcanus. As they were required to circumcize themselves, they became physically indistinguishable from the Judahites, and within a generation had begun to usurp all the top positions in the hierarchy, and so by the time of the Incarnation, both Annas and Caiaphas were no longer of Israel, but were these counterfeits.
As proof that they are neither Israelites nor hebrews, they stated at John 8, 33 that “they had never been in bondage to any man”, and so by definition were not in Egypt with the Children of Israel, and further, their Encyclopedia Judaica states that they only began claiming this ancestry for themselves as late as 1860 AD.
As to Christ “not condoning the persecution of His own people” – He didn’t, instead He condones the persecution of the jews, who are not His people, as already described, and in fact His “Parable of the Vineyard” clearly spells out what the fate of these people will be.
In comparison to everyone else at the time, they were the most noble nation.
Some suggest that they worshipped Hitler, and were trying to resurrect the Holy Roman Empire for Catholicism.
His words still remain poignant – “My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know I was right.”
I knew the Holocaust was a lie a long, long time ago. My Grandfather served in Austria in WW2, and was moved to South Florida after the war to work for Pratt Whitney. He had nothing but nice things to say about Adolf Hitler, who is so demonized its almost cartoonishly comical. And my grandfather was a kind honest Christian man. He would have NEVER served under a genocidal maniac.
What Hitler was doing may or may not have been civil rights violation (depending on your perspective) as what he REALLY was up to was-
1) Identifying Jews, especially the international banking clique and pornography industry, as the primary problem that had turned Germany into a cesspool.
2) Researching and exploring the history of Jews within white nations, and learning of their hard-left communistic outlook and refusal to fully assimilate, as well as their corrosive affect on a nations leadership and economy by working together to install fellow Jews into every facet of power among media, education, law, and finance once just one or two of them got their foot in the door in such institutions.
3) Coming to the conclusion that, they had not only impoverished Germany through usury and immoral financial tactics, but that they were forever incompatible with western nations. And so he sought to DEPORT them, and actually petitioned several nations to take them in. Jews actually suggested to Hitler that they be given Palestine (Which wasn’t thiers to give of course) to which Hitler said pretty much the same- Its not Germany’s to offer them and that they only wanted a base for their world swindling agenda anyways. In turn, the Jews asked the same of Britain, offering to Churchill that they would get America into the war for it which was granted (Belafour Agreement/100 day war).
Hitler wasn’t the only one to make such observations about Jews, either. The founding fathers of America were well aware of the dangers of Jews and implemented a permenant ban on allowing them US citizenship (Which has since been covered up) which was why Jews originally used European alias’s to hid their Jewish heritage for over 100 years:
“They [the Jews] work more effectively against us, than the enemy’s armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in… It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pest to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.” —George Washington 1789
In scripture, its actually easy to point out that they are NOT the children of God they claimed to be-white Europeans are. But they CAN be identified, as “anti Christ”.
YOU ARE HERE>>>>>>Revelation 12:15
And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
Who is the woman? Its universally agreed by bible scholars, that whenever God refers to his people, he uses the term woman in some way, to show he is married to his people. Most know this as the bride of Christ. But there is a less flattering term for some…
When those white people who were the bride of Christ turn against and divorce God and instead serve those of the Babylonian Talmud, and ride the Beast to prosper (ZOG and white Liberals)and remember, the whore is described as being cloaked in red (Communism Marxism) then these leftist whites are no longer of God and become the WHORE of BABYLON. These white elites/Liberals who divorced themselves from God, and married them selves to the Babylonians (There is a reason its called the BABYLONIAN Talmud!) are the great whore on the beast in Revelation 17.
As for the prophecy of the flood used to destroy Gods people being mass immigration, thats not “Just an interpretation” as the bible clarifies this concerns mass immigration…
Revelation 17:15
And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
When asked who the anti-Christ really was, Christ said “He who denies father and son are anti-Christ. Even now, there are many anti-Christs”
VERY revealing once it dawns on you that in his lifetime, only “Jews” denied him.
They misrepresented Christ as a Jew, because they thought the enmity between serpent and Adam would cause people to turn from Christ, but they didn’t. So instead, they used that lie to their advantage in other ways, thereby deceiving the whole world!
WW1 and 2, The Belafour agreement
The banner of Judah, the tribe of the saints and ruling house of Israel, is NOT a star with 6 lines, 6 points, and 6 triangles all at a 6.66 degree angle. The herald of Judah is a lion. Also the anti-Christ was supposed to rise up from nothing, and use another’s power (the Jews use the power use America and England) to cause craft to prosper in his hand and rule the world through finance in the age of tribulation.
So if Jews arent the lost tribe of Judah, is it possible to discover who is? BUT it can only be done, if one understands that the Jews have LIED heavily concerning WW1 and 2, and the slander they did of Adolf Hitler and Germany. As for the tribe of Judah?
To see who is who is simple, we just need to find out who uses Judah’s herald historically to find the lost tribe of Judah. Who uses a Lion as a banner? Not Jews. Thiers is the star of Remphrem/Baphomet (and if you go to the ADL website, note the serpent entwined in it) Germans however, HAVE used the herald of a lion, going all the way back to the knights of Teuton and before that, Scythia. In fact, you can find Lion heralds in EVERY European nation! Usually 3 of them, which is a significant observation when you understand the meaning.
Which means Judah are all among western nations, not JUST Germany, but at that time, a great many were there. The 12 tribes are actually the 12 subsets of Europeans.
So why did white nations like America and Britain give their power over to them and let them take over the west?
Revelation 17:17
For God hath put it in their hearts to give their power and authority over to the beast, until the words of prophecy are fulfilled.
ANOTHER lie they want people to believe, is that they (Jews) created Christianity for mass control. But observe their burning hatred of Christ and Christianity. Would they REALLY hate their own psi-op? Would they let their psi-op make whites the greatest of nations for 100s of years as they themselves were homeless vagabonds and wanderers right up to WW2 (which btw fulfills the legacy of Cain, gen. 4:12)
Watch “100 Proofs That Israelites Were White”:
Do jews know who THEY really are then ? Yes, most of them…
“EDOM IS MODERN JEWRY.” The Jewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41.
“Christ is our King, and Christianity is our race which you knew once as Israel”- Justin Martyr, 100-160 AD, from Paragraphs of Trypho chapter 135.
-from Maxims of George Washington, by A. A. Appelton & Company
Sorry about the length. I pray this information is useful and insightful to some.
God bless and protect you all!
Excellent post, Allen.
Jews descend from Cain, as the Lord Jesus described them
And the father of Cain was satan, not Adam.
“Ye are of your father the devil, and his works ye will do. He was a liar and a murderer from the beginning.”
And the jews still are liars and murderers.
This is why the jewish lineage is reckoned through the maternal line, because if they went back to their first father, they would have to cite Lucifer, so they do it through the mother, so they can stop at Eve.
I guess the best way to let them know you do not give rats anus is declare you are agnostic on the Holocaust by reason its the only history you are not allowed to question.
The Holocaust DID HAPPEN!!! Proof?
The Gypsies, they never got reparations, they are still hated, still segregated, and still sterilized. No one pays for their Holocaust stories, in fact, Gypsies are mocked because of them! Yet they stand by the truth of what happened to them.
Just like with the Jews, no Gypsies were “gassed” or “mass murdered” at any concentration camp. There is zero proof of that, if that is what you are suggesting. Nice try.
If you are right Manny, why are there no photos or captions of Gypsies suffering? I can’t recall one, yet they were in those camps? All goes to prove something stinks the closer you get to this rotten fishes head.
Have you lived among Gypsies? Next to Jews they are the most dishonest people. They are a nomadic, lazy, thieving bunch that the whole Europe sent back to Romania when they saw their behavior. They also cast themselves as victims just like jews do. Had they been organized like the jews they could’ve raked in big money. They still hope, that’s why they have to be victims.
Manny, get some help. The Jews do not have monopoly on suffering, and, as a matter of fact, have suffered much less than other peoples, especially , during times of upheaval and war. the holocaust is propaganda, pure and simple. Get used to it.
There are Irish Gypsies and then there are Roma Gypsies (who are from India or Pakistan, not actual Romanians).
The Roma Gypsies are akin to Jews, people distrust them for valid reason, a lot of seers are depicted as Romas for a reason… they’ve got their own brand of Kali worship apparently.
Irish Gypsies hate the Anglo government, so they roam around not paying taxes, they mostly buy scrap metal and do odd jobs, but they have their own sense of honour. Some are Catholic, some are not.
They didn’t have to roam all the way into Europe from where-ever they came, if they didn’t like it here.
Recently I met a Holland girl fresh out of indoctrination schooling program. She gave all the required answers to the Holocaust compliance education and qualifications. A fine example of what can be achieved with not allowing freedom of thought on issues of history. She said eye witness testimony was all she needed to know the holocaust was real.
I asked her if the eye witness testimony of the theft of Palestine mattered?. She whimpered begrudgingly the theft of Palestine is evil. I asked if most Jews used the mantra a land without a people for a people without a land?. She agreed. I asked was it a national lie?. She refused to concede that Zionists are liars. She then moved to her emotional argument but they branded them like cattle! she cried out. That’s nothing I responded a tattoo can be removed if it were not a badge of honour.
I asked if cutting the flesh in circumcision was worse than a tattoo that can be removed?. She refused to answer. Circumcision is a mark of an Israelite and it is way more emotional an argument of child abuse than is identification by tattoo abusive. Strangely people that are mind controlled refuse to open up their personalities to the reality of possibilities. I am a Christian and I find child circumcision to be a form of genital mutilation of 8 day old males. Yes, God commanded it but no one in his right mind would suggest a tattoo was a worse form of branding. Use this as a test of thought control and counter culting. See if the person you are talking too is able to hear and understand. They have ears to hear and yet ….
David Cole is an admitted infiltrator of the revisionist movement, a Zionist Jew who hates both white racialists and so called Muslim extremists; also noted is your skipping over his occupation as David Stein where he sold classical holocaust happened videos to unaware republicans. U also fail to mention his refutation statement before he went underground where he denied all his previous claims.
I have, for some time been amazed that whites keep looking to David Cole as a beacon of support while treating him with honor and respect given these sets of circumstances
We’re surprised that you failed to mention the reason David Cole recanted his Holocaust denial….his life was threatened by Jews who were stalking and intimidating him. Of course he recanted. And who in their right mind would expect him to support “White nationalism” simply because he made a documentary about the Holocaust hoax? That makes no sense whatsoever. Simply put: David Cole saw through the lies of the Holocaust and made a film about it. Because he is a Jew, he had credibility, which is why the JDL had to shut him up.
I can’t quote all of the damning evidence against the feigning Ethnic-European support from David Duke. I research so much throughout a single day. Besides that, too many Ethnic-Europeans are willing sacrificial lambs to be rescued with my volumes of information which I want to share. So, I must let go of the excess. Nevertheless, I’ve seen damning evidence against David Duke posing as a trustworthy Ethnic-European.
Think about it. I’ve come to realise that those “anti-semites”© who are still alive and thriving while they disseminate their “anti-semitism”© STILL haven’t been silenced, jailed, murdered, etc. . That alone is a clue pointing toward which TRIBE is paying them.
He didn’t command that surgery specifically.
https://i.imgur.com/nqSjx20.jpg < Info on the differences, according to them.
I found this as an important film:
EUROPA: The Last Battle
“Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance”:
I concluded long ago that the gas chamber component was just war time propaganda. Its a great topic and I have exhaustively read about it from every angle. One thing that’s been hushed up is the Transfer Agreement. That is a remarkable event that proves that sometimes the most absurd things are true. When I first heard about it I laughed as even I thought it to be outrageous.
I don’t think the revelation that the gas chamber routine didn’t happen doesn’t diminish the holocaust that much. You still had much of the same components to the events. In my lifetime I have observed American Jews become much more patriotic and less defensive of life in the United States. I think alot of younger Jews don’t believe in the gas chamber component anymore. Its almost as if they don’t feel they should have a contrarian posture and really see America as their homeland just like everybody else. I think that makes them more willing to look at the presentation of materials with an open mind.
If you are really interested in holocaust revisionism, check out the Holocaust Handbook series. They’re quite long, but they’re fully sourced, detailed, and informative. As Hitler said, “The victor will not be asked if he told the truth”, and as Göbbels said “There will come a day when all lies will collapse under their own weight.”
Rick Wiles of Trunews STILL believes in the Holocaust. Please pray for him. Trunews is an anti-zionist Christian yt channel
Christians are enslaved by the myth of the Holocaust, and they, of all people, need to break the spell that they are under. The Holocaust is falsely used to justify the state of Israel, which many Christians falsely believe must be established in order for Christ to return. All Christians must wake up to the Holocaust Lie and realize that Christ is not returning just because some fake “Jews” return to a land that God had forsaken forever.
The Old Testament in Obadiah did prophecy that the Edomite Jews would attempt to rebuild the desolate lands of Palestine, but if you bother to read it, you will find that God will destroy them for attempting to do so.
Twenty years ago, David Cole’s documentary on Auschwitz opened my eyes to the lies behind the Holocaust, and the fact that he was a Jew who was trying to refute the doubters made his film even that much more persuasive.
Of course, after David Cole opened my eyes, I discovered such overwhelming, well documented research proving the impossibility of the “official” narrative that today I cannot fathom how anyone can still give it any credibility, but Jews rely solely on indoctrinating school children at a young, impressionable age without any filters to question anything they hear, which is why they are pushing hard to make Holocaust “education” mandatory in public schools in America.
‘Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived.’
Jerzy Ulicki-Rek
lol…that about sums it up 😉
Yep, one of my favorite quotes that sums up the absurdity of the Holocaust fairy tale.
They know their hoax is finished! Not just this one, but everthing they have ever touched.
This is an attempt for the early Cain-ites to distance themselves from escalating antijudeoism in every Aryan nation across the planet. Won’t work!
exactly 🙂
An excellent smoking gun in the form of this article…but my warning against trusting these jewish whistleblowers (or any other ‘nice’ jew) still stands firm 😉