Writing in German Jewish monthly “Jüdische Rundschau,“ Oliver Veld has appealed to US ambassador and acting DNI Richard Grenell for help against the left-wing media onslaught against free speech and conservatives in Europe by creating a Fox News-style network for ‘conservatives’:
Conservatives have been under intense fire in Germany from a coalition of the ruling center-left parties, left-wing media and violent Antifa groups ever since the opposition AfD helped elect a governor in the East German state of Thuringia February 5. The leftist outcry managed to force the duly elected governor Thomas Kemmerich (Free Democrats) to step down following a wave of Antifa violence against Free Democrats and the conservative Values Union in Angela Merkel’s formerly conservative Christian Democrats, the Gateway Pundit reported.
After a paranoid schizophrenic man went on a shooting spree Feb. 19 in the town of Hanau, killing 9 mainly Kurdish immigrants at two Kebap stands, the left-wing media have been trying to pin the “racist” killings on the right-wing AfD party, even though the obviously crazy lone shooter released a video in English days ahead of the rampage directed at US viewers, warning them of US president Donald Trump and “deep underground military bases where they worship the devil and torture and kill little children” in the United States.
Now, writing in “Jüdische Rundschau” which also issues a Russian edition catering to the large, and largely conservative Russo-Jewish community in Germany, pundit Oliver Veld appealed to US ambassador in Berlin DNI Richard Grenell to help create a “German Fox News” to counter the massively one-side anti-American and anti-Conservative media in Germany, writing….
…”Dear Mr. Grenell, 75 years after WW II, we need another US program to bring democracy back to Germany! We need a European Fox News. Please help us! Help us save diversity of opinion in Germany and save our endangered German-American friendship!”
Unfortunately, Germany must now be counted among the countries without and independent media. Basically all leading positions at TV and radio stations, press and journalism schools are filled by leftist and Green cadres. This development is especially pronounced among public broadcasters, as well as “Spiegel” and “Zeit” weeklies and “Süddeutsche” newspaper. It’s no surprise these leftist outlets often collaborate on their “campaigns” or “investigations”….
So the jewish-controlled media in Germany — and in most of western Europe — is now too unapologetically liberal even for many Jews, so they want to create another controlled opposition media presence where they can whine about all the ‘antisemitic’ and violent Muslims that the Jews themselves promoted through unrestricted immigration.
Of course, the purpose of Fox News is to make sure that all conservatives are corralled into being pro-Israel and pro-jewish in exchange for a controlled forum where they can express mild opposition to the ongoing bolshevization of Europe but only as long as you don’t make it a racial issue, or discuss the jewish hand in the destruction.
And the Jews are very aware the there is going to be a significant blacklash against their nation-wreck immigration agenda, so they want to make sure that they control that ‘backlash’ by making sure it is 100% kosher and in Israel’s interests.
As we’ve previously reported, the Jews have been quietly setting up a kosher conservative ‘nationalist’ movement in Europe, and to organize it all, they have appointed the Jew Mischael Modrikamena, a friend of Steve Bannon, who along with a cadre of Jews in Israel, founded the kosher conservative Breitbart News.
I just saw a video of Tucker Carlson with a red string around his left wrist which is to show those who read or practice the Kallabah.The Kallabah is a book of Jewish teachings of the mystical.
Oh, what suckers we are for those we call Conservatrives or believe them to be , who are Christian supporters of Israel , but pretend to support Christian values and interpet our news for us to see it their way.
Just like Donald Trump claims to have German ancestory , so we assume and take it for granted that he is White and Christian.
Just like Alex Jones proclaim’s love of his fellow man, follower’s , promotes New Age idea’s , loves Jesus, the Holy Ghost, preaches religious concepts to his listener’s, but marries Jewish women.
How does one reveal the New World Order which is Jewish at its core, marry Jewish women , get away with it for 28 ? years , and claim to have ancestors who came to this country on the Mayflower, relatives who fought and died in the Alamo, have many famous members in the Military, asked to work for the CIA, fox News, his parents the same, not be suspected of being , what Michael Collins Piper called, A Judas goat?
The Fitzpatrick Informwer gives a good background of the beloved Donald Trump, who is suckering his followers along for 4 years while scaming them for more money , because apparently the Republiocian Party is done with him and he needs another poutlet to get to his followers.
Holysmoke, one in New York wants a law to silence Europeans who question Israel, now this one wants US Jews to set up a news channel to support their dictatorial agenda in Germany, the same people put 91 year old Ursula Haverbeck in jail because she dared to question the tyranny in Germany.
“Rich Jewish people telling middle class Christians to hate Muslims” PERFECTLY describes Fox News! Just another reason so many “middle class Christians” (aka Christian Zionists) denigrate Palestinian Christians or pretend they don’t exist.
I’ve known quite a few Fox News junkies, and most of them were pretty liberal by my standards. Ask them what it is they are trying to ‘conserve’ as ‘conservatives’, and you’ll get some vague answer about ‘values’ and maybe ‘the constitution’, as if getting everybody to agree on those things, a so-called civic nationalism, will make America great again. I just tell them, ‘America was great when it was still White and Christian. It’s really that simple.’ Boy, does that usually make them uncomfortable….because they know it’s true and that simple.
You leave out a key ingredient- Freedom.
They absolutely did not leave out that ‘key ingredient’. “Freedom” ONLY exists through Christ. “Freedom” by any other auspice is nothing but a jewish lie. When talking about a return to Christianity, that is the desire to once again acheive true freedom…
This is a good sign. It shows that the Jews are getting a little nervous about stirring up so much trouble too quickly. Their plan has always been gradualism, a controlled, slow boil toward communism, and the last few years have been boiling rapidly, and the push back is palpable.
Yes, the pushback is coming, but (((they))) are too egotistical and hold you and I in such low regard that they cannot see it. Its happened some 109 or 209 times in the last 1000 years and it took them mostly by surprise each time.
No, this is just trying to get the goy to provide/pay for their controlled opposition. Again.