As part of a concerted effort to combat an astonishing lack of interest in the Holocaust among young people, jewish producers have colorized the original black and white footage of Nazi concentration camps for the first time for a new documentary akin to Sir Peter Jackson’s acclaimed First World War retrospective They Shall Not Grow Old:
Auschwitz Untold in Colour, a two-part series, will feature testimony from 16 survivors of the camps to bring “contemporary resonance” to the horrors of the Holocaust, producers Fulwell73 said.
The Ben Kingsley-narrated documentaries air on More 4 this month, to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz on January 27.
The colourisation technique used on the archive footage is similar to that used in Sir Peter’s They Shall Not Grow Old, which was released in 2018.
It is thought to be the first time that monochrome footage from inside the Nazi camps has been colourised for a television documentary.
Fulwell73’s Sheldon Lazarus, development producer of Auschwitz Untold In Colour, said: “The 16 survivors who feature in this series tell their extraordinary accounts of survival and resistance against all odds in their own voices, and accompanied by remarkable colourised footage from the archives, we hope this series will help remove a barrier that separates contemporary audiences from the reality of the Holocaust so that we never ever forget the atrocities of the past.
“With the 75th anniversary to commemorate the liberation of Auschwitz in 2020 we felt it was really timely and important to bring to life the untold stories of the Holocaust in a new way.”
David Shulman, the series’ producer and director, said: “My ambition in making Auschwitz Untold in Colour was to have as much contemporary resonance as possible.
“The colourisation of black and white archive is one aspect of making this history more accessible to a younger audience and giving greater humanity to the people seen in the footage.”
This colorization ploy is a tacit admission on the part of the producers that their tired old Holocaust propaganda is on life support. Recent surveys show that their non-stop Holocaust propaganda in the media is failing to have much effect on younger people.
And, no, simply colorizing dreary old film footage from the work camps is not going to make the fantastic jewish version of events any more believable or persuasive to media-savvy young people.
Thanks to the internet, Jews no longer have an absolute stranglehold on all materials produced about the so-called Holocaust, and in the last 20 years hundreds of well-researched and documented films and scholarly books have been produced that responsibly question many aspects of the self-serving Jewish-sanctioned version of World War II.
And because of that, skepticism about what really happened in the concentration camps is at an all-time high and growing daily, despite their ongoing efforts to make any questioning of the Holocaust a jailable offense worldwide.
Even many credible, high-profile Jews have begun to openly question the veracity of the ‘official’ Holocaust narrative.
Jews themselves are enslaved and terrorized by the lies surrounding what allegedly happened to them in WWII, and that enslavement to a massive lie causes them to want to go to extreme lengths, like gutting our constitutional rights, to make sure another fake Holocaust doesn’t happen again.
The Hoaxaco$t truly encapsulates the jewish ‘spirit’. Their unchecked greed will NEVER allow them to let the Hoaxaco$t propaganda to pass quietly in the night. This great lie has more layers than an onion and is intertwined with our (((socially engineered))) reality like 2 octopi in a love embrace. So when this great lie comes crashing, have no doubt that the rest are coming down right with it!
I wonder how Double Jeopardy works in this situation? Maybe Jews will have to repay the money they scammed out of Germany? Pay reparations for the millions of Germans killed as POW’s at the end of the war?
A holocaust con paying back what he/she stole? Forget that, ain’t gonna happen. Even now, they’re adding more layers to that rotten onion, by claiming that Jew deaths on the Eastern Front were also part of the holoHOAX.
So which one is it you con artists? 6 gorillion gassed then cremated or Jews shot to death on the E. Front by the SS, then their Bolshevik Jew comrades when the Red Army went West?
Their greed knows no bounds. The holoHOAX grifters living in the JEWSA not only don’t have to pay any income tax on their loot, some are even getting Social Security money, even though they paid NOTHING into the fund.
Remember that next time some DC clown says SS is in danger.
Those covered by the Lautenberg Amendment are eligible for Special Cash Assistance and for Federal Public Assistance Programs including, but not limited to, Social Security, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
CRS statistics indicate that over 370,000 refugees were admitted from the Former Soviet Union in the first ten years of the Lautenberg Amendment. In October 2002 the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that “The Lautenberg Amendment allowed some 350,000 to 400,000 Jews from the former Soviet Union to gain entry into the United States without having to prove they were individually persecuted.” In 2010 the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society cited Eric Rubin, Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow stating that the amendment had resulted in almost 440,000 refugees from the former Soviet Union and other regions of the world.
Hopefully they will remember to colorize the gas chamber walls Prussian blue which is the color that Zyklon B stains walls and ceilings when used in de-lousing chambers.
When the Soviets built the fake “gas chambers” after WWII, they forgot that crucial detail, and the whole gas chamber fairy tale started to unravel thanks to the expert detective work of Fred Leuchter.
It’s more rational to believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny than it is in the Holocaust.
Jews are foolish to believe that making young people “learn” about the “Holocaust” will somehow make them less likely to criticize Jews as a whole or be ‘antisemitic’. Instant sympathy.
But this strategy has always backfired on them. When people realize that all the Holocaust propaganda is lies, they are far more likely to scrutinize everything Jews do, and become even more antagonistic to jewish power.
If Jews really had a sense of self-preservation, they’d let the Holocaust fable quietly die, fade away into history and make no attempt to revive it anymore. The more they push this agenda, the more likely there will be blowback.
Lol. They will never re-deceive those of us who have awakened. I hope and pray the whole world will soon awaken to the great holocaust lie. I also hope they all discover the truth about who did 911 (Israel) along with all the other false flags in our history, including both world wars.