(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Jews hate fair competition in the arena of public discourse — and instead of engaging with their critics, they prefer to shut down any discussion that shines a light on their shenanigans and hypocrisy — and when Elon Musk announced he was cleaning house at Twitter and reinstating many of the voices that the Jews fear most, they are imaging nightmarish visions of Gas Chambers™ dancing in their heads:
Online extremists emboldened by Kanye West’s recent antisemitic diatribes and by Elon Musk’s pledge to loosen content moderation policies on Twitter after taking control of the social media platform this week have launched a new hashtag campaign targeting Jews.
“Now that Elon is taking over Twitter it’s time to finally put our skills to use,” wrote an anonymous user on 4chan, the hate-filled online forum. “There will be maximum chaos at Twitter over the next 48 hours so now is our time to strike while the iron is hot.”
The 4chan user called on others to use the hashtag #TheNoticing while posting antisemitic content on Twitter, especially messages harping on the Nazi-inspired idea that Jews control the world through hidden machinations.
The resulting wave of hateful content on Twitter over the past two days was highlighted by actor Seth Rogen, who is Jewish. He tweeted about the hashtag campaign to his 9.4 million followers on Friday.
“Anyone want to see how much anti-semitism is thriving right now, just check the hashtag #TheNoticing,” Rogen wrote.
Rogen soon deleted the tweet, perhaps because many Jewish users have argued, including this week, that pointing to tweets by antisemites serves to amplify their hateful message.
Given Twitter’s importance as a global social media platform used by world leaders, media figures, and celebrities, Musk’s takeover of the company is being closely watched. Many in the Jewish world are bracing in particular for changes that could lead to the further spread of racist and antisemitic ideas online.
The head of the Anti-Defamation League said Musk’s willingness to welcome Kanye West, the rapper who was suspended this month for antisemitic posts, back to the platform was worrisome.
“We are concerned that Mr. Musk’s acquisition of Twitter may accelerate what ADL has seen repeatedly: the pushing out of marginalized communities from social media,” CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said in a statement Friday.
Musk engendered controversy in the lead-up to his acquisition of the company when he vowed to end what he sees as practices of censorship on the platform. In a message to investors, Thursday, however, he appeared to soften his stance. He said that free speech needed to be balanced with rules that would ensure Twitter is “warm and welcoming to all.”
Musk said his goal was to “have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner.” He added that Twitter “cannot become a free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences!”
Still, some Twitter users, including Jewish ones, said they are planning to leave the platform or at least that they expect it to become less hospitable or pleasant for them.
“Ugh. This place is gonna become a hotbed of hate, especially antisemitism,” wrote user Ari Solomon with a link to a news article about Musk’s takeover.
Thanks to the “successful historical fiction” of the Holocaust, since the end of World War II Jews have enjoyed a virtual monopoly on the flow of information in the media — and the internet has posed the greatest threat to their virtual control matrix.
In 2020, the chief rabbi of Moscow complained that Jews no longer have the ability to control public discourse because of the free internet — which he saw as a threat to “democracy.”
A classic Orwellian twist where freedom of speech becomes a threat to their version democracy.
As Ezra Pound once cogently observed,
“Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a ‘country run by Jews.“
In other words, freedom of speech is naturally a threat to Jewish supremacy in nations they control.
As Romanian nationalist leader Corneliu Zela Codreanu explained,
“Democracy destroys the unity of the Rumanian nation, dividing it among political parties, making Rumanians hate one another, and thus exposing a divided people to the united congregation of Jewish power at a difficult time in the nation’s history. This argument alone is so persuasive as to warrant the discarding of democracy in favor of anything that would ensure our unity–or life itself. For disunity means death.“
When Jews like revered Zionist Theodore Herzl stated what everyone already knows — by their own admission — Jewish supremacists don’t bat an eye:
“The wealthy Jews control the world — in their hands lies the fate of governments and nations….They set governments one against the other. When the wealthy Jews play, the nations and the rulers dance. One way or the other, they get rich.”
If anyone else said this — or even quoted Herzl saying this — they’d be permanently banned from Twitter — and the Jews are “watching carefully” to make sure Elon Musk “sees the light” — and protects Jewish supremacists from anyone challenging their iron-fisted control over what comes out of our mouths — or keyboards.

They’ll call people antisemitic, but they’ll never call people liars or debate/refute the claims
Elon Musk’s Baphomet Costume / Hugo Talks
referring to your article satanic symbolism on torah scrolls on the scrolls was occult baphomet
“The Bird is Caged: Elon Musk Commits to ‘Combat Hate’ After ADL Threatens ‘Dire Consequences’ For Replatforming ‘Far-Right’
“Roth wrote his dissertation on Grindr and gay hook up apps.
Musk said on Monday that he recommends people follow Roth “for the most accurate understanding of what’s happening with trust & safety at Twitter.”
“Former President Trump advisor Stephen Miller is running ads in Georgia highlighting how Democrats have embraced anti-white bigotry and open anti-white discrimination.
“When did racism against white people become OK?” the ad from Miller’s America First Legal begins. “Joe Biden put white people last in line for Covid relief funds. Kamala Harris said disaster aid should go to non-white citizens first. Liberal politicians block access to medicine based on skin color. Progressive corporations, airlines, and universities all openly discriminate against white Americans. Racism is always wrong. The left’s anti-white bigotry must stop. We are all entitled to equal treatment under the law.”
America First Legal is also running radio ads highlighting the Democrats’ efforts to sterilize children and mutilate their genitals in the name of “transgenderism.”
Democrats are calling for the ads to be banned because telling the truth about what they’re doing to us is “hate” and a form of “violence.” ….
The ADL must have video of Elon Musk with underage boys or something like that….
“Richard of Devizes described it as a “holocaust”, from the old French word holocauste, which itself is derived from the Greek word holokauston. Some of their number sheltered in the Tower of London for protection. Englishmen attacked Jews around the country, including the entire community of York, who decided to commit suicide rather than fall into the hands of the mob.
The King, who needed the Jews’ finance, sought out and punished the ringleaders.”
“The Awful Truth: Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning.” [October 29, 2022 Santa Monica Observer]
“Thank you to Elon Musk for retweeting this story.”
The jews are a chosen people…chosen by Satan to create Hell on earth.
Take away the Jews posting hateful anti-Semitic messages & the ADL would no longer have a reason to exist.
Very true. Over half of the claims they make are false and most are even done by Jews themselves looking for some more legislation to get passed.
A big variable with Twitter is bots which are fake accounts managed by algorithms that skew the conversation to the Left. Musk was trying to weasel out of his offering because maybe Twitter is not the behemoth of influence we have been lead to believe.
If he levels the field and removes the bots, then Twitter won’t be blowing up the next time Lebron James posts something stupid.
The only social media that ultimately is going to matter is John 14:6 where Jesus says I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father but through me.
It sure is wild how this little tribe that holds absolutely no political or media power and has done absolutely nothing wrong over 109 times is so afraid that everyone will automatically hate them if they’re allowed to speak freely about them…
I wonder why? 🤔
If you don’t use whatever freedom of speech you have to discuss the Jewish Question, you are wasting your freedom.
We are in the last days of the free and open internet, so you better take advantage of it while you still can. Don’t take it for granted.
It will be shut down.
Speak up before it’s too late.
They are living proof that the truth does NOT fear investigation.
“Elon Musk: Twitter Will Form ‘Content Moderation Council’ With ‘Widely Diverse Viewpoints’ to Regulate Content”
“Thierry Breton, EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, early Friday once again threatened Musk that free speech on Twitter will not be permitted in Europe.
“In Europe, the bird will fly by our EU rules,” Breton said, adding “#DSA [Digital Services Act].”
NOTE This link re Pelosi:
“Police Dispatch: Paul Pelosi Said ‘He Doesn’t Know Who The Male Is But He Advised That His Name is David And He Is A Friend’
“The San Francisco nudist who was found by police in his underwear in Paul Pelosi’s home at 2AM while Nancy was out of town and has an LGBT flag outside his commune was described by Paul to 911 dispatch as a male “friend” whose “name is David” but whom he “doesn’t know.”
Later in the day, the FBI visited a Berkeley home linked to DePape, which neighbors call the “hippie collective,” NBC Bay Area’s Jaxon Van Derbeken reported.
Sure thing, yes, Elon Musk cannot be trusted to keep Twitter free from Jewish meddling, but with all his public statements, he has put himself under pressure to open it up to a certain degree, and if he allows Kanye back, he can’t turn around and censor him for his Jewish rants, can he?
If he allows Kanye’s “black Hebrew” views, maybe we’ll see more CI views too….
Look at these articles from John de Nugent, self proclaimed saviour of the white race, praising Jewish Freemason Musk’s takeover of Twiiter.
He refused to publish my comments exposing both Musk and Kanye as being completely controlled by the Jews.
John de Nugent has some really strange ideas. Kind of a loose canon. Worships the aryan race as if it is a god itself, and himself as some kind of messiah.
If he believes in Musk, he probably believed in Trump too….
Who would belive anything that con artist Musk has to say?
The Evil Secrets of Freemasonry Revealed – Part 6
Where would Elon be without his $5 billion in government grants? Absolutely nowhere, that’s where.
Elon’s sicko dad had a child with his stepdaughter who is 40 years younger.
A confident small-statured man with a funny moustache had private secretaries following him around political events, all taking notes, when those female secretaries were interviewed several years after his demise, they said – “He was a man ahead of his time”
The few and far between knew then what most of us seem to know now.
The internet has definitely affected their grip, which explains why Govt’s worldwide want control over the internet to which I say, Govt’s around the world are controlled then by the Jews.
That “small statured man” was right….except for his mustache….and any honest person will admit it today.
When Twatter allows credibly anonymous accounts… maybe!
Yeah, Al, (((they))) want to introduce internet “passports” that require official forms of ID because they know that people using their real names are less likely to speak the truth, or what’s really on their mind.
Jews hate online anonymity because it allows people to say what they really think about Jews….
With having to punch in a Cell Phone # for pretty much all social media sites. That alone grants them all your info , no need for passports.
Cash-purchased and cash-fed burner phones are a hassle, but necessary in some circumstances.
May I recommend the Groundrod series of classes? Scroll towards the page bottom: https://combatstudiesgroup.blogspot.com/p/courses.html
What do (((they))) mean by “ANOTHER Holocaust”??? REAL holocaust has NEVER been tried!
They’re have been many holocausts throughout history. Except most of them in this era were led by jews, slaughtering their political enemies by the tens of millions.
True. Thank for posting that.
The real holocaust was the millions upon millions of Christian soldiers who were slaughtered in and around WWII.
Some things to consider.
“Elon Musk . Who Is He?”
“…https://postimg.cc/3W30RyDW, the part that struck me the most was his comment about “authenticating all humans”.
Maybe I’m way off base here, but for me, the only way to “authenticate” people on the platform is to integrate it with some kind of digital ID or biometric identifier. And that sounds eerily similar to the WEF’s vision of making it necessary to have a “digital identity” in order to access online services. Hell, maybe Musk has been tasked with instituting that as well. Who knows.
It’s quite clear that Musk is on board with the whole technocratic/transhumanist agenda, so why is he all of a sudden being cast as a champion of democracy and free speech? Simple. The globalists are playing “good cop, bad cop”. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, etc are the “bad guys” and Musk is the “good guy” who has come along to offer humanity a better way forward.
There’s only one problem. Schwab’s vision for the future and Musk’s vision for the future are exactly the same. The paths to getting there may be different but the destination hasn’t changed.
So why choose Musk to play the role of the “good cop”? First of all, he’s got the right personality,…”
“Yes, wherever the globalist fat cats meet to discuss technocratic ideas for the future, it’s a safe bet that Musk will be within spitting distance. But the part of this story you may not know is that Musk’s technocratic proclivity is not just a happenstance of character; it’s in his genes. You see, Elon Musk is the grandson of Joshua Haldeman.”
Little bird
More Musk
Agreed. Musk is not an ally, and the jews plan to use this new freedom against the goy.
But that is also why there is a limited window to awaken as many goy as possible to the JQ. the jew losing control of their negro pets alone would be devastating to them. It’s time to accelerate while we can and make use of this opportunity while it exists.
It’s not our speech which the jews are fearful about. It is the awakening to consciousness of the censored general population, along with the fear of their own words and misdeeds being publicly recited to them and to others. In other words, the truth, and the loss of their globalist powers.
The JTA article today about the Jewish suppression of speech regarding the Texas Railroad Commissioner who apologized for saying he was “the only Christian on the ballot” when there was a Jewish opponent (Democrat/Communist), is an interesting analog to this. We’ve always known saying “I’m a Christian” is offensive to the Jews, but now Jews have included themselves amongst the Christians, so implying a Jew may not be a Christian is offensive? Or is it that the Jews are saying Christians are sub-human forms of Jews for accepting a false messiah, so implying Christianity is an identity is offensive?
I’m still shadowbanned to high hell on there. I can appreciate that elon the fraud is pissing off leftists at this point in time, but if you know the truth about the kikenstein and its penchant for abducting and murdering little white children do not expect any sort of easy free speech at this juncture.
For the time being, kosher conservatives will experience an increase in ability to actually communicate their watered down ideas.
I dont mean to be a total doomer. By all means, keep naming the (((beast)))….force the mamzers to censor you and sneak through any little crack you can find and use that bullhorn or dogwhistle. Never stop reminding them what will happen if they let their little jewclaw off of the ban button for a second. Make those hooknosed, soulless, satanic automatons feel the paranoia that they’ve earned.
MOST of the world despises jews. You are just disconnected for the time being. Disconnected and surrounded by bots and bot handlers desparately trying to disguise the failing narrative.
Cains children have always, always been on a path that leads straight back to their own destruction and hell. God willing we will live to see that destruction with our own eyes. If not, you know your job. Hold your ground.
There are subtle ways to push back against them (Although I’m not currently on twitter because I consider it to be a waste of time).
Such as, make a post stating If the shoe fits, wear it: (followed by a link like this)