(Algemeiner) French Jews continued to react furiously on Thursday to the announcement from the Paris public prosecutor’s office that ‘antisemitic provocation’ was not among the charges facing a man who allegedly sprayed series of large red swastikas along the French capital’s landmark Rue de Rivoli last weekend:
In a post on Twitter, CRIF — the representative body of French Jews — declared its “total incomprehension” at the prosecutors’ decision.
“How can you spray 20 swastikas without being prosecuted for antisemitism?” CRIF asked.
The offender in the case — a 31-year-old man from the Republic of Georgia — will be remanded in police custody until his trial begins.
But while he faces charges of causing damage to property, the prosecutor’s office insisted that there was no legal basis for a crime aggravated by religious or racial hatred.
The prosecutor’s reasoning was based on the observation that the swastikas were daubed on the columns of a building with no historic Jewish associations, and therefore “the damage was committed without specifically targeting buildings identified as being linked to the Jewish community.”
Meanwhile, a lawyer in the case representing LICRA — a leading civic organization combating antisemitism and racism in France — declared herself “stupefied” by the decision.
The decision not to include antisemitism among the charges was also a “great moment of indignation and anger,” lawyer Dorothée Bissacia-Bernstein tweeted, adding: “To be continued.”
Yes, the Jewish threat — “to be continued” — meaning, “It’s not over until the Jews say it’s over.”
Pathologically narcissistic Jews act as if they literally own the meaning not only of the swastika, but everything associated with World War II, and especially “Nazi” Germany.
The swastika was apparently part of the plunder of the war that the Jews grabbed, along with hundreds of thousands of German patents and other property — and they see swastikas everywhere — even hidden in hot cross buns.
It becomes literally international news when a Jew sees a swastika anywhere — and reports it to the “authorities” — even when they themselves are the ones drawing them — which happens often.
No one except Jews have the right to determine the meaning of a swastika or the context in which it is used — because swastikas are always about Jews — no other meaning is possible in their obsessive-compulsive estimation of the world.
And because of the Jewish obsession over swastikas and “Nazis”, the general public has come to believe that the swastika is a generic symbol of “evil” or “totalitarianism” — and it’s the fault of the Jews that it’s become that.
Just like the so-called “Holocaust” itself — because of Jewish obsession about it — and overplaying it — the public now think of it as a generic “evil” event.
Of course, the actual meaning of the swastika pre-dates the Holocaust by thousands of years — and it is a symbol of the Aryan race and God “Yahweh” — the God they pretend to worship when they aren’t worshiping Molech, aka “Hashem”.
Emmanuel D'Souza
Netanyahu claimed that “A Mufti instigated Hitler to kill Jews”.
From 20’s to 30’s, Germany was controlled by Jews, who invented communism.
They opened many bars and strip clubs. Also, the Ashkenazi Jews controlled Hollywood. They controlled the banks, which lent money at high interests to the “Gentiles”. If they could not return it, they destroyed their businesses.
In the 30’s, Haj Amin Al-Husseini inspired Hitler to expel the Ashkenazi Jews, due to communism, usury, pornography, sodomy and etc. So, he saved his country by expelling them. End of the story!
Emmanuel ………………
“…Haj Amin Al-Husseini inspired Hitler to expel the Jews….”
I am no expert in this genre. But I have spent some time studying this time period. I have never heard of “Haj Amin Al-Husseini”.
I don’t doubt that which you say. I quick Wiki confirms this man knew AH.
Could you recommend any Source or Sources that speak to this man and his influence upon AH and the National Socialists. Did David Irving write about him as an example. I followed Carolyn Yeager for years. I don’t ever recall her discussing this man.
You kind of give all the credit to Haj for the removal of Jews from Germany. I don’t think you meant it to come across this way, however. But I am curious as to this man’s story. It’s fascinating. He actually has White features. Which doesn’t surprise me. And in the End, it is the PLO who neuters him. Just goes to show how the Jews control pretty much every “Opposition”.
That whole story is fascinating in that pretty much everything the world believes to be true about that event — the Truth is the very opposite. Total Inversion of Reality.
I would have said I was a Preterist before encountering “The Jewish Question”.
Now, I can’t look at the world today and the future and believe in Preterism.
The JQ is just too significant for God to ignore. If “Death” is the only thing left that awaits us …….. Crazy Talk.
Unless, this “Experiment” is over when the last White person ceases to exist on the Earth. Then all hell will break lose. It would be a Hell on Earth Scenario. Like a Psy Fi movie or something. Total apocalypse. Taking the pre-adamites back to the Stone Age.
Patrick White
To me and to millions (possibly billions) of others on this planet, a swastika is merely a symbol of nationalistic purity.
Now why would Jews have a problem with that concept when they consider themselves the very highest of the human species?
Jews hate purity, and have brainwashed most White people to despise it, too. In my short lifetime, it has gone from in the 1950s a woman who had sex outside of marriage became a social pariah to now a young woman who wants to get married is a social pariah. And young White men don’t think twice about taking an impure woman to bed and marriage. And the Jews love it–their women are whores, which is why Jewish identity is through the mother–the father, they know, can be anyone.
Rabbi Glickman
If it weren’t a swastika then Jews wouldn’t call it a swastika. Therefore it is a swastika.
Somebody is trying to stop the non-sense of these Jewish supremacist.
This one is a gem….“Jewish leaders call for new editions of the Bible and the Koran to carry trigger warnings highlighting anti-Semitic passages”
If I follow this reasoning, God was an anti-Semite according to the God chosen. If the Bible is the word of God, and there are anti-semitic passages in the Bible, then God is an anti-Semite, the anti-Semite and the chosen Jews are doing God’s work to terrorize people with their anti-Semitism claims. Just looking for logic in the illogical……
The fact of the matter is that Jews are NOT Semites, the legitimate descendants of Noah’s son, Shem. Ironically, the only legitimate Shemites today are White people, not Jews. God was a pro-semite, as he loved Jacob-Israel, but he hates Esau-Edom, who are today’s “Jews”. So technically, anyone who criticizes or hates White people is an “antisemite”. And anyone who hates Jews is anti-Edomite or anti-Esau — yes, just like God himself.
Nope, the Swastika or Spinning Cross represents time flowing with development , progression & evolution. Conversely the standard ‘Cartesian’ Cross used a lot in Christendom represents time ‘frozen’ stagnation, static existence & status quo. Yes quite a good symbol for Death itself probably why it was first used to mark Gravesites & Tombstones.
Orthodox Realist
A typo in the last statement?
Aren’t they worshipping Molech?
Christians For Truth
Ah, you must be British? The Brits spell it “worshipping” while Americans spell it “worshiping”. Both are correct.
Orthodox Realist
English from my father’s side, Scottish from my mother’s 🙂
According to my research, the swastika is a pagan symbol, just as the hexagram is. It is a symbol of the sun, and sun worship. It also represents magic. A left-facing swastika represents black magic, and a right-facing swastika (like the Nazis had) represents white magic.
Your research is incorrect. While it is true that many pagan cultures adopted the swastika, but that doesn’t make the swastika pagan. Satanists have adopted the Christian cross to use in their rituals but that doesn’t make the cross satanic.
The Aryan people took that symbol with them everywhere they traveled, circumnavigating the globe starting at least 4,000 years ago, and left that symbol everywhere they settled, which is why it’s found in South and North America, Asia, India, and the South Pacific. The natives would incorporate the symbol of their White conquerors into their folk art–sometimes backwards, just like non-White vandals draw backwards swastikas today.
Read the essay posted below in the comments on the “Christian swastika”.
“THE CHRISTIAN SWASTIKA”, by Verbal Vandal [PDF and excerpt below]
“Three different forms of the swastika are etched into the pommel
shown at right. The large center swastika with the five prongs on each
end of the cross are called, “The Hands of God,” which is an ancient
symbol popular with the Germanic Vandals. The Vandals used the
swastika to symbolize God’s power and life-giving nature, as in the life
afforded by the sun. Incidentally the swastika was sometimes called,
“sun-wheel.” These symbols were also used by the Belorussian and
Georgian People of the Caucasius regions, where the ancient Israelites
were deported to by King Darius of Assyria. The Pass of Darius or the
Darian Pass where Israel went north through the Caucasius Mountains
is still called “the Pass of Israel” by the locals. Most of the peoples who
migrated from the Caucasius to the four corners of the earth used the
swastika in one form or another. It was used by Romans, Greeks, Celts,
Gauls, Belorussians, Russians, and other Aryan Peoples. It is a symbol
of their God, Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
This Aryan symbol came into use by the Caucasian peoples in the mountain regions of
Russia and Georgia when Israel migrated there—because it was an ancient symbol brought by the Hebrews from Babylon, Egypt, and Assyria.
Why would Jews associate a symbol of Christ with “hate?” Because Jews hate Christ!
The racial enemies of God want to suppress the oldest symbol of his power. The swastika is the oldest racial symbol and Jews wish to suppress all other races in advancement of their own. The White Race is the Handiwork of the Lord. The swastika is a symbol of that handiwork. And because Jews hate the Lord, Jews hate the white race:
“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. . . . . The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.” [Dr. Noel Ignatiev, a Jew] “we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed–not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.” [Ibid.]
Jews are actively exterminating the white race and anyone who opposes this
extermination is labeled, “white supremacists.”
Hitler understood, as he wrote, that the Jew and the Aryan cannot co-exist. The Jew is
a direct descendant of Lucifer, and as stated in Genesis 3:15, is a permanent enemy of the White Race. The Jews will not stop until the last White is dead, or “abolished” as Ignatiev writes.
To further understand the irrational Jewish hatred of the swastika one must
understand the meaning of the swastika.
The swastika is more than symbol of the sun wheel. It is composed of four Hebrew
letters joined at their axes. It is literally the Name of God, YHWH or IEUE, assembled into a single symbol. Just as Jews banned the use of the sacred name in Christ’s day, they are banning the use of God’s Name today. The following illustrations prove the point that the swastika is the tetragrammaton in symbolic form:
To the right is the sacred Name of God,
YHWH, or IEUE, from the Paleo-Hebrew
script. This is how the Prophets wrote the
Name of God in ancient bible manuscripts.
This sacred name is often called the TETRAGRAMMATON. When the letters are
reversed and combined at their axes they form the swastika.”
This full PDF article is very much recommended. It’s short, but covers much.
The article is still available, but only at the specific comment #15, below. It’s been removed elsewhere.
The-Christian-Swastika-Verbal-Vandal.pdf [4 pages], and this seems to be the only working link, although Bill Finck has some disagreements with the author]:
wmfinck – 02-01-2018, 10:16 AM – comment #15
Interesting comment and a new interpretation of Hakenkreuz (swastika), which is probably sanskrit. But one error is King Darius . He was Median , not Assyrian. That was Sanherib. It is interesting Darius “sent them away” , Jews and (Iranian) Aryans can not “coexist”; another Exodus for god’s beloved children. But they are happy there today and probably rule .