With mind-boggling chutzpah, after having heaped praise upon Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel for allowing millions of Muslims to immigrate into Germany specifically to benefit Jews, those same Jews are now condemning Merkel because those Muslims immigrants are ‘antisemitic’ and making Germany “less safe” for Jews:
A decision by the World Jewish Congress (WJC) to honor German Chancellor Angela Merkel with its prestigious Theodor Herzl Award for Zionism has sparked anger and bewilderment among Jewish leaders in the United States and Europe.
The WJC, founded in August 1936 in Geneva, Switzerland, to confront the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi persecution of Jews in Europe, bestows its annual award to individuals who act to promote the goals of the late Theodor Herzl, the founder of the modern Zionist movement, “for the creation of a safer and more tolerant world for Jews.”
Critics say that Merkel, because her domestic and foreign policies have in recent years made the world less safe for Jews, is uniquely undeserving of the award. These policies include:
German government support for mass migration from the Muslim world. The rise in anti-Semitism in Germany has coincided with the German government’s decision to allow into the country more than a million migrants from the Muslim world. The German government denies that that the two are linked. German Interior Ministry statistics, for instance, claim that 90% of the anti-Semitic hate crimes reported in Germany in 2018 were committed by “far right” persons. The University of Bielefeld survey, however, revealed that 81% of the physical assaults against Jews during the previous 12 months were attributed to Muslim attackers.
The EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) found that most of the anti-Semitism in Europe today is being perpetrated by Muslim immigrants, or by the those on the political left: 30% of anti-Semitic attacks in Europe during the past five years were attributed to “Muslim extremists” and 21% to those with a “left-wing political view,” according to the report. Only 13% of the attacks were attributed to those with a “right-wing political view.” Another FRA survey found that six out of ten Jews who were victims of “violent physical anti-Semitism” attributed the crimes to “someone with a Muslim extremist view.”
We previously reported that Germany’s “Antisemitism Czar” admitted that so-called “neo-Nazis” or “right wing extremists” are not a serious threat to Jews in Germany. We also reported that Jews admitted that Angela Merkel flooded Germany with Third World migrants because of her commitment’ to the Jews.
And now that the country is on the verge of social collapse, and violent Muslims are roaming the streets with impunity, the Jews have decided it’s time to throw Angela Merkel under the proverbial bus, but this shouldn’t shock anyone who understands jewish strategy.
As long as you’re willing to be a “useful idiot” and promote the jewish agenda, they will promote and praise you. When you are no longer useful, they get rid of you, demonize you, and even eliminate you completely, a la Martin Luther King.
Jews know many White Europeans are waking up to the destruction of the continent through Third World immigration, so now the Jews want to distance themselves from Merkel who will be scapegoated for it, even though she did it to please them.
This flip flop reveals that the Jews are perhaps getting nervous that they may have again over-played their hand and awakened a sleeping White Giant that will start asking questions, specifically “The Jewish Question“.
Europeans must begin arming themselves NOW.
But, but, but this same rabbi in the picture with Merkel said that Muslims are our natural allies, we see ourselves fighting side by side with our Muslims brothers against post-Christian Europe. Seriously….the video is on YT……Jews are supposedly in the middle of the class of civilizations. Thesis: They create the problem
Anti-thesis: cry victim of the problem
Synthesis: beneficiaries of the outcome
I hate to say it, but Europeans and Americans are the enablers….with my inferior IQ I know that those who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it.
I think the only thing we need for the next Adolf Hitler is some rampant inflation. We already have all of the other Weimar goodies.
Magician’s distraction:
(1) Israel and Turkey are BOTH plotting to seize Syrian land for “greater” Israel and the “caliphate” of Turkey all the while genocidally flooding White, CHRISTIAN Europe with muslum invaders
(2) Merkel the Jewish Bolshevik Commie STASI SNITCH is genociding Christianity.
What is more ANTI-Christ than:
(1) to crucify Him …. Under Roman Law the Jews could not impose a death sentence so TWICE they dragged Christ before Pilate demanding His crucifixion until Pilate grudgingly “Washed his hands” . Jesus was crucified by the Romans AT THE INSISTANCE of the Temple Priests who threatened “NO Crucifixion, NO Peace” Sound familiar?
Jesus was a HEREM (excommunicated) Jew … the Priests could not push for a death sentence on a “Jew in good standing”.
JUDAS ISCARIOT was a Jew ….. in good standing with the Tribe.
(2) Immediately send many agents of the Priests (SAULof Tarsus was ONE) to kill His followers.
(3) Inspire such fear of being murdered by the Priests that the first Christian church was hidden in a cave
(4) Instigate pogroms against His followers throughout the Roman world,
(5) spit everytime you see a cross for 2,000 years,
(6) under the cloak of Communist Bolseviks they HOLOCAUST 66MILLION Christians Here is a breakdown http://www.rense.com/general85/holodo.htm and a listing of the Jew Bolsheviks http://www.heretical.com/miscellx/bolshies.html
TODAY ISIS(rael) is behind the genocidal invasion of Christian Europe.
(7) Today they use “front groups” like the ACLU, ADL, SPLC, to attack Nativities and any other symbol of Christ they can.
The essence of Judaism is vengeance, the essence of Christianity is forgiveness. They are Polar OPPOSITES.
Jews ARE the ANTI-Christ. For 2,000 years Jews have worked to exterminate CHRISTians.
‘Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Messiah.He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son” 1John2:22.
“christian.zionism” is a mental illness. You cannot worship a Peace god and a War god at the same time. (8) “As for Christianity, there is a dispute among Halachic authorities, but the vast majority consider it idolatry as well. Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.” Read that last bit again, very slowly, so the “christianzionists” can keep up: “Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.”
No low IQ muslim would love the tormentors of their prophet, those who whipped, crowned with thorns, and crucified HIM..
It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven Noahide laws, and if not ~ they will be killed.” ~ Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg (Islam is NOT idolitry. Christianity IS idolitry) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ooz7f4A1zlg&feature=youtu.be&list=PLyEGpienRGwI7lQ50eOD4BOcD3FvgORfl
The essence of Judaism is vengeance.
The essence of CHRISTianity is forgiveness.
Why do yo think there are TWO books in the bible?
Why do you think the Jews refuse to acknowledge the NEW.
CHRISTianity is God’s repudiation and replacement of the OLD covenant.
CHRISTianity follows Enlightenment through attaining the Universal Conciousness . Christ (the Oneness of all Being)
Quite simply, this “enlightenment through universal conciousness” is the ultimate understanding that to be part of one body, the body of Christ (and therefor one consciousness – that of the Father), every part must all be of the same kind, lest you end up like ‘Frankenstein’s monster’. Christ grafts as much as He wants onto the olive tree, but they are always olive branches. The evidence is right in front of us, yet we are still deceived. Christ came only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and Christ told the jews that they would be judged by how they treated ‘these little ones’, not how they treated each other. Why? Because they are not Israelites.
White people. Caucasians. Aryans. Celts. Anglo-Saxons. Europeans. These little ones…God’s children.
Yep…importing moslems to ruin the country, murder and rape white folk is just fine and dandy…but oh vey! these ‘cultural enrichers’ are anti jew! cant have that now can we?
The idiocy of our people is overwhelming…
“OY VEY EVERYBODY HATES US” Said the nation-destroyers.
Now that’s funny, right there…
not “ha-ha” funny either – like the joke you HAVE to laugh at…
Beggars belief!! Are these people totally unaware and/or utterly cynical?
Chutzpa! Proof there is no such thing as the “Good Jew”.
It’s as if Barbara Lerner Spectre is a fictional character to the Jewish populace.
The Jews – hoisted by their own petard. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.