(Jewish Chronicle) Jews are demanding an investigation of a planned memorial service for a prominent and influential U.K. Muslim cleric who believed the “Holocaust” was a divine punishment of the Jews — exactly what the late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef — a prominent Chief Rabbi in Israel — claimed:
Jewish and Muslim groups have urged the Charity Commission of England and Wales to investigate a Muslim charity planning a memorial and prayer service for a cleric with a history of antisemitic remarks.
Earlier this week the JC reported that The Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), which describes itself as a “leading Muslim grassroots contribution for a fair and prosperous British society since 1997”, shared a tribute to the late Yusuf Al-Qaradawi.
The statement claimed that the Egyptian-born cleric “had a profoundly positive impact on the Muslim community,” and MAB said they had the “pleasure of hosting him” when he visited the UK in 2004.
The Islamist scholar had a track record of public antisemitism, including a call for the “annihilation” of Jews during a TV sermon. Al-Qaradawi also claimed that the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were killed, was “divine punishment”.
MAB is scheduled to host a 1 October event to “remember the life of the esteemed Islamic scholar,” who died in Doha on Monday aged 96, at Maedah Banqueting Hall in East London…
…The event location is just metres away from the former site of Fieldgate Street Great Synagogue, one of the last active synagogues in Whitechapel, an area that was once home to a thriving Jewish community. The shul was closed for regular services in 2009 and the building was purchased by the East London Mosque in 2015.
A spokesperson for the Jewish Leadership Council (JLC) told the JC: “It is deeply disturbing for any group, let alone a registered UK charity, to praise the legacy of a notorious supporter of violence against Jewish people.
“Al-Qaradawi was rightly blocked by the Home Office from entering the UK in 2008 due to his justification of terrorist acts and fears his views could foster inter-community violence.
“It is vital that the Charity Commission investigates how a charitable organisation has come to release such a statement.”
A spokesperson for the UK-based charity Muslims Against Antisemitism (MAAS) said that the JLC had “made the right decision to write to the Charity Commission…
…MAAS added that it was “perverse” to “host a memorial funeral to the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideological leader,” across from the location of the historical Fieldgate Street Synagogue.
“If Qaradawi had his way, Jews would not be equal citizens…”
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, is on record as publicly stating, quote,
“The six million Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things which should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone.”
While his comments created a stir in Jewish circles, he wasn’t censored or called an “antisemite” — nor were his comments unique, as other rabbis have claimed that Hitler was “divine punishment” against Jews in Europe for assimilating in “gentile” nations.
Qaradawi held the same view — that Jews were punished during the “Holocaust” — but for a different reason — for their transgressions against the non-Jewish nations.
Jews should at least be happy that Qaradawi doesn’t deny the “Holocaust” like many other Muslim clerics do — at least he’s willing to go along with that Jewish ruse.
Many Jews, of course, have no desire for Palestinians to be “equal citizens” — and many Israelis want to see the Palestinians completely “wiped off the map” so that the Jews can take all the land that they consider “Eretz Israel” — but that’s totally justifiable from their perspective.
In fact, Rabbi Yosef got a free pass when he called Arabs “snakes” and stated,
“Those evildoers, the Arabs — it says in the Gemara [Talmud] that God is sorry he ever created those sons of Ishmael.”
And let’s be honest here — the Jews are powerful enough in England that if they didn’t want any Muslims in the country, there wouldn’t be any — especially Muslims with Qaradawi’s track record.
But Jews have pushed hard to flood England — along with the rest of Europe — with Muslims because they are useful tools in their greater agenda — to destroy the native British people and replace them with easily dominated Third Worlders.
The “Leaven of the Pharisees” is hypocrisy — an essential trait of Jewish thinking on any issue — rules for the Jews — and different rules for everyone else.
So Jews want to deny Qaradawi the right to a funeral memorial service, but Rabbi Ovadai Yosef was honored with the largest funeral in Israeli history with over 800,000 Jews attending the procession — despite his “antisemitic” comments about the “Holocaust.”
As a side note, we notice how the mosque mentioned in this article resides in Whitechapel — in a former synagogue — home to a once thriving and “diverse” Jewish community.
Whitechapel, of course, was the site of the Jack The Ripper murders — researchers are now certain from DNA evidence that the perpetrator of the notorious and gruesome murders was a Jewish immigrant from Poland — Aaron Kosminski.
These murders were the direct result of the British Jews’ demand for “equal citizenship” — after all, “diversity is our strength.”
Emmanuel D'Souza
Judaism is terrorism.
“jews are disturbed…”
So what else is new? How about those of us that are disturbed by almost 80 years of the phony holocaust ™ narrative being inflicted on us? It’s getting tiresome, yids.
Arthur Pillans Laurie – The Scotsman Who Supported Hitler
Doug Ryler
Zionist Jews also supported Hitler.
Because Hitler had Jewish roots, even Lavrov said so.
Hitler also had 150,000 soldiers who also had Jewish roots.
And besides, Holocaust? What Holocaust?
Nunn B.
“Zionist Jews” did not “support” Hitler. Hitler and the Zionists had something in common. They both wanted the Jews out of Germany. They drew up the Transfer Agreement for move Jews to Palestine. That doesn’t mean, as some claim, that “Hitler was a Zionist.” In “Mein Kampf” he is very clear how he felt about the Jews getting their own country — it would be a school for international criminals.
No, Hitler wasn’t a crypto-Jew. That allegation was first made by the Jewish communist press in Germany to discredit him. Total b.s. Peddle that nonsense somewhere else.
Anti Zionist
Maybe it’s you, Nunn, spouting the nonsense.
Here from the mouths of the Jews themselves:
DNA study: Hitler had Ashkenazi/Sephardic roots (aka Jewish roots – since being a Jew is not a race)
That’s great, Anti-Zionist, quoting a Jewish news site story. Great job. Read it carefully next time. It refers to “Hitler’s descendants”. Hitler had no descendants. Never had children. A French conman named Jean Loret claimed to be Hitler’s illegitimate son, but it was proven false.
The only “close” DNA that could possibly be “related” to Hitler would be through his half-sister, Angela, or half-brother Alois. Or his distant cousins. Angela’s children, being Hitler’s half sister, all boys (Geli died), were only distantly related to him. But Leo, the only survivor, did not have children.
That leaves Alois, Jr., Hitler’s half-brother. Alois, Jr. had four children, but none of his children had children. A book was written about them called “The Last of the Hitlers”.
That so-called “Ashkenazi” and “Black” DNA they discovered was through the Y chromosome, which means the mother, not the father. So this Y line couldn’t be Hitler’s.
Either way, in Angela’s family line, that “Jewish” DNA could have some from anyone on his half-sister Angela’s side, including her husband.
And given that DNA results often include “Ashkenazi” DNA for non-Jews, it’s hardly trustworthy. In fact, many people have gotten DNA results with “3%” Ashkenazi” DNA, which is well below the level of error in those tests.
Nice try, but this article is pure horse manure, worthy of tabloid journalism.
How ridiculous of you! Hitler wasn’t Jewish: https://allthatsinteresting.com/was-hitler-jewish.
Doug ………….. you got cojones, I’ll give you that!
I wonder though if you have fogotten where you are at ???
Or maybe you just don’t have manners.
Robert Miles
“Doug Ryler” enjoys the role of a troll, thinking he’s so clever, yet the material he links to reveals his superficial knowledge of the subjects he purports to understand. He appears to be a run-of-the-mill judeo-Christian, who, like pastor Stephen Anderson, takes delight in pointing out Jewish perfidy while safely hiding behind his universal Christian prayers for the conversion and resurrection of black and brown untermensch everywhere.
You say he has “cojones”, but not enough to step out on a limb and acknowledge that Hitler wasn’t the boogeyman that the Jews insist he believes. He does the Jews’ bidding by attacking Hitler, calling him a Jew, just in case the Jews — or his fellow judeo-Christians — ever accuse him of being an antisemite.
Spot on Robert Miles!
Where do these people find the time to waste as such. Boggles my mind.
I get it when the Js do it. Sometimes I wish picture ID was required for comments. It sure would “clear the air” wouldn’t it? (rhetorical)
Sure, Hitler “had “Jewish roots” because “Lavrov” said so. Lavrov is a Russian, and the Russians have been anti-Hitler from the cradle thanks to the Jewish domination of their country for the last 100 years.
It shouldn’t surprise you that he would try to discredit Hitler by repeating a Jewish communist lie. Read and learn:
“There is not a single instance when the Jews have not fully deserved the bitter fruit of the fury of their persecutors. We come to the nations pretending to escape persecution,we Jews are the most deadly persecutors in all the wretched annals of man…”
–Samuel Roth, “Jews Must Live” 1934 p.64-65
The sad truth is…most Muslim’s accept and as they call it are…”Protectors of Christians and ‘our collectively’ Holy Places in the ME.” I have had conversations with them on line and they all say in unity that their Quran commands it. The Holy Places and graves of the Prophets in the ME and especially in Palestine are being destroyed by jews! The Muslim’s have protected them since their Quran was made and believed upon. They believe that Jesus was an important Prophet and not the current Christ…but that they are ‘waiting’ on him.
And even when they mention His Name they say (pbuh) Peace Be Upon Him. And how many Israelites are mixed in? It is not for us to judge but to discern what our responsibility is to God and not against Him. It is God’s promise! The false Muslim’s that are filled with hate are the ones created by the West to destroy Christians and Muslims as we have witnessed since 9/11.
ISIS/DAESH is a creation of USA/is/UK and they were trained, armed and financed in Langley, VA. and since then in Iraqi Kurdistan and Syrian stolen lands. The US harbors all of the groomed leaders to be used in coup’s of foreign nations the earth over so their imperial tyranny can flourish. Iran has been a target for decades. Lebanon has lost many, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Jordan…
It is the wishes of the damned and satanic jews who are in control of the west that desire all of Christianity to be destroyed. It is satan’s agenda to destroy all of God’s Promises, Creation and Life as we know it. IS IT ANY WONDER WHY THESE JEW ARCHEOLOGISTS HAVE NOT FOUND ANY PROOF OF THEIR EXISTENCE IN israel? They won’t and never will! But they have surely found the ancient places of the first Christian churches. They are so desperate that they invent their findings of their ‘jewish’ past that God destroyed.
As far as ‘Ishmael’ being a so-called curse…I would remind all Christians to read Genesis 16-18 and the Promises God made to Hagar and Abram for Ishmael and understand by the teacher (The Holy Spirit) the truth about this. Who are we to undermine what God Almighty had sent His Angel (Messenger) to prophetically speak? But the satanic Talmudists – are what they are – and Jesus warned us about them and taught us how to live with insight, awareness and fearlessness.
Many of these so-called evangelists that go out in the streets making fools of themselves were indeed not sent by God. They make a mockery of Christianity and rightly so. There are fools who dress up as John the Baptist and walk the streets. The list is long and deplorable. There is an unforgivable sin and that is blaspheming The Holy Spirit. But those of us who are exhorted to stay the course in all manner of diversity, like our brothers and sisters before us will fulfill His Promise. Martin Luther surely did and is it any wonder why Germany is and has been a target? Martin Luther was an Israelite!
Norton who
The history of Ishmael’s bloodline is murky in the Bible, little is spelled out. Many contest the idea that today’s Arabs or “muslims” are legitimate descendants of Ishmael, who was an white man from the original Genesis 10 nations.
Somewhere in the course of time, this Adamic bloodline of Ishmael became mixed with Arab blood, many assume.
But I would tend to argue that when that happened, the bloodline came to an end.
I would agree, from a political view, the Muslims provide opposition to the jewish push for domination of the Middle East, and that benefits whites in some way, but the presence of Muslims in our lands will never be a benefit.
My kinsmen fought at the Battle of Vienna in 1683 to drive back the Muslim hordes, and to now embrace these invaders as our allies makes a mockery of their sacrifice to save Christian Europe, which they did.
The radicals will always dominate the Muslim voices in our nations, and they fully intend to replace us, and the Jews will help them do so. Their repeated threats to do so are not empty words.
Whether Muslims respect Jesus or not is not my concern. They deny He is the Son of God, and demote him to the same status as Mohamed, an alleged prophet who hired Jews to help him write down his visions. Islam is the brainchild of Jews, a mish mash of OT, NT and paganism. That negates everything we hold dear as Christians.
A prophet cannot save us and resurrect us. Islam, like Judaism, is not an “Abrahamic” faith. It is clearly pagan, and they worship the moon god, “Allah”.
If they want to do that, I have no problem with it as long as they do so in their own lands, not mine.
“….The history of Ishmael’s bloodline is murky in the Bible, little is spelled out…..” Hear, hear.
Somewhere in the course of time, this Adamic bloodline of Ishmael became mixed with Arab blood, many assume. But I would tend to argue that when that happened, the bloodline came to an end. Hear, hear.
Great comment!
Where did I mention that the ‘forced’ replacement via….USA/is/CIA/MOSSAD…of Muslim’s to the west was a good thing? I simply mentioned (without assuming) what the Bible states about Ishmael and the attacks, colonization, oppression, theft and deception leveled toward that community from the west for years.
Let me state that if the white community (in which I am included) was so racially pure, good, holy, honorable, full of Light, without the sin of voting for a MAN instead of following Jesus Christ i.e. the same sin that Israel committed when demanding a King over them…one by the name of King Saul…which is the same as today…we would not be facing these criminal curses. I did not state that following Islam was right as I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I stated that the Bible mentions about Ishmael, the blessings that were given and that we need the Teacher (Holy Spirit) to reveal the truth about this and all things mentioned there. Assuming the literal instead of searching for the truth is the same sin King Saul did if you recall. He even sought out the witch of Endor instead of humbling himself and asking God what to do. THIS is Israel’s greatest sin up to this very moment in time, not waiting for God’s Will in all things. A curse does not come without a cause. Most white men and/or Israel according to CFT belief will not humble themselves to the Will of God to seek, ask and wait for His direction. Creation is groaning and suffering because of it. As I have read here over again is the fact that we would not have this jew curse if we were walking right and obedient with Jesus Christ.