(The Algemeiner) It appears that Ice Cube, one of the founding members of the seminal rap group N.W.A., aka “Niggas With Attitude,” has once again turned on his Jewish masters when he posted a series of antisemitic™ images on Twitter that hint at a dark Jewish conspiracy for world domination:
On Wednesday, the “Good Cop Bad Cop” rapper, whose real name is O’Shea Jackson, shared an image of the Star of David that had the outline of a cube in the center. The 50-year-old then tweeted other images titled “black cube of Saturn” that show large black cube structures in Manhattan, Australia and Denmark.
The Black Cube of Saturn is a symbol believed by conspiracy theorists to identify worshipers of Satan, according to Fox News, and The Atlantic staff writer Adam Serwer noted that another conspiracy theory claimed that the cubes symbolized “Jewish control.”
In another Twitter post, Ice Cube shared an image of Jewish slaves in ancient Egypt along with message, “Hebrew Israelites slaves in ancient Egypt clearly they are a black people.”
Later on Wednesday, he praised Nation of Islam founder and notorious antisemite Louis Farrakhan.
…Pro-Israel activist Arsen Ostrovsky wrote, “Lost all respect for you Ice! You cannot fight bigotry with more bigotry, and in doing so, you only demean the cause of #BlackLivesMatter and the memory of #GeorgeFloyd!”
In a separate post Ostrovsky added, “You cannot claim to fight racism, by employing #Antisemitism!”
Antisemitism researcher David Collier said, “This is not fighting racism – this is inciting it. You are vile,” while another Twitter user wrote, “It is impossible to take you seriously with regards to social justice or,.. anything when you post anti-Semitic imagery. What the f–k are you doing?”
Addressing the avalanche of criticism he had received, Ice Cube refuted speculation his Twitter account had been hacked.
“This is CUBE. My account has not been hacked. I speak for no organization. I only speak for the meek people of thee earth. We will not expect crumbles from your table. We have to power of almighty God backing us all over the earth. NO MORE TALKING. Repent,” he tweeted.
The American Jewish Committee (AJC) also slammed the rapper for his offensive social media posts. In response to a tweet by Ice Cube on Wednesday that showed an image with the headline “speak a little truth and people lose their minds,” the AJC wrote, “@icecube ‘people lose their minds’ because you’re spreading lies, not truth. At a critical inflection point to seek racial justice in our country, keep your antisemitic conspiracies to yourself.”
Ice Cube has violated the quid pro quo agreement Blacks have with the Jews who control rap music and Hollywood, to wit:
“We will promote you and make you wealthy for helping us subvert and destroy White America. In return, you will not question or criticize us — or reveal our pervasive power and control.”
As long as Ice Cube agreed to “keep the conspiracy theories to himself,” the Jews were happy — but the second Ice Cube got an “attitude”, got “uppity”, the Jews shower him with hate and threaten to disown him, kick him off the kosher plantation.
Jews have empowered Blacks — their Golems — to the point now that they can say and do almost anything and get away with it — not because they love Blacks, but rather because Blacks are useful and willing tools to destroy White Christian nations.
You can have an “attitude” toward Whites all you want, but lay off the Jews.
But what to do when a slave turns on his master?
As all followers of Louis Farrakhan know, Jews ran the trans-Atlantic slave trade — which means Jews have a lot of experience keeping their “property” in line.
If Ice Cube doesn’t back off “the Jew thing,” he may require some “correction” from, ironically, the Mossad’s Black Cube Division itself.
Ice Cube once begrudgingly admitted, “I respect Jewish people because they’re unified. I wish black people were as unified.”
The “unified” Jews aren’t playing around — Ice Cube’s distaste for Jews is well-known to them — and they aren’t about to let a “nigga with attitude” oppose their plans for world domination — just ask Malcolm X or Martin Luther King.
Dress up like a “Black Israelite” all you want, ‘Cube — but just lay off the little hats.
Kike shill Cube then said, “And I’ma throw back all those paychecks my Yid overlords have been signing for me since 1988 too! Just like my boys on the Clippers threw back their paychecks that Jew Donald Sterling (Tokowitz) signed! Ya’ know, back when he told his gold digger whore not to go around black people!”
Oh, wait. They only threw back their jerseys. How rebellious. Lol. And Cube hasn’t returned one cent of his Zionist blood money as of yet. Shocking.
When is tough guy Ice Cube going to Tweet out that the Jews ran the slave trade? Never.
Tear down Confederate flags and statues? Well Tear down the Jewish “Star of SLAVERY” flags Jews owned every slave auction anywhere in the western hemisphere, anywhere! All were always closed on the Sabbath, and jewish high days. Tear down ALL the holocaust museums & Synagogues …… Jews LOVE Blacks —- working in their fields for free.
You must buy and read the Nation of Islam’s book, “The Secret Relationship Between Black and Jews”. It outlines how the jews funded, managed and ran the North and South American slave trade. Every comment is backed by facts – ironically, mostly ALL from jewish sources
Jews were behind the Transatlantic Slave Trade… The names of Jewish Slave Ships and their owners: The “Abigail -Caracoa” – Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy, Jacob Crown, Isaac Levy, Nathan Simpson – “The Nassau” – Moses Levy The “Four Sisters” – Moses Levy The “Anne” and The “Eliza” – Justus Bosch and John Abrams The “Prudent Betty” – Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix The “Hester” – Mordeci and David Gomez The “Elizabeth” – Mordecai and David Gomez The “Antigua” – Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell The “Betsy” – Wm. De Woolf The “Polly” – James De Woolf The “White Horse” – Jan De Sweevts the “Expedition” – John and Jacob Roosevelt the “Charlotte” – Moses and Sam Levy – “The Franks” Jacob Franks Moses and Sam Levy Jacob Rader Marcus – “All through the eighteenth century, into the early nineteenth, Jews in the North were to own black servants; in the South, the few plantations owned by Jews were tilled with slave labor. In 1820, over 75 percent of all -Jewish- families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves, employed as domestic servants; almost 40 percent of all -Jewish- householders in the United States owned one slave or more. There were no protests against slavery as such by Jews in the South, where they were always outnumbered at least 100 to 1….But very few Jews anywhere in the United States protested against chattel slavery on moral grounds.” United States Jewry, 1776-1985 (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1989), p. 586.
Quit blaming White Christians for the sins of the Semitic Jews.
As it was in the past so is it today…..”Jews LOVE Blacks —- working in their fields for free.” Just look at the Marxist communist socialist ghetto’s in America…..perpetuated by Jews who need an underclass as human shield against the majority white people. When I say this some have the audacity to call me a racist, antisemite nazi and all, but Marxism is secularized Judaism and slavery under a new formula. What was once exclusively done to African’s black people is also done to the white majority in western countries……enslavement through the socialist economic system that is controlled by the Federal Reserve. The tragedy is that America waged war against Europe on their behalf…..now they are doing to America exactly what they did in Russia and in Germany.
“Pet Bites Owner!–JewsNews At 9!” Haha…no but seriously all this is smartass Psyop bs just as with Farrakhan intented to make whites waste time & energy hopeing in and trying to find allegiance with blackie against the kike which will NEVER occur. We’re dealing with some serious and endlessly conniving Conmen here BOTH of them. Best strategy for whites is to do like when in rome repay in kind and set one against the other at every opportunity just as Both have relentlessly done to whites.
And the uptight jews can’t laugh at themselves, either. They did many years ago. There were two jewish comedy albums by a cast of actors when I was a young child. My parents would break out the LP’s when they had company. This may be the best cut. It’s the one I remember best. Yeh, the jews could poke fun at themselves back then, and looking back, the comedy seems true to life.
It is so obvious that Jews exploit black people to further their “hate white people” agenda in America, but every time you address the issue somebody jumps up to accuse you of an -ism. I was just accused of being racist against Jews by a white dude because I commented about the Jewish role in the trans-Atlantic slave-trade. This same white dude supports the violence and destruction that the Black Lives Matter communists engage in.
So like black people, white people are part of the problem, enabling the vile hatred and of this power hungry cabal. The “hate white people” game plan is not as open and blunt in Europe but the culture of hate is picking up steam. Thank you for bringing this to the table, and I found this…..”The rapper and the rabbi”…. https://jewishjournal.com/los_angeles/217709/the-rapper-and-the-rabbi/
Meanwhile, in London today, a Rabbi has been stabbed by a Pakistani guy.
I bet he wishes he hadn’t insisted on the importation of so many Muzzos now!
A Paki with attitude? Sounds menacing….
That was what looks to me like the usual false flag.
Look at the ‘hero’ builder Jews who rushed in to save the day.
Cleanest builders I’ve ever seen after a day on a building site, they looked more like they were auditioning for a cover of YMCA by the Village People.
The dumb public are supposed to think aren’t those Jews heroes for taking down the Pakistani with a knife, however will we thank them from saving us all from more fake terror?
I can think of a few ways!
It’s the 730th Anniversary of The Edict of Expulsion 1290 on 18th July 2020, what better gift could we possibly give them to thank them for the endless misery they cause us from number 10,our government and our throne, than enforcing that?
This is the problem they have. they’ve flooded us with muslims and other immigrants purposely to destroy us, but this tribe who insist they are the smartest on earth are pretty thick in reality, unless it comes to theft, fraud, getting away with mass murder child rape and pretending to be the “chosen ones” so that they can used the fake anti semitism persecution card they invented for themselves to protect themselves from what they know they are really due.
The more the gentile tribes whites, blacks and muslims learn the truth about them the more precarious their position is in our countries.
Keeping everyone divided is how they continue to rule over us.
The whole Floyd farce was obviously another false flag to stir up aggro between blacks and whites using piss poor crisis acting 2 bit seedy porn star Floyd.
Look at the footage again, how come his head doesn’t flop down when they carry him off? He manages to keep his neck muscles fairly controlled and his head from slumping down as it would if he were really dead. Rigor mortis doesn’t kick in that quick.
And no one did any checks for his vital signs whilst he was on the ground?
And we all know who’s behind the porn industry don’t we? He’s probably been on their payroll for a while.
Same enemy England threw out for 400 years almost 730 years ago to the day.
Same enemy behind the very lucrative (FOR THEM) COVID fraud, who also happen to be the main players involved in the Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell International paedo and child trafficking ring, where most if not all members are of the tribe behind just about every misery making event and scam inflicted on the world over the centuries.
They don’t call them parasites for nothing.
Britain was a great nation when it was Christian. When it allowed the Jews to return under Cromwell, it became a de facto Jewish nation when those same Jews got control of the money supply and the Bank of England, and ever since then, the country has been lost piece by piece. The British people suffer now because they turned their back on God and embraced the Jews instead, embraced the literal antiChrist. And God promised that He would punish us for doing so, and He has kept His promise. God has allowed the Jews to do what they do–He uses them to punish us for turning away from Him.
If it was one of their white judas goats, they would have been completely thrown under not one bus, but multiple buses, and made sure that they would ‘never work in this town again’. Yep, that’s the real ‘white privilege’.