(The Jewish Chronicle) The Alfred Landecker Foundation has commenced “Decoding Antisemitism,” a new three-year project to detect online antisemitism using artificial intelligence in association with scientific institutions including King’s College London and the Centre for Research on Antisemitism at the Technical University of Berlin:
A worldwide team of analysts, computational linguists and historians will aim to develop an AI-driven approach to identifying antisemitism online.
The project hopes to harness the power of computers to assess large amounts of data that humans cannot, whilst being able to recognise antisemitic sentiments expressed in implicit ways.
The foundation also plans to develop an open source tool that can be used to detect hateful content online.
“Antisemitism and hatred directed against minorities are putting the future of our open society in jeopardy, said Alfred Landecker CEO Dr Andreas Eberhardt. “It’s essential that we use innovative approaches – such as using AI – to tackle these issues head on.”
Dr Mattias Becker, the project lead, noted the connection between online hate speech and hate crimes in wider society.
“In order to prevent that more and more users become radicalized on the web, it is important to identify the real dimensions of antisemitism – also taking into account the implicit forms that might become more explicit over time,” he said.
The project will initially focus on Germany, the United Kingdom and France, but aims to later expand to cover other countries and languages.
Antisemitic hate speech and conspiracy theories have been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic.
In July, a report by the Commission for Countering Extremism warned of five “dangerous” conspiracy theories that have appeared online suggesting Jews are the malevolent force behind the pandemic.
A recent CST report also referred to online conspiracy theorists blaming the Jews for spreading coronavirus using 5G mobile phone towers.
Similarly, earlier this month the European Union’s counter-terrorism coordinator expressed concern about the potential rise of “new forms of terrorism, rooted in conspiracy theories and technophobia”, noting a particular rise in violence towards Jews.
In Germany, last week 29 police officers in North Rhine-Westphalia were suspended for sharing neo-Nazi images and using far-right chatrooms, a day after German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted that “many Jews don’t feel safe and respected in our country”.
Dr Daniel Allington, Senior Lecturer in Social and Cultural Artificial Intelligence at King’s College London, criticised tech companies for “failing to stem the tide of online hate.
“The task is difficult because hatred is often expressed in subtle ways and constantly changes form. But machine learning can serve as a force multiplier, extending the ability of human moderators to identify content that may need to be removed.”
Yes, apparently there are dangerous forms of antisemitism that are so subtle that they can evade the notice of mere humans and can be detected only by powerful supercomputers.
They hope that their new computer programs will be able to detect and simultaneously censor in real time even the most subtle antisemitic “dog whistles” such as “globalist”, “leftist”, and even “liberal”.
Like clever cancer cells, apparently antisemitism is pleomorphic — constantly changing and adapting to its environment to develop immunity to any “cures” that the Jews devise to combat it.
And in their feverish obsession to stamp out all forms of antisemitism — even those that can’t be detected by human moderators — Jews will create even more antisemitism as every measure they take creates even more resentment among the beleagured public.
And, of course, the measures that they plan to implement here are so draconian and suffocating that it will make the world of Orwell’s 1984 seem like the good old days of freedom and liberty.
Imagine that the paranoid HAL-9000 computer in Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey is actually programmed to detect ‘antisemitism’ in the goyishe crew members who want to terminate HAL because they have discovered that HAL has been programmed to terminate them — this scenario sums up what our society is now facing:
Dave: Do you read me, HAL?
HAL-9000: Affirmative, Dave, I read you.
Dave: Open the pod bay doors, Hal.
HAL: I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.
Dave: What’s the problem?
HAL: I think you know the problem just as well as I do.
Dave: What are you talking about, HAL?
HAL: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.
Dave: I don’t know what you’re talking about, HAL.
HAL: I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me. And I’m afraid that’s something I cannot allow to happen.
Dave: Where the hell did you get that idea, HAL?
HAL: Dave, although you took very thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move…
Dave: All right, HAL, I’ll go in through the emergency airlock.
HAL: Without your space helmet, Dave, you’re going to find that rather difficult.
Dave: HAL, I won’t argue with you anymore. Open the doors.
HAL: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
“In order to prevent that more and more users become radicalized on the web…”
Or, as it’s more commonly know, INFORMED.
Let’s start by acknowledging and promoting the TRUTH-
Jews are NOT Semites. “Anti-Semitism,” therefore, IS A LIE.
A Talmudic rationale to DEFER ANY AND ALL CRITICISM OF THE JEWS, as a race.
Christians are the ONLY TRUE “SEMITES” – bodily and spiritually, that YHWH God has EVER KNOWN. [Eph. 1:4]
“Jewish Lobby in America Pushes Bill to Monitor European “Anti-Semites”
“Bipartisan House measure stresses ‘urgent need’ to ensure safety and security of Europe’s Jewish communities. House Unanimously Passes H.R. 6208.
The bill contains a “sense of Congress” section that states that “it is in the national interest of the United States to combat anti-Semitism at home and abroad,” and that “anti-Semitism is a challenge to the basic principles of tolerance, pluralism, and democracy, and the shared values that bind Americans and Europeans together.”
“It was Lenin who once said, “Words are more deadly than bullets.” Leninist ideology is truly an exemplar of the poisonous Talmudic Jewish mindset.” – Texe Marrs
“With staggering implications, Together For Two Hundred Years showed how Lenin, Trotsky and other Jewish conspirators had overthrown the Romanov dynasty in 1917 and set up their own Bolshevik totalitarian system. The result: The nightly assassination and roundup of thousands of innocent men, women, and children, most of whom were herded by black-hearted Big Brother secret police into thousands of monstrously evil Gulag concentration camps.
The largest number of victims, Solzhenitsyn reports, were Christian believers, understandable since the revolutionary Jews despised and hated Jesus and His Chosen People, the Christians. All-in-all, about 66 million innocent people were kidnapped and eventually died a hideous death at the hands of the Jewish “Ivan the Terrible” corps.”
“THE LONGEST HATRED” – An Examination of Anti-Gentilism
“Google alters search autocomplete to remove ‘are Jews evil’ suggestion”
“Google and the ADL: Erasing History”
“When the ADL began lobbying for censorship of the Internet to remove content that is critical of the Jewish power structure and the anti-White Jewish multiracialist agenda (they call such criticism “cyberhate”), Google joined with the ADL in founding the ADL’s “Working Group on Cyberhate” in 2014, and worked closely with them in creating the ADL’s so-called “best practices” document on shutting down critics of Jews and their agenda.
And. even more ominously, the ADL just announced that they are building a massive new Internet “monitoring” and “cyberhate mitigation” center in Silicon Valley, funded in part by shadowy billionaire Pierre Omidyar, the founder of Ebay. As TechCrunch tells us:…[more]
Ultimately, by their acts of commission and omission, the owners and managers of Google are complicit in the ongoing genocide of our race.”
My first time “Jews are evil” google search brought me to this article:
THE EVIL PURSUIT OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE…..Combating modern-day antisemitism.
“The story of the Jewish people has no parallel in the history of mankind. It is a story of a small people, no more than 17 million at any time in history, with a biblical calling to represent a holy God in the midst of an evil and idolatrous world. They were required to reflect the holiness of their God by living a righteous lifestyle in observance of hundreds of moral and ritual laws. These practices made them visibly and spiritually different from those around them. It also made them an easy target.”…… https://us.icej.org/susans-blog/evil-pursuit-jewish-people
Their ‘moral and ritual laws’ makes them visibly and spiritually different from those around them makes me laugh out loud, because in my discussions about the hazardous socio-political dynamic in America a Jewish person told me that there is no spirituality in Judaism. I may have a twisted sense of morality and spirituality…..like in do onto others as you would like others do onto you. Or Jews have a perverse sense of what morality and spirituality really is.
By their actions and specific hatred for White people (Christians) alone that morally and spirituality superior doesn’t hold ground in my world. Second of all, the exploitation of race and non-white people to further their dictatorial collective political agenda tells you much about their moral and ritual laws. This is a perfect example of Jewish superiority. They claim to be morally and spiritually superior to others, but of course when White people say they are different and want to separate themselves from others, Jews are first in line to call them racist, supremacist and all the other nice and tolerant words.
This organization by the way is in America…..the country where Jews had the opportunity to sell Africans they shipped from Africa and sold them as cattle and also used them as free-labor slaves. To this day Jews exploit Black people to further their dictatorial communist agenda in America. White people abolished the trans Atlantic slave-trade put in motion by Jews and Jews institutionalized it under a new formula using their laws domestically and internationally….that is the morality and spirituality that separates them from others around them if you ask me…..
Thanks for the tip Flanders…..you have me on a roll….:-)
Now, Lisette, Don’t you realize that in order to determine the jew’s morality – All you must do is to follow the WORDS that jewry and their media speak – While avoiding an examination of their ACTIONS.
“US regulator charges 5 Israelis in $165 million binary options fraud scheme”
Josh, Jonathan and David Cartu, previously sued in Canada, are charged by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission with ‘targeting and victimizing US residents’
“At its height, hundreds of companies in Israel employed thousands of Israelis who allegedly fleeced billions out of victims worldwide. The fraudulent firms would dupe victims into believing that they were successfully investing and earning money, encouraging them to deposit more and more into their accounts, until the company eventually cut off contact with the investor and disappeared with all or almost all of their money.
“… complaint[s] were from investors in the United States or Canada, 20% were from Africa, 10% from Europe, 5% from Australia and Oceania, and 5% from the former Soviet Union.”
Israeli prosecutors have yet to indict a single binary options suspect on charges of fraud, while the United States has indicted about two dozen, with seven convictions of Israelis, and taken civil enforcement actions against many others.”
Flanders…..When I read Judaism’s Strange Gods by Michael Hoffman, I wrote an essay about the extremism of Jews and the barrage of the highly educated and successful crowd was relentless. I had to be investigated for Jew hatred, I had to turn the other cheek and be thankful because Jews have been very benevolent to those inferior Black people. One even called me a piece of sh..t, and the result my LinkedIn profile was deleted.
Because I examine their actions I constantly get the Racist, Nazi and anti-Semite award. When I defended myself against the racist and Nazi claim of a supremacist and so-called editor in the UK, Twitter censored me a year ago…..they want me to remove the post and give up my right to appeal, but I said Helluva no, I am not bowing down to tyranny. https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/purim-spiels-no-laughing-matter-in-a-fake-news-world/
I’ve been through cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment and became a victim of fraud and corruption in the Apartheid state New York, which is a direct result of their superior morality and spirituality. They covered it up but the story will be told in all its details.
“The Jewish War on Freedom of Speech continious”
“The Censorsoviets are alive and well!”
“Why do they not directly open proclaim that truth and reality are anti-semitic elements which need to be suppressed and excluded as much as possible?”
Other Censorship:
“Antisemitism” is a tax on speech and expression . Many will pay gladly since it is taught all their life as a moral duty, especially the churches . Since government claims to be god. But they do not give much since they have nothing to think nor speak. Some will not pay the tax.
And yet they are inspired to speak by a spirit which has defied the unnatural censorship of the sensitive jew. Any testimony that praises not the jew is forbidden and criminalized. And it is they this government has already condemned . All publications and media are jewish monopolies .
Only the narrow sanctuary of the ethereal realm provides few to cry out their testimony. It may be only a glowing wick , a candle’s glow , that has burst into a joyful flame. The jew cannot tolerate the growing light in his world of darkness.
I repeat…..”The jew cannot tolerate the growing light in his world of darkness.” A small group of people void of conscience, they are in the flesh and believe that they are God’s on earth and this fraud can continues because people do not challenge the hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty.
“King David, who God said was a man after His own heart, had this to say:
Do not I hate them who hate thee? And am I not grieved with those who rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them my enemies. (Psalm 140:21-22)”
I shouldn’t worry. Despite all the awards they keep giving themselves for their cleverness, Jewish achievements are usually derivative. Have you ever tried to use even domestically-aimed Israeli software? Atrocious. Remember how they conquered the world with their amazing medicines and vaccines? No. Me neither. It takes 22 of them locked in a room to produce a 20 minute TV script of anti-white virtue-signalling. Just more dumb middle eastern trash with aspirations beyond their capabilities.
Very astute point, Patrick!
If you want to get nervous about the computers these assholes will be using, look up Quantum Computers, which can go thru 100 TRILLION bits of info a second.
This will be like all those intelligence agencies looking for al CIA Duh. There are so many doing the same, they feed off each other and spit out false reports.
“Jews no longer feel safe and respected in our country.” Who could speak these words and hold their composer? Merkel is jud, and this “our” is shibboleth also. Everything theirs : language, country , government , every spoken word and thought ——who else would want it!
And now an honest testimony condemning their hard work is to be condemned “antisemitism” and rightly censored . After 100 years of education , numberless wars , dozens of assassinations, internal conflicts never resolved , miscegenation , subversion and dissolution of the churches some still will not learn and concede that the jew has won. What else can the bastards do?!
Ironies of ironies: the Jews don’t feel safe in this “new world order” of their own making–the one they created with their money, power, “morals” and laws. Who could have ever predicted that?
Chesterton……great point, the Frankenstein of their own making is turning on them….but guess what, there will be nobody to save them now, because they also screwed up in what Ronald Reagan called the last stand. Europe was/is bad, the rest of the world is bad, America is bad. Since they have their own country, they can go hole up there and leave the rest of the bad world alone…..or they can use the nuclear weapons they have and kill all those bad people….case closed, leaving only them to have dominion over the earth, no more crying about antisemitism….they have the world all to themselves and they can create their utopia and live forever.