(Jewish Telegraph Agency) Jews have become even more protective of Anne Frank than Catholics are of the Virgin Mary — any evidence that arises which puts into question her official “story” or her status as the patron saint of the “Holocaust” — and the unparalleled suffering of the Jews — must be attacked, discredited, and suppressed at all costs:
Costco named as its February “Buyer’s Pick” a book about Anne Frank that has been taken off the market in the Netherlands, in the latest sign that criticism of the book is unlikely to stem its influence. “The Betrayal of Anne Frank” made waves upon its release last month because of its explosive conclusion that a Jew had betrayed Frank’s family to the Nazis.
The book, by Rosemary Sullivan, chronicles the work of an investigative team led by a retired FBI agent that identified “with 85% certainty” a notary named Arnold van den Bergh as the person who directed German forces to the Amsterdam hiding place of the teenage diarist, her parents and sister.
But in the weeks after the release, Dutch historians, European Jewish leaders and other authors protested the book, saying that it unfairly impugned a long-dead Dutch Jew without adequate evidence. Some presented evidence suggesting that, rather than being the likely culprit in a historical mystery, van den Bergh was being smeared.
Amid this pressure, the book’s publisher, Ambo Anthos, suspended sales of the Dutch-language translation of the book last week. “There were obvious problems with the research, and probably the last thing that Ambo Anthos wanted was an authors’ walkout,” Johannes Houwink ten Cate, professor emeritus of Holocaust and genocide studies at the University of Amsterdam, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
But the book remains widely available outside of the Netherlands. Its selection as a Costco pick means that millions of Americans will see a direct appeal to buy and read it, and many likely will. The book was featured on an episode of 60 Minutes on January 16th. “I can still remember the effect Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl had on me,” a Costco book buyer named Alex Kanenwisher wrote in the company’s February newsletter. “So I am very excited to share this month’s book buyer’s pick, The Betrayal of Anne Frank by Rosemary Sullivan.” The newsletter called the book a “modern whodunit.”
According to the book’s critics, the whodunit remains far from solved. They point to details from van den Bergh’s life, including that he himself had gone into hiding before the Frank family was betrayed and that investigators had cleared him of Nazi collaboration after the war, to argue that it’s impossible to conclude that he had given up the family’s location.
Pieter van Twisk, the lead researcher of the cold-case team, told JTA that those facts didn’t refute the book’s conclusion. “People in hiding often were pressured or extorted into cooperation,” van Twisk wrote in an email approved by Vince Pankoke, the retired FBI agent who led the team. ”As long as you could provide things of value (gold, jewellery, money, stocks, paintings and yes addresses etc.) they might have left you alone.”
Although Pankoke and his team have publicly stood by their conclusions, they said in a statement on their website that it was “very unwise” to assert that the conclusion was “85%” accurate. “This does not represent the degree of certainty” of the study’s results, they wrote in Dutch.
The European Jewish Congress, which represents dozens of Jewish communities in Europe, has formally called for the book to be rescinded. Naming a Jewish culprit in a mystery that has transfixed people of all backgrounds could be “potentially incendiary” at a time of rising antisemitism, the group wrote in a letter to the book’s publisher.
There is no indication that the challenges against the book will change its distribution in the United States, where the book is featured prominently in many bookstores. HarperCollins’ main offices and several regional publishers have not replied to JTA’s requests for comment on the criticism of the book. Costco’s promotion of the book is “continuing the trend of Americans wanting less to directly talk about the Holocaust and more to talk near it,” tweeted Maris Kreizman, a Jewish author who hosts a podcast about books.
Critics fear that the more the book is read, the more likely it is that van den Bergh will forever be suspected of betraying his fellow Jews. “The debate that’s happening in the Netherlands is not happening at the same level in Canada and in the United States,” ten Cate said. “That means that I’m not sure that the genie released by the cold case study is ever going back into the bottle.”
The controversy is rippling over into Germany. There, the publisher of the German-language translation, Jürgen Welte, announced it was performing “an internal review” ahead of the intended release date of March 22. “After two professional edits of the manuscript, we are currently undergoing an internal review,” Jürgen Welte said in a statement. “The comparatively late publication date of the German-language edition shows that we are handling this sensitive topic extremely responsibly.”
Anne Frank must remain Jewry’s poster child of the ultimate victim of “Nazi” evil — and the Jews have painted themselves into a corner on this issue and have no escape from this untenable position.
To maintain Anne Frank in this sacrosanct elevated status, Jews are forced to ignore all evidence that undermines or even “complicates” this position.
Jews sold each other out to the “Nazis” quite frequently during the war — in fact, billionaire George Soros, as a young teenager, collaborated with the “Nazis” to confiscate Jewish property.
And, of course, we have the stories of the Jewish “capos” in the “death camps” who helped the “Nazis” exterminate their fellow Jews in Gas Chambers™.
And these turn-coat or sell-out Jews are often given a free pass because they were doing what they needed to do to “survive” — which is really the foundation of all Jewish morality — “Do what you gotta do.”
Anne Frank’s father, Otto, had a reputation as a shady businessman whose activities in the black market made him a man “of interest” to the German occupying forces — putting his entire family at risk.
We know Otto was an unconscionable con man — after all, he didn’t think twice of exploiting his dead daughter’s diary — even hiring a ghost writer to make additions to it — and publishing it after the war and becoming rich and famous.
It’s hardly a stretch that someone who would do something so self-serving and machiavellian with his daughter’s life and death would be related to similar shady characters like Arnold van den Bergh who would be willing to tell the Germans where Jewish families were in hiding for 30 pieces of silver.
Knowing what we know about what Jews like George Soros were willing to do to survive the war, it would be surprise to find out that Anne Frank and her family were not betrayed by their fellow Jews.
It’s really time the jews were removed from the face of the earth by God once and for all. Enough. We are sick of jews and we outnumber jews (“we” being the majority of 8 billion people).
I give a f* about my german contemporaries ! they would do the same !
I know them ! GERMANS DONT HELP GERMANS ! there is nobody in
the world I can trust !
Anti-Semitism! Anti-Semitic canards! Remember the Holocaust! Six million! Oy gevalt! Hitler! Resurgent naziism! We did nothing wrong!
That ought to hold the little bastards tonight.
Here is the story of Ans Van Dijk a Jewish woman in Holland who betrayed Jews to the Gestapo during World War 2.
So the claim that Jews would engage in this type of behavior is not so far fetched after all.
there is no any diference between goyim + jews !
both are able to treason, spying, snitching on their
fellowman !
OY VEY, why so many questions?
We Jews love our cattle, uh I mean Goyim, why look at all our presents! We’ve given hundreds of different kinds of alcohol, to be enjoyed with some of our GM marijuana while watching all of our free online porn.
There’s all those sports teams we own, which our MSM has deluded you fools into thinking keeping realms of sport facts in your noggin is important.
There’s all that juicy Hollywood gossip we generate so you think you’re in the know on what our acting pets are really doing.
Then all of those Hollywood movies, many of which contain nudity or sex scenes to get you aroused. All of our mindless TV shows, to keep you numb & divorced from reality while we continue to loot your nation of its wealth.
If the above doesn’t work, we’ll start anudda war to keep you so scared, you can’t think straight!
Don’t forget out Covid vaxxes, made from HIC cells that will give you AID’s!
Yes, we really, really love our cattle!
A man claiming to be the “cousin” of Arnold van den Bergh, the Jew who betrayed Anne Frank’s family to the Germans….weighs in and says (of course) that he doesn’t believe the evidence against his family:
A couple of links.
“23.) The so-called Diary of Anne Frank was not written by Anne Frank at all. Photocopies of the supposed manuscript show two distinct styles of handwriting, one which is not handwriting at all but printing, and the other a very smooth handwriting angled at two o’clock. At least half of the manuscript was handwritten in ballpoint pen. The ballpoint pen, invented during WWII, was not commercially available until after the war. In addition, the American Jewish writer, Meyer Levin, sued Anne Frank’s father and won an award of $50,000 for his participation in the writing of “Anne Frank’s” supposed diary. This fact was only brought to light because one Jew tried to cheat another.”
“While in England McClelland visits the Anne Frank Exhibition in Exeter and is not impressed. He considers the effect on the young children attending such events as inciting racial hatred. ‘Where Death Wears a Smile’ is shown in Germany as ‘Forgotten Prisoners’ despite McClelland’s efforts to draw attention to its inaccuracies. He recounts some suspicious events which have taken place.
Laws prohibiting ‘racial hatred’ and the like are invariably passed as a result of Jewish pressure. McClelland’s description of the ‘Anne Frank industry’ as promoting racial hatred illustrates how this group projects its traits onto others to accuse them of something they are far more guilty of themselves.”
Hey, get this: I’m working on a video that’s going to prove typhus isn’t a real disease either. That’s right, the Jews were poisoned in those camps, along with the Nazis. The first rule of Jewish doctor mafia is you do not talk about doctor mafia. Let’s solve the murder of Anne Frank!
…. wasn’t it determined that her diary was a fake, …? , … that parts were written in ballpoint pen when ballpoint pens were not invented yet, … ?
Yes. But of course, (((they))) dont care. Its ‘real’ if (((they))) think its real…and can make some shekels off it and continue their parasitic existence off the goy.
remember that jews dont work as labourers , only as lawyers, judges, professors, politicians,
doctors, pharma poisoners, mediawhores . so some young jews not under those categories
also must make a living when they dont get Rothschilds bankers advice . so they discovered
the lucrative Shoa+ Anne Frank business . its better than heavy sweaty body work .
The “little jews” don’t know what the “big jews” are doing, as Henry Makow appears to believe? Rubbish!
A jew-blind friend once paid a jew to refit the bathroom. He ruined it, leaving the bath overflow open and even omitting the legally-required safety electrical Earth from a steel bath (among many other things). He then paid the cheque into his personal bank account to avoid income tax, and attempted to persuade my friend to pay AGAIN.
On another occasion, this same friend paid a small jewish firm of “landscape gardeners” to do some work in the garden. They turned the entire garden into a death trap as well as poisoning an ornamental pond, killing the fish, and emptied a quantity of brick rubble into it. That kind of thing doesn’t happen by accident.
I once made the mistake of believing a computer-repair jew could be trusted, until he vandalised my £2,500 purpose-built computer, both physically (damaging the tower and disconnecting the CPU fan and certain features) and by modifying the operating system, necessitating a reinstall. He also parked outside my home and wirelessly stole enough of my bandwidth to result in penalty charges by my ISP.
I’m disabled and have to use an electric “mobility” vehicle. The only mobility firm in town (jewish, of course) charged about £200 for new batteries and left the old ones on, taking the money and not doing the work, leaving me with dying batteries. It takes a particularly obnoxious type of jew to pull a trick like that on a disabled person.
You can’t tell ME the “little jews” are ignorant or innocent. They hate us just as much as the more powerful enemies of God and Man.
Makow is a shape-shifter that tries to get the Goyim to believe he’s become a Christian & not part of the Kosher Nostra.
He’s not trust-worthy.
I trust his truth about freemasonry + his indecent tribe members since
he is a decent person like the most goyim are + supposing from other
civilisated tribes (inclusive blacks) !
You racking up the shekels there in Tel Aviv, antiHWH?
It’s not even hard to pick those belonging to the synagogue of satan out any more. The veil is being lifted, and no goyim is going to fall for jews kvetching they didn’t know what their fellows were up to.
The video’s use of the Holy Name of Jesus as an expletive is also offensive to Catholics.
Considering the show he hosts is in a Catholic country, and the entire audience is Catholic, I seriously doubt he would get away with using Jesus’ name as an “expletive” as you claim. He seems to use it in an authoritative way of emphasizing reality, not in any derogatory way at all. Nice try.
“Jesus” is the interviewer’s name not an expletive.
Thank goodness! I retract my indignation about the use of Jesus [Quintero’s] name. 🙂
A favorite phrase of an old Irish Catholic friend of mine was “sweet, suffering Jesus”…..I never took this to be offensive in anyway or as a “curse” or such.
Millions of Protestants are “blessing” the Synagogue of Satan, but lose their minds if someone calls the Mother of God “blessed” (Luke 1:48), so, yes, we Catholics defend the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Luke 1:48 is not a greenlight from Jesus Christ to worship His mother — that is Catholic nonsense. Here Mary is not setting herself apart from anyone else with these words. Like ALL who believe in Christ are blessed, so is she blessed. All generations (Luke 1:50) will bless her, like all others in the gospels who believed in Jesus Christ. Mary is not more “special” among the believers.
Why would anyone “pray” to Mary when they could pray directly to Jesus Christ? That makes no sense at all unless you enjoy practicing a form of pantheistic paganism.
Plain and simply we worship (latria) only God. It is a LIE to say Catholics worship Mary. We honor (dulia) her exactly as Luke Chapter 1 tells us. The extended explanation with links is here: https://judaism.is/mary.html
You cannot produce a Magisterial (official Catholic teaching) document that advises us to worship Mary because NO such document or dogma exists.
If you want to know what Catholics believe or do, consult the Magisterium, not Jack Chick comic books.
You ignored my simple explanation of Luke 1:48, and just moved on to another subject. Mary is blessed because she believes, not because has some special “status” that Catholics have afforded her. End of story. No need to move the goalposts.
Simple concept: Catholics honor Mary and worship God. I directed you to my more extended answer: https://judaism.is/mary.html Now you whine that you were not fully answered. Your generic falsehood does not really deserve a customized answer.
Your “blessed because she believes” “not…special status” is devastated by the Bible and its etymology.
Mary is blessed because—unlike the rest of us humans,—she is uniquely “full of grace.”
We can see that at least at the time of the Annunciation Mary is without sin. This is evident by the words that the Angel Gabriel speaks to Mary in Luke 1:28. The Angel, a messenger, is not speaking his own words, rather he is delivering God’s message to her. He says in Luke 1:28, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women.” In the Greek the word for “full of grace” is “kecharitōmenē.” (κεχαριτωμένη) She is full of grace so there is no room for sin in her.
The word “kecharitōmenē.” (κεχαριτωμένη) is a perfect passive participle of the verb “charitoó” (χαριτόω).
This is a recognition of her sinless state. The newer English translations leave out something that the original Greek conveys. This is something the older translation does convey. That is that this grace is at once permanent and of a singular kind. The Greek indicates a perfection of grace. A perfection must be perfect not only intensively, but extensively. The intent of the term is that the grace Mary enjoyed must not only have been as “full” or strong or complete as possible at any given time, but it must have extended over the whole of her life, from conception. That is, she must have been in a state of sanctifying grace from the first moment of her existence to have been called “full of grace” or to have been filled with divine favor in a singular way.
Some have argued that this says nothing unique about Mary since Saint Stephen, just before he is martyred for the faith, is said to be full of grace in Acts 6:8. However a different word form is used to describe Saint Stephen. In the Greek the conjugated form of “charitoó” (χαριτόω) that is used to describe him is “charitos” (χάριτος)not “kecharitōmenē.” (κεχαριτωμένη) that is used in reference to Mary.
Some who oppose the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception have attempted to argue that the use of the verb “charitoó” (χαριτόω) in Luke 1:28 says nothing special about Mary since this same verb, although in a different form, is used to refer to all Christians in Ephesians 1:6 .
However, Luke 1:28 uses a special conjugated form of “charitoó” (χαριτόω). It uses “kecharitōmenē.” (κεχαριτωμένη), while Ephesians 1:6 uses “echaritōsen” (ἐχαρίτωσεν), which is a different form of the verb “charitoó” (χαριτόω). “Echaritōsen” (ἐχαρίτωσεν) means “he graced (bestowed grace).” “Echaritōsen” (ἐχαρίτωσεν) signifies a momentary action, an action brought to pass. (Blass and DeBrunner, Greek Grammar of the New Testament, p.166.) Whereas, “kecharitōmenē.” (κεχαριτωμένη), the perfect passive participle, shows a completeness with a with permanent result. “Kecharitōmenē” (κεχαριτωμένη) denotes continuance of a completed action (H. W. Smyth, Greek Grammar (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968 ) 108-109, sec 1852:b also Blass and DeBrunner p.175.
It helps to consider other instances of the perfect tense being used.
Another example of a verb used in the perfect tense is the word “is” in John 19:30, “It is consumated (finished).” The work of the redemption is complete and forever enduring.
Examples of the perfect participle are the following:
The word “beloved” (Ēgapēmenō, Ἠγαπημένῳ) in Ephesians 1:6 “ … for the praise of the glory of his grace that he granted us in the beloved.” Jesus is perfectly and enduringly loved by His Father.
The word “Blessed” (eulogēmenos, εὐλογημένος) in Luke 1:42, ”… Blessed is the fruit of thy womb.” Jesus is perfectly and endlessly blessed by God the Father.
Therefore, Luke 1:28 points to Mary being without sin. So, at this point the only question is at what point in her life is Mary made without sin.
Later we see this idea supported further in Luke 1:42 where Elizabeth greets Mary as “blessed among women” (Eulogēmenē su en gynaixin, Εὐλογημένη σὺ ἐν γυναιξίν). Since neither the Hebrew nor Aramaic languages have superlatives, a speaker of those languages would have said, something like “You are tall among men” to mean “You are the tallest.” Thus we see the original import of this phrase is lost in an English translation and so can see that Elizabeth’s words mean Mary was the holiest of all women.
Additional to the grammatical analysis, we can see that Mary is foreshadowed as sinless by the reference to her in the account in Genesis.
Mary’s Immaculate Conception is foreshadowed in Genesis 1, where God creates the universe in an immaculate state, free from any blemish or stain or sin or imperfection. This is borne out by the repeated mention in Genesis 1 of God beholding his creations and saying they were “very good.” Out of pristine matter the Lord created Adam, the first immaculately created human being, forming him from the “womb” of the Earth. The immaculate elements from which the first Adam received his substance foreshadowed the immaculate mother from whom the second Adam (Romans 5:14) took his human substance.
Again in Genesis 3:15 and the “proto-evangelion” there is scripture which points to another archetype. Genesis 3:14-15 : “And the Lord God said to the serpent: Because thou hast done this thing, thou art cursed among all cattle, and beasts of the earth: upon thy breast shalt thou go, and earth shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.”
If Mary was not completely sinless this prophesy becomes untenable. Why is that? The passage points to Mary’s Immaculate Conception because it mentions a complete enmity between the woman and Satan. Such enmity would have been impossible if Mary were tainted by sin.
The rest of us are not blessed in such a unique way no matter how well we “believe.”
The language conveys that Mary was incomparably blessed from her conception through eternity.
You and I don’t have that. Your attempt to demote Mary as simply part of the mob of believers fails. Your pride deludes you into thinking that you are just as good as she, but that is not so.
She is the special vessel always and eternally full of grace created by God for the Incarnation of the Son.
Wow, CFT’s comment comparing Anne Frank to the “virgin” Mary couldn’t have been more accurate. “Jews have become even more protective of Anne Frank than Catholics are of the Virgin Mary”. You’ll never hear Catholics defend Christ the way they defend Mary and the Church.
Catholics don’t defend Jesus?
What was my February 10, 2022 at 12:27 pm post above but a defense of Jesus’ Holy Name? Apparently the multiple utterances of “Jesus” were the name of the interviewer, but I did indeed come to the defense of Jesus.
Too, my website has many pages defending Jesus from the ones who hate Him most.
For example: JESUS IN THE TALMUD https://judaism.is/jesus-in-the-talmud.html
Why pray to Jesus through Mary? Why not?
The Bible esteems intercessory prayer—in the Old and New Testaments, from the angels and saints, from the living and dead. Since efficacious intercessory prayer is lauded in the Bible in such a variety of circumstances, why would you reject the option? Too self-important to talk with the Mother of God?
The Bible even gives a specific example of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s intercession in John 2:3-5: “…And the wine failing, the mother of Jesus saith to him: They have no wine. And Jesus saith to her: Woman, what is that to me and to thee? my hour is not yet come. His mother saith to the waiters: Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye.” This verse plainly shows that Mary knew of the miracle that He was to perform, and that it was at her request (intercession) He performed the miracle at her request even though His “hour had not yet come.”
See also:
• Apocalypse 5:8: “…and the four and twenty ancients fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.”
• Tobias 12:12-15: The archangel Raphael intercedes presenting Tobias and Sarah’s prayer to God.
• Zacharias 1:12-16: Guardian angels intercede with God on behalf of the living of Jerusalem and the cities of Juda.
• 2 Maccabees 15:7-16: Jeremias appears alive with Onias to intercede for the people and the city.
And in the New Testament, besides Mary’s intercession, St. Paul repeatedly asked for intercessory prayers.
• Romans 15:30-32: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the charity of the Holy Ghost, that you help me in your prayers for me to God, That I may be delivered from the unbelievers that are in Judea, and that the oblation of my service may be acceptable in Jerusalem to the saints. That I may come to you with joy, by the will of God, and may be refreshed with you.”
• 2 Corinthians 1:11: “You helping withal in prayer for us: that for this gift obtained for us, by the means of many persons, thanks may be given by many in our behalf.”
• Ephesians 6:18-20: “By all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the spirit; and in the same watching with all instance and supplication for all the saints: And for me, that speech may be given me, that I may open my mouth with confidence, to make known the mystery of the gospel. For which I am an ambassador in a chain, so that therein I may be bold to speak according as I ought.”
[Note: St. Paul describes himself as an “ambassador in a chain”: St. Paul > his intercessors > Our Lord]
• Philippians 1:19-20: “For I know that this shall fall out to me unto salvation, through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, According to my expectation and hope; that in nothing I shall be confounded, but with all confidence, as always, so now also shall Christ be magnified in my body, wither it be by life, or by death.”
[Note: The prayers of St. Paul’s intercessors do not injure Christ, but “magnify” Him.]
• Colossians 4:1-4: “Masters, do to your servants that which is just and equal: knowing that you also have a master in heaven. Be instant in prayer; watching in it with thanksgiving: Praying withal for us also, that God may open unto us a door of speech to speak the mystery of Christ (for which also I am bound;) That I may make it manifest as I ought to speak.”
[Note: Another instance of the prayers of intercessors being links in the “chain” to God.]
• 1 Thessalonians 5:25: “Brethren, pray for us.”
• 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2: “For the rest, brethren, pray for us, that the word of God may run, and may be glorified, even as among you; And that we may be delivered from importunate and evil men; for all men have not faith.”
[Note again that the prayers of intercessors do not injure or offend Christ, but instead glorify His Word.]
• Philemon 1:21-22: “Trusting in thy obedience, I have written to thee: knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say. But withal prepare me also a lodging. For I hope that through your prayers I shall be given unto you.”
St. Paul even noted that intercession was a like and “ambassador in a chain” to Jesus (Ephesians 6:18-20) and that intercessory prayer “magnifies” Jesus (Philippians 1:19-20) and :glorify” His Word (2 Thessalonians 3:1-2), not injuring or insulting Jesus at all.
You are not obligated to avail yourself of intercessory prayer, but it is anti-Biblical to oppose intercessory prayer, a legitimate option for the rest of us who choose it.
All of this is textbook “begging the question,” presuming the truth of your own premise. The verses mean what you want them to mean because you presume the scripture justifies the Catholic Church. Most people read those same verses and get a completely different meaning from them. Understandably.
And yet you could not have articulated a credible rebuttal. Hot air argument-by-assertion is unpersuasive.
No, Al, you were the one would first made the absurd rationalization for praying to Mary by flippantly stating, “Why not?” A “Why not?” posture is textbook basis of “begging the question”. “Why not?” is valid only when you are making up your own theology that is not based on the Bible.
The Lord declares that, “There is one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 2:5). Only through Jesus can the sinner be reconciled to God (John 14:5–6; Rom. 5:1–2).
The Lord did not exalt Mary above other women. He merely called her “woman” (John 2:3-4), emphasizing her proper station.
“For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother” (Mat. 12:50). Therefore, anyone who does God’s will is just like His mother.
Succinct, not flippant. A sincere question, not “begging.”
Scripture does not OBLIGE you or anyone to use intercessory prayer.
Scripture ALLOWS and describes the efficacy of intercessory prayer.
So… I’m asking you, “Why not use it?”
Are you so important that you cannot be bothered with talking to the Mother of God?
Is it like the Sacraments that Jesus gave us? Are you too full of grace up to need them?
Is it like the central authority that Jesus gave us? You are too intelligent to need explanations?
All those rejections, including the rejection of intercessory prayer, do seem to be a species of pride.
Was God wrong to give us intercessory prayer? Was Jesus wrong to give us one Church, Sacraments, Popes? Are Protestants just so peachy-keen wonderful that they can ALMOST get to Heaven on their own without any of the helps Jesus gave us?
What is there about you that makes you so much better than the Biblical figures who used intercessory prayers? Really—WHY NOT?
Amusing that you quote the half sentence of 1 Timothy 2:5 and ignore the completed sentence at 1 Timothy 2:6.
Protestants try to cite 1 Timothy 2:5 as a command against intercessory prayers:
“For there is one God, and one mediator of God and men, the man Christ Jesus:…”
but note that 1 Timothy 2:5 is not even the complete sentence. Read the rest of the sentence, 1 Timothy 2:6:
“…Who gave himself a redemption for all, a testimony in due times.”
The full sentence, 1 Timothy 2:5-6, is completely non-controversial. Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be the only sufficient mediator of our redemption. Only the Sacrifice of the Son of God on Calvary could ever be the sufficient cause of our redemption. We Catholics acknowledge and celebrate that at every Mass. To ask for the intercession of the Angels and Saints and the Mother of God with our requests does no injury to His Sacrifice.
As further evidence that 1 Timothy 2:5-6 does not forbid intercessory prayers, note that the author of 1 Timothy 2:5-6, St. Paul himself, repeatedly asked for intercessory prayers:
Romans 15:30-32: “I beseech you therefore, brethren, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the charity of the Holy Ghost, that you help me in your prayers for me to God, That I may be delivered from the unbelievers that are in Judea, and that the oblation of my service may be acceptable in Jerusalem to the saints. That I may come to you with joy, by the will of God, and may be refreshed with you.”
2 Corinthians 1:11: “You helping withal in prayer for us: that for this gift obtained for us, by the means of many persons, thanks may be given by many in our behalf.”
Ephesians 6:18-20: “By all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the spirit; and in the same watching with all instance and supplication for all the saints: And for me, that speech may be given me, that I may open my mouth with confidence, to make known the mystery of the gospel. For which I am an ambassador in a chain, so that therein I may be bold to speak according as I ought.”
[Note: St. Paul describes himself as an “ambassador in a chain”: St. Paul > his intercessors > Our Lord]
Philippians 1:19-20: “For I know that this shall fall out to me unto salvation, through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, According to my expectation and hope; that in nothing I shall be confounded, but with all confidence, as always, so now also shall Christ be magnified in my body, wither it be by life, or by death.”
[Note: The prayers of St. Paul’s intercessors do not injure Christ, but “magnify” Him.]
Colossians 4:1-4: “Masters, do to your servants that which is just and equal: knowing that you also have a master in heaven. Be instant in prayer; watching in it with thanksgiving: Praying withal for us also, that God may open unto us a door of speech to speak the mystery of Christ (for which also I am bound;) That I may make it manifest as I ought to speak.”
[Note: Another instance of the prayers of intercessors being links in the “chain” to God.]
1 Thessalonians 5:25: “Brethren, pray for us.”
2 Thessalonians 3:1-2: “For the rest, brethren, pray for us, that the word of God may run, and may be glorified, even as among you; And that we may be delivered from importunate and evil men; for all men have not faith.”
[Note again that the prayers of intercessors do not injure or offend Christ, but instead glorify His Word.]
Philemon 1:21-22: “Trusting in thy obedience, I have written to thee: knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say. But withal prepare me also a lodging. For I hope that through your prayers I shall be given unto you.”
“Why pray to Jesus through Mary? Why not?”
Um…because Mary was human – albeit a great one – and imperfect and a sinner. just like you and I. We can pray DIRECTLY to the Father, and in the Name of Jesus as intercessor, because the Bible says we can and tells us to.
No, not “imperfect,” never a “sinner,” not even once, not even Original Sin. See the extended argument above or here: https://judaism.is/mary.html
Yes, you can pray directly to any and all of the Persons of the Holy Trinity.
It is equally true that you can pray through intercessors.
Why not do all of the above? Why not avail yourself of ALL the helps Jesus gave us?
One of the things that most astonishes me about Protestants is the hubris with which Protestants reject so many of the helps that Jesus gave us: One Church, Sacraments, sacramental priesthood, hierarchy, Popes, intercessory prayer, Apostolic Preaching (“Tradition”) from the 4 centuries when there was no Bible, etc.
Mr. Ligouri, you have made a claim about intercessory prayer that can’t be supported. Protestants engage in intercessory prayer. Prayer circles are very common in Evangelical Churches where we pass our needs onto fellow believers so they can pray about those needs. We do it in the manner prescribed by Jesus. There is no scriptural warrant to pray to a “saint” or other human being that has already passed into eternity. When you ask a “saint” to intercede for you, you are engaging in a form of necromancy.
The division of Dulia and Latria simply don’t hold water. Veneration of certain people is a form of worship. Protestants honor Mary for what she was, The mother of the Christ child. She did not have to be unstained from Original sin, or any of the other nonsense you are pushing. The sin nature is passed from the father, and that is one reason why God himself had to father Jesus. The guilt of original sin belongs only to Adam, who committed it. All of humanity, however, suffers the effects of it, primarily by being born cut off from God. Mary had a human father and could not have been unaffected by the effects of original sin. Mary is not deity, and that is the only way in which Mary could have had an “immaculate conception.”
“There is no scriptural warrant to pray to a “saint” or other human being that has already passed into eternity.”
EXCEPT I have TWICE before and now a THIRD time given examples of such “warrants,” one example from the Old Testament and the other from the New Testament: Jeremias (2 Maccabees 15:7-16) and the ancients (Revelation 5:8).
“The division of Dulia and Latria simply don’t hold water.”
To deny the difference between worship (latria) and honor (dulia) is not only anti-Biblical; it is foolish. The theological terms exist precisely because there IS a DIFFERENCE.
“Honor thy father and mother.” <<<< Idolatry
Pictures of mom and dad. <<<< graven images
the iconic statue of Martin Luther in Dresden, Germany. <<<< worship definitely!
parade for war heroes <<<< more worship
There is a difference between worship and honor. Learn the differenece.
@Al Liguori, I personally agree we should ask brethren for prayer intercession. The problem is that Catholicism encourages asking dead people for intercession. None of the verses you provided support the idea of asking dead people for intercession. There’s not one verse in the entire Bible which supports that notion.
On the contrary, the Bible warns us not to attempt to communicate with the dead (Deuteronomy 18:11). But surely everyone who sought the dead was able to justify their actions out of some good intention (1 Samuel 28), therefore we should not allow good intentions or our own self-justification deceive us into breaking the commandment of God.
Let’s rather heed the teaching of the passages you provided and pray for one another. I will pray for the Light of God in your life. Will you do the same for me?
Please re-read the examples I quoted.
Jeremias was LONG DEAD before the time of the Maccabees when he appears alive with Onias to intercede for the people and the city. (2 Maccabees 15:7-16)
Who are the “four and twenty ANCIENTS falling down before the Lamb” in Apocalypse 5″8? Those intercessors are “ancient” because they are LONG DEAD and in Heaven face-to-face with the Lamb.
Deuteronomy 18:11 is a prohibition of fortune telling. I Kings 28:7 uses a witch so clearly is forbidden. There is no such fortune tellng problem with the examples of dead Jeremias or the dead ancients.
As a general principle, the OLD Law was replaced: “made void,” “blotted out,” “set aside,” “taken away” (Hebrews 7:18, Hebrews 10:9, Colossians 2:14, Ephesians 2:15, Jeremias 31:31-32, Malachias 2:8-12, Hebrews 8:5-13, Mark 7:7-9.). It is dangerous to rely on the OLD Law unless ratified in the NEW Law (Romans 13:8-10).
In this instance, fortune telling, of course, remains damned, but intercessory prayer was damned neither in the OLD nor the NEW.
Yes, I will keep you in prayer (in my daily Rosary intentions) as I keep all my interlocutors.
Great link! Thanks! And try to get someone to accept scripture as in “henceforth all generations shall call me blessed..!” SAG! Viva Christo Rey!
@James Towner
By your illogic it is merely “word games” to make real distinctions.
By your illogic, you WORSHIP your mother and father as GOD (if you indeed have any love for them at all).
By your illogic the subject kneeling before his king is WORSHIPING a man, idolatry.
By your one-size-fits-all illogic the statues that Beseleel, Noah, Moses and King Solomon made (Exodus 25:16-20, 37:6-9; Numbers 21:6-9; 3 Kings 6:23, 7:23-29; 1 Paralipomenon 28:18-19; 2 Paralipomenon 3:10) were idolatrous GRAVEN IMAGES.
Don’t try to deny it. You are just playing “word games”. Just as you can read the hearts, minds, and souls of Catholics honoring Mary, we can read you heart. mind, and soul. You are WORSHIPING your mother and father, their GRAVEN IMAGES, just like Noah, Moses and King Solomon WORSHIPPED GRAVEN IMAGES. Don’t try to deny it. If you try to explain away your ISOLATRY, we know you are just playing word games.
“And since [Mary] has been appointed by God to be the Queen of heaven and earth, and is exalted above all the choirs of angels and saints, and even stands at the right hand of her only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, she presents our petitions in a most efficacious manner.”
—Pope Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus, 1954
Thus, many in the Church actually believe that “pure devotion” to this Mary idol protects them from eternal damnation.
None of this comes from the Scripture. The Church made this up, based on Babylonian “devotion” of Astarte. That Mary is depicted in churches as sitting on a throne in heaven with a scepter is proof that they have falsely elevated her to a god-like status. Spin it how you want. This is utter blasphemy. Catholicism is a cult based on the occult. It grieves me as a Christian when people who call themselves “Christian” defend this abomination. We were warned in Revelation that many would worship this great Whore.
An aerial view of the Vatican reveals its occult purpose. The sexual opening of the great Whore with the phallus right in the middle, while enshrined statues of popes surround it waiting their turn with the Whore to deceive the world. It’s right there for anyone with eyes to see. This is pure evil.
Catholics play word games to dissemble about worshiping Mary.
They “adore” Mary, not worship her.
They say “devotionals”, not worship her.
They merely ask for her “intercession” with her son Jesus because, well, all sons listen to their mothers.
It’s a shell game.
They worship Mary and ascribe many “miracles” to not only her directly, but to mere statues and paintings of her.
Doing so, they directly violate the First and Second Commandments and then have the audacity to claim they aren’t actually “worshiping” Mary.
Pius XII in 1950 falsely proclaimed the “assumption of Mary” bodily into heaven. Nowhere in the Scriptures is there any support for this. It’s true because the pope says so. And if you question the pope’s authority, you will burn in hell.
Sola Scriptura is one the the fundamental errors of Protestantism. Nowhere does Scripture say that all Jesus’ teaching and works are in Scripture. Quite the opposite, Scripture commands us to follow Apostolic PREACHING: 2 Thessalonians 2:14, 2 Thessalonians 3:6, John 21:25, Mark 16:15, 2 Timothy 2:2, 1 Corinthians 11:2
That said, I have provided DOZENS of verses about how Mary is uniquely blessed, sinless, and a legitimate and efficacious intercessor.
The ASSUMPTION of Mary is not explicitly mentioned in Scripture, but it is inferred from her sinlessness AND is supported by APOSTOLIC PREACHING. The earliest written reference is from the Greek work De Obitu S. Dominae 4th century A.D.
It is the rejection of the Assumption that is a novelty of modern(ist) man. Though the Assumption was not officially defined until Pope Pius XII, the Assumption was always a belief of the Universal Church, even for the Eastern Orthodox. It was not until the Mary-haters showed up that the doctrine needed to be defined—and so it was.
The word “rapture” appears nowhere in the Bible, not once, but many of you hold it as dogma.
It’s rather amusing. You guys think you are so holy that you will be taken up body and soul at Jesus’ 1½ Coming, but you lose your minds because eternally sinless Mary was taken up body and soul.
Such hubris and self-importance. Salient examples of why you need true Popes.
To suggest that not all of Jesus’ teachings are explicitly stated in the Scripture, and then turn around and say Mary worship could be one of those teaching not stated is pure hubris and illogical. There is nothing to suggest that Mary worship or “adoration” was any kind of teaching from Christ Himself. Catholics made that up. No, sorry, they copied it from ancient Babylon, and brought it into the church as an occult ritual with a “Christian” veneer.
Strawman arguments. No one here that I’m aware of has ever espoused any type of “rapture” theology, nor has CFT written any articles espousing it. If they did, I would read this site. So to defend your Mary worship, you have to pretend we all believe in something that we do not. The scripture does NOT support “rapture” theology in any way. Satisfied?
After days of noting the difference between worship and honor, you again level the “worship Mary” calumny, but not one of you has adduced a Magisterial document encouraging Catholics to worship Mary.
Plain and simply it is a LIE to say we worship her. It’s pretty sad that you must employ a LIE to impugn Catholics.
As for “rapture” I should have said “many Protestants.” The point still stands. Many Protestants think they are worthy of being taken up into Heaven body and soul, but lose their minds when Catholics mention that Mary was taken body and soul into Heaven.
No need to lie. The Pope does enough of that for all of you:
“And since [Mary] has been appointed by God to be the Queen of heaven and earth, and is exalted above all the choirs of angels and saints, and even stands at the right hand of her only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, she presents our petitions in a most efficacious manner.”
—Pope Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus, 1954
@Jon Mayall
The Chair of Peter has been empty since 1958. Jorge is not even Catholic, so he certainly cannot be the earthly head of the Church to which he does not belong.
We Catholics have suffered dozens of ANTI-Popes over the millennia and once again we are suffering a parade of ANTI-Catholic poseurs.
There are three lines of argument that Bergoglio cannot be a true Pope:
(1) his heresies before and after the conclave
(2) his canonical disqualification for pre-conclave lobbying
(3) Ratzinger’s invalid renunciation of the Papacy. There cannot be two living Popes.
Extended argument against the talmudic ANTI-Pope here: http://judaism.is/jorge.html
Historical background on the “New Order” of Pharisees here: http://judaism.is/new-order-of-pharisees.html
The Diary of Anne Frank: Is it Genuine?-Robert Faurisson.
Jan 24, 2016, 10:04:59 AM
So, finally they admitted the long time fraud publicly. Anne Frank’s diary was co-authored by her father and thus the credibility of the book finally comes to an end.
Good article. I saw the 60 minutes show and was surprised they aired it. The truth of the matter is of the approximate 18 million Jews 60% are supposed secular and of the remaining religious most are semi religious. It is the Kabbalist/Talmudists that are the enemies of both God and humanity. Henry Makow on his blog refers the Lubavitcher as the tip of the Luciferian spear. It would be wise to understand this basic principle because most Jews are ignorant of the company they keep. And humanity needs to identify and isolate these filthy quizlings.
The problem with Henry Makow’s theory is that the Chabad-Lubivitchers have been around only since the 18th century, but the Jews have been a problem for a lot longer than that. Same with Makow’s theory about the “bad” Frankist Jews, who also are 18th century. Jews have been destroying Christendom since its very foundation. Some of these Jewish cults/sects are more destructive than others, but it’s naive to blame these small groups for what Jewry as a whole does.
Indeed such self-styled “allies” and “marranos” misdirect Gentile attention into narrow and/or blind alleys of thought and investigation. “Cognitive Infiltration” has been a useful tool for them, a tool that they couple with their moving goalposts and fictive conflicts (“gevurah/chesed,” “thesis/antithesis,” “right/left,” “Republican/Democrat,” “Communist/Capitalist,” etc.).
Plain and simply, the fundamental problem is Talmudic Judaism in all its forms (including “secular” Judaism which is just a variant of “observant” self-worship/self-deification), all the variants being culpable free-will choices. One variant of cognitive infiltration is their “not all Jews” ploy. To self-identify with Judaism makes the number of real innocents quite small.
That said, Chabad is the largest, best financed, and most powerful of Judaism’s cults. https://judaism.is/chabad.html Their Kabbalism carries a certainty of near-term genocide https://judaism.is/kabbalah.html that has already been acted out in the first two phases of World War 1-2-3 (one war of extermination in three waves) https://judaism.is/world-wars.html . I make the extended arguments on those pages.
Chabad’s house organ has boasted that in 30 years all of Judaism will be Chabad: http://judaism.is/images/melech%20ha-moshiach%20on%20the%20small%20screen.jpg?crc=52002935 Not if we stop them first. https://judaism.is/catholic-action.html