(The Forward) “Shabbos Goy” Dwight Eisenhower was instrumental in helping the Jews push their anti-German atrocity propaganda both during and after the war, and for that effort he is finally being “honored” with a memorial designed by Jewish post-modern architect Frank Gehry:
There’s a story about Dwight D. Eisenhower that has become the stuff of legend. After witnessing the horrors of Ohrdruf concentration camp in Germany as the supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe, he told his men who liberated the camps to collect testimony and film and photograph everything, because “the day will come when some son of a bitch will say this never happened.”
The quote may be apocryphal, but the orders weren’t. Eisenhower was prescient, as he was when he, as 34th president, warned of the military industrial complex in his 1961 farewell address. President Eisenhower played an outsized role in preserving history and today, Sept. 17, his own memorial in Washington D.C. will finally be dedicated.
Designed by architect (((Frank Gehry))), the monument is composed of near-life-sized bronze sculptures of Eisenhower: Ike as a smiling child, hugging his knees and gazing off at his future selves; the five-star general addressing troops before D-Day, portions of his speech carved in a limestone corner behind him; President Eisenhower speaking to aides, huddled at attention near the Resolute desk backed by a map of the world.
…But not everyone was immediately won over by Gehry’s design. The memorial, in the works for over 20 years, met with many delays. As The New York Times has reported, Eisenhower’s family balked at Gehry’s initial plan to place the barefoot figure of Ike as a child between the two tableaux of him as general and commander-in-chief. The figures were to be ensconced by massive pillars and tapestries made of woven-metal cables bearing images of the Kansas plains.
The Eisenhowers and the National Civic Art Society objected to placing the president’s childhood at the center of the monument and to the tapestry’s aesthetic and overemphasis on his roots. In the end, the little Ike statue was given shoes, and placed off to the side before a low wall inscribed with his June 22, 1945 homecoming speech. The finished tapestry, hanging before the facade of the Department of Education building, now bears an outline of the cliffs of Normandy, where Eisenhower led troops to storm the beaches at a pivotal point in the war. The National Civic Art Society told The Times it still views the memorial “an uninspiring, gargantuan failure,” while family members told the paper of record they are pleased with the final product.
…The meaning of the memorial, for which Congress withheld funding for years, was in question with the design disputes. The friction was between whether to underline Eisenhower as the Abilene, Kansas boy who rose from humble origins, or to stress his adult career of military victory, international diplomacy, bipartisanship and strides in civil rights, including the desegregation of the military and schools. But there is another angle from which Eisenhower, and the monument, might be appreciated.
In a statement, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, a short distance from where the monument stands, called it a complement to its own Eisenhower Plaza, which displays the liberating division flags.
“General Eisenhower led the invasion of the European continent that would bring the war in Europe to an end and in so doing free those remaining Jews and other victims who had survived the Nazi onslaught,” the statement read, noting Eisenhower’s knowing mention of the “Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe” in his D-Day address, an acknowledgment that his men were fighting for more than just freedom.
10 months later, Eisenhower saw the full extent of Nazi atrocities, cabling General George C. Marshall after his visit to Ohrdruf to say, “The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick…. I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in position to give firsthand evidence of these things if ever, in the near future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to ‘propaganda.’”
But he realized his own eyes were not enough. Days after his first cable Eisenhower requested journalists and members of Congress be flown to the site to bear witness, writing to Marshall “I assure you that whatever has been printed on them to date has been understatement.”
“He anticipated Holocaust denial and distortion,” the USHMM wrote. To that end, he took every opportunity to document the truth.
At a time when most American adults don’t know that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, and more than one in 10 believe the Jews were responsible for their own genocide, the unveiling of Eisenhower’s monument can serve as more than just a tribute to his place in history, but his own commitment to preserving it.
For a man who was allegedly committed to “preserving” the memory of the “Holocaust”, Eisenhower failed to mention one word of it in Crusade In Europe, his 500 page history of WWII that he published in 1948.
But Eisenhower wasn’t the only Allied leader who failed to mention the “Holocaust” in his memoirs — neither did Winston Churchill or Charles de Gaulle.
And, of course, the above-mentioned “quote” attributed to Eisenhower that he “anticipated” that in the future there would be people who would deny the “Holocaust” is fake — he never said it, and yet it is repeated as truth, especially by Jews who are disturbed that so many people today are no longer falling for their spurious atrocity tales.
We now know that the “documentary” footage of Eisenhower visiting the liberated camps — filmed by the Jewish Hollywood director, Billy Wilder — was staged, and many of the “atrocity” props, such as shrunken heads, bars of soap make out of “Jew fat”, and lamp shades made out of Jewish skin were fake — acknowledged by Jewish historians as fake.
Eisenhower’s seemingly inexplicable and meteoric rise through the military ranks to become the first 5-Star general, despite the fact that he’d never been under live enemy fire his entire career, might have had something to do with his cozy personal relationship with his “mentor”, the powerful and ruthless Zionist, Bernard Baruch.
To justify the foundation of the ersatz state of Israel after the war, the world would have to be convinced that the Jews were the greatest “victims” of the war, and Eisenhower was more than willing to greenlight any measures that the Allies took to create that false impression, such as dumping piles of dead German soldiers in the camps and have Alfred Hitchcock film it all — misleading the public into assuming they were dead Jews.
But one has to wonder what it was about the “goy” Eisenhower that convinced Baruch that he was the right man to be entrusted to promote Jewish interests — and their plans for a post-war Israel — perhaps Eisenhower’s West Point yearbook page that described him as a “terrible Swedish Jew” is the key to the puzzle:
David R. Westerlund
I found most of the above comments even better than a GR8 article. I’m an Atheist and holohoax Truther, but the jew is the world problem and I work with Christians when possible. How many people know M.M.O’Hair, the famous Atheist, was also a holohoax Truther? 88 Dave Westerlund
9-14 million Germans died during the Allied occupation of Germany.
Mr White
burn in hell Eisenhower and all the rest of you GIs who fought in Europe during the Second World War
We all now know those GIs were nothing but Jewish puppets
Fr. John+
My father was not a Jewish puppet, and I take umbrage at you callous and insensitive statement, you vile twit.
The men who fought the war actually believed in the USA, and the freedoms we had here, and they thought they would be implemented after the war, all over the world. Only a few knew the reality- men like Charles Lindbergh, for instance.
Using today’s mass communications and various sources, did not even begin to exist, in 1940’s America. And if your father/grandfather fought in that war, it’s telling you defame your own parents. What kind of an ingrate you must be…
The tragic story of the 50,000 British and American soldiers who disappeared into the Soviet Gulag, never to return.
Mike Delaney - Prothink
Eisenhower not a ‘shabbas goy’, but yet a “terrible Swedish Jew” as his Westpoint plague states.
Mike Delaney - Prothink
Clearly I didn’t get to the bottom of the article before posting, LOL. My bad.
” I realized at once that this was not the type of material to be quoted in the usual barracks discussions. Several soldiers had commented that there were informers in the barracks. Although I did not then make the connection, there was to be found in almost every barracks, a particularly obnoxious Jew, usually with a Brooklyn accent.
It never occurred to me that these Jews were being as obnoxious as possible in order to goad the other soldiers into making an anti-Semitic remark. Nor did it occur to me that these Brooklyn Jews often had college degrees.
At that time, everyone with college background was ordered to try out for the Officer Candidate School. I did not realize that these Brooklyn Jews remained with the enlisted men for surreptitious reasons. This type of political supervision of the troops is axiomatic in Communist strategy. It was meticulously observed in the American Armed Forces during World War II.
In combat zones, officers and enlisted men who had previously voiced doubts about the wisdom of Roosevelt’s crusade to save Communism were shot in the back by these same intelligence agents who had followed them into the front lines.
While General Eisenhower was cosily tucked away with his British Secret Service ‘Chauffeur’, Kay Summersby, the real decisions were made by his Liaison Officer, Captain Warburg of the Kuhn, Loeb Banking house ~ a Jewish concern.
The Communist control over the United States Army surfaced during World War II with the selection of General George C. Marshall as Chief of Staff. As Senator Joseph McCarthy later pointed out, Marshall was under Communist Party discipline at all times.
This did not interfere with his direction of our war effort, since the goals of the Washington Marxists were the same, the total defeat of the German anti-Communist forces.
In the Korean and Vietnam wars, Communists direction of our Armed Forces remained unchanged, even though we were then fighting against ‘Communist’ forces. When General Douglas McArthur tried to oppose this Communist betrayal of our men, he was fired by David Niles, the Jewish Communist who was President Truman’s ‘Aide.’
Fr. John+
Thank you. May God make these liars pay. in my lifetime.
Exaudi oratione nobis, Domine.
Eisenhower and Operation Keelhaul…
“The document, a 10-page British Army report, is believed to be part of voluminous Anglo-American files on the forcible repatriation to the Soviet Union of an estimated 2 to 5 million unwilling anti-Communists between 1944 and 1948. The files, codenamed Operation Keelhaul, are still kept under tight security in London and Washington as virtually the last major secret of World War II.
“The secret British report summarizes one repatriation operation in Italy in which Russian POWs and DIs were turned over to the Red Army and almost certain execution after being duped by the British into believing they would be given asylum in the West. It tells of the agony and the horror experienced by the prisoners.”
The leading criminal in this mass execution of two to five million anticommunists was ~ who else ~ our grinning Ike, head of the European sector for the Allied armies, or, as you may know him, our former President, Eisenhower. The crime of Operation Keelhaul was not on the agenda at Nuremberg.
To finance the State of Israel which was created as a direct result of the Jewish victory over the Christian nations in World War II, Jews, who had committed all the atrocities, now imposed enormous “reparations” demands on the conquered German people.
Eisenhower’s Death Camps WW2 Revealing Documentary.
Eisenhower (a desk bound General that never commanded troops in the field) had German prisoners of war(under his control) POW’s designated as Defeated Enemey Forces DEF’s so that he did not have to feed them the minimum Calorie intake as stipulated in the Geneva Convention.
General George Smith Patton (best General of the allies) released the German POWs under his command and we know what happened to him.
He had always promised that when he got back to the USA he would Blow the lid off the whole business.
“I understand the situation. Their (the Soviet) supply system is inadequate to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. They have chickens in the coop and cattle on the hoof — that’s their supply system. They could probably maintain themselves in the type of fighting I could give them for five days. After that it would make no difference how many million men they have, and if you wanted Moscow I could give it to you. They lived on the land coming down. There is insufficient left for them to maintain themselves going back. Let’s not give them time to build up their supplies. If we do, then . . . we have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe; we have lost the war!”
They could never erect this monument in Israel. Eisenhower directed Israel, France and the UK to withdraw from the Sinai after seizing the Suez Canal in 1956. I’m sure the jews have not forgotten.
In the US, they can attach themselves to Eisenhower’s undeserved reputation with normies.
This article makes some observations on Eisenhower.
Antony C Sutton explains Western aid that turned the USSR into an Industrialized power.
1976 Lecture.
1980 Interview his last.
side note:
Horrors of Vaccination 1920
Day Of The Rope
““Shabbos Goy” Dwight Eisenhower was instrumental in helping the Jews push their anti-German atrocity propaganda both during and after the war, and for that effort he is finally being “honored” with a memorial designed by Jewish post-modern architect Frank Gehry:”
Eisenhower himself was a jew and had a black mother. He used to get picked on at West Point for it. Called him the “terrible Swedish Jew.”
Flanders suggests that you may want to make a copy of this below. My other several other sources carrying these types of information have been [BBJ] “Burned by Jewry” and it’s censors.
“GERMAN HOLOCAUST GERMAN GENOCIDE: 9-15 Million Germans Killed 1945 – 1953 Post WW2 “The Morgenthau Plan” EISENHOWER’S DEATH CAMPS “A Forgotten Genocide” – True Democracy Party”
“The untold story of “Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps – A Deliberate Policy of Extermination” of the Surrendered German forces by the Allies, in post-war Germany
“The Morgenthau plan” “The Kaufmann plan” “The Hooton plan”
Three detailed plans for the total extermination of the German people written by jews.
Who wanted to exterminate who ?
“The Morgenthau Plan for Germany … became part of the Potsdam Agreement, a solemn declaration of policy and undertaking for action … signed by the United States of America, Great Britain and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.” – New York Post (Nov. 24, 1947)
More than nine million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after the Second World War – one quarter of the country was annexed, and about fifteen million people expelled…. Western governments continue to conceal and deny these deaths.”
That’s exactly how the story goes with the hypocrites……”In 1952, Eisenhower entered the presidential race as a Republican to block the isolationist foreign policies of Senator Robert A. Taft; Taft opposed NATO and wanted no foreign entanglements. Eisenhower won that election and the 1956 election in landslides. Eisenhower’s main goals in office were to contain the spread of communism and reduce federal deficits. On the domestic front, Eisenhower was a moderate conservative who continued New Deal agencies and expanded Social Security. He covertly opposed Joseph McCarthy and contributed to the end of McCarthyism by openly invoking executive privilege.” He opposed Joe McCarthy who spilled the beans about communist in the State Department but he wanted to contain the spread of communism….which became a world wide virus that infected the world and communist China owns most of America’s debt. Eisenhower was another communist imperialist talking out of both sides of his mouth…NATO is the military arm of the international communist imperialist that destroys with war and the United Nations is the soft-power humanitarian arm overseeing the damage of the blood thirsty warmongers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight_D._Eisenhower
Thank you for this article, its another piece of the puzzle…..
Eisenhower is presented as an enigma. Not only did he escape the catastrophe of war without the smell of smoke , his political contributions endure as insoluble evidence of his subversive trade.
He was a soporific lieutenant colonel in 1940 when he met the daughter of President Roosevelt . By 1942 he was exalted to supreme commander of allied expeditionary forces. It is known American soldiers were taken by soviets from POW camps inro Russian captivity with his knowledge; and the affair with Kate Sommerby ( he actually contemplated divorcing his wife) ,probably an agent for MI6 or OSO , who would make him a black mail victim , just in case he might remember his oath and his West Point virtues ; or Russian soldiers , who helped Germany were delivered to the Red Army for execution after the war exhibiting his supreme subjection to jew will; Rhine Wiese concentration camps that murdered many German soldiers after the war, a seal upon his promise to exact personal revenge and satisfaction and promote jewish agenda. He is infamous supreme commander for the most irresponsible and undisciplined army in history and observing impotently as Russians raped and murder women and children with Poles and other communists until the jew had impressed the earth with the ascendancy of Satan. Among other crimes as President are Korea where he is complicit in the murder of Sigmun Rhee and desire also to return North Korean defectors to communist North Korea for execution; or his violation of law with advent of reconstruction when he ordered the army to Arkansas to enforce integration by bayonet .Many more crimes that would expedite the purely jewish domination we have today , such as the death of Joe McCarthy. But perhaps the most revealing to his character was his refusal to attend the funeral of George Patton , whose death is believed the great general was also involved. Instead he sent his sycophantic chief of staff , Bedell Smith , whom George Patton intensely hated, to show his contempt. This article is framed with the question of the invisible Eisenhower , clothed in righteousness . But his identity should not be memorialized. It should be cursed and forgotten.
APologize : OSO should be OSS , Office of Strategic Service . This was the nascent CIA. ANother evil invention by the jew for conceiving conspiracies , disinformation , and assassination . also known as the bank police.
“Eisenhower’s seemingly inexplicable and meteoric rise through the military ranks to become the first 5-Star general, despite the fact that he’d never been under live enemy fire his entire career, might have something to do with his cozy personal relationship with his “mentor”, the powerful and ruthless Zionist, Bernard Baruch.”
Not just 5-star general but leapfrogged over hundreds of higher ranking (better qualified) officers to be made Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. In other words annointed to lead the war against the Germany that jewry hated so much. As to being a shabbos goy, at the very least that is true. But likely he was significantly part jew himself, known to both him and to Bernard Baruch, as per the yearbook inscription from a classmate that referred to him as a “terrible Swedish jew”. One only has to look at a photo of his father David Jacob Eishenhower, the fat lips and the nose tip lower than the nostrils so see the jew from his father’s side.
It makes sense that international jewry and their jewish King of America, Baruch, would only entrust a fellow jew to carry out not just the military destruction of German, the surrender of half of it (unnecessarily) to the clutches of the jewish U.S.S.R., but also the attempted genocide of surrendered Germans after the war responsible for up to 1 million dead POWs in the Eisenhower death camps, 2 million dead in the forced evacuation on foot from eastern Germany and Prussia, and unknown numbers dead from starvation by withholding the German harvest from the population.
It’s fitting that a totally untalented jew architect like Frank Gehry (real name Ephram Goldberg) would get the payoff to do the jewish memorial to a jewish agent and likely jewish himself hero.
OMG…..Gehry was born Frank Owen Goldberg[1] on February 28, 1929, in Toronto, Ontario, to parents Sadie Thelma (née Kaplanski/Caplan) and Irving Goldberg. His father was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Russian Jewish parents, and his mother was a Polish Jewish immigrant born in Łódź. A creative child, he was encouraged by his grandmother, Leah Caplan,[8] with whom he would build little cities out of scraps of wood, blablablabla….https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Gehry
In my country of birth I was creative too…..but in Amsterdam it was a Jewish woman who told me that women in my position, had no choice but to accept the Marxist violence and oppression and be thankful that at least I have enough to eat. Yep, that’s what this Jewish lesbian who was an ombudsman for the City of Amsterdam told me straight to my face, I attended the fashion academy in secret and feeling like I was living in communist Russia in Amsterdam the City Jewish controlled city that was part owner of the Dutch plantation colony in South America where I was born……https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nora_Salomons
But Jews cry victim of Hitler…..LOL….I got a story about the cruelty of Jews not from the figment of my imagination but real life experiences .
That source says that when Dwight Eisenhower ran for president, some of his unnamed critics, claimed his mother, Ida Stover, was mulatto or biracial. However, pictures of her when she was young do suggest that she has rather unusually large and full lips for a Caucasian woman….don’t know if any of this is conclusive….
Chesterton, here it is…..Dwight Eisenhower his mother Ida Stover Eisenhower was biracial….https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/eisenhowers-black-witness-mom-firpo-carr
They talk about Thomas Jefferson having an affair and children with a slave woman but Jewish slave-drivers were notorious for doing the same, they dominated the slave plantations in the Dutch colony Suriname where they had children with slave women and also created a racial Apartheid system. But they pretend to be the saviors of Black people and constantly point the finger at White people (Christians)…..
Lisette, The Netherlands, and particularly Amsterdam, were the center of power for Jewry [especially after the rich Marrano jews were expelled out of Spain], prior to their power being shifted to England. Jewry created the East Indies Company to enable them to move into England under an assumed identity, since English law forbade jews at that time, and they gained some foothold with a charter to East Indies. I suspect that was also the main jew purpose for the creation of Corporations – to hide the jewish interests behind the façade of an unaccountable, perpetual, and sometimes innocent entity with an unrecognizable name at the helm, while jewry networked and bored throughout those differing corporate structures.
“In 1947, the Rockefeller Foundation made a grant of $139,000 to the Council on Foreign Relations to prevent a repetition of what was called a “journalistic effort following World War I, to bring the public the truth. “It is a known fact, that the “big boys”, who pull the strings of our government, cannot afford to allow the American taxpayer to know the truth.
It is a fact, known to many, that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has put the clamps of censorship on any organization who examines too closely, and criticizes too freely, statements relative to America’s basic aims in our last four wars. These would become so explosive, if known, as to pose a real danger to our national leaders. (The behind the scene leaders), and would blow the CFR out of power.
People cannot judge wisely unless they are informed, and the controlled media of America for at least the last seventy years, has done a masterful job of “mis-information” to the public. A mis-informed, or un-informed public becomes a real danger to our freedom, but is so much easier for the “masters” to control.
As far back as May 29, 1950, the photos of Sen. H.. Lehman, International Banker; Justice Felix Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court, and Henry Morgenthau, former Secretary of the Treasury (all Jews), who were connected with the Internationalists, appeared on the front page of the Chicago Tribune. They were identified as the “Secret Government of the United States.”
It is recognized by those in power that the public does not know what goes on behind the scenes….
Actually, World War II did more to harm Christianity than anything its most virulent enemies could have devised. People who were in the know, will never forget the unnecessary bombings of Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, which came after both Japan and Germany were defeated and were suing for peace. These were “Jewish revenge” actions, reflecting the best Jewish traditions of their infamous religious book, the Babylonian Talmud. It will take a long time for the German people, and others who saw what happened, to forget the unreasonable hatred of the Swedish-American Jew, Dwight David Eisenhower, for the German people, which was responsible for the deaths of well over a million German soldiers and civilians after the war ended and they were deliberately starved to death on Eisenhower’s orders. This is something that our Service Organizations such as the American Legion and the Veteran’s of Foreign War. do not want to face. Eisenhower, the man who was made a hero by the controlled Jewish press, and then President of the United States, was as heinous a war criminal as any who were tried at Neurenberg, and a lot more liable than most. Yet such was the power of Jewish influence in the United States, that he returned from Europe as a popular hero.
Can there be such a thing as a righteous war, when Christians are taught in there churches, by church leaders, to hate Christian brethren on the enemy side? Can this be considered Christian, when these same church leaders support the anti-Christ enemy that caused the war and were responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of American boys? I think not. These preachers need to take a long, sober look at the words of 2 Chron. 19:2 – “. . . shouldest thou help the ungodly? and love them that hate the Lord; therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord.”
British treatment of India. under the East Indian Company, owned almost exclusively by Jews, was not only un Christian, but laid the foundation for the legacy of hatred towards all whites~ which can still be seen in India.
In China. this same East Indian Company was responsible for the expansion of the opium trade and the Opium War was fought to prevent the Chinese from banning opium imports.
In South Africa. the British fought a totally unjust war. for the benefit of international Jewry. and powerful Jews such as Cecil Rhodes. who controlled the diamond mining. In 1795 and again in 1815, British troops invaded the Copeland country and in 1899. British troops invaded the Transvaal, in a war which was cruel beyond description.
No, England’s skirts are not clean; neither are those of France, Italy, or Spain. and certainly not those of the United States.”
One of the most dangerous of all Jewish organizations is the Anti-Defamation League, of the Jewish Masonic B’nai B’rith. They are for all practical purposes, a powerful secret police organization operating illegally in the United States as an unregistered agent of the Israeli government. They have become so powerful politically in this country, that for all intents and purposes, they have become an official part of the U.S. Justice Department. Congressmen who have had the “guts” to condemn their excesses have been purged from Congress and even powerful politicians, with “leftward leanings”, such as former Senator William J. Fulbright of Arkansas, have not been spared. On April 15, 1979, Mr. Fulbright charged on national TV that “Israeli controls 80% of our Congress.” That statement ended his political career, as powerful Jewish interests worked together for his defeat.”
“Things Christians Need To Know, by Jack Mohr”
Flanders, You are absolutely correct Amsterdam became their headquarters after they were kicked out of Spain and Portugal….there was also a West-Indie company that managed the slave-trade in the Western Hemisphere. Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean: How a Generation of Swashbuckling Jews Carved Out an Empire in the New World in Their Quest for Treasure, Religious Freedom–and Revenge by Edward Kritzler a historian and journalist residing in Kingston, Jamaica.
The movie deceivingly as always left out the “Jewish” and called it ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean’…. Cary Silverstein Professor Emeritus DeVry University freely talks about it….Columbus was not a Catholic from Italy but Jewish.
I took some interesting ‘American government courses offered by Harvard Kennedy school of government and a professor at the same institution did a study on how Jews control government in America: Senator Fulbright and others became victim of this power-hungry cabal…..I wrote an essay on the subject and one person had the audacity to accuse me of scapegoating Jews. While the evidence is out there for the whole world to see…..the perverted Constitution of 1871 which turned the United States into a Corporation and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 but them on the throne of dominance….the beginning of America from liberty to tyranny. High treason of those elected to Congress who know and enable it.
Fr. John+
Columbus… a Jew? After Ferdinand and Isabella oversaw the greatest expulsion of those vermin known to Spain, until maybe Franco? Ridiculous.
Just because you link a dubious YT video, ‘don’t make it right.’
I think there are White people who wish to hate on things simply because they are ignorant, and little more.
Here- try this one on, for a change. I would more easily believe this theory, based on time frames, than that Chris was a Yid.
Dwight Eisenhower his mother Ida Stover Eisenhower was biracial https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/eisenhowers-black-witness-mom-firpo-carr
She had seven sons: Arthur Bradford Eisenhower (1886–1958), Edgar Newton Eisenhower (1889–1971), Dwight David Eisenhower (1890–1969), Roy Jacob Eisenhower (1892–1942), Paul Dawson Eisenhower (1894–1895), Earl Dewey Eisenhower (1898–1968), and Milton Stover Eisenhower (1899–1985). Paul died in infancy. Two of her children remained in Kansas, while the rest entered trades or professions that took them to other states.
Dwight his brother Earl Dewey Eisenhower……https://ancestors.familysearch.org/en/LH3J-ZB2/earl-dewey-eisenhower-1898-1968
LOL…..the propaganda machine fooled America with the YES We CAN slogan, Obama was not really the first Black-Jewish-Communist president.
Holysmoke the same Dwight “God, I hate the Germans…” Eisenhower warned about the dangers of the military industrial complex that the Bolshevik Jews in America use to commit crimes against humanity was a Swedish Jew….. https://youtu.be/Gg-jvHynP9Y
I am baffled America is really screwed…..or was this all planned the quest for Bolshevik-supremacist imperialist world domination from the new country because Europeans were not having it….?
Sy Bergsteinowitz
Eisenhower also had his troops fire on American vets who had been in WWI during the Bonus Army march on DC.
If you look at Ike the Kike’s promotional record, you’ll see he made rank at an astonishing pace, even more odd when you realize he was never in battle.
The MSM never mentions the war crimes Ikie committed, like his Rhine Meadows death camps.