Jews supremacist groups have attempted to appropriate every aspect of World War II so that only they can decide how those events are used, mentioned, or written about — and have now gone so far off the deep end that they are allegedly offended that anyone else is executed in the same way “they were”:
The American Jewish Committee condemned Arizona’s plan to reportedly execute death-row inmates using a poisonous gas made infamous by the Nazis during the Holocaust.
The state has purchased chemicals necessary to make hydrogen cyanide. It is for a gas chamber, disused for 22 years, which has been tested and “refurbished,” according to documents obtained by The Guardian through public records requests.
Zyklon B, a toxic gas from hydrogen cyanide, was [allegedly] used as a means of mass murder in gas chambers at Nazi concentration camps.
According to The New York Times, Arizona last executed someone with cyanide gas in 1999: death-row inmate Walter LaGrand, who took 18 minutes to die. Arizona currently has 115 inmates on death row but has not carried out an execution since 2014.
“Arizona’s decision to employ Zyklon B gas as a means of execution defies belief,” the AJC said in a statement on Monday. “While there can be no doubt about its effectiveness—the Nazis used it to kill millions of innocent Jews—it is that very effectiveness as an instrument of genocide that makes it utterly inappropriate for use by a civilized state in a proceeding sanctioned by the state and its judiciary.”
The AJC added that while the death penalty remains legally acceptable and “one must be prepared to accept some level of cruelty in the process,” there is still something “profoundly wrong” with a state being prepared to execute a prisoner using “a method of execution that inevitably, inextricably and forever linked to the worst outrages of human history.”
The Jewish group also said that “whether or not one supports the death penalty as a general matter, there is general agreement in American society that a gas devised as a pesticide, and used to eliminate Jews, has no place in the administration of criminal justice.”
Let’s be clear about terms here — Arizona is not using “Zyklon-B” which is a German name brand commercial pesticide used specifically for killing lice — not people — in the concentration camps.
Fred Leuchter, an expert on executions, went to Auschwitz to investigate the evidence of the feasibility of the alleged “gas chambers” — and wrote a detailed report explaining the scientific impossibility of any such scenario.
The purpose of Zyklon-B was to preserve the lives of the prisoners in the camps, not kill them — it was used to stop the spread of deadly typhus in the camps — a disease that killed the famous Jewish diarist, Anne Frank.
Not one single Jew was ever “gassed” with Zyklon-B — nor could they have been — because many of the so-called “gas chambers” in the camps had wooden doors and were not properly hermetically sealed.
Not only that many Jewish “witnesses” claimed the poisonous “gas” came out of fake shower heads — this is impossible because Zyklon-B pellets need to be dropped into hydrochloric acid to be activated to produce hydrogen cyanide — an impossibly impractical scenario for mass killings.
Other Jewish “witnesses” claim that the “evil” Germans dropped the Zyklon-B into the “gas chambers” through a hole in the ceiling — again, impossible because the pellets need to be activated with hydrochloric acid — just dropping them into a room won’t produce enough deadly gas to kill anyone — let alone lice — effectively.
The Jews would have us believe that the Germans, who created the most advanced weaponry in the history of warfare — which allowed them to hold off the entire combined Allied Forces for 6 years — were such bungling idiots that they tried to kill “millions” of Jews with a household bug spray in “gas chambers” designed to look like showers.
This “gas chamber” legend is so far-fetched that many Jews don’t believe it — and they have tried to warn their fellow Jews that the so-called “Holocaust” was just Allied propaganda meant to vilify the Germans, justify the war — and justify the foundation of Israel.
The simplest explanation is usually the right one.

“This war is not against Hitler or National Socialism but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.”
—Winston Churchill, quoted in Emrys Hughes, “Winston Churchill: His Career in War and Peace,” p. 145
Is that because they would show them how it’s really done?
IE. not with an unsealed wooden door on the ‘chamber’…
I went looking on the net AGAIN for some actual proof of the gas chambers. All I’ve found so far is just a heap of people claiming to be witnesses, and some photos of rooms with flimsey doors… sorry, not good enuff: if the Germans were soooooo obsessive about documents, where are the photographs of the supposed gas chambers actually in use. It seems that there is a photo for everything in the DEATH CAMPS but of people actually dieing. There are photos of the living, and the dead, and of how it was allegedly done, but none of the act of killing. There are lots of photos of executions taking place thruout WWII, but strangley none of the EFFECIANCY of the gassings. Rather macabre, I know, but I just don’t understand the lack of photos. Most of the witnesses can’t get there stories straight, so how can they be trusted as credible?
The above website is very poor. It plays off emotion mostly. It has very little in the way of photography, or actual documents, or sound recordings of what it claims is historical. I link it because of how bad a HISTORICAL website it shows to be. It’s the History Channel of websites, it’s that bad. And yet people just lap it up like fresh milk. Sad.
Yes, pro-Holocaust propagandists always rely on emotion, never logic….”My whole family was killed in Auschwitz!” “Look at my tattoo!” “They made me shave off my beard and take a shower!”
But remember what Ephraim Kaye, director at Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel said: that the complete lack of physical evidence of the Holocaust is proof that the Holocaust happened.
You’re dead right there!
I just struggle with the lack of evidence. Questions I always have are things like:
if the idea was to kill all jews, gypsies, homos, commies, undesirables, etc, the Germans did a poor job as there are heaps of survivors. Pol Pot and Mao Zedong and swags of african tyrants were far more thorough; they just shot people left, right, and centre. They were very efficient- one bullet for many people in a line. Shot them where they stood like the commies in Vietnam. The Germans were very poor killers with their camps by comparison.
Why are the dead bodies always naked and in heaps? Why strip them naked either before or afterwards?
The mathematics of the rate of deaths: 6 million jews PLUS another 5 or so million other people in the years the camps ran…? Do me a favour! That’s impossible!
Why can’t people pop their emotions to one side for a few moments of their lives and think? The police have to pop emotions aside when dealing with grisly murders and suchlike all the time in order to find the crims, so why is it so difficult for people when confronted with THE WORST THING TO HAVE EVER HAPPENED IN THE HISTORY OF THE ENTIRE WORLD!?
The mere fact that the masters of propaganda, the Soviets, were the ones showing most of the EVIDENCE to the world speaks volumes.
Yip, just sad.
On the holocaust tattoos, has anyone actually seen them? The mainstream media has been portraying them for decades, but has anyone actually seen one on a bona fide “holocaust survivor” in the flesh?
I’ve long heard that Elie Weasel has refused to show his tattoo, and so far as I am aware, he is the one who made the tattoos famous.
Elle WEASEL has LITERALLY said his book Night was FAKE . His exact quote was something like “When writing, the author has to blur reality in order to create a new one” or some such garbage.
It’s a lot to do with being invested in the lie before it was even spoken.
It’s easier to lie to a person who is looking to be lied to, for self-justification, then force them to realise the reality of what they’ve done.
Zyklon B was used to kill body lice and in general to fumigate train cars, and in German labor camps was used to fumigate the clothing of newly arrived inmates , and as needed bedding and clothes of inmates. Those small fumigation gas chambers are the only ones that exist in any German labor cammp and no one claims they were used to kill anyone. I read that a replica of one such gas chamber was made for the Holocaut Mem. Museum in Wash.D.C. but is presented as a miniature of the mass homicidal gas chambers devised to mass murder jews, though none ever existed; nor is there reason to believe any existed other than in vengeful minds’ fabrication tales encouraged post war for the Nuremberg show Trials. But guess what, a fairlycomplete examination of the forensic evidence and verifiable facts and more are contained in the documentaries x 3 linkes below. View them while ye may; the aggressive suppression of info is progressing . Also , on a different note I would highly recommend viewing the videos of Dr. David Martin, about the covid19 onslaught! Plandemic-2 and whatever else you can find re: interviews and talks. Also, you would do yourself a favor to go to odysee.com and put ‘Andrew Kaufman MD’ in the search box and check out the interviews and a few presentations he provides on the covid19 hoax pandemic. His material is very educational as he examines the process necessary to establish that a virus exists and that it causes a particular disease and applies it in examining the several published research articles that support the Sars2 corona viruss covid19 .
Also he explains in detail the haox use of the PCR test to establish covid19 infection.
Such PCR info is not, in my experience, easy to find because it is a fraud. And, if it’s inventor had not died conveniently, in Aug. 2019, he would be vociferously denouncing the use of the PCR for diagnosis or for establishing blood viral load. But the CDC discontinued the fraud use of the PCR afor covid19 as of the end of Dec. 2020; yet it falsely idenitified how many positive cases of covid19 since early 2020? Probably millions. Covid19 and the pandemic is a fraud, though there may be some illness but nothing to justify the extraordinary actions taken by governments
in what seems a conspiracy among psychopath-elites which took the populations by surprise presuming our trust. That trust is no longer justified. The vaccines’ “spiked protein” is , per David Martin, patented as a bioweapon. Also, I watched an episode # 14 from Season 3 or season 2 of a TV series The Dead Zone from 2003 last week, free on PlexTV, and it was about children getting sick from Sars1 and the psychic character divined that it need not be fatal as in China they were using a [cheap generic drug from 1933] a medication called Chloroquine, [usually used to treat malaria and Lupus] and with early treatment there was little chance of illnes progression and death. Hydrochloroquine, HCQ, was an improvement on Chloroquine, -less toxic, developed in 1946, HCQ; plus another generic drug,
ivermectin, all 3 are anti-parasite meds, are easy and inexpensive to manufacture and are highly effective in preventing disease progression and death if taken in the early stages of Sars2 pneumonia. So there was NEVER A LEGITIMATE REASON FOR THE FDA TO PERMIT/ISSUE AN EUA [emergency use authorization] for ANY NEW MUCH LESS NOVEL VACCINES.
Dr.Kaufman explains that the covid19 vaccines are not consistent with the FDA and other US medical authorities’ definition of a vaccine. They are the GMO
process of making the plant or now human body produce an alien protein ; for cpovid19 it is the spiked protein, which the immune system is supposed to react to with antibodies and then if exposed to actual Sars2, which putatively has the spiked protein , the immune system will eliminate the Sars2. But, the FDA rules for an EUA for a novel unproven medical device , vaccine, or medication requires that there NOT be available anythings that is effective for early treatment, and preventive of death from the disease for which the vaccine etc. EUA is sought.
The FDA stopped US doctors from being able to use HCQ and did other psychopathic actions, to force the EUA for the dangerous experimental vaccines which are already making their owners billions of dollars profits from th eUs and othe rgovernments. And the estimate is high for those who died, and would not have died , had the FDA not blocked access to HCQ.
Of course, in reality, due to other frauds, many if not most covid19 deaths in the US were of co- or multiple- morbidity patients and likely did not die from covid19.
And the EUA is continually renewed – and I noticed recently on the CDC site it says they do not recommend use of HCQ. I did not check out ivermectin, the other antiparasite generic drug possibly more effective than HCQ as I had not seen much mention of it when I was looking into the HCQ. Here is a great website with Meta-analysis of HCQ,CQ, Ivermectin: https://c19hcq.com/#early
Sorry this is long- but for someone interested in these speciific matters this info is valuable and I almost never encounter a comment place that seems like i can comment without belonging to google facebook etc. which I don’t belong to.
[1] “The Truth Behind The Gates of Auschwitz” approx. 60 minutes. by by David Cole:
[2] “One Third of the Holocaust” 4 hours/15 minutes; by Dean Irebodd, aka, DenierBud:
3] The Holocaust Unveiled – the actual truth about Holocaust and Persecution Of Revisionists by Mark Farrell:
According to Anne Frank’s stepsister, all of the supposed Auschwitz liberation pictures were fake, staged by the Soviets for PR purposes well after the fact, and taken at a location that was not Auschwitz.
She even pointed out something so obvious that no goy had dared mention it openly before: Auschwitz was liberated in January of 1945 yet there is no snow in the pictures of its supposed liberation.
RB, That vid is GOLD! Thanks for shareing! I mean, really, that just makes so much sense: twas only really when the USA went to Vietnam did the film crews and photographers follow along in earnest to capture the action as it unfolded, as they said. I’m really surprised that there are NO comments on that YouTube vid :/
Early evidence of climate change.
EMA safety committee has added another blood condition to side effects of AstraZeneca’s #Covishield vaccine – Capillary Leak Syndrome – a condition that causes fluid to leak out of blood vessels and cause low blood pressure, kidney failure and strokes.
Jabbed and Died
A senior Australian doctor says the risk of blood clots after an AZ jab for 50-69 yr-olds “is now 5-8 times higher than we thought it was 7 weeks ago.
At least 6,000 deaths from the Syringe . The OpenVAERS team think it is over 20,000 due to under reporting. Biodistribution data shows massive accumulation in ovaries of the LNP (which instructs cells in ovaries to sprout toxic spike protein).
No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Findings of Cleveland Clinic study.
7 Reactions.
1 in 9 Adolescents Vaccinated suffered a severe adverse event.
EVERYONE I know that got it looks as if they aged 20 years and as if they have a terminal disease. I am not joking. I am a Hospice RN and I am TOTALLY serious. Also I know of more people with SERIOUS side effects than I saw of the R 0n@.
This one Got Saline.
I thought the Zyklon B pellets were heated to release hydrogen cyanide gas for both delousing and supposed extermination rather than being dropped in acid. The gas is less dense than air so the idea that Zyklon B was converted into a gas by either method and released through shower heads is ridiculous. It’s low density made it ineffective as a poison gas for WW1 trench warfare.
Why would Auschwitz use a pesticide vital to protect the lives of both inmates and administrators in executions when it was located next to one of the largest chemical production plants in the world?
An article for admin…
But when the work camps don’t exhibit evidence of genocide, the Jews pretend that lack of evidence is actually evidence that it happened. They say the Germans “obviously” removed all the evidence that it happened, so lack of evidence for them is actually “evidence” in itself. See how they never actually have to prove that it happened?
Also by their logic, anything which COULD be used for genocide is inappropriate in the hands of the state…
“it is that very effectiveness as an instrument of genocide that makes it utterly inappropriate for use by a civilized state”
If we had to universally apply this standard, we might as well baby-proof EVERYTHING. I mean, if you use something as mundane as a walk-in freezer properly, you’ve got another pogrom on your hands. But I suppose they never actually intended to be held accountable for their own logic, which is typical of narcissistic type behavior.
What frightens me even more, is that I see white people use this same kind of reasoning in their own arguments all the time in matters ranging from interpersonal to world affairs.
According to Elie Wiesel (was he taunting us as a lying weasel?),
“Some events do take place but are not true; others are, although they never occurred.”
So today’s Jews are incensed that Arizona is planning on using “Zyklon B” now, but did not care that they used it back in 1999?
While it seems that Arizona found a way to indeed execute people with the core gas of “Zyklon B”, are the Jews concerned that, at some point, their Holohoax propaganda will backfire as it will lead to governments trying to emulate Auschwitz’s “gas chambers” and finding out that they 100% do not work?
This reminds me of when Volkswagen was lambasted in 2018 when it came to light that it had arranged tests where monkeys breathed in Diesel exhaust fumes from a VW Beetle for hours, and where humans breathed in concentrations of nitric oxide. As the humans and monkeys survived, the Jews had to put the kibosh on it as otherwise the goyim might see that the “Gaswagen” holocaust tale is bogus.
“VW Condemned for testing diesel fumes on humans and monkeys”: https://archive.is/rPVVB
There was a commercial for Audi that showed a guy trying commit suicide (unsuccessfully) using the exhaust from his diesel engine. It was passed of as a parody not sanctioned by Audi. But I looked into this and never found anyone taking credit for the commercial which had very good production values.
RB and Guest,
There is a website by an engineer Friedrich Paul Berg [not jewish] now elderly
in which he collected and posted information anbout Nazi gassings of which none occurred in reality. The USSR had done some experiments with portable execution wagons using exhaus, I think but I dont know if Berg mentions that.
It has a lot of info by someone able to evaluate it. Just now I could not reach his website which is http://www.nazigassings.com/, Last time I heard f im was an interviiew in which he mentioned that jews had identfied his address in Scottsdale AZ and were harassing him.. He is elderly so maybe ….
Here is a 2018 Wayback machine saved vesion of his wbsite and I do not think he was adding much in recent years as e had done so much in earlier years.
Also if interested you can search the free audio archives of radio host Deanna Spingola here, as she periodically interviewed Mr. Berg and yes callers always asked if he is jewish and no he is German, possibly born in Germany and speaks /German
but in anycase spent his adult working life as an American.
and radio archive mentioned:
Hilarious I really needed this laugh….thank you. @CFT, can you put some emocons? They would really put things on fire…..