(Jewish Telegraph Agency) Now that Jews have attained unprecedented positions of power and wealth from being able to “pass as white,” they remain frustrated that they are no longer able to be accepted as a minority of oppressed victims of “anti-Jewish racism”:
…Now, with the premiere of an hour-long documentary also called “Jews Don’t Count” on Britain’s public Channel 4 network, [David] Baddiel gets a primetime slot to make his case to a bigger audience.
Featuring Baddiel’s interviews with Jewish stars of pop culture in both Britain and the United States — ranging from comedian Sarah Silverman to novelist Jonathan Safran Foer to actor Stephen Fry — the film argues that “in a culture where all forms of racism are being monitored, called out and held accountable, one form is apparently invisible.”
“With the intensification of identity politics and concerns about minorities, and offense and inclusion and representation, all that stuff seemed not to be tracking for Jews,” Baddiel explained to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency as the general point of his work. “We seemed to not be part of that conversation. There seemed to be less offense about antisemitism and less inclusion and representation of Jews…”
…Baddiel said he cares less about specific arguments under the umbrella of his broader argument. Regarding the “Jewface” debate, for example, over whether or not Jewish actors should play Jewish characters on screen, Baddiel claims he is “not really interested” either way — even though the topic takes up a large portion of his documentary, coming up in conversations with actors such as Silverman, Miriam Margolyes and David Schwimmer…
…Perhaps controversially, Baddiel — while recognizing that there is a certain privilege in being able to “pass” as white — has argued that being white is more about being “protected because you are a member of the majority culture” than it is about skin color. He says antisemitism is racism, and not about “religious intolerance.”
In the documentary, Schwimmer says, “I have never felt white.”
“I am highly aware that I pass as white and I enjoy a lot of the privileges of being a straight, white, man, able bodied, I get it, I understand, and I am very aware of my privilege,” Schwimmer says before mentioning the murder of two Jewish civil rights activists by the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi in 1964. “I never felt white, because for me, white means safe.”
Schwimmer, who recently spoke at the Anti-Defamation League’s conference in New York City, goes on to say that while “Friends,” the sitcom he starred in, has been criticized for its lack of diversity, it did include a minority presence. There were multiple Jews, in the form of Schwimmer’s Ross Geller character and his sister Monica, along with Jennifer Aniston’s character Rachel Green.
“You know what would happen if you said that,” Baddiel says in response. “People would get aggressive about it.” Schwimmer responds: “You’re right, people would just be like: ‘not a real minority.’”
Baddiel is hardly speaking for all British Jews. One case in his book and documentary involves the fact that British Jews are not offered “Jew” as an option on the census when asked to select their ethnicity. (The same issue has been debated in the United States, where white respondents were asked in the 2020 census to write in their racial “origins.”)
“It is othering and alienating” that Jews do not have a distinct option box, Baddiel said.
But the view that Jews should not have an ethnicity option has historically and continues to be the position of the main representative body for British Jews, the Board of Deputies, as well as the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, a think tank that studies the demographics of British and European Jews.
The Office for National Statistics, which administers the census, investigated the possibility of adding a Jewish ethnicity option ahead of the 2021 census in England and Wales. The ONS consulted with the Jewish groups and, in cooperation with polling firm Kantar, concluded that Jews in Britain viewed it “highly unacceptable” given historical concerns about discrimination and “the racialisation of religious groups.”
The ONS and Kantar found that most Jews “did not identify as an ethnicity” and that adding an ethnic option would be counterproductive, as “its inclusion may cause participants to question whether they wanted to complete the census.”
Baddiel questioned the conclusion, arguing that the most recent research was “a long time ago” and that such views were “massively out-of-date notions of what representation and inclusion looks like.” He said he had “certainly” felt demand for a Jewish option “from the people who speak to me.”
Baddiel’s book garnered mostly positive reviews, but Josh Glancy, a British-Jewish journalist, wrote in the Jewish Chronicle that he Baddiel’s ideas implied “emphasising and amplifying every aspect of Jewish victimhood” to a point that would require “a level of self-imposed martyrdom that simply doesn’t align with most contemporary Jewish lives.”
Stephen Bush — a prominent Black and Jewish journalist who conducted a landmark racial inclusivity report for the Board of Deputies last year, and who is interviewed for a few seconds in the documentary — argued in The Times that Baddiel was “so concerned with asserting his own lack of privilege that he forgets his obligations to others: not least to talk and to listen to them.”
Baddiel’s idea that “progressives turn a blind eye to and dabble in just one form of racism, and that the experiences that he grapples with would not occur if he were black, Asian, or from another ethnic minority” would “struggle to survive a conversation with more than three people from any other minority,” Bush argued…
…In response to Bush, Baddiel said: “That is not something that most minorities are asked to do. I think that most minorities, particularly now, when they present testimony of their lived experience of racism, it would feel racist to say to most of them, ‘why should I listen to this, because you don’t seem to talk about any other minorities…’
…Among the portions of the documentary that have attracted the most interest in Britain is an apology that Baddiel offers to Jason Lee, a former professional soccer player whom Baddiel mocked in blackface for a sketch in the 1990s. Many feel that Lee’s career was negatively affected by Baddiel’s sketch, even though he pushed back on that idea in a recent interview with the Guardian. Baddiel has accepted that his portrayal of Lee was racist.
Lee, who has since gone on to campaign against racism in soccer, was also interviewed in The Times, opening up about how he had felt “violated on so many levels” by Baddiel’s sketch.
For his fellow Jews, Baddiel is less conciliatory. He claimed to not be aware of criticism from within the Jewish community over his theses. “Literally no one” he said had come to him with any concerns, he said. He often feels “whatever the Jewish equivalent of the Bat Signal is” and recalled how a senior Labour Party politician “came up to me yesterday and said: How does it feel to be the person saving the Jews?”
At one point during his JTA interview, Baddiel interrupted a question about why he had not chosen to speak to any visibly Orthodox Jews — despite their presence in the background of several shots in the documentary — by repeatedly asking: “What’s your problem? What’s your problem?”
“I am not really interested in understanding Jews,” he said. “I am interested in the ways that our present way of seeing racism fails Jews.”
The key to Jewish success has always been their ability to “pass as white” — which is why they changed their names, learned to speak the native language, and assimilate the customs and dress of the majority white populations.
This was all part of a self-conscious “strategy” — by their own admission — to blend in with the white Christian nations — and worm their way up to the highest echelons of power and wealth.
They are the quintessential social chameleons — best represented by Woody Allen in the 1983 film “Zelig” — a Jewish character with an uncanny — even supernatural — ability to become whatever type of person his immediate circumstances demand.
But Jews have never been content to merely assimilate — they are also prototypical “Trojan Horses” — once they have successfully gained entrance into society and amassed power, they then become a hostile elite bent upon subverting and destroying the nations from within.
They call this destruction “tikkun olam” — healing the world — which nothing more than Judaizing the world and making it safe and comfortable for themselves where they cannot be questioned or rooted out.
We see proof of this in the candid words of Chaim Weizmann — a Zionist leader living in Britain who went on to become the first president of Israel — where he explained why Jews “patriotically” supported the Allied war effort to destroy Germany — their enemies — from within:
“We are not denying and we are not afraid to confess, this war [WWII] is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry. Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based. We are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them within their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horse in the enemy’s fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory.”
—Chaim Weizmann, President of World Jewish Congress, 1942
What Jews like David Baddiel refuse — and even fear — to acknowledge is how it has been the Jews themselves who fomented the racial tensions — and encouraged black-on-white violence — in their host nations for selfish reasons — and now that those self-created racial tensions threaten their tenuous grip on power, they want to retreat and pretend that they retain their status as powerless, eternal victims of “white supremacy.”
Jews failed to foresee a time when their black and brown “golems” would turn on them — and not only use their ability to pass as white against them, but also wake up to the fact that Jews have masterfully blamed whites for enslaving and oppressing blacks for their own selfish political ends.
No, Jews will never succeed in convincing blacks that they are equal victims of “white supremacy” the same way they succeed in convincing whites they are eternal victims of “Christian antisemitism.”
It’s not an issue of “Jews don’t count” — it’s more that from their perspective Jews just don’t count enough yet — that they do not yet have enough power to silence and crush any opposition — from both the Left and Right — that threatens their tenuous hold on power.
A recurrent theme for Jewish complaints is that they have a “right” to feel “safe” — but when you’ve gained your disproportionate wealth and power — not through “superior intelligence” — but through subterfuge and deceit, you will always be looking over your shoulder for that moment when the goyim wake up to your machinations — and wake up they will — as they have done at least 109 times before.
A yid will never pass as white as long as its arse points to the ground. No matter how hard it wants to, or it tries to, for whatever devious intention it has in its evil Talmudic blob that passes for a brain.
Keep informing the White Race, CFT, about the evil yids as you do so well.
In addition to my previous post.
Any yid that somehow does sneak in, will be found out sooner or later. It is like training a dog in toilet and obedience training. The dog’s true nature will eventually show through and it will still lick its balls. Just like the yid’s nature of lies, deceit and other obnoxious behaviour by the yids will show through. sooner or later for all to see.
i was part of a facebook group i suspected a jew infiltrator being in the group until one day after posting saying certain things in the group a jew revealed himself to me with mildly threatening message , say certain things and they just cant help but put their foot right in it
“Youse Goyim better get back on your knees & worship your Yiddish Masters or we’ll drop anudda skyscraper down & this time, our MSM will blame White Christians!
It is amusing . How people will read the verbose jew and exclaim and recommend its importance. Whether it is Erich Fromm , Sartre, a first biography about their murdered victims or current publication by their government economist wizard , volumes concealing fraud and larceny on cosmic scale, called “inflation”, or the prolix John Dewey . It is a test in patience . It could all be spat out in one sententious thought , which no one would read and only the sinner believe.
Worst is the “confessing ” jew . Only truth is, they are “not ashamed”. Every word, pro facto or implied is motivated by mendacious intent. Beware of the leavening of the pharisee .
Notice ALL media, what they now call “influencers”,
use the term “culture” in the extreme.
Players, coaches, announcers…all say it almost constantly.
All part of the ritual.
Can’t imagine what cult- ture they’re referring to.
Freddy the fag bragged about it in Radio GaGa.
Kosher John wailed about
seeing a bad moon risin’.
Cher the whore started with drums keep poundin’
a rhythm to the brain.
The power of music and song given to Lucy in Disguise with diamonds as the most powerful gift God could grant.
But then..mama told me not to look into the eyes of the Son……
I ignore such influencers and many alt media types after picking them apart i discover many to be dishonest. I dont need them anyway, over years been so used to researching finding out things for myself. I have had people say they trust me and my opinions far more than such influencers and alt media types as i tell it to you straight. I am my own person, i only have your best interest at heart. I have no big funding backing me – my intent is to inform you
Jews are enough to make a saint swear. St Gregory of Nyssa:
‘[Jews are] murderers of the Lord, assassins of the prophets, rebels against God, God haters…advocates of the devil, race of vipers, slanderers, calumniators, dark-minded people, leaven of the Pharisees, sanhedrin of demons, sinners, wicked men, stoners, and haters of righteousness.’
Sir Oswald Mosley laid it out over half a century ago about the Jews in England, like David Baddiel:
“The Jews have been treated in Britain with a fairness and a generosity unparalleled elsewhere, and have banded together against us, despite the conventional opinion that it was very wrong to combine against them. And now this organized alien minority, who have enriched themselves at our expense, repay our generosity by political terrorism carried out at the point of the economic gun.
It is a strange thing that a great country should allow both the economic and the political freedom of so many of its citizens to be at the mercy of an organized minority who owe allegiance, and who admit they owe it, not primarily to Britain, but to their kinsmen beyond our borders, and whose capacity for mischief is exceeded only by their desire to do it.”
—Sir Oswald Mosley
Gordon Bowden, a great man who uncovered vast fraud money laundering, was not afraid to name jews as being involved in a video he confirmed that Rothschild were at the top of the Finchley Road fraud and money laundering. He was turned down by BBC and other channels – he was even turned down by George Galloway too. I had this feeling long ago that these jews were bad news – i noted why is their holocaust that is a work of fiction elevated above others like holocaust of native Americans, Irish holocaust of over 2 million, the Russian holocaust, and that of Chinese people when commie jews took over.
The more and more I started to observe, I saw a pattern forming, gaining insight over the years up until now. These jews like to pass themselves off as white, but it’s in name only as their true nature surfaces in name only not by nature spirit and soul.
Sometimes in a group mentioning certain somethings is enough for them to put their foot right in it – they had a go at a Muslim member of a group – one sent me a mildly threatening message which did not bother me as i know how to handle bullies. I have been known to correct people on Twitter when they bang on about white supremacy. I get my point across most of the time – I say who benefits from wars, certain agendas, then you see a pattern forming, you get wise to their behaviour, their agendas, the methods they use.
In my primary school back in the 1980s Christianity was taught – I tried Sunday school, Bible camp – it did not quite suit me, felt like it was missing something – that true Christianity is not preached in churches, as i have never been part of mainstream Christianity. Your website shows what true Christianity is about.
As for how did I know about the enemy of Christianity, my mum said I would shout in my sleep saying ‘beware of dark men in dark suits and hats, beware the dark men.’ I think I was referring to the rabbis, the Chabad Lubavitch. On Twitter I called out a person I followed who I thought was ok, but turned out to be not the case. I quote tweeted him saying judaism, the talmud, is the enemy, the root cause of troubles in occupied Palestine.
I tell people the mainstream media is poison and pray for its downfall, for its network of lies, deceit, poisoning minds . Perhaps Christianity needs to head in right direction led by like minds true to scripture, our heritage, but also learn about preach the enemies of Christ and Christianity, the methods they used to make the faithful aware.
I feel I belong more with God, Jesus Christ, and Christianity – it’s seeing the evils in the world, the crimes against humanity, the many that suffer because of a minority. I feel it deep down the pain and suffering in the world.
Jews are quite keen to pass off as white as if they are up to no good – they blame whites and cite white supremacy, but white supremacy is to hide jewish supremacy. They abuse a country’s hospitality where they go – and if they do not like white people, then why come to white countries in first place? Do not go to places where you are not welcome.
The hollowcost of the american injun is just as phony as the kikes’ Hollowcost. American history is packed with whites helping the natives, only for the natives to ambush and massacre whites once they had relaxed, leading to reluctant retaliation by whitey.
similarly, the modern injuns are today an economic and political force that is used against the paleface. Funny how it’s always “whitey is dumping booze on the rez” and “muh trail of tears” and rarely how much money the casinos make, or how the Hard Rock Cafe international business empire is owned by the Seminole tribe.
I thought the point of the Indian reservations was that the indian was supposed to stay there and run his nation apart from the white man. Yet as far as I can recall, “the rez” has been to the injun what Israel is to the jew: a depraved schiffhole he can run to when he breaks the white man’s law.
This fits perfectly with Larry Romanoff’s long essay today at Unz – https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/the-richest-man – and you can also read my comment there about ‘spiritual wickedness in high places’.
Crush….that article is obnoxiously long. No one in their right mind would ever wade through that wall of text. The Jewish author claims that the Jews didn’t control Mao and the communist revolution in China. That’s all I need to hear to know this Jew isn’t worth a second of my time. Thanks but no thanks.
ALL radio peeps are kosher.
I called a radio station that were talking of white privilege and spoke to the call screener That it’s a big misconception they look white but are not – they’re jews, and he said, ‘thanks for the call’ and hung up, so I called back and said ‘you make my point, you can’t even say it’.
I made a similar comment on a YT video about Kanye West. I simply quoted– to learn who rules over you …..
I got called a nazi, Goebbels …. anti-semite …..
I wrote back — thanks for proving my point!
Wow, you made a comment under a youtube video.
You’re a real hero West.
You do realize that Kanye does exactly as he’s told, right? If he doesn’t he’ll end up like Kobe.
How did Kobe run afoul of Jewry?
Herve ………..
I detect a bit of Sarcasm here.
Any chance I get to expose the JQ I’ll take it.
Why do you have a problem with that?
“……to learn who rules over you ……” has got to be one of the best quotes exposing International Jewry.
But yet you criticize me. Why?
The call screener said ‘thanks for the call’ and hung up both times also proves he lies about being thankful.
And Ya, if I’m on the same page with A conservatism 90% if the time and the jew factor is called antisemitic, then it’s all for nothing, it’s the lynch pin and the cause of the problem. And government is the next problem.
Locally, we had a new “conservative” talk radio host be broken in by a gent calling up and pointing out who owns and runs the media. The guy didn’t even identify that these owners were jews, but the radio host nevertheless went on a tirade about “anti-semetism.”
I am sure that the listener base was thrown for a loop by this, and hopefully a few were jarred awake by it.
On a side note, I haven’t heard too much about ole Ann Coulter after her calling out of the jews reached a crescendo when she went full wignat/”Boomerwaffen” and called out Jewish control of the media.