Caving under pressure from small but inordinately powerful international Jewish groups, lawmakers in Finland removed language that would have banned non-medical circumcision of boys from a proposed bill on female genital mutilation:
The measure calling to “clarify” Finland’s ban on the genital mutilation of women passed Friday in the Parliament.
Amendments would have potentially limited or outlawed the non-medical circumcision of boys, Yaron Nadbornik, president of the Central Council of Finnish Jewish Communities, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. His organization reached out to Milah UK, a London-based advocacy group, which involved representatives at the Foreign Ministry, Nadbornik said.
The European Jewish Congress also was involved in efforts to eliminate the amendments added by the Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee, which is headed by Leena Meri of the populist the Finns Party.
Finland is an EU member state and subject to the rulings of the (((European Court of Justice))).
Jews and Muslims have vocally objected to attempts to ban non-medical circumcision of boys in Europe by coalitions of right-wing anti-immigration parties and liberal ones that view the custom as a violation of children’s rights.
The new Finnish law does state the issue of circumcision of boys should be “clarified” in the future, but Nadbornik said a ban “has been averted for the time being.”
Some 50,000 Finns who wanted their Scandinavian nation’s penal code to have a specific law against female genital mutilation signed a petition leading to the bill. Mutilation had been punishable under laws against aggravated assault.
Notice that this law wouldn’t have banned all circumcisions — just amateur circumcisions performed by rabbis who do not have a medical license to perform this dangerous and delicate surgery.
Male infants die — yes, die — from the serious side effects of circumcision virtually every day — the lungs of some babies literally burst and hemorrhage from crying so hard from the pain of the procedure often without any analgesic.
And, of course, Jewish rabbis literally suck the blood off the tip of the circumcised penis — often infecting the newborn child with herpes, which can spread to the brain causing herpetic encephalitis, often leading to death.
Like many European countries, Finland is banning female circumcision as a backdoor way of curtailing undesirable Muslim and African migration into their country — and it works, to a degree.
And same would be true of Jews — if you want Jews to leave your country, you don’t need a “pogrom” or “gas chambers”, rather merely outlawing amateur circumcisions and kosher animal slaughter will effect the same result.
Yes, many Jews today believe that by slashing an animal’s neck and letting them writhe in pain and bleed to death on the killing floor will somehow “placate” their unknowable “g*d” whom they refer to as “Ha’shem”, which literally means “that which cannot be named” — as a Babylonian blood sacrifice.
If you still need more proof that these people are not legitimate descendants of Jacob-Israel, you’re probably in a “Christian” cult led a pastor who has taken the Jews’ thirty pieces of silver to look the other way.
It seems when the Jews lived in Poland all the male poles need to have their penises chopped in half. Since the majority of Jews live in America we all needed to have are penises chopped in half. The argument these sick dogs come up with and the fact that Americans believe this crap used to baffle me. When I finally realize that the jew did control almost everything I was able to see or read most of my life it became clear why they wanted to remove part of my body and convince my parents that was a good idea. To think we were any more gullible today that our parents our parents before it’s just…..
My experience with Jews is there the most disgusting people on the planet. Lie cheat steal that’s all they know to do. You can’t prove what they do other than antidotally. But every interaction I’ve had with a Jew always ends up the same. I get accused I’m offending them. But what they called offences are just statements of fact. One plain to me that there were 300 Jewish families living off of the three million non-jewish families in Phoenix Arizona. This was a good 30 years ago my guess and their arrogance he’ll just say there’s 700 Jewish families now living off the incomes and the 7 million Phoenicians.
Rabbi Mohel says it would be anudda Shoah if they can’t slurp on mutilated baby boy penis.
They hate animals. The beauty of the natural world doesn’t interest them. You can sense the Evil, when you’re around them. It’s demonic.
Guess which country has the most doctors per capita. israel. Why didn’t all jews move to israel after it magically re-appeared? answer: They, like the blacks, don’t really want their own country. They just want to live off the labor of the goyim and pit them agaisnt each other because they control the money system, the NEA, MSM, Hollywood….in other words, just about everything you see and hear aside from God given nature itself.
There is a documented case, perhaps more than one, of a Rabbi giving herpes to a baby by this perverted ritual. The jewish doctors claim the salive from the priests’ mouth contains anti-bodies and “seals the convenant” and the wound (circumcision) by this “convenant kiss”. Disgusting any way they try to explain it. Just stupid shit.
Take race and religion out of MSM and all you have is common sense.
Take race and religion out of judaism and all you have left is global organized crime and monetary monopoly through secret usury and secret nepotism in every central bank country.
Completely off topic, but I have no where else to “talk” and “fellowship”……….
From time to time I try to comment on this site —
It is a “Conservative” blog and they have been very good at allowing me to make controversial comments — but to be honest, I’ve never said the actual words — “Jewish Question”. I’ve used more subtle terms and the moderators have let my comments through.
However….on the article above, I couldn’t help myself. I used to comment at the “American Thinker” and every time I tried to speak to the JQ, my comment was deleted and eventually they just banned me altogether.
So when they ran this headline — “does anyone care about truth any longer” I couldn’t help myself. The American Thinker ‘thinks’ they care about truth??? What utter hypocrisy.
So I left this comment at wwwp — “That’s rich coming from the American Thinker. Gate Keeper for those we are not allowed to criticize. Nice. I hate hypocrisy more than anything else in life.”
Then I received this reply — “That’s shallow as hell. What the hell do you mean? Is the “American Thinker” deserving of your specific brand of hatred, or other “feelings”? Please elaborate. You’re being too obtuse in your hatred.”
Ok…………………so I did reply and “elaborated”.
I basically said this —- “….if we do not bring the Jewish Question back into public discourse, as in the days of Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh, your grandchildren and their children will still be under this “yolk” of tyranny.”
Guess What??????????
They deleted my comment!
If this is not absolute PROOF that our rulers are indeed the Jews, I don’t know what is.
I know you here at CFT know this. But sometimes…………………when we are all alone in our thoughts, doubt sometimes creeps in. The whole world is against us it seems.
Hang tough my brothers. Persecution is coming if it hasn’t happened already. We will need each other in the coming years.
Stay close to those who are “in the know”. Have faith. Trust our Lord. Endure to the End.
I thank the Lord for CFT everyday. If not for CFT, I don’t know if I would have had the strength to carry on.
This infamous quote rings true day after day after day after day —
“To learn who rules over you; figure out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
WWWP proclaims they are the bastion of truth. But if someone tries to speak to the Jewish Question, “truth” is now very, very subjective and off limits.
WWWP didn’t realize it; but they just “strengthened” my faith. Thanks wwwp.
westwins, I looked over that website, and I’m not sure why you would even bother reading it let alone commenting on any of the articles, knowing what you know to be true. If you want to talk about the “JQ”, you should go to where you will find many like-minded people.
Normie websites like American Thinker are just lukewarm civic nationalists–and they have no right to even call themselves “conservative” — they have a lot more in common with the liberals they claim to fight against than true conservatives like ourselves and many here. I gave up on those type of websites about 15 years ago–it’s kindergarten conservatism, one step to the right of FOX news.
I hear you Chesterton! I guess I can’t ignore Jesus’ comment when He says, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
Like I said………… the end of the day, as much as I was depressed, what happened was really a ‘strengthening’ of my Faith.
In my ‘weakness’ sometimes I doubt what we believe. The whole world is literally against us. It helps to be reminded that we are in the ‘right’. The “jew” is literally our Adversary in flesh and blood reality.
We know we are on the right track when we get persecuted for even ‘whispering’ the Jew.
Thanks Chesterton! I really need you guys. 🙂
I had a moment of weakness. I hope CFT will be around for the duration. I have lost every single family member and friend I once knew.
westwins, everyone is different and needs to be handled in a different way, dropping little kernels of truth here and there. It’s a rare man that you can drop it all on him all at once and he responds well to it or at least is willing to consider it at first.
My coming to the truth took about 15 years of intense reading–and I don’t know how I would have responded to it if I’d gotten it all at once dropped in my lap at the beginning–all I know is that I remember when I first heard the last piece, the identity of true Israel, I just intuitively knew it was true–it had to be true. It fit. But it was a long road to get there, and I’m grateful God had patience with me, and I try to afford others the same patience.
I understand Chesterton. I think my overall point here was just to remind everyone that we are in the “right”. Sometimes, in my weakness, I have doubt — I think to myself, “how can the whole world be deceived, and I and just a hundred more or so believe what I believe?” Standing alone can often times be emotionally challenging. I think it is only by God’s grace that I am actually sane at the moment.
So when this famous quote becomes proven true, over, and over —
“To learn who rules over you; figure out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
It tells me (us) we are right where we should be.
WWWP allowed me to make very controversial comments previously about Race and also I could speak to the powers that be being Marxists.
But the second I mention the ‘Jew’……………………boom, I’m removed and often times banned.
For me……………….this Strengthens my faith. Depressing and Encouraging all at the same time.
Do we CARE what they do to themselves?
Like Female Genital Mutilation … that is THEIR problem.
Planned Parenthood killing larger % Black babies? okay.
You missed the point. By banning non-medical circumcision, you can get rid of most Jews from a country. That’s why it’s in the interest of all White people to ban circumcision is all their nations.
They will just finagle a way around it.
“Holocaust Rememberance” — teaching Gentiles everywhere that there is only ONE way to deal with them.
Agreed. Pass a law that bans circumcision as barbaric & medically unnecessary EXCEPT for religious reasons. Let the jews continue to give their infants genital herpes. Let the jews continue to inflict trauma on their own. Let the jews continue to provide evidence they are different from us.
As to the other person’s reply to your comment, saying that a ban on jew circumcision would make jews leave a country…no it would not. It’s a ritual that’s performed in their homes strictly among their own. They would continue to do it. It takes a lot more than that to pry the jewish tick off the flesh of a White nation. To make the jews flee, one needs something like the Nuremberg Race Laws which banned the traditional jewish parasitic occupations and controls of the lever of power, and even then it made only 75% of jews leave Germany.
The majority of male circumcisions are carried out on non-Jews, mostly White people in America and Europe, so it is worth our while to stop it for purely selfish reasons.