(The Jewish Chronicle) Dutch university staff have been ordered to reveal any ties they may have to Israeli and Jewish bodies or organizations — a move that Holland’s Chief Rabbi fears could reveal a “shadowy Jewish cabal” that runs the country’s university system:
Pro-Palestine advocacy group The Rights Forum put in a freedom of information request to force the disclosures. Administrators at more than a dozen universities in the Netherlands are now compiling information on links to Israeli and Jewish organisations. Gerard Jonkman, director of The Rights Forum, said the request was to find out about “institutional ties with Israel universities, institutions and businesses and with organisations that propagate support for the State of Israel.
”But the lists of bodies includes Jewish communal organisations, among them the Central Jewish Board of the Netherlands, the Anti-Defamation League, and the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.
In a statement, Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands Binyomim Jacobs said: “The clear inference is that some shadowy Zionist/Jewish cabal is operating in the Dutch university system. This reeks of antisemitism, but it comes as no surprise to me given this group’s reputation…What really concerns me is the number of universities that were so compliant with such a transparently antisemitic request….It reminds us that most mayors cooperated during the occupation to pass on the names of their Jewish citizens to the Germans.”
Under Dutch freedom of information law, The Rights Forum is also requesting information on links to Elbit, the Israeli weapons manufacturer, B’nai B’rith and Christians For Israel. It is unclear whether university administrators will comply with the request and hand over the information to The Rights Forum.
President of the Conference of European Rabbis Pinchas Goldschmidt said: “The ironically-named ‘Rights Forum’ has revealed its dystopian, antisemitic core. “We urge Dutch universities to use all available means to resist their attempts to stigmatise and incite prejudice against Jews. We stand in solidarity with the Dutch Jewish community.”
The Rights Forum was established in 2009 by former Dutch Prime Minister Dries Van Agt to promote a “just and durable solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict”, according to its website. The Forum says it aims to “monitor Dutch politics and reveal what positions politicians take regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” and “record violations of international law which the parties commit and report on these.”
Mr Agt, who served as Prime Minster from 1977 to 1982, has been repeatedly accused of antisemitism. In 2008 he compared Israel to Nazi Germany, and in 2017 he praised the Dutch Labour party for being “good for the Palestinians despite the strong Jewish lobby”. While serving as Justice Minister Mr Agt cited his “Aryan roots” as a reason to pardon four Nazi war criminals.
The liberal Dutch are among the most out-spoken supporters of the Palestinian cause — including charging Israelis with war crimes and genocide.
Historically, university faculty in the West have been explicitly pro-Palestinian — but that has been changing as Zionist groups have spent billions of dollars attempting to rebrand pro-Palestinian activism as “anti-Semitism.”
One fake Jewish student group admitted that they’d received $50,000 dollars to stage anti-BDS “protests” on college campuses — called “astroturfing” — a Jewish specialty.
Militant pro-Israel groups have aggressively slandered anyone who dares suggest that criticism of Israel is not de facto “anti-Semitism” — and Jewish professors have resigned in protest over colleges that allow such “anti-Semitic” criticism of Israel on campus.
Seemingly every day another university or organization in the West formerly announces that they’ve adopted the IHRA definition of “anti-Semitism” which censors any anti-Israel protests on campus as “inciting hate.”
Pro-Zionist students and faculty are now claiming that they “don’t feel safe” on any campus where people are free to express open “hatred” and “hostility” to “the Jewish people” and their “right” to have a “homeland” of their own.
To give the Dutch credit, they flatly reject this entire notion — and now are going to far as to demand full transparency from all university figures — knowing full-well that such a move will reveal the everyone what the Jews fear most — the hidden Jewish hand controlling our educational systems.
Jews use their power in the Netherlands to stop this investigation into academic ties to Zionism and other Jewish advocacy groups:
Although jewapedia’s “History of the Jews in the Netherlands” is basically propaganda, it says that:
“The number of Israeli Jews living in the Netherlands (concentrated in Amsterdam) runs in the thousands (estimates run from 5,000 to 7,000 Israeli expatriates in the Netherlands, although some claims go as high as 12,000).[55] A relatively small number of these Israeli Jews is connected to one of the religious Jewish institutions in the Netherlands. In the 21st century, some 10,000 Dutch Jews have emigrated to Israel.
As of 2006, approximately 41,000 to 45,000 people in the Netherlands either identify as Jewish, or are defined as Jewish by halakha (Rabbinic law), by which persons with Jewish mothers are defined as Jewish. About 70% of these (approximately 30,000) have a Jewish mother. Another 30% have a Jewish father (some 10,000–15,000 persons; their number was estimated at 12,470 in April 2006). Orthodox Jews do not accept them as Jews[56][57] unless they undergo a religious conversion through an Orthodox Bet Din. Most Dutch Jews live in the major cities in the west of the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht); some 44% of all Dutch Jews live in Amsterdam, which is considered the centre of Jewish life in the country. In 2000, 20% of the Jewish-Dutch population was 65 years or older; birth rates among Jews were low. An exception is the growing Orthodox Jewish population, especially in Amsterdam.
There are some 150 synagogues present in the Netherlands; 50 are still used for religious services.[58] Large Jewish communities in the Netherlands are found in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague.
Various antisemitic incidents continue to occur.”
As it is in America, the Netherlands has the same types of problems.
“Jewish Sayanim and the “Synagogue of Satan”
“Remember, a sayanim is an undercover agent. The nation of Israel only has about 7.5 million people. And their intelligence service, Mossad, probably has no more than 10,000 agents worldwide. How do they magnify, multiply their operation? The multiplier effect comes when they recruit private citizens in various countries; bankers, teachers, lawyers, surgeons, corporation owners, professors, politicians. They recruit these individuals as spies for Israel in order to subvert America. Just like in the days of communism. We know that Senator Joseph McCarthy was right when he talked about so many communist spies working in America. The greatest threat to America today is the country of Israel. Because Jews regard Israel as their country, not America, they will do whatever it takes, including betraying America, to help advance the interests of Israel.”
I only hope pres Biden this time nuke Russia. Russia is the mother of many despotic ideologies -bolshevism etc..
KGB mass murderer Putin has to go!!
Rochelle Walensky’s eyebrows
Say what?
Bolshevism was and always has been a jewish invention. You can make much the same case for the JewSA. Lots of likely in the universities and endless gubmint agencies.
In all fairness, it’s not as if there was much of a choice growing up in the (((soviet))) Jewnion of your career path.
On the other hand, what excuse do the shabbos foreskin munchers who have collected US tax dollars as Israeli lackeys have???
While the mass murderers like Henry Kissinger et. al who sold America to communist China gets a free pass, the same Zionist cabal that put Putin in power. Biden should nuke Russia for the Bolshevik communist the same way it did to Germany and the rest of Europe, be careful what you wish for Israel has 400+ NUKES pointed at Europe and America with the help of the Bolshevik communist Zionist supremacist who run the US government.
James Shea
… this is a great first step, … I hope many more universities in the Western world will take similar steps to expose and expiate the corrupting Jewish influence and control, ..
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport is pretty much owned by the Israelis & Jew sayanim, an airport they use to ship in terrorists & drugs & ship out wealth they’ve stolen from the Dutch.
Remember the 1992 El Al jet crash into an apartment building? The Israelis lied about what was on that flight & they’ve kept lying to this day about the chem weapons on board.
The 1992 El Al Bijlmer crash: a cover-up of a chemical inferno?
Under a special bi-lateral agreement between the Netherlands and Israel dating from the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israeli aircraft are granted special status at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport. El Al, Israeli’s national airline, uses the airport to refuel planes en route between Israel and the United States. Often on a daily basis, El Al’s cargo planes land and take off, carrying munitions, military technology and other, often classified, loads.
That airport is/was had security provided by ICTS, the same jokers that had ‘security’ at the 9/11 airports.
At Schiphol, they let both Richard Reid & the Underwear Bomber somehow slip thru,
Yes, I remember October 1992, Israel was shipping enriched uranium from New York to Israel. They killed thousands of Black people and the Dutch government covered up their crimes. I said it on twitter and say it again the Dutch government is over their ears in the Zionist sewer. Amsterdam is the capital from where these people conducted the African slave-trade that they blame on Christians.
The Dutch government set up their own version of the antisemitism boondoggle as directed by the Bolshevik communist State Department…https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/ministeries/ministerie-van-justitie-en-veiligheid/organisatie/organogram/nationaal-coordinator-antisemitismebestrijding-ncab
When ((Ferd Grapperhaus)) from the Christian democrat party stepped down to avoid being held accountable for the police brutality he ordered against people in Amsterdam in January 2022 he they put in a Turkish zionist bought and paid for foot soldier who constantly calls for violence against citizens in the Netherlands and fights against antisemitism, https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/regering/bewindspersonen/dilan-yesilgoz-zegerius
David Westerlund
Two things cause “anti-antisemitism”. Jew morals and “when push comes to shove” moral jews stick with the bad jew. At 87, most of my problems have been caused by jews. 88 Dave