(Forward) Ninety years have passed since the National Socialist took steps to protect German society by burning “troves” of pornographic Jewish “scientific literature” which attempted to normalize sexual deviancy — including books on “pioneering” gender mutilation surgeries — yet Jews today remain clueless about why these books were burned — and why they themselves are the root cause of “antisemitic” reactions to their behavior, according to a recent article in the Jewish Forward:
“Just a few months after Adolf Hitler became Germany’s chancellor, pro-Nazi university students celebrated the nascent Third Reich by organizing public book burnings in 34 German towns and cities. These ceremonial destructions of “un-German” texts, often accompanied by parades, concerts and speeches, were carefully documented by Nazi officials and are now symbolic of the country’s descent into fascism.
Some of the core images associated with the Holocaust show piles of books smoldering in the streets of Berlin, and the new regime’s antipathy for Jewish authors like Heinrich Heine and Max Brod is now well-known. But another category of literature that perished in the book burnings — troves of research on sexuality — goes largely unnoticed today.
One of the institutions ransacked by the Nazi student groups that organized the book burnings was the Institute for Sexual Research (Institut für Sexualwissenschaft). Founded by the pioneering sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld, the institute was the first medical center devoted to the study of gender and sexuality. At the institute, trans patients received gender-affirming care, activists campaigned for the rights of queer Germans and doctors conducted research on gender-affirming procedures — much of which was lost forever in the book burnings.
Today, the United States is experiencing a moral panic about transgender rights, with attempts in many states to ban gender-affirming care and public expressions of queerness. Meanwhile, book bans are proliferating across American school districts, with activist parents agitating to remove books about marginalized groups and the United States’ long history of racism. Suzanne Nossel, the CEO of the free expression organization PEN America, described the book bans as a “relentless crusade to constrict children’s freedom to read…”
…Born in 1868, Hirschfeld was a gay Jewish doctor, sexologist and activist. At a time when the medical establishment pathologized homosexuality, treating it as evidence of mental illness or moral degeneracy, Hirschfeld argued that queer people were acting “according to their own nature” and should be respected as such.
He coined the phrase “sexual intermediaries” as an umbrella term to describe any person whose gender or sexual identities did not conform to cisgender, heterosexual norms, identifying Socrates, Michelangelo and Shakespeare as famous historical examples. Even more radical in the context of his own era, Hirschfeld also recognized that some people have no fixed gender identity.
In 1897, Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee, one of the first gay rights organizations. The group adopted the motto “Through science to justice,” reflecting Hirschfeld’s belief that if Germans could be persuaded that homosexuality was a biological trait, they would relinquish their prejudices. He lobbied against “Paragraph 175,” the section of Germany’s legal code that criminalized homosexuality.
Hirschfeld’s concerns were not limited to the rights of gay men. He also gave sex advice to heterosexual couples and argued for wider access to birth control. On lecture tours in America, his wide-ranging expertise earned him the nickname “the Einstein of sex…”
…In order to put his ideas into practice, Hirschfeld founded the Institute for Sexual Research in 1919.
Housed in a gracious Berlin mansion, the Institute for Sexual Research offered medical care and education on issues like venereal disease, pregnancy and fertility. Hirschfeld, who lived in an apartment above the institute, performed the first male-to-female gender-affirming surgeries in 1930.
Hirschfeld also worked to protect his patients from the indignities of life in a hostile society. When some trans women could not find work after surgery, he employed them at the institute. And although his efforts to decriminalize homosexuality were unsuccessful, he procured “transvestite” identity cards for his patients, a stop-gap measure that helped them live openly as women without being arrested.
Besides serving patients, the institute housed offices for feminist activists and a printing press for progressive sexual health journals. The institute regularly hosted lectures and film screenings. Hirschfeld and his colleagues also developed an enormous library of rare texts and notes on gender-affirming surgery.
Why was all this happening in Berlin?
…In the early 20th century, Berlin’s queer bar scene was famous enough to earn mentions in tourist guides. The city provided a safe haven for gay people from less hospitable countries. The British writer Christopher Isherwood, who lived in the city from 1929 to 1933 and whose work inspired the musical Cabaret, summarized the city’s vibe succinctly: “Berlin meant boys.” So while Hirschfeld was thinking far ahead of his time, he also worked within one of Europe’s most empowered queer communities.
How did the book burning happen?
In 1933, after Hitler was elected chancellor, the government began to purge cultural institutions of “degenerate” art and the artists who produced it. Third Reich propagandist Joseph Goebbels drew on pro-Nazi student organizations for help in this project. In April, the Nazi German Student Association proposed an “Action Against the Un-German Spirit” that would culminate in a series of book burnings.
Students broke into and occupied the Institute for Sexual Research on May 6. Four days later, they burned its entire library, along with thousands of other “un-German” books. University students accompanied the burnings with torchlight processions.
Hirschfeld, who was working in Paris when the institute was ransacked, learned of the library’s destruction through a newsreel and never returned to Germany. He stayed in Paris until the threat of a Nazi occupation caused him to flee to Nice. En route, he died of a stroke on his 67th birthday.
So, in other words, Jews think the “Nazis” burned these degenerate books merely to “celebrate” their rise to power — and it had nothing to do with the content of those books.
It never occurs to Jews that when our societies were still sane, gender dysphoria and homosexuality were scientifically-recognized emotional and psychological disorders that require serious medical attention.
Instead of giving these people the treatment they need, the Jews champion Magnus Herschfeld as some sort of “hero” for insisting these suffering individuals are “normal” — and then they become “shocked” when people don’t want to go along with their homo-gaslighting.
Jews — by their own admission — have a much higher incidence of mental disorders than the general public — and not surprisingly have a much higher rate of homosexuality — hardly a coincidence since they go hand-in-hand.
Many studies have been done showing that homosexuals often suffer from pathological levels of narcissism — so it should come as no surprise that Jews see Israel as a “haven” for homosexuals and other sexual deviants.
In fact, one recent study found that a whopping one-third of the Israeli population identifies as “bisexual” — and considering less than 2% of the general population in western nations identifies as “gay”, it appears that Jews are vastly over-represented in the “gay movement”.
From its beginnings, the “gay” or “LGBT” movement in America — and in all western countries — has been dominated by Jews — just as the “women’s movement” has been dominated by bitter Jewish lesbians and bisexuals.
And ‘gay porn’ was not only a product of deviant Jewish minds in Weimar, Germany — today, the largest producers of gay porn in America just so happen to be ‘a nice Jewish couple’ — Barry and Karen Mason.
When the “refugee crisis” hit Europe, Jewish pornographers started producing “refugee porn” to specifically appeal to the prurient interests of the Muslim invaders.
Nor should it surprise us that the largest owner of pornographic movie theaters in New York City was Chelly Wilson — a Jewish lesbian and alleged “Holocaust survivor”.
As British historian — David Irving — once pointed out to a Jew during a lecture,
“If you hadn’t behaved the way you have as a race for 3,000 years, first the Russians, then the Poles, then the Galicians, then the Austrians and the rest wouldn’t have harried and hounded you from pillar to post so you end up finding yourselves at Auschwitz. And you’ve never asked yourselves, “Why?”
Obviously, Chilly Wilson never asked herself “why” she and her family ended up in a German concentration camp — otherwise, she wouldn’t have used her new-found freedom to start a pornographic empire in America and create more “antisemitism” all over again.
Tone deafness is epidemic among Jews — blind to their own hypocrisy.
In 1290, Edward I banished Jews from England for practicing ruinous usury, so 800 years later they erect a bronze statue honoring a Jewish usurer in Winchester — and start the cycle all over again.
A Jewish pornographer admits Jews have controlled the porn industry “from the beginning”:
Good riddance to bad rubbish! We should burn the lot of it on bonfires today!
101 Year Old former Nazi Camp guard at Sachsenhausen, they say he must have seen the procces’s and the Gas Chambers and jailed him for 5 Years.
Oldest person ever tried for Nazis’ WWII crimes sentenced at age of 101
June 28, 2022
Josef Schutz died 13 April 2023
“Schirmer-Gerhart-Sachsenhausen-Workuta” Zehn Jahre in den Fangen der Sowjets – original book in German.
Schirmer-Gerhart-Sachsenhausen-Workut ( forced to build a gas chamber and execution room) ENGLISH pdf Google Machine translation.
Built Gas Chambers
Col (retd) Gerhart Schirmer, Sachsenhausen – Workuta. Zehn Jahre in den Fängen der Sowjets (published by the right-wing and independent firm, Grabert Verlag, Tübingen, 1992).
Following a decision by the County Court in Tübingen of 21.8.2002-12.9.2002, this booklet was withdrawn and prohibited on the grounds of racial incitement (file reference 4 Gs 937/02).
Extracts from pages 10, 13 and 37.
There exists a notarized, sworn affidavit about the construction of a gas chamber and a shooting facility [at Sachsenhausen concentration camp] in October/November 1945 by eight prisoners, of whom I was one. Briefly described, this ‘gas chamber’ was a shower room with 25 showerheads in the ceiling. This was supposed to give the impression that the gassing was conducted in it. Adjoining this, we erected a separate chamber with an opening, in front of which the offender would sit facing the opposite side in order to receive a shot in the back of his neck. At least this was what the guide had to explain [to Soviet visitors]. This [guide] was our Fritz Dörbeck who, as a translator, had to act out this piece of theatre because – born in Russia – he spoke perfect Russian. […]
Concerning the falsifications in Sachsenhausen (autumn 1945):
At the beginning of October 1945 Schirmer arrived at the former concentration camp, Sachsenhausen, which the Red Army had occupied since the end of April and which had been taken over by the NKVD [the much feared Soviet secret police that was responsible for political repression during the Stalinist era, akin to the Nazi Gestapo] who continued to run it as Special Camp No. 7. He describes some of his experiences from this time in his booklet ‘Sachsenhausen-Vorkuta’. Of special interest is his statement concerning the alterations made to the former camp crematorium by German internees, including Schirmer, on the orders from the NKVD. Schirmer later made a statement under oath about it in which he said:
… in early October 1945 I was placed in Oranienburg [ie Sachsenhausen] concentration camp (barrack room 19) which continued to be used by the Soviets. After about fourteen days I was brought into the ‘Steinbau’ (stone buildings) and there, together with seven other prisoners, presented to the political officer of the camp, Lieutenant-Colonel Kolowantienkow. From him we received an order to carry out certain construction work in the so-called Front Zone (Vorzone) of the camp.
Among the seven other prisoners was Dipl.-Ing. Fritz Dörbeck. He was the son of a German geologist who in about 1905 had been tasked by the Tsarist administration to carry out some geological research in the region of Vladivostok. Dörbeck grew up there and spoke fluent Russian. In 1918 the Dörbeck family returned to Germany via China. After his release in 1956, Fritz Dörbeck became the sales director of AEG-Telefunken in Ulm and I remained a close friend of his till his death in 1982.
The seven prisoners also included one Emil Klein, a Sudeten German who also spoke fluent Czech and some Russian. He supervised our construction work and then disappeared from the camp after its completion. We suspected at the time that this Klein was the intermediary [Vertrauensmann] for the Soviets. The seven also included four construction workers and a plumber. I no longer remember their names.
In the middle of October 1945 we were taken to the construction site. There, in the so-called Front Zone of the Camp, was a large shower room with an ante-room. The shower room was about 8×10 square metres and contained about twenty-five shower heads. In the ante-room were about fifty coat hooks.
When we arrived, the material required for the construction work was already there. Under the directions of Klein, we now connected pipes from outside the building to the water supply pipes [Wassernetz]. Outside, on the outside of the wall, taps were attached. Only now was Dipl.-Ing. Dörbeck the first to understand what this work was apparently about.
We built an additional concrete cell adjoining the bathroom measuring about 4×2 square metres with an opening into the ante-room of the shower room. The new opening from the ante-room to the newly built so-called ‘execution room’ [Erschießungsraum] was about 20 cms wide. It was made to look as if the offender who was to be shot would have stood at the entrance facing the concrete wall enabling the person with the gun to fire a shot into the back of his head.
The construction works went on for about 14 days. When Dipl.-Ing. Dörbeck and I realised what was being built, we went to the political officer and told him that we refused to undertake any further work. The political officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Kolowantienkow, spoke – often heatedly – with Dörbeck for about fifteen minutes in Russian. Dörbeck later told me that the political officer had said that we would be summarily shot if we ceased to do any further work or let slip one word about it. The political officer said furthermore that we were receiving good rations (which was true) and that he – Dörbeck – would later be required to explain the installation to groups of Soviet visitors. The political officer also said that we would be well-treated in the future and receive good rations. As we were unable to prevent the construction of the installation, it seemed to make sense to us that we should continue the work and, in this way, learn what was being made there.
After completion, at about the end of October 1945, Dipl.-Ing. Dörbeck was brought before the political officer alone and received precise instructions about the explanations he was to give to Soviet groups of visitors. He had to say the following: This installation, which was built by the Nazis, served to kill [Vernichtung] Jews and Soviet officer prisoners. Each day some 200 people were gassed and about twenty-five were shot. This went on from 1943 till 1945 (April).
From about December 1945 until the end of 1947 an average of two tours a week, each consisting of some thirty to forty Soviet men, mostly soldiers and people from the GPU, and women, were escorted by Dörbeck round the installation. There were often officers amongst them who quite openly expressed doubts about the age of the installation because they saw that the concrete was new, that there were no bullet holes from the executions in the concrete wall and that the blood stains (red paint) were very meagre and unconvincing.
Dörbeck reported to me after each tour. … After Oranienburg concentration camp was closed down in January 1950, Dörbeck and I were sent first to Lichtenberg (Berlin) Prison and then in September 1950 to Vorkuta in the northern Urals.
Signed Gerhart Schirmer
Rastatt, 16.12.86
Gerhart Schirmer joined as a Lieutenant in September 1935 the Luftwaffe where he followed the pilot training course. In May 1939 he transferred to the Fallschirmjägers (Paratroopers) and was promoted to Chef der 6. Kompanie des Fallschirmjäger-Regiments 2. With this unit he took part in the invasion of Poland where they secured and hold a bridgehead over the river Weichel. In May 1940 Hauptmann Schirmer jumped during the invasion of the Netherlands in the area of Katwijk to conquer the airfield of Valkenburg. During the battle of the Balkan he jumped on April 26th 1941 near the Greek city of Corinth and after some heavy fighting they conquered the city and they took some 2100 British prisoners. For this action he was later awarded with the Knight’s Cross. Hauptmann Schirmer also fought on Crete, in Russia and Tunisia till he was promoted in May 1943 to Major and took over the command of the 5th Fallschirmjäger-Regiment. With this unit he fought in Italy till he was ordered in January 1944 to form a new Fallschirmjäger-Regiment. This became the 16th Fallschirmjäger-Regiment and as commanding officer of this unit he fought on the West and East front. He was taken prisoner in Berlin at the end of the war and was finally released in January 1956. In December of that same year Gerhart Schirmer joined the Bundeswehr and he retired as a Colonel in April 1971.
Following the capture of Corinth by German Fallschirmjäger, Hauptmann Schirmer took command of the II./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 2 and set out in pursuit of the Allied forces in the Peloponnese. Nauplia was occupied, but en-route to Tolos the 6. Kompanie was ambushed by British forces. Despite rallying and beginning their own attack, in the difficult terrain the attack bogged down. In response Schirmer sent a messenger to the British forces, warning them that if they did not surrender they would be immediately crushed by Stukas and Panzers. The bluff succeeded and Schirmer’s men took the surrender of 1200 British troops and 72 officers. Schirmer then managed to capture the commander-in-chief of the Greek forces in the Peloponnese and secured their surrender, resulting in the capture of 9000 Greek and 2000 British troops.
Not long afterwards, on the 26.05.1940, Schirmer and his men would capture Hill 296, a height which overlooked the Heraklion airfield. This action would prove a most important step for the eventual capture of the city a few days later. For these achievements Schirmer would receive the Knight’s Cross.
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
Christ Is King
A good video here on National Socialist book burnings made by a young fellow – He seems to have a multitude of videos he’s made, and from what I’ve seen, are well reserched:
CODOH.COM – The Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust and related publishing companies have suffered a major attack, with all our Internet servers disconnected.
But we at CODOH are fighting hard to defeat this attack, and we are already in the process of recovering fully from the damage inflicted. Truth will prevail!
Meanwhile any saved links from Codoh.com can be opened using Archive.org
‘Waybackmachine’ as shown in the example below.
Map of jewish registered sex offenders living in Israel
New York dominatrix says her most sexually twisted and perverse clients are Orthodox jews in Brooklyn
Yeah…but uber-atheist Indiana Jewnes said…..
Sorry for being off topic, CFT. I thought people may wish to be aware of this article. Censoring twitter by reducing “antisemetic content”, or some rubbish…
Hmmmmm… jews are pulling strings again.
We found this amusing — someone posted a link to this article on the ‘Nazi’ book burning on Gab — and we certainly thank them for getting the word out:
Apparently, Carolyn Yeager took exception to it, claiming that the National Socialists never burned books, and those responsible for this book burning event were “students” who acted upon their own.
We suppose that Carolyn has not seen the photographs from this event which clearly show members of the NSDAP standing front row and center watching this event:
Or here:
And how did these “rogue” students get their hands on these books to burn? Those books were confiscated by NSDAP officials who raided the offices of the “Sex Institute”. See the photo:
Clearly, the NSDAP gave those books to the “students” to do with what they wished, knowing full well they would burn them. And given the fact that photos of the event clearly show NSDAP officials at the event, it is safe to conclude that they condoned and participated in it on some level.
But in Carolyn Yeager’s mind the NSDAP needs to be “defended” from accusations of book burning, as if that’s some sort of blemish on their legacy. It isn’t a blemish — it’s not as if they were burning Goethe or Shakespeare.
Book burning is nothing to be ashamed of…
Acts 19.19
“Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.”
Paul and the mass book burning at Ephesus.
Mister 19
Don’t mean to be THAT guy, but it’s actually NSDAP, not NSDP—Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). Beautiful explanation and article, though.
Thanks Mister 19, we changed it.
Jews may rewrite history, but they certainly can’t go back and actually change it.
“…if Germans could be persuaded that homosexuality was a biological trait, they would relinquish their prejudices…”
That didn’t turn out so well for the Jews, now did it?
Love the title of the article, also.
What a laugh, lol.
They have had thousands of years to study and analyze humans
and enslave, manipulate and destroy them….and pass that information forward.
Each new generation has increased their arsenal.
That blood thirsty work is now manifesting itself worldwide.
Hang together or hang separately.
“…Hang together or hang separately….”
What do you mean ……. us or them? Not sure what you mean here. “Hang” as in “hangout/befriend” or “hang” as in “to die”.
I think it means WE better ‘hang together’ – i.e. stick together – else we will hang -as in on the gallows – individually.
At least thats how I have always taken it…
I get it now. Thanks.
Yes, if there was ever a time for Whites to think and act collectively, NOW is that time. Putting off all our personal differences.
The guys over at the Renegade Tribune are a perfect example. I mean they literally hate us. I probably would fear Kyle over a black man if found alone with either one. Kyle hates us as Israelite Identity. Those guys are a pack of wolves.
Whereas we are fighting for them and their children. We would never turn them away from a hot meal and a roof over their head. But they would “shank” us if given the opportunity.
Hang Together or Hang Individually. I understand the phrase now.
Quite ironic, I was blessed to be able to move to maybe one of the last bastions of racial purity. They don’t have a clue how lucky they are. They could care less what is happening South of them and all around. It is coming to our little area and they don’t care one iota. Drag Queen Story Hour in our Library??? Why the heck not. Foreign labor??? Bring um on.
Only one third of jews are bisexual? I would’ve said more like two thirds! but maybe Im being generous and including homos. Either way, that’s wayyyyyyy too many for a normal populace.
What amuses me is the way that these sorts of articles get churned out like what they’re reporting on is normal. They have no sense of shame and reasoning.
cajun b
Jews have completely redefined “normal” to mean anything abnormal.
Nothing to see here.
“yet Jews today remain clueless about why these books were burned”
That can be said for a lot of White people as well. Especially those who have been brainwashed by Hollywood, media and the educational establishment.
Hitler is the most vilified political figure of all known history. Every once in awhile there may be a token mention of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others. But the overwhelming beat down is on Hitler.
Unfortunately, people never question anything but, accept everything at face value.
“…But the overwhelming beat down is on Hitler…..”
It is literally EVERYDAY man.
I peruse the news mostly every day. I’ll watch a news cycle on both sides — Democratic/Liberal and the Republican/conservative news outlets, once in the morning.
It’s embarrassing. Obnoxious. The only outlets that APPEAR to be fighting for us (Newsmax; OAN) love the Jews. And hate all things Hitler; White Nationalism etc., etc.
Just saw this today — https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/nazi-town-usa-review-fertile-ground-for-fascism/ar-AA1ncvk2?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=246e87f4f12341278a9fa9c44cf6f5d0&ei=22
“…‘In the 1930s, there were people in the United States who were ready to try something different,” we hear during “Nazi Town, USA.” The “something different” was fascism.
The attraction of and drift toward an American strain of Nazism in particular, and Mussolini-style, trains-on-time dictatorship in general, had its reasons—more reasons than there would be today, to go by writer-director Peter Yost’s “American Experience” installment. Coming out of a world war and heading into an international economic depression, the U.S. was as polarized as it had been since the Civil War, with racist, antisemitic, anti-Catholic, anti-immigration and anti-democratic points of view not being whispered but rather bellowed across the landscape. America’s greatest threat, many feared, were Bolsheviks. Millions, including members of Congress, had belonged to the Ku Klux Klan. Father Coughlin was on the radio. Henry Ford had financed the publication of “The International Jew,” an antisemitic tract. And in New York—the “Nazi Town” of the title—the German American Bund was fomenting a coup, and filling Madison Square Garden with followers. In Yaphank, on Long Island, tract homes built as an offshoot of the pro-Nazi Camp Siegfried were going up on Adolf Hitler Street….”
So ………… more bullshit. It is amazing what they can get away with. Henry Ford wrote FACTS, but somehow they can endorse him at the same time besmirch him. It’s Magic.
They do literal Magic.
I have a Question about this Photo. First, the guy holding the torch to light the canon looks like a jew. Second — supposedly this photo is from the 30’s. I have a question as to when and how this slur of “N.a.z.i.” came to be?
I didn’t think the Germans referred to themselves as Nazi. I was under the impression it was a Jewish Slur. The Jew Press was using this Acronym in a derogatory way.
So, here is allegedly a group of Hitler sympathizers in America in the 30’s. Just doesn’t feel right to me. It looks too typical of Controlled Opposition to me.
Anyone have any information on this supposed “Nazi Town USA”???
Bruce — Great Points! I enjoyed your comment. Cheers.
No NS German ever used the term ‘nazi’ ; it is an illegitimate propaganda term coined by churchill’s (((handlers))).
I have read of many supporters of NS Germany and Chancellor Hitler in the US in the 30s, including Charles Lindbergh quite frankly. Why do you think they murdered his child and he was ‘disappeared’ from public life? There were indeed ‘awake’ Americans in the 30s. Too bad their progeny are so few today…
Thank you. I heard a name mentioned some time ago the word Nazi was Invented by an individual by the name of Conrad Heiden whose mother was jewish. This was a good while back on another discussion board. I believe it was Storm front. Not sure if it’s still in existent.
The individual with the torch could be Jewish. If you look at the tip of his nose and trace it back to his ear; it falls below the lobe. That is allegedly a sign that someone is jewish. With the good amount of Caucasian blood that some jews possess it’s hard to say.
The more I look at that photo, the more I am convinced that was some Jewish Hijinks.
The utter degeneracy and hypocrisy of these people is ridiculous. I agree with Irving, the jews always-ALWAYS blame their host nation – it’s always someone else’s fault – which is a narcissistic trait as well.
They are so arrogant – they push all of the degenerate filth onto our societies and then cry out when our societies ban their books and media. The saying, “The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you” is ever true.
Thanks again CFT for exposing these satanic goblins.
God bless and Hail Christ!
Great Piece CFT. Truly exposing Evil.
Speaking Truth to Power.
John Q. Public
If America weren’t under the satanic spell of the Jews, we would have public burnings of their porn and degenerate books every day….not that we need their permission….
“I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Almighty Creator. By fighting the Jews, I am doing the Lord’s work.” -Adolf Hitler
Revelation 12:9 tells us that at the End, the whole world will be deceived by “Satan” or “that old Serpent”.
I am one of those who believe that “satan” is a collective, not just one supernatural being, as 1 John 2:18 says,
“Little children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen, whereby we know that it is the last hour.”
Jewish identity was, and continues to be, founded on their denial of Jesus Christ, which makes them and their minions the anti-Christ of scripture.
Nothing else makes sense.
As the anti-Christ, Jews must lie, must gaslight the world, convince us that what is evil is good, and what is good is evil.
Supernatural inversion.
The anti-Christ creates and thrives in confusion that it creates and feeds off of. He looks innocently in your face and lies to you in such a grandiose way that you find it inconceivable that he is not telling the truth.
Every time we tell the truth we break the spell of their lies, leaving them to scramble to tell more lies to explain their previous lies, making them look even more pitiable.
Do not fear these anti-Christs, dear children.
They are afraid of you, brothers in Christ.
That’s why they lie.
Lindsey R
Excellent post! Thank you.
Very astute comment. Thank you.
For me personally, I don’t “fear” the future. I don’t fear the Beast. For the first time in my life, “death” sounds now appealing. “…oh death, where is thy sting..”
For me, in my weakness as a Man – my infirmities still trapped in this mortal body — I just want our People to WAKE UP!
I get it Spiritually — but my intelligence can’t understand it.
Our People would not literally walk-off a cliff. They still retain this type of innate awareness.
But when it comes to witnessing their Replacement off the face of the earth — they are intellectually blind.
It’s crazy! It can only be explained Supernaturally.
Gareth Watkinson
West mate
“I just want our People to WAKE UP!”
Only the Father can waken them. You cannot force our people to turn away from their current lifestyle and realise the perilous situation they’re in. Furthermore, many have now taken an experimental mRNA injection, which I doubt has improved their cognitive abilities, in fact it’s most probably the opposite.
I understand that it is frustrating, and I feel your pain with it.
Just remember that the Father is always in full control, and He will give them a big ‘slap’ to awaken them when the time is right (or not as the case may be).
Remember the common phrase, “There are none so blind than those that REFUSE to see”. Simply pray that the Father removes their blindfold. After all, didn’t everyone here in this comment section once have a blindfold? Most probably.
Chin up, brother, chin up.
Lindsey R
What an insightful comment you made, when you stated,
“After all, didn’t everyone here in this comment section once have a blindfold”.
Very true, in my case. Believed the world was as right as rain, everything I saw and heard on the news was the truth, and most importantly, Jews are a fabulous people, whom we should all adore. What a fool I was!
Though, sometimes I do wonder, is better to go through life with blinders on, permitting one, to ignore the genocide of the white race? I know we must keep faith, stay the course, keep the future generations of white children, proud of their culture and heritage; but, it’ sure gets tiring sometimes.
P.S. I love to read comments from you and West, they are always so enlightening.
Hello Lindsey R, and thank you for your kind words about mine and West’s conversations.
You wrote, “Though, sometimes I do wonder, is better to go through life with blinders on, permitting one, to ignore the genocide of the white race?”
Reminds me of the old expression, “Ignorance is bliss” which has a certain truth to it, no doubt.
I’m no movie buff, but can you remember the Matrix? There was one character in it that chose to reverse his decision on blue or red pill, and essentially go back to sleep in the Matrix. If you had the choice would you rewind time and instead of reading Israelite Identity literature, watch a netflix series instead?
I’m sure you wouldn’t btw 🙂
It IS a hard and lonely journey at times, I guess that what the ‘narrow road’ means, or at least partly means.
Remember, sister that those, “that endure to the end” will see the Father.
Also remember that His “people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”.
So keep learning, and stay on that narrow road (even though it can be lonely at times).
Chat again,
The LGBT+ agenda is running full tilt in western nations, and at some point the public will have to take action and say, “enough”.
There is another type of body dysphoria called anorexic nervosa (think Karen Carpenter) which is still regarded as a mental health problem. No-one would agree with someone with anorexic that they are “fat” when they’re clearly not, so as a SOCIETY we need to stop telling males they’re female and vice versa.
Doesn’t surprise me that the jews are behind such perverse promotions.
Mamzers are a corruption, so by definition they are mal (bad) or ill – physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Well said Gareth, I like to call them satanic goblins or trolls because that is literally what they look like. They are by far the most parasitic/evil mongrelized hominid on earth.
Lucifer is the god of the rainbow. That explains why LGBQT use it as their flag and why it’s everywhere these days.
And look out… the rainbow is also the symbol of the talmudic 7 noahide laws being foisted on us from the globalist/UN level.
There is a coming push to ‘take back the rainbow’ which will be nothing more than exchanging the moral degeneracy of the synagogue satan for the moral tyranny of the same.
Hi John and eyes on God:
Do they use that symbol to mock Genesis 9:13, or for some other reason?
I’ve looked online and cannot get a clear answer to this question.
Thanks in advance.
Lucifer is the God of the Rainbow and the prince and power of the air. The uranian (gay) agenda is Knights Templar/Rosicrucian alchemy of the Hermetic rituals in order to bring about the perfection of man and woman with Heaven and Earth.
The planned replacements for the human being will be a genetically altered hermaphrodite with addons for transhumanism. The hermaphrodite being seen as Divine and a combination of Lucifer (Aphrodite) and Hermes in one a messenger of light. All to aid the destruction of class and sexes on Earth.
They were putting this plan on television 30 years ago.
The Jews in Russia use the rainbow flag to represent the Jewish Autonomous Oblast
Hi John, and thanks for the explanation. They always seem to need to put things on their TV shows too, don’t they?
Not sure what to think about rainbows now? I guess it’s just important to distinguish between natural rainbows and the images of them in the media etc.
Natural rainbows are from the Father, and are quite beautiful like much of His work.