A self-serving report by the jewish New York Times writer Seth Stephens-Davidowitz claims that about 170,000 Google searches with “antisemitic content” are made every year in the UK – around ten percent of which involve violent language or intentions:
Using Google search data from 2004 to 2018, the report by the CST and Antisemitism Policy Trust also showed that Britain ranks third in the world for searches about “Zionism”, behind only Israel and Lebanon – 29 percent higher than in the US.
Searches for the word in the UK rose 25-fold in April 2016, after Ken Livingstone made comments about “Hitler supporting Zionism”. “Hitler Zionism” is the fourth most popular search about Zionism in Britain.
Other data, focused on different parts of the country, showed that antisemitic searches are just as high in cities that mostly vote Labour as they are in cities that mostly vote Conservative, and that antisemitic searches are higher in Wales than any other part of the UK.
The report also identified specific days or times when the volume of antisemitic searches rose sharply.
There was a 79 percent rise in antisemitic Google searches in April 2018, most of which occurred on the day after Jewish community representatives met Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
In another example, each year, on Holocaust Memorial Day (January 27), searches for “Holocaust hoax” are roughly 30 percent above average.
And in the days following Israel’s victory in the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest, antisemitic searches increased by 30 percent.
The report was written by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, the New York Times best-selling author of Everybody Lies: What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are.
It showed that in the UK, there are more Google searches into the Rothschild banking family than for top Jewish celebrities such as David Baddiel or Tracy-Ann Oberman.
Most of these searches are looking for conspiracy theories related to the Rothschild domination of the world.
The report found that searches for the Rothschilds have risen 39 per cent in the past three years. Moreover, in months when searches for information on the Rothschild family increase, other antisemitic searches also increase in number.
The greatest fear of the Jews is that the sleeping goyim are going to wake up and realize the true extent to which the Jews not only have subverted and destroyed our White Christian countries, but also the extent to which they have close to an iron-clad control over them too.
And even though Google is a jewish-controlled company — and its search results are programmed to cast the Jews in the most positive light — they still have not perfected a way to completely censor the results that reveal the cold hard truth about jewish power.
Stephens-Davidowitz, the Jew who wrote this “study,” is typical of Jews who pretend to be “one of us” but are really only interested in pushing the jewish nation-wrecking agenda.
No, “everybody” doesn’t lie — or at least lie the ways that Jews lie.
As the great German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, once observed, the Jews are the “Masters of the Great Lie.”
White people generally confine their lying to small, rather innocuous lies of convenience, Jews lie on a massive scale — so large that White people simply cannot conceive of lies so grand, such as 9-11, the Holocaust, the JFK assassination, the attack on the USS Liberty, and even the Jewish claim that they are the Israelites wrote the Old Testament.
The most important thing to note here is that the jews are insinuating that these searches are the result of anti-semitism, as if these searches CREATE ‘anti-semitic facts’. It’s amazing how deft they are at completely twisting the concept that jews create anti-semitism, and jews create their own negative database by which those searching for evidence of jewish treachery find just what they are looking for…
It’s called chutzpah and means utter nerve in suggesting speaking of proven Jewish conspiracies to snatch organs, children and even adults for their blood magic, is the ‘problem’ instead of the behaviors themselves!
Here’s evidence straight from the proverbial horses mouth:
Since when is Jewish testimony ‘hate speech’?
“1. How long does it take to appoint an anti-Semitism envoy?”
Luke2236 [@January 14, 2019 at 5:53 pm], You and I generally are in agreement on most of these issues. We know that the jews tend to continue doing what has worked for them in the past, until the people have learned to recognize and then to stop their subversions. While I don’t strictly agree with everything the author of, “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…”, believed, she does give a good explanation about the methods the jews undertake to accomplish their subversions. I don’t know if you’ve read it yet, but you should find it interesting.
“It is understandable how Cabalist Jews could subvert the faith of their Jewish brethren, but how is such deception on a grand scale possible? Jews who apostatized from the God of Israel and the Torah into pagan worship of strange gods set about to destroy the monotheistic faiths of Torah Judaism, Christianity and even Islam, about which more will be said later. These Cabalists were guided by evil spirits and equipped with supernatural powers, by means of the magical arts they studied, to infiltrate and take control of the Gentile institutions.
This modus operandi was described by Edith Starr Miller:
“The obligations and rules of the rite for the Jewish masses are contained in the Talmud and Schulchan Aruk, but the esoteric teachings of the higher initiates are to be found in the Cabala. Therein are contained the mysterious rites for evocations, the indications and keys to practices for conjuration of supernatural forces, the science of numbers, astrology, etc.
“The practical application of the Cabalist knowledge is manifested in the use made of it, through the ages, by Jews to gain influence both in the higher spheres of Gentile life and over the masses. Sovereigns and Popes, both, usually had one or more Jews as astrologers and advisers, and they frequently gave Jews control over their very life by employing them as physicians. Political power was thus gained by Jews in almost every Gentile country alongside with financial power, since Jewish court-bankers manipulated state funds and taxes.
“Through the ages also, can be followed the spreading power of the sect, and no more awful example of the devastating and destructive power of the penetration of a secret subversive society has ever been witnessed.
“With its B’nai B’rith Supreme Council as the directing head, the sect with its members swarming among all nations has become the sovereign power ruling in the councils of all nations and governing their political, economic, religious and educational policies.” (Occult Theocrasy, p. 76)
During the Middle Ages, the infiltration and conquest of Christendom was achieved by two methods.” [Continue]
“Jewish Senator Introduces Law To Imprison Americans For Criticizing Israel” [November 4, 2018]
“One of the first new laws created by the Jewish Bolsheviks when they took over Russia was to make “antisemitism” punishable by jail or death. Despite its freedoms, the United States is now following in Russia’s footsteps, with Jews like Chuck Schumer leading the charge.
One hundred years later, we find ourselves in a very similar situation – proposed Federal laws protecting Jews from criticism. Only criminals and liars are afraid of being criticized.”
It’s not like the jews of the past, before the internet became available in the late 1990’s, didn’t expose their jewish plans. Just as the jews of today also do. It’s that the earlier jews had a lock on all national broadcast communications inside America for a longer period of time than we have had the internet, and very little information was allowed during those times about jews which wasn’t completely positive to jewry. The internet has allowed people freedom to search for information and to learn the truth about what it is that they are finding.
The meaning of the history of the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all Masters of Lodges, rule the world. Jean Izoulet, a prominent member of the Jewish Alliance Israelite Universelle, in his book ‘Paris la Capitale des Religions’, 1931. — Waters Flowing Eastward, p. 108
There is only one power which really counts. The power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it. — Vladimir Jabotinsky, Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935
The financial career of the Rothchilds is the key to the history of the Jewish Banking in the nineteenth century. […] The plan adopted by him of establishing branches in the more important European capitals, over which he placed his sons, was followed by other Jewish banking-houses […] the influence of Jews on banking […] was due to the preliminary advantage given to them by their international position. [The other Jewish families that adopted the Rothschild plan of establishing local banking branches in European cities include: The Lazards, Sterns, Speyers, Seligmans, Warburgs and Leob families.] — The Jewish Encyclopedia (1902), Vol. II, p. 492-93
Our victory is near, because our political and economic power and influence upon the masses are in rapid progress. We buy up Government loans and gold, and thereby we have controlling power over the world’s exchanges. The power is in our hands, but be careful, place no faith in traitorous shady powers! From The Central Committee of the Petersburg Branch of the Israelite International League Federation plays a major part in Jewish life throughout the world. There is a federation in every community of the world where there is a substantial number of Jews.
Today there is a central movement that is capable of mustering all of its planning, financial and political resources within twenty-four hours, geared to handling any particular issue.
Proportionately, we have more power than any other comparable group, far beyond our numbers. The reason is that we are probably the most well organized minority in the world. — Nat Rosenberg Denver Allied Jewish Federation International Jewish News, January 30, 1976
The Jews swarmed into it [Freemasonry] from the earliest times and controlled it through the higher grades and councils. They have controlled the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite since the beginning of the Nineteenth Century. — A. Cowen, in his book The X-Rays in Freemasonry, p. 6
Today, and moreso before the jewish censorship and Site Burnings became so widespread, we could, and still can to some extent, learn not only about the evils done by jews, but we can find out WHO it is who are “totally, completely, RULED, DOMINATED, OWNED, and abjectly 100% CONTROLLED” by jewry.
God wrote the Old Testament, but jews don’t even believe in it. That is why they don’t follow the Laws of Moses.
jews believe NOTHING of the Bible; when they talk of the ‘torah’ , they are speaking of the first 5 ‘books’ of the talmud – their ‘sacred text’. The jew is wholly and completely antiChrist, and “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He [Jesus] was in the beginning with God”. The jew rejects ANYTHING of the Bible, and of our civilisation. Look at the talmud ; they consider themselves gods, and we are but goyim [dumb cattle] created by THEIR FATHER [satan] to serve them.
Give em time; joogle will figure a way to completely eliminate TRUTH from their searches and / or the jew will work a way to criminalise and prosecute even trying to find the truth…