(Jewish News Service) The national leadership of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) plans to replace the entire leadership of its Philadelphia branch, which dissolved on Aug. 20 after its president, Rodney Muhammad, shared an anti-Semitic meme last month:
“By dissolving itself, the Philadelphia chapter yielded full control to the national organization, which will appoint an administrator by early September to guide the transition to new leadership at the branch.
Muhammad, who also goes by “Rodney Carpenter” and has praised Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, has led the Philadelphia branch since 2014. Farrakhan has an extensive history of anti-Jewish rhetoric.
In a statement on Wednesday, Muhammad apologized for sharing the meme.
“I apologize for my previous post and the hurt this has caused, and I regret the insult, pain and offense it brought to all, especially those of the Jewish community,” he said. “The coming months are critical for America, and the efforts of both the NAACP and religious communities, working together across the country, are vital for the road ahead of us.”
He continued: “I welcome the decision by the executive committee to have the national office assume responsibility for the branch, help us transition to new leadership and seek to make our relationship with faith communities across Philadelphia stronger than ever.”
Steve Rosenberg, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, told The Philadelphia Tribune that the aftermath of Muhammad’s Facebook post was a “painful period in the long-standing and exceptional relationship between the black and Jewish communities.”
Following Federation’s refusal to work with the local NAACP chapter with Muhammad at the helm in the fallout of the post, Rosenberg said his organization looks forward “to working with the NAACP to forge closer bonds with our two communities to address systemic racism and bigotry of all kinds.”
The regional director of the Philadelphia branch of the Anti-Defamation League, Shira Goodman, told the Tribune, “There is much work to be done to eradicate systemic racism, anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry from our society. We look forward to working with the Philadelphia NAACP under its new leadership—and continuing our work with NAACP branches across the region and nationwide—as partners in the fight against hate.”
There you have it — powerful Jewish supremacists in the Philadelphia area forced the local NAACP to basically fire itself and allow the national office, which is overseen by Jewish ‘consultants’, to appoint a more philo-Judaic and compliant staff.
And what was Rodney Muhammad’s “crime against humanity‘?
As we reported previously, he shared a meme that warned this fellow Blacks that Jews ruled over and controlled them.
And by using their undue power and influence to have Muhammed and his entire staff fired, the Jews proved once again that another Jewish “canard” is indeed true — they do control the largest “Black” advocacy group in America.
But this is nothing new — a cabal of Jews founded the NAACP, and all of its leaders were Jewish up until the 1970s, at which point the Jews apparently trusted the Blacks enough to run their “own” organization.
Why would some of America’s most powerful Jews — such as the Chief Rabbi of the U.S.A. Stephen Wise, and billionaire banker Jacob Schiff who also financed the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter — start an advocacy group to promote “negro” interests?
To use a Jewish-coined term, they did it out of “enlightened self-interest.”
In other words, “Is the NAACP good for the Jews?”
Of course it is — by promoting Black “civil rights”, they promote Jewish minority privilege — which they deftly deflect away from themselves as so-called “White privilege“.
This arrangement keeps White America’s attention on Black race agitators, like the clownish Al Sharpton, while the Jews who control them remain behind the curtain away from the spotlight.
But Jews are now openly asking if their long relationship with Black race hustlers is no longer “good for Jews” — the ultimate fate of all “useful idiots” who help promote their Jewish bolshevism.
Rodney Muhammed’s “hurtful” meme:
You know a lot of black nationalists have been complaining about jews restricting their freedom of speech but I wouldn’t sympathize with them. It’s important that you all know why. After years of being co-opted by Jews, black organizations often think along the same racial supremacist lines as Jews do. They whine about Jewish oppression – but want white mens’ heads to roll (think Papa John) for saying a “forbidden word”.
The vast majority of blacks are just bumbles who mimic whatever they hear around them. If they hear kikes talking about enacting oppressive measures against whites, they’ll take those ideas for their own purposes as well.
“And we in the real Truth movement are aware that we are not up against a NWO, or the Illuminati, but a Jew World Order. With International Jewry pulling all the strings.” – https://diggerfortruth.wordpress.com/2014/04/18/putin-just-another-oligarch-jew/
“The meaning of the history of the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all Masters of (Masonic) Lodges, rule the world.” – Jean Izoulet, prominent member of Jewish Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1931
“At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.” – Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish, Prime Minister of England
If police really wanted Black people dead as BLM claims, all they’d have to do is stop patrolling their neighborhoods and wait.
COMPLAINT: Jacob Blake Sexually Assaulted Woman, Sniffed Finger, Accused Her of Cheating Before Police Arrived
The criminal complaint against Blake reveals his alleged victim says she was sexually assaulted and robbed before police shot him
The police officers responding to the call that led to the nearly fatal shooting of Kenosha, Wisconsin man Jacob Blake were there to arrest him for allegedly violating a restraining order following an alleged sexual assault on May 3, and knew he had an open warrant for felony sexual assault.
Police say Blake entered a woman’s home illegally at 6 a.m. in May to apparently retrieve property. It is alleged that Blake then sexually assaulted the woman, only identified by her initials in the criminal complaint, with his finger, then sniffed it, and told her she “Smells like you’ve been with other men.”
[Continues with other good information]
“The Socialists Who Made the March on Washington”
“Horowitz, and Kahn were all members of the Young People’s Socialist League, a democratic socialist organization of no more than several hundred members nationally. Rustin, their elder, boasted a longer left pedigree: a brief sojourn in the Communist Party in the ’30s, then-repudiating the Communists and affiliating himself with the Socialist Party-working for socialist A.J. Muste’s Fellowship of Reconciliation; founding the Congress of Racial Equality with fellow socialist James Farmer in 1942; doing time in Leavenworth during World War II for protesting the segregation of the armed forces; traveling to India to study nonviolent civil disobedience with the Gandhi-ites; and endeavoring to integrate interstate bus travel in the South a decade before the Freedom Rides began (for which, during one trip, he was badly beaten). When Harrington suggested that Horowitz and Kahn go help out Rustin, whom they’d not met before, he was organizing a national support network for the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which had begun just a few weeks earlier.
This was the genesis of the network of democratic socialists who seven years later were to conceive, organize, and set the themes for the March on Washington.”
“We wanted to change America and here were these people who were doing it,” says Horowitz, who in later years became the political director of the American Federation of Teachers. The group Rustin had assembled to assist the boycott and its leader-the Montgomery minister Martin Luther King Jr., still in his mid-twenties-was called In Friendship. Also in the office when Kahn and Horowitz reported for duty were Ella Baker, a veteran civil-rights activist who’d belonged to a splinter anti-Stalinist communist grouplet (the Lovestoneites) in the ’30s, and Stanley Levison, a successful businessman who’d left the Communist Party some years earlier. A young Bob Moses, who later at great personal danger was to head up voter registration drives in Jim Crow Mississippi, also showed up to volunteer. The immediate task at hand was putting together a rally at Madison Square Garden that would raise funds and demonstrate national support for the bus boycott. Rustin had already gone South to help King conceptualize and put in motion the first of the fledgling civil-rights movement’s mass nonviolent civil-disobedience campaigns as part of the boycott. A year later, Baker was to become the key organizer for the group of black clergy that King would assemble and lead, the Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC). Levison was to become, with Rustin, one of King’s chief counselors.”
“When Roosevelt told Randolph that the march might disrupt the nation’s (still completely segregated) capital and asked him to call it off, Randolph cordially replied that the hopes of black America were too high to call off the march. No, he continued, the march would go on.
One week before the march was to take place, Roosevelt caved. He issued an executive order desegregating factories working on defense contracts, and established a Fair Employment Practices Commission to enforce the order. Roosevelt chose not to mandate the desegregation of the armed forces, but Randolph knew a victory when he saw one and called off the march.
He revived the idea in 1948, demanding the desegregation of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. This time it was Harry Truman who invited Randolph to the White House and asked him to stop the march nonsense. Again, Randolph declined. Again, an American president (this time, in need of urban black votes in the upcoming election) blinked: Truman ordered the desegregation of the armed forces, and Randolph again canceled the march.”
[The] American Socialist Party wasn’t founded until 1901. That party, the Communist Party, and their various offshoots attracted thousands of activists during the 20th century, and their most enduring and significant achievement was to have seeded and helped form the movement for civil rights that led to the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (which went beyond Kennedy’s initial proposal to also ban racial discrimination in employment) and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.”
[Note the mention about this in Flanders earlier comment below].
Thousands of American boys died on barren Pacific sandpits during World War II, never knowing they had been condemned to die because of the hatred the Communists felt for their commander, General Douglas MacArthur.
Soon after Roosevelt’s entry into the White House, he summoned General MacArthur to inform him that the Army was to be cut by fifty per cent. MacArthur immediately contested the decision, arguing with Roosevelt while the cripple grew purple with rage in his wheelchair. Finally, Roosevelt agreed to reconsider his decision, and Secretary of War, George Dern, complimented MacArthur, saying, “You have just saved the Army.” However, MacArthur states in his memoirs that he was made physically ill by this encounter with the Great Cripple, and that he vomited on the steps of the White House, overcome by nausea and disgust at the thought of his native land being subverted by this man.
No doubt, also the reason for General Douglas Mac Arthur vomiting after his meeting with Roosevelt was because of the evil , aura , impressions, attitude, emotions, evilness of Roosevelt and General Mac Arthur sensed it subconsciously. A the vomiting was his relief to get the evil he sensed or felt or impregnated him out of his system
Jewry’s statement in support of BLM appeared in a full-page NYT ad, signed by more than 600 national and local Jewish groups and synagogues – [JTA – August 28, 2020]
“We speak with one voice when we say, unequivocally: Black Lives Matter,” said the statement,…. “The Black Lives Matter movement is the current day Civil Rights movement in this country, and it is our best chance at equity and justice.”
… one of two national Black convenings taking place Friday night. The other is the final event of the Virtual March on Washington, an event that commemorates the 1963 March on Washington and that is calling attention to the current protests against police violence. Jewish groups will be participating in that event.
“Jews are realizing, and Americans are realizing, that our society is not equitable,” said Rabbi Sandra Lawson, a Black Jewish leader who serves as assistant chaplain for Jewish life at Elon University in North Carolina. Elon’s Hillel signed the statement supporting Black Lives Matter.
“You can choose to ignore that police treat people differently but when it keeps showing up on your television screen… we’re now at a point where many in America cannot ignore…”, Lawson said.
We as Jews know what it is to be at the receiving end of violent systems of oppression and bigotry,” he said. “And for those of us who are white Jews in America, we benefited from our privilege and our whiteness and therefore cannot abdicate our place, those of us who are white Jews, to build the power to truly TRANSFORM the United States into the country that will confront the centuries that created these systems.”
“What myself and *other Jews of color* have been trying to get Jewish communities to understand is, if you are not part of the conversation, then you can’t really complain about the outcome,” she said. “Many in the Jewish community have built really strong relationships with many of the organizers of Black Lives Matter. For me as a Jew of color, whatever’s in that statement doesn’t matter, because I’m still going to chant ‘Black Lives Matter.’”
NAACP really stands for the National Association For The Advancement of Canaanite People.
“NAACP was founded in 1909 by one mulatto Communist named W.E.B. DuBois, and… many Jews. Jews by race, not simply by religion.”
Here are just some of the Jews who founded/directed/steered the NAACP1:
-Joel Spingarn
-Arthur Spingarn (brother)
-Julius Rosenthal
-Henry Malkewitz
-Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch
-Lillian Wald
-Kivie Kaplan
-Nathan Margold
-Jack Greenberg
-Julian Mack
-Henry Moskowitz
-Herbert Hill
-Louis Marshall
-Rabbi David Saperstein
-Rabbi Stephen Wise
-Herbert Lehman
-Arthur Sachs
-Herbert Seligmann
-Martha Gruening
-Felix Frankfurter
-Herman Lehman (brother of Herbert?)
“The FBI began wiretapping King’s home and Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) office in Atlanta on November 8, 1963, pursuant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy’s written approval. For the previous 18 months, the FBI had insistently told Kennedy that King’s closest and most influential adviser, New York attorney Stanley D. Levison, was a “secret member” of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). Kennedy’s aides, and finally his brother—the President of the United States—warned King to cease contact with Levison, but King’s promised compliance was dissembling: he and Levison communicated indirectly through another attorney, Clarence Jones, who, like Levison, was himself already being wiretapped by the FBI. Presented with evidence of King’s duplicity, plus FBI claims that King had told Levison that he was a Marxist, a reluctant Attorney General approved the FBI’s request to place King under direct surveillance too.”
Like many Black men, MLK enjoyed beating up White whores, taking out his feelings of racial inadequacy on them. Even King didn’t really believe the Jewish propaganda that Blacks were truly the equals of Whites. What have Blacks ever accomplished that lead them to believe such a notion?
10-10-2018 News – “University of Texas Child Porn Professor is a Chinese Spy under FBI Espionage Investigation – There’s stunning news to report coming out of Washington, DC; where U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-10th District announced that Dr. Keping Xie, facing Child Pornography charges, is also under investigation for Espionage.”
“The Goldwater reported on the arrest of a Chinese pedophile in Pennsylvania, in December of 2018, which was connected to similar Espionage charges against the Chinese government.
The suspect, in that case, was also a Chinese National. The pedophile, a Chinese Engineer named Weiwu Zhao, seemingly had powerful, albeit strange allies.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) testified on behalf of Zhao, shocking the community. Support from the NAACP, despite Zhao being caught red-handed by investigators with Possession of Child Pornography, that was described by prosecutors as “some of the most disturbing videos ever witnessed” by the Northampton County Courts. ”
Elizabeth Dilling about jew power and early NAACP formation. See about James Marshall’s part and pay special attention to the section about the jew NY “Social Register” of 1921. That and other related jewish “Registers” served as an inventory for the Ashkenazi Rothschild’s and other world jew international bankers to marshal all jew assets in the US for the war by Jewry to take over America.
“The American Jewish Committee is the single most powerful body in world Jewry. Its membership then and now embraces world Jewish capitalists and moving powers.
… Note the wide range of activities of the Committee to influence national and international actions in favor of Jewry.
Note in Exhibits 235 and 236, the powerful capitalistic Jews functioning on this all-powerful arbiter of world Jewry, the American Jewish Committee.
Louis Marshall was then, (1917—18) President of the Committee. It was he who served notice upon Henry Ford that he must cease telling the truth about the Talmudic cabal or else. According to the man perhaps closest to Henry Ford, Sr., high in the administration of his affairs, it was an attempt to assassinate Ford by driving his car off the road that caused Mrs. Ford to plead with Henry to cease his exposures of Talmudism through his Dearborn Independent. All the kowtowing now being done by the present-day Ford family to Jewry is but a repetition of what Ford exposed in his paper. One article, discussed later herein, on how President Taft was brought to his knees, refused a second term, then was decorated by B‘nai B‘rith and given a professorship at Yale — then addressed B‘nai B‘rith audiences and wrote internationalist propaganda until his death — is almost a replica of the job being done on the Fords.
Concerning Louis Marshall, the Communal Register states, “a great part of his life [was devoted] to the interests of the Jewish people,” and his part in the “abrogation of the treaty with Russia,” cannot be disputed. He is listed as “president of Temple Emanu-El,” his synagogue, and as Chairman of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, among other things.
The Marshalls have worked all sides of the street for Talmudic rule: the capitalistic, the educational, the Red revolutionary, the legal, the United Nations.
James, son of Louis, has (according to Who’s Who in American Jewry, 1938-9) headed the New York City school board and a string of Jewish communal organizations, and as a member of the law firm of Marshall, Bratter and Seligson, listed himself as director and a legal counsel of the Jewish-run Communist Garland Fund, which subsidized the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, run from its foundation in 1913 by the Jewish Spingarns (Joel, the brother Arthur). In Who’s Who In America, 1954-5, Joel boasts of arguing the Texas primary and first Area Zoning cases for the NAACP, going to the Supreme Court. He lists his positions as delegate and commission member for the USA of UNESCO, and as advisor to the US Commissions of UNESCO at Paris and Mexico City. He lists his vice-presidency of the American Jewish Committee in Who’s Who. (1964-5)
Brother Robert, son of Louis, Sr., died, leaving a fortune to be spent for Marxian purposes, in the Robert Marshall Foundation. Its benefits to almost every phase of Communistic activity are chronicled by the Dies Committee reports (Vol. 17, 1944 – Section 1-6, etc.). It is run by another of Louis’s sons, George.
Red George Marshall’s record is so clear and so voluminous that it leaves no doubt about his ideological devotion to the Soviet Union and the revolution upon which that government is based. He has 29 Communistic listings in the index of the Dies Report, all backed by documentary evidence.”
The General Zionists are different [from at that time mainly “Russian”-Jewish] communists only in their stress upon certain policies best calculated to achieve Talmudic world aims. As for any imagined “conservatism,” the leaders of the General Zionists, (according to the Palestine Year Book, 1946, issued by the Zionist Organization of America) the ruling heads of the World Zionist Organization were: red Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, Louis Lipsky, Nahum Goldmann. (page 357)
Wise, Silver, Goldmann, Lipsky, were all included in the 120 top Jews of the world chosen by the world Kehillas in 1937, along with Commissar Litvinov (Finklestein) of Russia, Rabbi Louis Finkelstein (see his “Pharisees” herein), and others.”
I said it many times before…..when slavery was abolished the slave-drivers had to come up with another racket to keep the enslavement of Black people going…..the NAACP was all about advancing the Jewish Marxist Bolshevik communist hate white people agenda in America using Black people as canon fodder.
Does anyone recognize that it’s a fake photo. Look at MLK’s head on body. Doesn’t it look pasted. Also what kind of weird bizarre photo in the background. Miles Mathis does a great exposing of MLK on his sight. http://www.mileswmathis.com/updates.html
Miles Mathis is a Jew, so take anything he says with a grain of salt.
Here is another article using the same picture courtesy of the author…..https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/kivie-kaplan-martin-luther-king-civil-rights
MLK was put on the stage by Jews to help further their political agenda in America, so I am not surprised if Jews to expose MLK, just like they do with Donald Trump. The very same Jew who helped to write his book art of the deal, turned up being against him. They put Obama on the stage to further their exploitation of race and black people in America but the propaganda machine keeps pointing the finger at White people.
Were this not CFT , one would believe it a late night jew comedy. But it is sad. Another young man lost his sinecure at another superfluous organization. And I learnt two new diseases : systemic racism and bigotry . I knew bigotry of course; but had thought black people were immune.
But light refreshment from the current murders of innocent white people by blacks , that are not reported. Hopefully black people will read and learn , why NAACP never helps black people.