Many synagogues across western Europe have been essentially turned into fortresses with armed police and sophisticated electronic surveillance systems, and now many Jews believe that the same should happen to synagogues in America:
Will security at American Jewish institutions now mirror that of Europe, with its police protection, armed guards, panic rooms and sterile zones at synagogues?
It’s a possibility that is being debated more seriously than ever before following the Tree of Life Congregation shooting Saturday in Pittsburgh in which a gunman killed 11 people.
Rabbi Jack Moline, president of the Interfaith Alliance, told The Washington Post that posting armed guards outside synagogues in some places would be “prohibitive” to Jewish communal life itself.
But Gary Sikorski, director of security for the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, told the Detroit Jewish News that the idea, suggested by President Donald Trump after the attack, is “not a bad one.”
European security professionals say that even if Sikorski’s approach prevails, it will take at least a decade and hundreds of millions of dollars before U.S. Jewry’s security infrastructure matches the European counterpart.
“The security doctrine you see in Europe is the result of decades of evolution,” said Ophir Revach, director of the European Jewish Congress’ Security and Crisis Center. “It was built on lessons from terrorist attacks in the 1960s and adjusted constantly. It’s pretty comprehensive.”
Even if a critical mass of U.S. Jewish communities decide tomorrow that they want to replicate the European model, Revach said, “Optimistically speaking, it will take at least a decade to achieve.” When it comes to security, he said, “American Jewry is at the beginning of a long journey.”
In several European countries, synagogues are under constant protection of police or army troops. Most of them have volunteer guards, including armed ones. Many also have a security command room, where trained professionals or volunteers use elaborate video surveillance systems to monitor their premises, often while exchanging information with other Jewish institutions in real time.
These arrangements regularly prevent violence against congregants.
In 2015, a volunteer guard outside Copenhagen’s main synagogue was shot dead after engaging an armed Islamist who had intended to carry out a shooting attack inside the building, where dozens of people were celebrating a bat mitzvah. Dan Uzan’s intervention allowed police to shoot the assailant, who never made it inside the shul.
A year earlier, a dozen or so volunteer guards staved off dozens of rioters who had intended to storm the Synagogue de la Roquette in Paris as payback for Israel’s actions in Gaza. As 200 worshippers waited inside, the defenders held their ground for 20 minutes amid a vicious street brawl with the attackers until police finally arrived at the scene.
“Dan Uzan’s death was tragic, but from a security point of view it was a system that did what it needed to do,” Revach said.
Had the Tree of Life synagogue been guarded, “this attack may have been prevented,” he said. “Even armed perpetrators are deterred in a major way by guards.”
The U.S. taxpayers are already giving jewish organizations $50 million per year for security, so how much is it going to cost us to “europeanize” all synagogues and jewish institutions in the U.S.? We are talking at least $1 Billion per year or more. But this begs the question: why are U.S. taxpayers obligated to pay for private security at private religious institutions? Where is the so-called division of “church and State” that the Jews love to trumpet whenever we want anything Christian defended in our schools or institutions? Rules for us, and different rules for the goyim.
If Jews need an explanation as to why they need so much security, they should look at their own hypocrisy.
And no one ever asks why Christian churches don’t need $50 million a year for security, despite the fact that there have been numerous shootings at churches over the years. The answer is simple: certain Jews know they are engaged in activities that cause resentment and anger among the “goyim”, and this anger puts all Jews at risk. Even their ‘holy’ book, The Talmud addresses this issue.
This is the discussion that jewish communities need to have with each other: ‘What are we doing that is making the goyim so angry?’ Maybe then they won’t need all this massive security, but that’s never going to happen because they are victims, and that’s where their power lies.
That’s right, Mike, and the jews are aware and very concerned that we are approaching a flash-over effect within our White societies in each and all our countries where the general public becomes awakened to their evils. That’s why the jews are now trying desperately to rebrand themselves as being “conservatives” and as being almost, but not quite, like they are “one of us”.
We must make sure that our people do not fall for the jew’s attempts to demagogue them with the jew’s repetitive tricks which the jews are using in attempts to rebrand themselves.
[February 27, 2017] – “Pittsburg Jewish Federation Hires Former FBI Agent As Its First Director Of Community Security”
“PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — The desecration of any cemetery is horrific, but the most recent attack on a Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia comes when some say anti-Semitic threats are on the rise.
“They do appear to be linked throughout the country. I think we’re probably up to close to 80, 80-plus phone calls since the beginning of the year,” says Brad Orsini, director of Jewish community security.
A former FBI agent, Orsini is Pittsburgh’s first director of Jewish community security, hired by the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh this year and focused on threats made against Jewish organizations, schools, and synagogues which, so far, have occurred outside Pittsburgh.
“We’ve been dealing with these incidents since the first and second week of January, and they’re continuing to happen weekly.”
The Canonsburg native who has broad experience in crisis management says his position is becoming more common.
“Across the country there are approximately 20, 25 security directors in various Jewish federations,” Orsini told KDKA’s Jon Delano.
“My primary responsibility is to keep the Jewish community safe through training, through awareness, and linking all of our organizations together.”
Orsini will do security assessments of every Jewish entity.
“We’re going to do a training with our organizations, with the FBI, in which UPMC trauma doctors are going to come in and teach our community how do use those trauma kits,” said Orsini.”
[July 29, 2014] “The Department of Homeland Security allocated to Jewish institutions $12 million, or 94 percent, of $13 million in funds for securing nonprofits.
The $13 million disbursed last week brings to $151 million the amount disbursed since the program started in 2005, most of it to Jewish institutions.
Leading the lobbying for the program have been the Jewish Federations of North America, the Orthodox Union and Agudath Israel of America.”
“Department of Homeland Security Ran Safety Drills at Tree of Life Synagogue”
Via: Heavy:
The synagogue’s former president Michael Eisenberg said that while he was president, he had the Department of Homeland Security come to Tree of Life. Eisenberg told the Post Gazette the agency ran safety drills. Eisenberg added, “We had to step it up as far as security, although there had been no threats. The building isn’t designed for today as far as security purposes.” Eisenberg went on to tell CBS Pittsburgh that a maintenance worker who escaped was able to do so because of the DHS’ work. Eisenberg said, “He was able to get out of the building… because the exit doors were working well. I just can’t tell you how thankful I am just to do that one task that Homeland Security told us to do.”
Israeli Tactical Training Academy in US Teaches “American” Jews to Fight Back
“I want to have Jews armed in their synagogues and trained, so that if they see a terrorist or an anti-Semite walking in with a weapon, they’ll know how to neutralize that threat,” Stern says in a video posted on the Cherev Gidon Facebook page.”
A commenter at Darkmoon said, “96% of Homeland Security Grant money goes to synagogues, they are built like fortresses because they know what is coming (because they are engineering an internal civil war as the system crashes)
the idea that you can just walk in and shoot it up is not likely, and this false flag Trump will shovel more money to these people for security
the event is most likely a staged psyop and targeting anti-Trump and anti-Jew groups like Renegade Broadcasting, and it will be used to target first and second amendments
the jews want to shut us up and they want our guns
then they can kill us off in another bolshevik revolution without anyone being able to complain about it”.
(((They))) know that as they ramp up their satanic efforts toward white genocide, we goyim who know what’s going on are feverishly trying to educate our people. As the White Giant awakens, the Edomite/Canaanite/Jews certain doom draws nearer.
They can surround themselves with the IDF or whatever. When the Creator gets ready to bring them justice, all the armies in the world cannot protect these satanic cockroaches.