(The Jewish Chronicle) It is remarkable that Jews today just can’t come to terms with the fact that many of the greatest and most famous and influential writers who ever lived held unflattering opinions about many Jews — and George Orwell, the author of Animal Farm and 1984, is one of those writers who really drives them mad because his books are so popular, especially among Jews:
“Here’s your starter for ten. Which major 20th-century English author wrote these words:
“The shopman was a red-haired Jew, an extraordinarily disagreeable man … it would have been a pleasure to flatten the Jew’s nose if only one could have afforded it.”Or these: “Have I ever told you, mon ami, that … it was considered bad form to spit on a Jew? Yes, we thought a Russian officer’s spittle was too precious to be wasted on a Jew…”
Last one: “In a corner by himself a Jew, muzzle down in the plate, was guiltily wolfing bacon.”
The headline of this article suggests the correct, if surprising, answer. All three quotations are taken from George Orwell’s first published book, Down and Out in Paris and London (Gollancz 1933). The first two occur early in his Paris days; the last when he is in a Tower Hill coffee shop back in London.
Three years later, he ended his review of a Sholem Asch book, “if you want antisemitism explained the best book to read is the Old Testament”. In 1939, he concluded another book review similarly: “The Old Testament is largely a literature of hatred and self-righteousness. No duties towards foreigners are recognised, extermination of enemies is enjoined as a religious duty, Jehovah is a tribal deity of the worst type.”
Admirers of Orwell (among whom I count myself) have long been troubled by the strain of casual and perhaps not-so-casual antisemitism found in his published work, diary entries and private letters, especially in the 1930s. The almost schizophrenic contrast between his authorial hostility to these anonymous, nameless “Jews”, identified only by their religion, and his long friendships with individual Jewish publishers (Victor Gollancz and Fred Warburg) and writers (Arthur Koestler, T.R. (Tosco) Fyvel, Julian Symons, Jon Kimche, Evelyn Anderson and others) remains puzzling.
Had he lived, Orwell would have been 120 this weekend. But unlike Moses (admittedly protected throughout his long life by a higher authority), he wrecked his chances of even three score years and ten with a reckless disregard for his health…
Literary antisemitism was the norm in England until relatively recently. If they mention Jews at all, most major 19th-century English novelists described unattractive stereotypes. Perhaps George Eliot is the shining exception, as is EM Forster in the next century.
But Graham Greene, JB Priestley, Evelyn Waugh and Anthony Powell are all “guilty”, while HG Wells, Saki, GK Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc are positively odious. As for the poets, TS Eliot and Ezra Pound are simply vile.
This then was the context, the prevailing milieu, when Orwell was serving both his literary and political apprenticeship in the 1930s. There was a prevailing hostility towards Jews in both spheres. If, like me, you expected better, even then, from the young Orwell, you’d be disappointed.
Before the success of Animal Farm in 1945, George Orwell was a minor novelist and a brilliant but relatively obscure freelance critic and essayist, always short of money and struggling to make a living. His major 1930s concern was the threat of Soviet-style communism.
“Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 [when he fought in the Spanish Civil War],” he wrote in a famous post-war essay, “has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic Socialism, as I understand it.”
And here is his key and oft-quoted sentence from his wartime article on Arthur Koestler: “The sin of nearly all left-wingers from 1933 onwards is that they wanted to be anti-fascist without being anti-totalitarian.” There can be little doubt, without the need for lengthy quotation, that Orwell was genuinely and irrevocably anti-totalitarian, anti-imperialist and anti-colonial.
These pre-occupations, and his wartime work as a talks producer for the BBC’s Indian Service, did not leave much time for an in-depth investigation into antisemitism. One benefit-of-the-doubt explanation may be that there is only so much “bandwidth” a busy writer/commentator can have. However, once war was declared, his attitude became more nuanced.
In 1940, he met Tosco Fyvel, who became his co-editor of the wartime Searchlight Books, his successor as literary editor of Tribune (and, later in life, the literary editor of the JC) and, in a strange way, Orwell’s Jewish conscience.
Fyvel certainly provoked Orwell into re-examining his antisemitism. In December 1942, in two BBC News Commentary broadcasts, Orwell made clear his horror at the accounts of the murder of a million Polish Jews. Soon after, referring to Pound, he wrote in Tribune: “Antisemitism, for instance, is simply not the doctrine of a grown-up person. People who go in for that kind of thing must take the consequences.”
He followed this with two powerful “As I Please” columns in Tribune in early 1944 attacking the irrationality and inconsistencies of antisemites and expressing his bewilderment at the longevity of the prejudice.
Orwell’s last major reflection on this topic was Antisemitism in Britain, published by the Contemporary Jewish Record in February 1945. His essay, a characteristic mixture of the sociological and the personal, but which still combined ignorance with insight, showed how far his thinking had evolved in the 12 years since “Down and Out” appeared.
And yet, frustratingly, the complexities, ambiguities, and contradictions remained. Shortly before his death in January 1950, he praised the legitimacy of the award of a major poetry prize to Pound (although he was personally scathing about the literary merit of Pound’s work) and downplayed the antisemitism in Eliot’s early poetry.
Shortly after his funeral, Malcolm Muggeridge, who had helped organise it, wrote: “Interesting, I thought, that George should so have attracted Jews because he was at heart, strongly antisemitic.”
Orwell’s comment in his last letter to Julian Symons that “I have no doubt Fyvel thinks I am antisemitic” (with the implication that he did not believe it to be true) led Fyvel to protest, when he read it, “Well no, I would never have said that.” Though he may have thought it.
Finally, there’s 1984. In this bleak masterpiece, Winston Smith “could never see the face of Goldstein without a painful mixture of emotions. It was a lean Jewish face, with a great fuzzy aureole of white hair and a small goatee beard — a clever face, and yet somehow inherently despicable, with a kind of senile silliness in the long thin nose, near the end of which a pair of spectacles was perched. It resembled the face of a sheep, and the voice, too, had a sheep-like quality.”
George: what on earth are these antisemitic tropes doing there in the immediate aftermath of Auschwitz?
Fyvel once asked Orwell why he had given the name Goldstein “to the one conceivable rebel left against Big Brother and the Party”. Orwell explained that this was, of course, a reference to Trotsky, but he added that the most likely man to stage a hopeless last revolt against a possible totalitarian regime would be some Jewish intellectual.
On the one hand, well aware of the horrors of the Holocaust (he reported from Germany in the spring of 1945 for the Observer and Manchester Evening News), Orwell had supported wholesale entry of Jewish refugees into Britain. On the other, he remained hostile to Zionism, as a form of nationalism.
Fyvel wrote that his friend considered Zionists to be the Jewish equivalent of white settlers, like the British in India or Burma, while the Arabs were comparable to the native Indians and Burmese. Like others on the left over the last 75 years,
Orwell sought to distinguish antisemitism, which, in the end, he publicly opposed as an irrational neurosis, from anti-Zionism. But he never explained the distinction with his normal moral clarity or convinced Fyvel or Koestler.
There has been a fine larger-than-life statue of Orwell outside the BBC’s premises in Portland Place since 2017. It was cast in bronze. But if you examine it closely, you might see feet of clay.”
If anything, the Jew who wrote this attack on Orwell lacks “nuance” — because he didn’t bother to try to understand the evolution of Orwell’s naive and often self-contradicting political views — but nowhere did Orwell ever blame “the Jews” for society’s ills.
Let’s get this straight — Orwell’s first publisher, Victor Gollancz, was a Jew — and for some reason Gollancz had no problem with Orwell’s depiction of Jews in his first book — why not?
The reason is simple — Gollancz published and promoted “woke” socialist books, and Orwell’s Down and Out In Paris and London depicted the dismal lives of the lower classes, and yes, there were coarse Jews living among them.
Gollancz championed these poor working class people as the beneficiaries of his socialist ideals — and he used Orwell to dig up material to promote socialism among the poor working class in England during the height of the Depression.
There can be no. doubt that Orwell, at least early on, was very sympathetic to the socialist movement — and also held the fascist, Oswald Mosley in contempt, especially for blaming everything on “mysterious international gangs of Jews.”
Orwell traveled to Spain, intent upon fighting against “fascism” but quickly became disillusioned when the paranoid infighting of the communists who accused him of being a “fascist” despite having been wounded in their cause — after which he fled Spain, returned to England, where he discovered that he was tried in absentia for being a “rabid Trotskyite.”
While being an anti-communist, Orwell remained sympathetic to socialist ideals — along with being anti-Fascist — yet he was embittered by the idea that England sided with Stalin in World War II — whom he rightly called a “disgusting murderer.”
His next publishers — Tosco Fyve and Fredric Warburg — were also Jews who knew about Orwell’s ambivalent feelings about certain Jews, yet chose to publish him anyway — why?
For the simple reason that they did not consider Orwell to be any sort of “antisemite” in the mold of Oswald Mosley — and it’s worth noting that Orwell’s first publisher, Gollancz, refused to publish Animal Farm because of its obvious anti-Soviet stance.
Orwell chose to name the revolutionary anti-hero in 1984 “Goldstein” not to cast aspersions on Jews — but for the simple reason that he resembled Trotsky who shared Orwell’s anti-Stalinist and anti-Hitler views.
Before the “Holocaust,” many Jews held the same low opinion of some of their fellow Jews — especially eastern Jews — whom they felt gave assimilated Jews a bad name by living up to the worst stereotypes that “gentiles” held of them.
The German Jew, Walther Rathenau — who was Germany’s first Jewish foreign minister — held these dirty “osten” or eastern Jews in contempt — and believed that assimilated and cultured Jews would be blamed for their anti-social behaviors, especially their communist agitations.
So-called “casual antisemitism” didn’t become unfashionable — or career destroying — until well after World War II — it didn’t really become a “third rail” until the late 1970s when Jews started to ramp up Holocaust propaganda everywhere in the media, especially on television.
Today most Jews cannot conceive of a world where they are not in complete control and have the ability to destroy anyone who dares say anything unflattering about Jews — but in reality prior to World War II, the “Jewish Question” was not a social taboo, nor would it get you “blacklisted” or ostracized.
Even Jews themselves participated in discussions about Jews in social gatherings — for example, right after WWII, the Jewish big band leader, Artie Shaw who was married to Ava Gardner, joked along with the “antisemites” at a party he attended:
“[Artie] Shaw told [Ava Gardner] about being ‘at a posh Hollywood dinner party when they started talking about Jews. It turned out that they were all antisemitic. He said he sat there in silence for a while — apparently nobody knew he was a Jew— then he joined in with their snide remarks about Jews. He said he’d never forgive himself for his cowardice.’”
It was the Holocaust psy-op that made any critique of Jews socially unacceptable — much to the detriment of Jews themselves — without having to worry about any backlash, Jews have naturally become ruthless totalitarians who do not tolerate any resistance to their agenda to remake the world in their own image — Tikkun Olam.
And so it’s only natural that the Jew who wrote this article, while claiming to admire Orwell as a writer, cannot accept the fact that there has ever been a Jew, at any time in history, who deserved to be depicted in unflattering ways, as Orwell dared to do.
If Orwell were such an “antisemite”, then why did he name his dog “Marx”?
From a modern Jewish perspective, the “next” Holocaust will start when a Jew is criticized, no matter how warranted, and it doesn’t go left unchallenged with the hysterical cry of “Antisemite!”
The Hitler Family History
„What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our Race and
our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and
independence of the Fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the
mission allotted it by the Creator of the Universe.“
– Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
In no other historical instance does the spirit of the age play a bigger role than in the
study of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. When we add to this fact the other flaws in
recorded history – prejudice and the deliberate falsification of records – we uncover the
foundation for virtually all publications and films dealing with Hitler and National Socialism,
and we find the reason why each succeeding generation of writers, film makers and
broadcasters try to outdo one another in vilifying both. This being the case, I know that I
cannot hope to correct the monumental wrongs done to the memory of the late German Führer
by the subservient historians of the past seventy years. I must leave this problem to more able
men and women, who, thank God, are making significant inroads in that direction. However,
as a professional genealogist I feel that there is an area in which I can offer some long-
overdue correction. What follows is that contribution.
Alfred Konder
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1999
The Untold Story of the Hitler Family by Alfred Konder
Some more books you may wish to add to CFT’s library.
Elizabeth Dilling The Octopus.
Itsvan Bakony’s LOPs is a collection of 12 Books .(Library Of Political Secrets.)
For readers in Europe some editions available here if archive.org is blocked.
Good introduction to the Protocols of Zion.
Auschwitz The Underground Guided Tour.- Carloyn Yeager.
Jews have become so paranoid by the tall tales of the holocaust that whenever they read any unflattering portrayal of themselves in even classic literature, the hair goes up on the backs of their necks and they think this is what lead to the holocaust, or will lead to another.
The brainwashing is complete. Out of fear, they will endorse all restrictions of free speech so that they don’t get thrown in the gas chambers “again”.
Ann T. Zemitik
“But Graham Greene, JB Priestley, Evelyn Waugh and Anthony Powell are all “guilty”, while HG Wells, Saki, GK Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc are positively odious. As for the poets, TS Eliot and Ezra Pound are simply vile.”
Thanks, kike. Now I’ve got a good list of anti-jew authors to read!
And I find it pathetic how the 100% jew-controlled American media is incessantly making allusions to how this is “Orwellian” and that is “Orwellian” (always in regard to something that conservatives or white men are allegedly doing, of course) while at the same time instructing their race traitor lackeys all across Europe to imprison the continent’s citizenry for the “thought crime” of questioning their holocaust (lowercase on purpose) boondoggle. Whatever we are, say that’s what the other guy is. Standard Bolshevik tactic.
The Catholic Church was in the process of canonizing Chesterton as a saint until Jews intervened and derailed it.
JE ….
I don’t know much about Chesterton. I do remember Harold Covington referencing him often as an outspoken critic of jewish perfidy.
Anything you could add, would be educational.
I wonder if this is jew spin? — https://www.chesterton.org/jews/
Here is a Quote by Rabbi Steven Wise allegedly —
“Indeed, I was a warm admirer of Gilbert Chesterton. Apart from his delightful art and his genius in many directions, he was, as you know, a great religionist . . . I deeply respected him. When Hitlerism came, he was one of the first to speak out with all the directness and frankness of a great and unabashed spirit. Blessing to his memory!”
— Rabbi Stephen Wise
President of the American Jewish Congress (1937)
The Society of G.K. Chesterton proclaims the following, “We love our Jewish brothers and sisters.”
Bet there are a lot of Jews in that society.
The Society’s primary defense against the charge of antisemitism against Chesterton is that he died before the Holocaust (so-called) and had no idea that his comments about Jews would be taken within the context of the “Holocaust”. Circular reasoning.
By today’s standards, and even when he was alive, there were Jews who did not like him.
I think Chesterton was far more critical of Jews than the Chesterton Society will admit, but I think he was far less antisemitic than modern critics judge him to be.
thank you Lord
To all people of good faith…
Summon up the will that God Almighty gave you.
In other words, the problem with George Orwell was that he wasn’t antisemitic enough.
When international juden declare war on a country, the proper reaction is to declare war on (((THEM.))) The old newspaper headline from 1933 says it all. Judea declares WAR on Germany. Soulless kikes conveniently leave that out of their “righteous” kvetching about “muh evil Nazis.”
In my opinion, ever-arrogant jewry has calculated in retrospect that their brazen (((declaration))) was a major misstep. Even though they slithered out of that era and continued their pursuit of the completely satanic tikkun olam, they know deep inside that their all-or-nothing approach of always doubling down could have (and should have) ended in an even worse disaster for (((them.)))
So, they continued warring against us, but by deception. Faithless kikes can’t fight physically. I have hoped that they would have the courage to declare war openly on us in America, but that will never happen again.
They will never make it that easy for the sleeping giant of White Christendom to wake up , dust off the medieval shackles, and throw the kikes back in the Dungeon (forever this time) where they belong.
May God bless the anti-semites who are still fighting this deranged jew menace.
esatto!!! il gigante bianco addormentato della cristianità
“Exactly! The sleeping white giant of Christendom.”
Union jack
Orwell worked for the BBC during WWII, and it seems like he believed all the British anti-German propaganda that he repeated in his writings.
No one did as much for the poor working class as the National Socialists did, transforming the economy, and virtually eliminating unemployment and inflation in 6 short years, something that the socialists and communists could never do, but that’s because they were never about uplifting the working class, but instead eliminating competition and consolidating all power into the ruling class of Jewish bankers.
Orwell was typical of liberals of his era. They had all kinds of criticisms of the status quo, but could offer no practical answers. And Orwell seemed oblivious to the fact that Britain was an economic basket case because of the policies of the Jewish bankers who controlled the country.
Oswald Mosley understood all this, but Orwell believed all the anti-Mosley propaganda.
He died in ignorance of how he was used by the Jewish publishers to promote socialism which was the cancer that is still destroying the U.K. 80 years later.