A New Mexico cafe owner is closing shop following backlash to a Facebook post full of “antisemitic” comments about Israel’s brutal treatment of the Palestinians, and his jewish landlord’s alleged shady business dealings:
Michael Palombo, owner of V Roast Bistro in Albuquerque, apologized Monday in a new Facebook post for the tirade, since deleted, which called Jewish people “animals” who treated the Germans poorly, and blamed the Jews for the Holocaust, KRQE News 13 reported.
The post also blamed Jews for rising rent costs and Wall Street greed, spawning the Occupy movement, to which Palombo belongs.
Palombo was slammed on Facebook for his comments. He said his business slowed and the V Roast Bistro received lower ratings on social media.
Palombo said after the anti-Semitic post that he had been hacked and somebody “did a good job of pretending to be me,” KRQE reported. He said his business had been suffering since news of the post began circulating.
But in his apology on Monday, Palombo wrote in part: “It is not who I am or who we are or who we’ve been at V Roast Bistro. This has been one of the most painful and embarrassing moments of my life.”
He also wrote: “Again my deepest apologies and hope someday that i’m forgiven and most of all I forgive myself.”
He announced that he would be closing his business as soon as possible. In a later comment, Palombo acknowledged that he was not sorry to close the business.
“Truth is I’m happy to be letting this business go, so no matter what I did this business was going away I just made it easyer (sic) for me to do it.”
Palombo has had a landlord take him to court for failing to pay rent and a business partner take out a restraining order against him, KRQE reported, citing online records.
His Facebook feed includes several anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian posts shared from other sources.
People need to come to terms with the fact that Facebook is owned by a pro-Israel, socially-radical billionaire Jew who will not tolerate any opinions that contradict his worldview, so much so that he is unapologetic about blatantly censoring opinions that appear remotely “conservative”. Facebook shares everything you post with the CIA, NSA, Mossad, and the FBI, just to name a few of the agencies which are monitoring you and the “correctness” of your opinions.
Showing any public sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians is quickly becoming an “antisemitic” hate crime, and you will potentially lose your business, your job, your family, and your home if the Jews are allowed to continue to punish anyone who expresses opinions that they don’t like. And, no, you are not allowed to even notice that your landlord is a Jew, and if you do notice he’s a Jew, you better not think his sociopathic behavior has anything to do with him being jewish. Never take it any further than, “who just so happens to be jewish…”, but more than likely even that will set off alarm bells at headquarters in Tel Aviv.
Showing any public sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians is quickly becoming an “antisemitic” hate crime
I think Jews need to reread the ‘Balfour Declaration’
Never apologize or explain when you stand by your comments….a little too late for this guy …hope he bounces back and learns a lesson…I’m100% Free….because I truly have nothing to lose…I’m on borrowed time for 15 yrs now….
Lol not that UI could ever curb my mouth…#BDS
Right on! Never apologize, its a sign of weakness. Keep on trucking Lin!
True, Jews despise those who grovel in front of them even though they pretend that it pleases them. People cave to jewish demands without even thinking, not realizing that by doing so, it weakens all resistance to the jewish agenda. Pull back the curtain, and you see that big, bad Jew is just an ugly little neurotic man who can be blown over by a stiff wind and Christian resolve.
The lesson from all of this is to never do business with Jews and close all of you Social media accounts. He should never have apologized because that is what the Jewish media wants in order to condition the minds of the gullible public.
Funny that when we criticize Saudi Arabia nobody calls us anti-semetic. And the strange thing about it is that Saudis are semites as well.
I will agree with one aspect: Saudis (arabs) are just as semitic as jews. And how semitic is that?
In order to be a true Semite, you must be descended from Shem according to the laws of inheritance as laid forth in the Bible, with the first law of nature, KIND AFTER KIND, being it’s cornerstone. There is only ONE people that fits the narrative: The white race.
So ANYONE else’s claim to ‘semitism’ is a straight up lie…
actually, neither jews or saudis are ‘semites’ ; ‘semite’ refers to the lineage of Shem, one of Noahs sons. What small percentage of jews – and therefore sauds- that are even Adamic are thru esau edom, cain and amalek who is the progeny of Ham, not Shem. Most jews are khazars – they know this and admit it in their own writings. They are not an Adamic people in the main.
So the antiChrist jew even lies about that and is usurping our heritage whilst screaming ‘antisemitism’!
Never apologise for telling the Truth.
In this day and time tho, regrettably one must ‘be wise as a serpent’ – and He wasnt talking about literal reptiles either – and keep business communications strictly business. One should avoid fakebook at all costs, but if business somehow demands it, do ONLY bussiness related postings.
If you just simply cannot live w/o feeding zuckerberg, use a nom de plume and tell the truth; youll get taken off eventually, but you can do it again. I know a guy who has somethimng like 5 different fakebook accounts – he uses different ones whilst others are in fakebook jail…
I have long since deleted my facial-recognition-book accounts. And that’s DELETED, not deactivated. Been about 3 years since I’ve been on. I was put in fakebook jail about 8 times and had accounts removed about 3 times. Facebook helped ‘ruin’ my reputation in the music biz…but it was only a matter of time anyway, as I truly can’t stand the business and the people involved anymore. My last stint in a professional rock band, a tribute band that was skyrocketing, was cut short when I stood up for my Christian beliefs…and I left a nationally known patriot band to join it – but that’s another story. My point is, all media period sucks, as it is rife with jewish sjw trolls. All you have to do is recognize the far left liberal agenda of major media to see what will be ‘acceptable’ the social media ‘gods’. So much for freedom of speech…and everything else, for that matter!