(Jewish Telegrahic Agency) A popular political party has caused outrage among Jews in Romania — and the entire world — for having the temerity to suggest that Holocaust education — which was recently mandated in high schools there — is less of a priority for children compared to learning the hard sciences and other traditional and more practical subjects:
The populist Alliance for the Union of Romanians party, or AUR, issued a statement Monday accusing the the government of relegating “fundamental subjects” such as “exact sciences, Romanian language and literature and national history” in favor of “minor topics,” such as “sexual education” and “history of the Holocaust.” Through this, the government is trying “to undermine the quality of the education system in Romania,” the statement read.
AUR holds a total of 43 Senate and lower house seats in Romania’s 466-seat parliament. Holocaust history became a mandatory subject in Romanian schools in November.
Israel’s ambassador to Romania, David Saranga, argued on Twitter that AUR’s statement falls under the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism, which Romania’s government adopted in 2017. Speaking to RFI Romania, the government’s special representative for combating antisemitism, Alexandru Muraru, hinted at the possibility of outlawing AUR, calling the party “a threat to Romania’s constitutional order.”
The Elie Wiesel Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania also condemned AUR, accusing its leaders of hiding “behind parliamentary immunity” to avoid being prosecuted for the statement.
AUR’s co-leader Claudiu Tarziu responded to Saranga in an open letter published on Wednesday. “We are Christians, so we can’t be antisemites,” wrote Tarziu, who denied calling the Holocaust a “minor topic.” The senator acknowledged the “sinister horrors” inflicted on Jews by “the Nazi regime,” but fell short in mentioning Romania’s responsibility in the mass murder.
According to official Romanian statistics, between 280,000 and 380,000 Jews were murdered or died in territories under Romanian administration during World War II. AUR shocked most of the country by winning 9% of the national elections vote in December 2020, entering parliament for the first time. Some of its leaders have defended the record of historical figures who served in the regime of Romanian dictator Ion Antonescu — an ally of Hitler — or were part of the fiercely antisemitic Iron Guard, a revolutionary fascist movement.
Jews don’t want children to learn about science and math because they are incompatible with the Official Holocaust Narrative™ — which cannot stand up to the rigors of logic, math, science — and just common sense.
Holocaust is based on pure emotion — not logic — and to question the mathematical impossibility of 6 Million Jews™ dying in World War II — or Word War I as they originally tried to claim — let alone actually being in Europe in the first place — is pure anti-Semitism, according to their official definition of the term.
The head of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel has admitted that there is no physical evidence to prove that the Holocaust actually happened — and that lack of evidence is proof that it actually happened.
In other words, to believe in the Holocaust requires blind faith — a willing suspension of disbelief — so much so that it’s far easier to believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead than it is that 6 Million Jews™ were magically wiped off the face of the earth without leaving a trace.
The official Holocaust narrative is psychological warfare used against Jews — to keep them in line, to keep them in fear that the non-Jews want them dead and will throw them in “gas ovens” the second they relax.
To be accepted as a Jew, you must believe the entire world is a hostile place that seeks to murder you and your kind on an industrial scale just because you are a Jew — For No Reason Whatsoever™.
You must believe that when a Jew dies, it’s either a tragedy or the result of blind hatred — and that Jewish Suffering™ is sui generis — it has no equivalent, and to compare it to any other suffering is the ultimate insult to their dignity.
This neurotic paranoia is fundamental to ersatz Jewish identity — and fundamental to their justification for aggressively destroying all Christian nations that have an “inborn” desire to genocide them.
All Christians — not just the Germans — collaborated with the Nazis™ to murder all 6 Million™ of them — and the fact that the Jews have exacted Holocaust Reparations™ from virtually every European nation is “proof” of our collective guilt.
Jews see true Christianity as inherently “anti-Semitic” — as just another blood libel, falsely accusing Jews of murdering Jesus Christ.
One cannot be Christian and not be anti-Semitic — and conversely, if one embraces the Jews, one cannot be Christian.
In their minds, they must kill us before we kill them — shouting “Never Again!” — all their energies are directed to ensure that another fictional Holocaust never happens again.
How can the Jews kill hundreds of millions of potential “anti-Semites” on an industrial scale without having to resort to concentration camps and Gas Chambers™?
You convince them that if they don’t demand to be given your deadly vaccines, they will die of the common cold.
And it’s much easier to convince them to do this if they learn about the Holocaust instead of learning about science.
When the Russians were about to overrun Auschwitz in January 1945, both Elie and his father “chose” to go west with the retreating ‘Nazis’ and SS rather than be “liberated” by America’s greatest ally. They could have told the whole world about Auschwitz within days–but, both Elie and his father as well as countless thousands of other Jews chose instead to trek west with the ‘Nazis’ on foot at night in the middle of one of the coldest winters and continue working for the defense of the Reich thereafter. In effect, they chose to collaborate.
Some of Wiesel’s exact words in Night are (p. 78):
“The choice was in our hands. For once we could decide our fate for ourselves. We could both stay in the hospital, where I could, thanks to my doctor, get him [the father] entered as a patient or nurse. Or else we could follow the others. ‘Well, what shall we do, father?’ He was silent. ‘Let’s be evacuated with the others,’ I told him.”
Elie’s tale in this regard is corroborated by other “survivor” accounts including that of Primo Levi. In Levi’s book “Survival in Auschwitz,” we have his words for January 17th, 1945:
“It was not a question of reasoning: I would probably also have followed the instinct of the flock if I had not felt so weak: fear is supremely contagious, and its immediate reaction is to make one try to run away.”
But he’s talking here about running away with the ‘Nazis’–and not ‘Nazis’ who were mere rank and file party members but supposedly the worst of the worst. He’s talking here about running away with the same ‘Nazis’ and SS who had supposedly carried out the greatest imaginable mass murders of Jews and others in the entire history of the universe. He’s talking about running away with the people who supposedly did the actual killings of thousands daily for several years. But, according to his own words he would probably have gone with them nonetheless, except that he was not feeling good that day; he was feeling weak. The “fear” that he overcame was clearly fear of the Russians and not the ‘Nazis;’ there is no mention of fear of what the ‘Nazis’ and SS might do when the evacuees entered the forest or sometime later.
according to Levi himself 800 choose to remain in Auschwitz, but 20,000 choose to go and collaborate with the ‘Nazi’ mass murderers.
One day I met two Polish kapos who were still living in the camp from the war. In the course of our long conversation, I asked her about the living conditions in the camp and about the gas chambers. To get straight to the point: they knew absolutely nothing about the gas chambers. The living conditions were bearable. Those who worked received camp money for it. In return, he could buy additional food or tobacco products, or allow himself a visit to the camp brothel. Those who had served their sentence were dismissed. Isn’t it also conceivable that Eli Wiesel preferred to escape to the West with the Germans rather than be liberated by the Red Army? By the way, in numismatist circles, the camp money from Auschwitz is still traded today.
Friedrich Stelzel
Packenreiterstr 25
81247 Munich
Countless thousands of other Jews from Auschwitz also CHOSE to work in Germany for the German war effort. According to Elie Wiesel’s own words in “Night” just before Auschwitz was to be “liberated” by the Soviets, both Elie and his father trekked west with the Nazis in a terrible winter on foot by their own choice. They had both chosen, in effect, to c-o-l-l-a-b-o-r-a-t-e with the Nazis and work (no free ride waiting in a Gasthaus) to defend the Reich. Some of Wiesel’s exact words in Night, paperback edition (Bantam Books, 1960) page 78 are: “The choice was in our hands. For once we could decide our fate for ourselves. We could both stay in the hospital, where I could, thanks to my doctor, get him [the father] entered as a patient or nurse. Or else we could follow the others. ‘Well, what shall we do, father?’ He was silent. ‘Let’s be evacuated with the others,’ I told him.”
A little further in the interview Wiesel continues with the cloudy language:
“I believe in a way we are all culpable even though the guilt of the torturer is not that of the witness or the survivor. Do not see in my words the least resignation to evil. […] No, evil is absurd the same way the Holocaust is absurd. I remain convinced that this event, the most significant in history, might very well not have happened.”
Ashkenazi Jewish mysticism vs European Christian Law.
Wiesel said:
In [my] book “One Generation After” there is a sentence which perhaps explains my idea: “Certain events happen, but they are not true. Others, on the other hand, are, but they never happen.” So! I undergo certain events and, starting from my experience, I describe incidents which may or may not have happened, but which are true. I do believe that it is very important that there be witnesses always and everywhere.
They allready started to enforce the anti holohoax laws in Romania.
Under the peace settlement Hitler also intended to oblige his former enemies, as well as the pro-Axis countries, to agree on a uniform solution of the Jewish problem. France would be required to make available Madagascar to accommodate Europe’s Jews. Hitler revealed this decision to Admiral Raeder on June 20 and evidently to Ribbentrop and Himmler soon after, for experts in the foreign ministry worked eagerly on the Madagascar plan throughout the summer. P311 David Irvings Hitlers War.
UN Set To Pass Holocaust Denial Resolution (Why That Is Important)
Jewish Leaders Demand Farrakhan Denounce Secret Relationship Book.
Harvard professor encourages American Jews to lie for Israel.
“The Holocaust” https://www.bitchute.com/video/6pHi4VqLkhZ7/
Bishop Williamson drops some uncomfortable truths https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=248338
Why did you not post my comment from couple days ago regarding treaty of Versailles?
It’s just accurate history
Your comment seemed to suggest two lies — that Jews financed the rise of Hitler, and that Hitler committed some sort of “crime” against humanity. Neither are true, and the subject has been exhaustively covered by our readers.
People often tend to project modern economic policy back onto NS Germany. As if a country could never pull off a meteoric rise and create a formidable army without Jewish finance, because that’s the only way countries do it today (sarcasm).
Capitalism under Jewish international finance is deeply flawed, but it’s effective in it’s goals: consolidate money into the hands of the financially powerful. Taking Jewish finance to go to war fulfills this end and that’s by design.
Generally people who attribute Germany’s rise to Jewish finance are ignorant of Germany’s unconventional and highly successful macroeconomic policies.
Technically correct on the first statement. In 1933 the Brownshirts seized Einstein’s bank account and his wife’s too- but by that time Hitler had already been appointed. Besides, I wouldn’t really call that ‘financed’.
James Brown, on the other hand, did indeed help out the Fuhrer early on. No, no that James Brown. A co-founder of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co, which ” is the oldest and one of the largest private investment banks in the United States. In 1931, the merger of Brown Brothers & Co. and Harriman Brothers & Co. formed the current BBH”.
Harriman’s banking business was the main Wall Street connection for German companies and the varied U.S. financial interests of Fritz Thyssen, who was a financial backer of the Nazi Party until 1938. The Trading With the Enemy Act (enacted on October 6, 1917 classified any business transactions for profit with enemy nations as illegal, and any funds or assets involved were subject to seizure by the U.S. government. The declaration of war on the U.S. by Hitler led to a U.S. government order on October 20, 1942, to seize German interests in the U.S., which included Harriman’s operations in New York City. George “Senior” Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, worked for W. Averell Harriman. Who despite his Jewish-sounding first name, wasn’t a Jew. Both he and Prescott loaned alot of $$ to the Nazis by way of Thyssen in the 1920s. Some Jews attempted a lawsuit based on that, for like 40 billion dollars if I remember correctly. It failed.
In 1933 Hitler also put a 5000 RM bounty on Einstein’s head, which might be why he was generally considered to be Hitler’s “Public Enemy #1”, according to [space]Time Magazine. (Source: Time [dot] com [slash] Einstein-England ) I find it interesting that both Einstein and Hitler fled from conscription early on in WWI; Einstein got his job as a patent clerk then, and became a Swiss citizen. Hitler became homeless, and eventually was chased down by some cops- who forced him to begin the conscription process. He failed his medical exam, though. Not sure why. Also not sure if he was forced to join later, or if he did it voluntarily, but I have lots of pictures of him in the woods with his troop.. He was actually pretty handsome back then.. no homo, I’m just saying there is a reason that alot oof women voted for his party. (Partially, it was a way of honoring their dead husbands. WWI had left the county with alot more women alive than men.)
“Democracy is the foul and filthy avenue to communism.” -AH
Oy gevalt! What you people don’t understand is that there were 4 million Jews in Europe. The nazis killed 6 million. And only 5 million survived.
I truly love reading your tongue and cheek satire…
Bolshevik Terror inflicted on Russian Christians.
New study shows WWI-era Jewish spy network played key role in advancing the Balfour Declaration.
WWI claims shines the Holohoax story in an entirely different light:
“The Holocaust of Six Million Jews—in World War I” [January 10, 2022]
“It is truly a remarkable story, one that is too little known. It has often been said that “history repeats itself.” But who would have guessed that a monumentally tragic event like a holocaust could repeat itself, inflicted on the same people, in the same region of the world, and in the same numbers, in just three decades? This amazing occurrence is worth a bit of exploration; the holocaust of WW1 has huge implications for the Holocaust of WWII, and by extension, for Jewish-Gentile relations in the world today.
A short item of 1905 is headlined “Simon Wolf asks how long the Russian holocaust is to continue.”[8]
Also that year, the NYT reported, once again, on “our 6,000,000 cringing brothers in Russia.”[9]
The following year, in 1906, we read of “startling reports of the condition and future of Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews”; it is a “horrifying picture” of “renewed massacres” and “systematic and murderous extermination.”[10]
At this point, one is tempted to ask: What is it about the Jews, such that they are subject to such continual and horrific abuse? And furthermore, why isn’t the figure of six million, first reported back in 1890, growing any larger? Is it now, somehow, fixed at six million? If so, why?”
“Poland FIRES its envoy for Jews after ‘Holocaust law’ interview with Jewish News” [January 10, 2022]
“Jaroslaw Marek Nowak, appointed just six months ago to improve his country’s relations with Jews and Israel, was dismissed after saying a Polish law regulating Holocaust speech was “stupid”.
He was referring to a controversial 2018 law that allowed government officials to prosecute historians if their research suggested Poles were complicit in the Holocaust.
The correct way to challenge someone’s research was to publish a rebuttal article that presents counterarguments, he said.” [More]
“Holocaust memorial fountain toppled again in Santa Rosa”
“Whoever did [the 2020 vandalism] also ransacked two other buildings on cemetery property — a maintenance shed and a break room,” he said. “Neither had religious value associated with it.”
This time the fountain was the only structure vandalized. To Judd, the motivation was crystal clear.
“I don’t think it’s a real question of whether it was a hate crime,” he said.
A video camera had been installed after the first incident, but there was no video footage of the more recent incident because the camera was believed to have been stolen, Judd said.”
Speaking of Holocausts , what about the ” Zio-Nazi ” ongoing Holocaust since 1947 [ 73 years ] in which innocent Palestinians have had about 80 % of their land stolen and thousands are shot , wounded and murdered when they non violently protest . If Russians or Chinese would do that , it would be headline news day after day , month after month. Of course who owns / controls the Mass Media …..newspapers , radio , T.V. CNN , CNBC , NBC , now the internet …. Google , Twitter , Facebook , etc. Who owns and controls our ” public servants ” ,,,,,,, need I say .
Zionists are communist leaning not Nazis whom haven’t been in power in over 70 years
The absolute nerve of these vermin.
This is absolutely right. The holohoax narrative should never be taught in schools. 50 million people died in World War 2. Its retelling should never focus on a handful of troublemakers. In any case, kids need to be learning about science and technology in this day and age.
The jews know that their relentless repetition sells to the masses. The jews and their leftist assistors grind that narrative into the gullible public’s consciousness at each and every available opportunity.
An Italian woman’s funeral coffin, while draped with a National Socialist flag and attended by her mourners saluting her farewell, sparked a propaganda feeding-frenzy among leftist “Catholic” and jew leaders, who as usual, turn the woman’s funeral into a vastly overblown public political censorship and holohoax promotion issue.
“The 44-year-old former militant of Forza Nuova, who was also known as ‘Tungsty’, died over the weekend of a blood clot according to Italian media.”
“…the government’s special representative for combating antisemitism,…”
Special rep? For what, spreading lies, disinfo, distortions so the shekels can keep flowing to the frauds living the good life, shaking down nations, businesses & people?