(Jerusalem Post) A 2018 Jewish Chronicle survey has revealed that one in three British Jews have considered leaving the UK due to rising antisemitism, while the ominous term “Jewxit” has recently sprouted, referring to a doomsday scenario where the entire 300,000-strong Jewish community flees the UK following a win by Jeremy Corbyn:
The Jerusalem Post has heard from British Jews whose concerns over Corbyn’s headline grabbing antisemitism are so grave, that they have considered emigrating should the UK Labour Party leader come to power.
The anxiety level within Jewish circles is such that several months back, former chairman of the Conservative Party Andrew Feldman had penned a sternly worded letter to Jeremy Corbyn saying, “I want you to know that many Jewish people in the United Kingdom are seriously contemplating their future here in the event of you becoming prime minister. This is because they can see that Labour, a party with a proud tradition of tolerance and inclusiveness, is now a hotbed of feelings against Israel and therefore the Jewish people. Quietly, discreetly and extremely reluctantly, they are making their contingency plans, and this would be a tragedy.”
This sentiment is echoed by Jonathan – not his real name – for whom the choice is clear.
“I have been worrying over Corbyn’s antisemitism for quite some time,” he told The Jerusalem Post. “Even with two children currently at school, my wife and I are confident that should Corbyn win, we are selling the house and moving to Israel.”
Jonathan’s angst is twofold: “There is the financial aspect, of course,” he explained, “as we expect the economy to decline under Corbyn, and for our house to instantly lose a tenth of its value, that is roughly 50 to 100,000 Pounds. That is just us, so I dread to imagine the impact on the UK economy if all 300,000 Jews left.”
To Jonathan, this is not as far-fetched a scenario as some might think. “Thousands of French Jews have uprooted themselves over the past few years due to antisemitism, and settled in Israel,” he explained, “so I can certainly see a wave of UK Jews fleeing the country in response to a Corbyn win. Such an exit would cause great damage to the UK’s economy. We are talking billions of Pounds worth of damage as people sell property and take their money elsewhere. Add to that the brain drain effect, and you get a sense of the huge potential loss.”
The second motivator for Jonathan and fellow would-be-leavers is the “negative atmosphere and zero prospect of any corrective action taken” within Labour.
“The intervention from the EHRC is equally welcoming and alarming,” explained Lily – not real name, “in that finally, antisemitism within the party is being taken seriously after Chakrabati’s whitewash, but [it is] alarming that the situation is so dire, it needs official investigation.”
These sentiments are echoed by Gil – not real name – who “will move to possibly Israel” because he “objects to living in a society that would actually consider electing an antisemite” into Downing Street. “What a horrific indictment on Britain that would be if we all leave, Britain’s reputation for tolerance and democracy will be tarnished for eternity.”
Well, there you have it, England. The Jews are going to give you back your country, over which they have had an iron grip since the Rothschilds founded their Bank of England hundreds of years ago, and all you have to do apparently is overwhelmingly vote for the “antisemite” Jeremy Corbyn. For the last 100 years, many observers have lamented that England was completely lost, as the British elite and aristocracy sold itself off to (and intermarried with) the wealthy jewish merchants and bankers. How would England ever recover from this web of controlling debt and inter-mingling of their bloodlines?
Who knew it would be as simple as voting for a radical socialist like Jeremy Corbyn, whose public support for the Palestinians has so angered and “terrified” the Jews in the U.K. that they are willing to leave, perhaps to Israel, just to make a point and hopefully “tarnish” England’s international reputation as a senile lapdog for the interests of the Rothschilds? But let’s not get our hopes up, too much. Jews secretly need antisemites to make them, well, feel like real Jews by giving them yet another reason to be dissatisfied with a country which handed over the keys to the kingdom to them a long time ago.
Jews are only good for money. “threatening” to leave? Really?
Let me get that door for you….
The problem is, they take their money and business contacts with them and then they destroy your economy.
There was a time in England when members of Parliament could actually speak the truth:
“The Jews have been treated in Britain with a fairness and a generosity unparalleled elsewhere, and have banded together against us, despite the conventional opinion that it was very wrong to combine against them. And now this organized alien minority, who have enriched themselves at our expense, repay our generosity by political terrorism carried out at the point of the economic gun.
It is a strange thing that a great country should allow both the economic and the political freedom of so many of its citizens to be at the mercy of an organized minority who owe allegiance, and who admits they owe it, not primarily to Britain, but to their kinsmen beyond our borders, and whose capacity for mischief is exceeded only by their desire to do it.”
—Sir Oswald Mosley, British Member of Parliament
The jew is our curse, but if they ever did abandon a country en-masse (excuse my French), it would be time for the indigenous population to head underground.
Because if a country had no jews, it would immediately be nuked. The devil’s gargoyles don’t mind sacrificing a few of their own, but while we have “the curse” (meaning an infestation of jews), we can consider it an inhuman shield against serious attack.
The Allies planned on nuking Germany if they had acquired the atom bomb before Germany had surrendered in early 1945. And there were tens of thousands of Jews in Germany at that time, both in the concentration camps and living freely in the capital of Berlin, which would have been ground zero. So clearly, these Jews provided no deterrent from stopping the Allies and their jewish backers from planning on nuking their most accursed enemy.
I find it slightly amusing to think what ‘public’ reaction would be if the article threatened the mass exit of arabs or blacks. If more people looked at it from that perspective, the ‘jewish question’ would become unavoidable…
An old Russian proverb says ‘Jews always tell you what happened to them. They never tell you why’. In any event the chances of a mass Jewish flight from Britain are just about zero.
Exactly, why quit now when they are on top of the world?
Always target the Jews when things are going sour! It is better to be a Jew than hypocritical heathens!
You’re repeating one of the oldest jewish canards there is: that “when things go wrong, the goyim always scapegoat the Jews.” Pure lies. When things go wrong in traditionally White Christian societies, people start looking into WHY things have gone wrong and WHO is responsible. And “coincidentally” it almost always happens to be the result of jewish machinations and subversions throughout our history. Which is why Jews have been expelled from European states over 109 times, but then we’ve always foolishly let them back in, having not learned our lesson.
And it’s actually the Jews who are the hypocrites–as Christ pointed out the “leaven of the (jewish) Pharisees” is hypocrisy. When all their ploys start unravelling, and we get wise to them, they call us “antisemites” and “conspiracy theorists” for revealing their hidden hand in our destruction. Jews themselves have a word for it, as you may know: “chutzpah”.
To sum up jewish “chutzpah”, they recoil when we accuse them of having inordinate power over our society, our media, our economy, etc. That’s an “antisemitic” canard. Then they have the “chutzpah” to turn around and claim that we are “jealous of their success.” Well, Jews, which one is it? They want their success and power, but they don’t want us to know about it because we’ll hold them, rightly, responsible when “things go wrong”. Hypocrites. Get it yet?
Because the jews are always the reason behind things going sour , ray. and why would it be better to be an antiChrist than a heathen who at least has the potential for repentance, salvation and a productive life? better to be a ‘hypocritical heathen’ than, as jesus pointed out, ‘of their father the devil’…
The world’s foremost problem.
Seriously? “Brain drain”? Cocky little bastards forever jabbing us with their sharp little blades. I guess publicly ignorant and demeaning comments about the goyim, to the goyim, would have nothing to do with this ‘sharp rise’ in anti-semitism? And quite frankly, I’m tired of this completely bullsh!t phrase “anti-semitism” as if I buy into their identity theft. From now on, I’m just going to say “anti-jew” cuz that’s exactly what it is…and it’s easier to type.
Well, there’s no doubt that if the Jews picked up and left a country with all their vast wealth, that country would show a quick economic downturn, but it would only be temporary if the people saw it as a blessing rather than a curse. But they will never leave voluntarily, just as a tick will never willingly leave the pelt of its host animal, which is its life blood upon which it depends for sustenance.
As long as they resettle in Israel, it’s all good. Do not want them here.
It seems as though they always need something to cry about as a whole.