Despite the fact that Poland is more popular than ever as a tourist destination for Israeli Jews, these same Jews continue to viciously attack Poland as one of the most “antisemitic” countries in Europe, merely because it is more concerned about its own people than it is about Jews:
A new study suggests that Holocaust denial is at its worst in Eastern Europe, where “revisionist” governments driven by feelings of “victimhood” try to erase their nation’s culpability in the massacre of Jews.
The study, published on January 25 – just days before Holocaust Remembrance Day – indicates rampant levels of historical revisionism regarding the mass-extermination of Jews under Nazi rule in eastern parts of the European Union. The Holocaust Remembrance Project was conducted by researchers from Yale and Grinnell Colleges and endorsed by the European Union of Progressive Judaism (EUPJ), an umbrella organization which links more than 170 progressive Jewish communities in 17 countries.
“Revisionism” here refers to people minimizing their own government’s complicity, downplaying the number of victims, or claiming that the events of the Holocaust never occurred at all. Based on their findings, the study assigned countries a green, yellow, or red rating, indicating “progress, caution or problems,” in their relation to Holocaust history. Poland, Hungary, Croatia, and Lithuania all received a “red” rating, indicating that these countries have a serious incapability of “living up to their tragic histories.”
Poland is particularly taken to task in the study. The authors describe the country as run by a “right-wing nationalist government” engaged in “competitive victimization, emphasizing the experience of Polish victims over that of Jewish victims.” Aside from rising levels of anti-Semitism and continued reductions in Holocaust education, the country came under fire for a law it passed in January of last year which made it illegal to implicate the Polish state in Nazi crimes.
…While this part of the report focused on countries in Eastern Europe, the rest of the continent didn’t fare much better in recent related studies. One study published around the same time indicated that despite widely available evidence, 1 in 20 Britons don’t believe the Holocaust took place at all.
There can be little doubt that many in the “right wing” Polish government know full well that the official so-called Holocaust narrative is riddled with lies and exaggerations, and so it should come as no surprise to the Jews that the Poles don’t want to be accused of being complicit in a historical event that never happened. But the Jews have enough power to force the Poles to go along with their hysterical version of WWII, at least publicly.
And of course, the Jews are accusing the Poles of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. Tens of thousands of Poles died in the German work camps, but whenever the Poles have wanted to commemorate those deaths with an official memorial, the Jews have flipped out, screeching “antisemitism”. The Jews claim that Auschwitz is the “world’s largest jewish cemetery” despite the fact that no mass graves have ever been found there. No wonder the Poles are reticent to go along with these accusations that challenge all common sense. Unlike the Germans, the Poles cannot be coerced into feeling guilty for something that never happened.
Semite or septic? There can hardly be a more “septic” criminal gang (neither a race nor a religion) than the one that calls itself “jew”.
What about the Katyn massacre, where the jews murdered “the best” (most influential, most promising) of the Polish people, wiring their hands together behind their backs, shooting them in the back of the head and throwing them in a pit. When this crime was discovered, the cowardly jews tried, unsuccessfully for once, to blame it on the Germans.
If the jews really were semites (they’re not), I’d be PROUD to call myself an anti-semite.
@ Carl. The Sarmations are the Northern Elamite people of Shem. Together with the Ostagoths, they are one of the great ancestral people of Poland and the Baltic nations: Preuss, Latvia, Estonia etc. The Kyivan Slavs/Rus are descended from the Danaan people of the Northern Tribes of Israel which conquered the land of Canaan – the shipbuilders. They are all White , Shemite people. The Tatars, Avars, Khazars are Urgaritic/Turkic nations of the ancient land of Magog. These two distinct racial groups get along like gasoline and fire. (Think Canaanites/Hamites and Rephaim and Hebrews/Shemites and you have the story). The Poles mounted the Hussars against these tribes whether they were coming into Central Europe as the Khaganate of Ashkhenazi Jews (the Khazars), as the Khans (think Genghis and the Golden Horde of Mongolian allies) together with the former Turkic serf tribes of the Khaganate: Tatars, the Avars, the Uratu, or later as Islam. There is enmity between these people that goes back to the year dot. And the Kyivan Rus (Ukraine), Poland, later Poland Lithuania made war against the lot of them for centuries. In no way are Khazars the peers of the Polish nation which assisted the Kyivans to sack the Khaganate and throw down Sarkel when the Khaganate (which controlled the Silk Road, the Oxus and the Straits of the Bosphorus) stretched out its power to get the Amber Road of Central Europe. In the 10th century Prince Sviatoslav of Kyiv rallied all these White nations and fought against the Khaganate – this was what dispersed the Khazarian Jews out of their great empire in the ancient land of Magog ( tribal demon was Gog ) between the Black and Caspian Seas.
The Poles who have withstood Muslim invasion of Central Europe, constant border tension with Russia and Germany both of which constantly trying to get the lands of the old Poland Lithuania – Poles are about as based as it gets. The Polish community in America even forced the question of the Bolshevik Revolution onto the floor of the US Congress – (findings classified for the rest of the century). One of the 20th century wars that the Gatekeeper Jews have erased from European History is the war the Poles call ‘The Annihilation’ – aka Russian-Polish War 1920. Once they seized Russia, the Jewish Bolsheviks set about liberating the Russian gold of the former empire. They lost no time in Plan A was to organise the Soviet, get the White Russia genocide well underway (used the American marines for that one – which Wilson helpfully sent over) and then the Red Army marches on Europe – the invasion in force. The City-Washington Axis of the Judaic Supremacy directing the Revolution and the building of the Soviet thought the invasion of Europe would be a piece of cake seeing as how Poland as a nation had been dismembered by the Great Powers for over three hundred years -and they had only been a nation again for three years after World War I and Versailles. The Poles crushed the invasion of the Red Army in force. This was why the Judaic Supremacy and its Washington – The City Axis had to set up a controlled opposition in Germany in order to re-invade Poland from the West and clear the way for the Soviet invasion. And they made a movie about the war they call the ‘The Annihilation’. Poland Crushes the Soviet Invasion of Europe.
Yes, the Russian-Polish War of 1920 has been conveniently swept under the rug by the jewish court historians and gatekeepers, along with the aborted communist revolution in Germany in the early 1920s, as part of an ongoing effort to maintain their false narrative of Jews as the perennial victims.
I still don’t buy that the Third Reich can be classified as “controlled opposition”. It is obvious that there were jewish controlled elements within Hitler’s administration working against him, and while it can be proven that these traitors were integral to the downfall of “Nazi” Germany, the Third Reich was an honest attempt to reestablish a Christian nation. But as with ALL man-made “states”, it was doomed to failure – just sooner than later. Germany has been marked for destruction, period. The jews never needed a “subverted” Germany to complete their sweep of Europe. Germany has been the biggest obstacle to the jewish conquest of Europe…not the key to the jews’ seeming victory.
I agree that Germany was earmarked for destruction by the Judaic Supremacy. The question remains – how. The way the Reich conducted itself in Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland will be an important piece of the puzzle because it is in these nations where the Church is foundational to the state. Prince Michel Sturdza , Romania’s foreign minister, in his memoirs discovered the Conspiracy throughout the depts. of state throughout Europe – including the Reich. His work : The Suicide of Europe must be in curriculum of every home school for the history of the twentieth century.
Why are white people not making a fuzz about this……”Germany was earmarked for destruction by the Judaic Supremacy.” It is a fact that Woodrow Wilson and the whole US Congress arrogantly declared war against German (head of the holy Roman Empire) because they dared to take a stand against the Jewish Bolshevik communist. The same Jewish Bolshevik communist are wreaking havoc on America with impunity……
Where can I find more credible information on the truth of the Third Reich? Obviously Google will be of no help. Duckduckgo wasn’t any better. The veil has been lifted from my eyes, and I now seek Truth, instead of truth.
The single best source on World War II revisionism is probably the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust:
God bless Poland!
We can well understand why the Poles are not fond of the Russians, who invaded polish territory countless times, to massacre, to forbid the polish language, all kinds of atrocities imaginable to force Poland under the Russian Empire’s yoke.
Unfortunatly the Poles are not the brightest stars on the sky : They seem incapable, unlike the high IQ northeastern Asians, of developing their country to western standards.
Competency is not their strength, but victimisation is their speciality:
Believe it or not, they are demanding from the German govnt €100 billion in WW2 indemnisations. The Poles cynically forget that more than half of polish territory was stolen from the Germans!
Now who is greedier? The Jews or the Poles?
You seem to be an expert in repeating jewish lies, whether it’s about Christianity or Poland. And you state these lies with such confidence, as if you really know what you’re talking about.
In the Middle Ages, Poland had the first parliamentarian form of government in Europe–far more advanced and sophisticated than most other countries. But what held back Poland from developing economically like many other countries was the unfortunate fact that it had the largest population of Jews in the world, 10% of its entire population. Germany, on the other hand, had less than 1% Jews, and look at the damage they caused Germany.
The Jews had a stranglehold on Poland and kept it and its people in perpetual debt and repression in ways that are unimaginable even by today’s standard. And then Poland was caught under jewish communism during the 20th century. Only now have they had any sense of freedom from that jewish tyranny–and it is starting to show, with the fastest expanding economy in Europe today.
Oh, and Carl, had it not been for the Poles rescuing Europe at the Battle of Vienna, you and many other Europeans (assuming you are) would be praying to Mecca every day. All of Europe owes Poland a debt of gratitude for their courage and strength. Start thinking for yourself instead of the way the Jews want you to think.
Please look up “Sarmatism”, which was the culture, way of life of the polish nobility, the Szlacht, that dominated Poland from the 15th to well into the 19th century!
Basically the Poles, voluntarily, decided to go full oriental, turkish in their clothes and looks!
The polish nobles believed that their ancestors were a turkic people and viewed the Turks and Tatars as their peers.
Poland a sophisticated parliamentary democracy in the Middle ages????!!!!
Polish contribution to civilisation is irrelevant : I can’t remember the name of one single polish scientist.
Again, you reveal your ignorance and your agenda. The ancient Sarmatians were not Turks; they were from ancient Persia, when Persia was White.
One of the most important scientists of the last 500 years was Polish. You might have heard of him: Nicolaus Copernicus
I’m starting to think that you’re a troll, and perhaps not even White. Only a troll, a Jew, or a non-White would throw the Polish people under the bus in favor of Jews and Asians. And your cavalier and willful ignorance when proven wrong smacks of a subversive agenda.
Copernicus was 100% german.
Sure, he was, Carl. His father was from Krakow, that “German” city in Poland. And your beloved Prussia was highly Polenized.
And you will be disappointed to know that England’s Danilaw was established by the raiding Danes and Poles in 865. Yes, Carl, there were Polish Vikings. And yes, a part your beloved England was raided by these “asiatic hordes”, and no doubt many of the English people from that part of England unwittingly have some of that Polish ancestry you have such contempt for.
Carl, I am not at all impressed with your scholarship. As Chesterton pointed out, and I have also, your regurgitation of jewish propaganda is very evident. You are out of your league if you think these arguments pose as elements of fact or intelligence, especially when none have yet to be presented with any references. I also am beginning to question your race and motive…