(Times of Israel) There have been recent grumblings among the jewish ‘intelligentsia’ over an ever-increasing dissatisfaction with the ‘problematic’ and ambiguous term ‘antisemitism’, along with a growing call for adopting the much more pithy phrase ‘Jew hate’ instead:
A poll has revealed that over half of young UK adults – that is, under the age of 25 – don’t know what antisemitism is. And, among the adult population in general, those who don’t know what the word means hovers around 40 percent.
Should we be worried by this sobering fact? After all, we know what antisemitism is, so why can’t everyone else?
We even have a working definition of it. Not perfect by any means, quite confusing in parts too, as well as being a bit contradictory, but it has the advantage of widespread acceptance – even by Jeremy Corbyn (Vi Coactus, I suspect)…
The problem is not the number; the real issue is the word we use to describe what it actually is – Jew Hate or anti-Jewish racism.
Yes, I know we are not a race per se, but we are protected under the Equalities Act 2010, as well as under various sections of the Public Order Act…
[The term antisemitism] was invented around 1880 by a German journalist called Wilhelm Marr, who published a bit of a mouthful of a pamphlet called Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum. Vom nicht confessionellen Standpunkt aus betrachtet (or, The Victory of the Jewish Spirit over the Germanic Spirit. Observed from a Non-Religious Perspective)…
So, where there was Semitismus there had to be “Antisemitismus”, indicating opposition to Jews as Jews, whom Marr said were infiltrating and taking over German culture. His next pamphlet….Der Weg zum Siege des Germanenthums über das Judenthum (The Way to Victory of the Germanic Spirit over the Jewish Spirit, 1880), was where the word Antisemitismus first appears in print.
Antisemitism really is a difficult concept to grasp if it is framed in that term. After all, who are the Semites that one is anti-them?
There are semitic languages, of course – Amharic, Arabic and Hebrew, to name but three, just as there are other language families, such as Romance (French, Italian and Spanish etc) or Finno-Ugric (Estonian, Finnish and Hungarian)…
So, if we want to make our feelings known about the hatred against us as Jews, let’s call it what it really is Jew Hate. That is a pretty easy concept to grasp and indeed, the [British] Board of Deputies, under Marie van der Zyl, is commendably moving in that direction, preferring to use the terms Jew Hate of anti-Jewish racism instead of antisemitism.
Words are important and changing the terminology would serve only to make ourselves clearer about what we face.
There you have it, folks: a Jew admits that even Jews themselves have difficulty defining what ‘antisemitism’ is exactly. How could this be? Aren’t they the self-proclaimed sole arbiters of what is and is not ‘antisemitism’? If they don’t know, who does?
In reality, ‘antisemitism’ is not, in fact, ‘Jew hate’ at all. Antisemitism is merely any opposition to Jews in any form whatsoever, whether it’s political, cultural, social, racial, or religious.
Jews would like to imagine that anyone who opposes them or criticizes them must necessarily ‘hate’ them and ultimately want to kill them all, but that’s a Grimms fairy tale for people with the hysterical imagination of a child who is afraid of the dark.
The Jew who wrote this essay clearly did not receive the memo from higher up the jewish food chain that the power of the term ‘antisemitism’ comes from the fact that Jews can make it mean whatever they want it to mean whenever the situation benefits them.
But Jews are attracted to the bluntness of ‘Jew hate’ not just for its unambiguous crassness, a quality with which Jews enjoy expressing themselves, but also for its transparent attempt at shaming to goyim.
Woody Allen would probably prefer to use ‘Jew hate’ just for its cartoonish simplicity. Here he praises Diane Keaton, the shiksa, for her crass straightforward honesty:
I doubt jews will shift to the term “jew hate”, but I fully support them doing so. Constant use of that term will link the two concepts in the mind of the absorber, “jew” and “hate”.
That then lays the semantic groundwork for the realization that jews hate, i.e. they are the most hateful group on the planet. Also by linking the two words, it is a small step in concept from “jew hate” to “hate jews”.
Excellent point, RTP, the Jews always self-destruct and their plans collapse under their own internal contradictions because their entire identity is based on the biggest lie ever told, bigger than the “Holocaust”….the lie that they are true Israelites from the Tribe of Judah, having blood kinship with our God, Jesus Christ. That lie will be their ultimate undoing. Our God will not be mocked.
Well, at least it would be more accurate, as jews are NOT Semitic…
Wilhelm Marr, who is mentioned in this article as having originally coined the term ‘antisemitism’, actually admired the Jews for their ability to take over Germany. He was surprised how little ‘antisemitism’ or push-back against the jewish domination of Germany there was. I also believe that he was married to a jewess, but don’t expect an article written by a Jew in the Times of Israel to ever know or reveal these crucial facts.
Pathetic really how they cannot, for the life of them, tell the whole truth about anything.
I also ‘love’ how the process of shoving ‘anti-semitism’ down the collective white throat has brought about more and more of an admittance of the actual racial connotation involved with it.
I would like to believe many whites/Christians would wake up to the jewish scam when they realize what the author of the article meant when he said the jews aren’t a race “per se”. That’s because they are every one of them mongrel bastards who can’t possibly make any claim to Biblical “Jewishness” whatsoever, especially when they do not follow their ‘heritage’ paternally, as the whole of Scriptural law is based, but maternally, to prove indeed they are who they claim they are.
This also brings the words of Christ in Rev 2:9 and 3:9 to the complete light of truth (as if there should be any doubt) since the jews are the ONLY ONES making this claim! Even the Black Hebrew Israelites aren’t calling themselves the Black Jews and Christian Identists would sooner throw themselves off a cliff before calling themselves “jews”…