(JTA) Teachers in a Texas school district were told last week that a new state law requiring them to present multiple perspectives about “widely debated and currently controversial” issues — such as Critical Race Theory — means they needed to make “opposing” views on the Holocaust available to students:
NBC News obtained an audio recording of the official, the Carroll Independent School District’s executive director of curriculum and instruction, speaking to the teachers about how to work under the constraints of the new law, known as House Bill 3979. The law was passed amid a wave of efforts in Republican-led statehouses to prevent “critical race theory,” “divisive” topics and concepts related to race and bias from being taught to children.
“Just try to remember the concepts of 3979,” Peddy said in the recording. “Make sure that if, if you have a book on the Holocaust that you have one that has an opposing — that has other perspectives.”
Gasps and sounds of nervous laughter can be heard on the recording, as one teacher asks aloud, “How do you oppose the Holocaust?” Peddy responds: “Believe me. That’s come up.”
A Texas lawmaker who drafted a new version of the bill told NBC News that matters of “good and evil” are not subject to the education legislation. But the possibility that the wave of conservative education legislation could get in the way of Holocaust education crossed the minds of education observers in at least some places over the last year.
“Under this law, it would be impossible to teach that Nazi Germany was inherently anti-Semitic, or that the Third Reich oppressed Jews simply because they were Jews, because that would identify Nazis as inherently biased and Jews as inherently and systemically oppressed,” Russel Neiss, a Jewish educator in St Louis, wrote in the St. Louis Jewish Light in May about legislation that had been proposed in Missouri. Lawmakers there are continuing to push for anti-critical race theory rules for schools.
The episode comes a year after a Florida school district fired a principal — twice — who told a parent that he could not say the Holocaust was “an actual, factual event” because not all parents shared the same belief. Florida’s school board has since enacted a ban on Holocaust denial in schools — as part of a ban on teaching critical race theory.
In Texas, the recording suggests that Peddy does not necessarily support the new law but does anticipate conflicts over its enforcement. Four days before the training, the Carroll school board had overturned a district ruling and formally reprimanded a teacher who drew a parent complaint for keeping an anti-racism book in her classroom.
At one point in the recording, a teacher says she is “terrified.” At another point, an educator asks whether “Number the Stars,” the classic Holocaust novel, would require another book to balance out. Peddy does not address that question on the recording.
“You are professionals. We hired you as professionals. We trust you with our children,” Peddy tells the teachers prior to offering the Holocaust book example. “So if you think the book is OK, then let’s go with it. And whatever happens, we will fight it together.”
Because Jewish identity politics — whether orthodox or secular — are inherently hypocritical and self-nullifying, it was only a matter of time that their efforts to promote this agenda would come back and devour them — appropriately like a snake devouring its own tail.
The same phenomenon is now unfolding in France — and most of western Europe — where Jewish-sponsored Third World immigration — to undermine and destroy the final remnants of white Christian France — is now threatening Jews to the point that many are considering leaving for Israel.
The Jewish Version Of World War II™ — also known as the Holocaust™ — has never been subjected to any public scrutiny in the schools — there has never been a “Scopes Monkey Trial” challenging this sacred cow of Jewish supremacy.
If the Holocaust could stand up to intense academic scrutiny, Jews would not push for laws that threaten and punish people with prison — even 90 year old grandmothers — for challenging any aspect — no matter how bizarre and unbelievable — of the Official Jewish Narrative™.
Jews have openly complained that their constant Holocaust indoctrination efforts with young, school-age kids have largely failed — so their only answer to this problem is even more propaganda — and colorizing old WWII films to make them seem more relevant.
Not only that, a prominent Jewish professor at Harvard admitted that Holocaust education does not reduce antisemitism — so why keep pushing it, risking that it will backfire and create more antisemitism?
However, since teenagers have a tendency to challenge authority, once they get a whiff of the idea that many famous men have questioned the Holocaust — including many Jews — they are going to have a real problem on their hands keeping a lid on this can of worms .
Luckily, there is a new Jewish superhero who tracks down and punishes Holocaust deniers — every high school student will deny the Holocaust just to meet him.
I’m trying to make this comment seem practical and intelligent.
This is where we should be revealing the Jews role in overthrowing Russia, and in other situations to our congressmen, radio, TV hosts, school leaders et. and let them know we are not silly minded about world affairs . The Jews never prove what they say. They declare it and it is let go.
The holocaust is an example of how the Jews have taken an event and made it their history and forced the belief in it on the whole world. And anyone who dares speak against it is declared an antisemite, and forced to resign, be fired, apologize to them.
If we can’t believe our own authors and kinsman, then why should we tolerate the Jew to tell us what to believe.
The day will come when we will be in jail, fined or imprisoned like is happening in Europe.
The Jews prosecuted a 99 year old woman who was secretary in a German prison camp. Why? I believe just to use her as an example of their Holocaust story to keep it going because most of them should be dying out soon and they will run out of victims to use to remind the world of the Holocaust.
The Jews are trying to get more Jews on the Holocaust payroll. Probably to keep the fable alive and spread the so called evil over a wider area of Europe to spread the guilt upon other countries.
If anyone hasn’t noticed all of the Jews ,women, blacks minorities taking over the talk shows, new, movies, police, military and other professions, than all of the revelations of our ancestors about the take over of our country and the world by mass immigration which we see happening right now is wasted
A footnote in a book printed in 1957, said that in 50 years the United States would be over 50 per cent brown skinned and a few years ago it was announced and the black, Whoppi Goldbrg and her fellow hosts laughed about it.
Even after all these decades of racial favoritism of the blacks women and minorities, the blacks still cry racism and want more financial equality.
Look at the Russian soldiers that we laugh at because Ukraine, according to the news is destroying hundreds of Russian soldiers a day, and they, th Russian soldier , looks just like any in the Christian world.
Why did Russia suddenly get in the news ? I’m not familiar with the Bible,, but remember enough about hearing preached in church and the radio , especially by Protestant ministers that Russia and China are to b involved in the End Times conflict. Is that why we are watching Russia be destroyed, to get her out of the way for the final war?
In the 1980’s or 1990’s, the Jews were training young men in animal ritual slaughter and making their temple ornaments. Are the Jews getting impatient for their messiah and kingdom to come about?
Israel is bragging of being a technological giant and countries coming to her for their technology. Infiltrating every aspect of a country and institutions give the Jews, and Israel access to any knowledge and patents and inventions she wants and needs to overtake this country. And Biden said that this country is to be the sole leader of the world and why Russia is being humiliated. Biden gives it away. He knows what he’s doing and why politicians like him who get into positions of power never retire. Mitch Mc Connell, John Mc Cain, Biden and others stay to use that power.
Protesters Smash Holocaust Exhibition at National Library of Tunisia: Holocaust Was a Myth and a Lie.
The Torture and False Confession of Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Höss.
Baron Paget of Northampton wrote in his book titled “Manstein: His Campaign and His Trial” (published by Collins in 1951) on page 109:[The US Simpson Inquiry Commission] reported among other things that of the 139 cases they had investigated, 137 had had their testicles permanently destroyed by kicks received from the American War Crimes Investigating Team.Pennsylvania judge Edward L. Van Roden – member of the commission investigating the accusations by Colonel Everett who reported that Germans did not receive fair trial, wrote in his book titled “American Atrocities in Germany“:Our investigators would put a black hood over the accused’s head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him, and beat him with rubber hose. Many of the German defendants had teeth knocked out. Some had their jaws broken. All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair.
14 Million Germans killed by death .rape starvation beatne to death ,machine Gunned by the Allies in the
2 years of allied occupation after the war ended.
You’re doing a fine job. This may interest you. The Armenian Genocide of 1915 was conducted by Jews, not Muslim Turks. The 1908 Young Turk revolution in Turkey was a a model for the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. The ‘Donmeh’ are Sabbatean Jews in the Ottoman empire who converted to Islam but kept practicing Sabbatean Judaism–they were the original followers of the Jewish Ottoman resident Shabbatai Zvi who started is credited with Sabbateanism . These Donmeh were the force behind the demolition of the Ottoman empire and the Young Turk revolution. To this day, they control the military & financial deep state of Turkey. They fear any sort of united action between Muslims & Christians, in this case the Orthodox Christian Armenians, and this genocide was intended to prevent any such thing from happening–and it worked. Just like they did 9/11 to drive a wedge between Western Christianity & Islam. But as Eastern Christianity gets back on its feet and studies who it was that brought communism, and their true nature, there is increasingly a meeting of the minds between Christians & Muslims against a common foe. They Kabbalah Jewish elite are the global genociders and the terrorists. Even common Jews (their “lesser brethren”) are not immune from their attacks. Most Israelis don’t realize they are being set up by their unelected leaders in the financial capitals of the West, for decimation when WW3 comes.
Christians For Truth
Yes, we ran this article on it….
I repeat, you are doing a fine, fine job ! I am a Muslim reader. Best regards.
Bleiburg Massacre of 700000 Croats- British 8th Army after WW2 Ended.
Communism Is Judaism
Quotes Proving Communism is Judaism
“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” — (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 143-144).
Robert Wilton, a longtime Russian news correspondent for the London Times, said in his book, The Last Days of the Romanovs:
”Out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State, there were, in 1918-1919, 17 Russians… 457 Jews, and 82 others.”
“Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. THE BLOODTHIRSTY JEWISH TERRORISTS HAVE MURDERED SIXTY SIX MILLION in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Patriot.
Hellstorm – Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany (Full Documentary)
Other Losses. 14 Million Germans killed,raped machined gunned burned alive in the 2years
of Allied occupation AFTER the War.
271,301 people of various religious denominations, races and social status’ died of disease and starvation (NOT 6 million Jews by intentional Extermination Policy).
The Jewish Bolsheviks who occupied and ‘Liberated’ certain camps (namely Auschwitz), deliberately stopped food and medical supplies organised by the IRC, from reaching internees, causing further deaths and suffering.
Divisions of the Reich both funded and facilitated the establishment of Jewish communities with virtually independent autonomy.
Germany continued to facilitate those European Jews who wished to immigrate, from the transitional camps to various foreign lands.
Approximately, more than 2.5 million Jews were not interned by the Reich and were enabled to live freely and independently in Europe, within the guidelines of various Reich policies.
To sum up, the following facts may be considered established: The messages deciphered at Bletchley Park undoubtedly constitute one of the most reliable sources on the course of events during the Second World War. They provide information on undertakings of the German army, navy, and air force. They provide an insight into the events occurring behind the Russian front and the conditions in the concentration camps. Since the reports from Auschwitz contain no information on mass killings, the question of whether the British Intelligence Service “knew about the Holocaust,” can be answered with a single word: “No!”[27]
In view of the fact that the messages from Auschwitz contain no mention of gas chambers or mass murders, the real question is: what was there really for anybody to “know” about? In other words: was there any Holocaust at all? Regardless of the general belief that hardly any historical event has ever been so thoroughly “proven,” one must, once again, expressly point out that, until the present, not one single material or documentary proof for the reality of any mass killings in gas chambers has ever been found. The only thing that exists, at most, is mutually contradictory “eyewitness testimonies” and “confessions,” which can, at least in the latter case, easily be shown to have been given under duress.
Frank Frivilous
Didn’t take them long to jump on that sacred cow. Makes you wonder what the qualifications are for teaching these days.
General Patton Quote:
Alexandre Bender
Translated into French :
Christians For Truth
Alexandre, thank you for translating today’s article into French!