Recently, we’ve received a number of comments from some of our readers who still hold to the doctrine that “All Israel shall be saved.” They seem genuinely confused — and often at a loss — when confronted with evidence from Scripture that completely contradicts their views which attempts to maintain that all white people are Israelites — and that all of them will be unconditionally saved — while everyone else is part of an evil “serpent seedline” destined for the Lake of Fire.
So to better help them understand why other Christians outside their small echo chamber are not persuaded by their arguments to support this view, we’d like to take a closer look at John’s “baptism of repentance” (Mark 1:4) in the context of the “All Israel shall be saved” doctrine — and show how the two views simply cannot be reconciled with each other without doing violence to the plain words and meaning of Scripture.
First, let us set the scene for John’s message. Luke 3:7 says,
So he was saying to the crowds who were going out to be baptized by him, “You offspring of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”
Matthew 3:7 says,
But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, “You offspring of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”
“All Israel” advocates interpret these verses to mean that John was actually calling “Edomite” Pharisees literal seed of the Genesis 3 serpent. Now nothing in the entirety of the Scripture actually states this doctrine — and the same is true here in these passages. If Luke and Matthew wanted to warn us that John was talking to crypto “serpent seed” Edomites, then they must have intentionally been either very obtuse about it — or just plain incompetent because it’s nowhere in the plain words of Scripture.
Luke states that John told “the crowds who were going out to be baptized by him” that they were “offspring of vipers.” Matthew states that John told “the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism” that they were “offspring of vipers.” Moreover, Luke 3:12 and Luke 3:14 tell us there were tax collectors and soldiers among the crowds as well.
If John spoke thus to “the crowds” — and if the crowds included tax collectors, soldiers, Pharisees and Sadducees — we therefore can safely conclude that John essentially told everyone present that they were “offspring of vipers” — including the Pharisees and the Sadducees. We suppose Matthew decided it would be beneficial to single out the Pharisees and Sadducees in his version of John’s message — and we can find special meaning in Matthew’s decision for doing so. On the other hand, Luke decided to show us the message applied to everyone.
In other words, where Luke told us the message applied to everyone, Matthew was sure to let us know that the Pharisees and Sadducees also suffered John’s under scrutiny. Matthew went so far as to reiterate this point in Matthew 12:34 and Matthew 23:33 where he relates the Lord Jesus also leveling the same accusation at them.
However, just because the Lord appeared to single out the Pharisees and Sadducees as the “offspring of vipers,” it does not mean that John did not call all the crowds by the same name. As we have mentioned, the Pharisees and Sadducees were included in that designation.
Therefore, if John called all the crowds “offspring of vipers,” then we could hardly even remotely conclude that John was talking just to Edomite Pharisees who were literal seed of the Genesis 3 serpent. That is, even if we were to allow the fact that the Scripture never explicitly states it — thus acknowledging we must come to the conclusion by inference — it still doesn’t work at all.
Furthermore, the New Testament never tells us that any of the Pharisees were non-Adamic — that is, they were untainted by any non-Adamic lineage such as — hypothetically speaking — the Genesis 3 serpent. On the other hand, we can see various Pharisees who definitely were Adamic — such as Paul (Philippians 3:5), Nicodemus (John 3:1) and Gamaliel (Acts 5:34, Acts 22:3). And Paul the Pharisee most certainly would have been counted among the “vipers” who persecuted Christians.
Thus we find evidence that there definitely were Adamic Pharisees, whereas we find literally no evidence there were any non-Adamic Pharisees. As we have also discussed before, the high priesthood — like John the Baptist’s father Zacharias (Luke 1:5) — was also filled with Adamic men.
As we have already covered, merely calling Pharisees “offspring of vipers” cannot be admitted as evidence, because then all of the crowds whom John spoke to would also have to be serpent seed according to the gospel of Luke — regardless of whether or not the Pharisees and Sadducees were singled out in the gospel of Matthew.
Now let us consider this “All Israel” view from a different angle. If the crowds were “offspring of vipers” — and thus non-Adamic serpent seed — then why would John bother to preach a baptism of repentance to them at all in the first place? In other words, the “offspring of vipers” had no hope of hearing or adhering to John’s message — so preaching it to them was an entirely pointless endeavor.
How can this glaring contradiction be explained away? They have no choice but to make the claim that John the Baptist was a dissembler who was merely challenging the serpent seed to do good — even though they had no hope of doing good. In other words, they would have us suspend common sense that John preached a baptism of repentance to them because they literally had a hope of repenting. They would have us believe that John would play this cat-and-mouse game with them without explaining to anyone that he was actually doing it.
They would also cite Genesis 4:6, where God encourages Cain — Adam and Eve’s son — to overcome his sin and do good. They might also cite Acts 26:29 where Paul states his desire for Herod Agrippa — an actual Edomite — to become a Christian. In each case, they would have us believe that God — like John the Baptist — encourages Cain in vain and when Paul stated he wished for Agrippa to become a Christian, he didn’t really mean it — he was lying and just wanted to show everyone that Edomites incapable of being Christians.
As usual, if the writers of the Scripture actually did believe in this unredeemable seedline, they do a very poor job of just saying what they mean rather than opting to play mental and word games to hide their true meaning.
Yet Luke tells us that “the crowds were questioning him, saying, ‘Then what are we to do?'” (Luke 3:10) The very same crowds whom John called “offspring of vipers” responded positively toward John’s message with the intention of adhering to it.
Ultimately we are forced to completely drop the idea that the meaning behind “offspring of vipers” extends beyond the metaphorical level. The purpose of the phrase was a reflection on their character — not some kind of covert secret passphrase only the enlightened would understand as referring to their supposed corrupted bloodline.
Luke 3:8-9 says,
8 Therefore produce fruits that are consistent with repentance, and do not start saying to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children for Abraham. 9 But indeed the axe is already being laid at the root of the trees; so every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.”
Matthew 3:8-10 says,
8 Therefore produce fruit consistent with repentance; 9 and do not assume that you can say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father’; for I tell you that God is able, from these stones, to raise up children for Abraham. 10 And the axe is already laid at the root of the trees; therefore, every tree that does not bear good fruit is being cut down and thrown into the fire.
We assume at face value that the crowds — including the Pharisees and Sadducees — were children of Abraham. After all, the Lord Jesus even says to the Pharisees, “I know that you are Abraham’s descendants” (John 8:37).
Those adhering to the “All Israel” doctrine would then argue that Edom was also a descendant of Abraham, therefore these people could be Edomites. They might further point out that the Pharisees claimed, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been enslaved to anyone” (John 8:33) — but since the real Israelites had definitely been enslaved in Egypt — therefore, these Pharisees must be Edomites because Edomites were never enslaved to anyone.
Yet Isaac prophesied of Esau in Genesis 27:40,
And by your sword you shall live, and you shall serve your brother; but it shall come about when you become restless, that you will break his yoke from your neck.
Then 1 Kings 11:15-16 says,
15 For it came about, when David was in Edom and Joab the commander of the army had gone up to bury those killed in battle, and had struck and killed every male in Edom 16 (for Joab and all Israel stayed there for six months, until he had eliminated every male in Edom)
Ultimately 2 Kings 8:20 says,
In [Jehoram king of Judah’s] days Edom broke away from the rule of Judah, and appointed a king over themselves.
We can clearly see from the plain meaning of these verses that Edom indeed was brutally put down by Israel and lived under their control for some time — to the extent that they did not even have a king over themselves and almost all of their men were eliminated. Genesis 27:40 qualifies this fulfillment of prophecy as Esau serving his brother. Later on, as the prophecy stated, Edom broke free from this bondage of his brother.
Therefore, when the Pharisees said they had never been enslaved (John 8:33), they could not be referring to the history of Edom because they were — just like Israel — in bondage. And if the Pharisees were truly Edomites, the Lord Jesus would have naturally disputed their claim that Edom had never been in bondage — notably to Israel.
Therefore, what could the Pharisees have actually meant when they said they “have never been enslaved to anyone?” Recall that they were responding to the Lord Jesus’ words when He said, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31–32) The Lord told them He would set them — the Pharisees — themselves free. The statement would make no sense if the Lord were referring to their ancestors’ enslavement — whether Israelite or Edomite enslavement — from which they were already free.
There was obviously no reason to set them free from any literal enslavement.
Therefore, when the Pharisees said they “have never been enslaved to anyone,” they could have been referring only to some kind of enslavement in their own lifetimes from which the Lord Jesus could free them. They did not perceive themselves to be literally enslaved, so they found the Lord’s words confusing. If they took His words to mean the enslavement of the Israelites, then the conversation wouldn’t make any sense. Israel had been taken out of slavery more than a thousand years ago by that point.
Thus there is no proof that crypto-Edomites masquerading as true Israelites comprised the audiences of Luke 3, Matthew 3 or John 8.
When the Lord Jesus announced His pleasure over Zaccheus the tax collector, He said, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he, too, is a son of Abraham.” (Luke 19:9) If Zaccheus was an Israelite — which he most certainly was — then there would be no reason to call him a “son of Abraham,” because all Israelites are children of Abraham according to the flesh. Therefore referring to him as a “son of Abraham” must have a meaning over and above his fleshly ancestry.
On the one hand, the Lord acknowledges the Pharisees were children of Abraham (John 8:37), then on the other hand He acknowledges that Zacchaeus was a child of Abraham. Yet the Lord says to the Pharisees, “If you are Abraham’s children, do the deeds of Abraham.” (John 8:39)
Why then would the literal children of Abraham (John 8:37) need to prove they are Abraham’s children according to their deeds (John 8:39)? We must conclude that being a child of Abraham means something far greater than merely being a child of Abraham according to the flesh — that is, merely a physical descendant. If it were that simple, then the Abrahamic covenants would have been realized in Ishmael and Esau as well.
Clearly, being a “child of Abraham” also has a Spiritual meaning — that we must “do the deeds of Abraham.” (John 8:39) As we have previously written at length, this means living a life of righteous deeds by a personal faith in the Lord Jesus. When the Lord Jesus said those words to Zacchaeus, Luke 19:8 tells us he had given half his possessions to the poor and restored four times what he had extorted from anyone. In other words, Zacchaeus actually performed righteous deeds as evidence that he was a true son of Abraham, not merely the physical seed.
Conversely, despite the Lord acknowledging that His audience were descendants of Abraham (John 8:37), He tells them, “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father.” (John 8:44) The “All Israel” proponents always claim this verse prima facie proof of validity of their doctrine. They claim that the serpent is the devil — therefore, the Lord is calling them literal genetic offspring of the devil — or serpent.
Yet when making this bold claim, they ignore the obvious qualifying criteria which the Lord Jesus provides us in the very same breath — “you want to do the desires of your father.” As we have previously explained, living like Abraham makes us his spiritual children through faith in Christ (Galatians 3:14, Galatians 3:16) — and conversely, therefore, if we live as Satan wants us to live, then we become his spiritual children.
Yes, the very author of the gospel of John confirms this interpretation in no uncertain terms in 1 John 3:8-10,
8 the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one who has been born of God practices sin, because His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin continually, because he has been born of God. 10 By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother and sister.
We don’t need to conjecture or read between the lines of the Lord Jesus’ meaning here in John 8:44 — unless we merely disagree with John the apostle’s own very explicit criteria for discerning the children of the devil from the children of God. John tells us exactly the same thing which we’ve shown explicitly from the Scriptural itself — one is either a child of God or a child of Satan through one’s deeds, not through merely being an Israelite — or an Adamite — according to the flesh.
Many “All Israel” adherents go as far as to scoff at any kind of spiritual interpretation of the Scripture — yet here it is as written by John in very plain terms. When John wanted to convey what he believed, we presume he endeavored to write exactly what he meant — as opposed to making the false assumption that the New Testament authors are intentionally writing in an obtuse manner rather than coming out and saying what they really meant.
Some “All Israel” adherents go so far as to claim that any spiritual understanding of the Bible must necessarily be a covert attempt to introduce “race-mixing” or “universalism.” They have merely presumed the truth of their own premise — by claiming that by doing so, they are defending “racial purity,” yet they do not allow anyone else to believe in “racial purity” unless they believe it in exactly the same way they do.
John wrote his epistle to pure descendants of Adam and Eve — the “generations of Adam (Genesis 5:1) — of whom he said, “you have no need for anyone to teach you” (1 John 2:27). Therefore, he did not even need to include endless implications and innuendos about “race” to his audience — they would have presumed the gospel was intended only for them.
Like John, we speak with this tacit understanding to our own brethren — because we are all aware of — and agree with — the Bible law against miscegenation — much the same way we understand that homosexuality or adultery are also wrong. No one in John’s audience is going to question it, so why belabor the point in every conversation — or in every other line from Scripture? Yet “All Israel” adherents expect a hidden racial implication in every verse from John — even when he’s speaking with the ones he calls his “children” (1 John 2:1).
No, John skipped the milk of the word and went straight to the meat with them. Yes, the understanding of purity of ancestry is merely the milk of the word. Hebrews 5:12-14 says,
12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the actual words of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food. 13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is unacquainted with the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to distinguish between good and evil.
We have proposed the elementary principles of the actual words of God means that we should take the words of God as far as possible at face value. This plain interpretation teaches us to be acquainted with righteousness and to strive to distinguish between good and evil in the broadest possible way.
Yet “All Israel” adherents seem content to accept this one basic teaching of the Scripture — purity of ancestry — as the single most important truth of the entire Scripture — as opposed to it being merely one teaching out of many that is essential to righteousness. Hebrews 6:1-2 continues,
1 Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, 2 of instruction about washings and laying on of hands, and about the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment.
Merely being born white is a dead work compared to a “foundation of repentance from dead words and of faith toward God.” See how maturity requires a repentance of dead works — a repentance from things which cannot in and of themselves produce righteousness. Maturity means a personal faith toward God, the cleansing baptism of repentance, laying on of hands in prayer and ultimately our final judgment — “to be found spotless and blameless by Him, at peace” (2 Peter 3:14).
Yet “All Israel” adherent would claim that “maturity” means teaching that merely being born white automatically brings about righteousness — and salvation.
Yes, we already agree on purity of ancestry — now let us press on to spiritual maturity and seek to be acquainted with the word of righteousness and train our senses in distinguishing between good and evil.
Then let us consider Luke 3:8 once again,
Therefore produce fruits that are consistent with repentance, and do not start saying to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father,’ for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children for Abraham.
As we have shown, the New Testament makes it very clear that merely being a descendant of Abraham according to the flesh means very little in and of itself. John puts its all Adamic flesh in perspective for us when he goes so far as to emphasize that “from these stones God is able to raise up children for Abraham.”
Genesis 2:7 and 3:19 tells us that Adam was literally created from the ground itself — therefore, John is telling us that we need to aspire to something greater than a mere physical, Adamic creation. Moreover, we can be sure that when John speaks of raising up children for Abraham in this way, he could be referring only to actual Adamites — because that’s how Adam himself was created — from the dust, ground or stones.
John tells literal descendants of Abraham according to the flesh that their vaunted ancestry is meaningless when it does not produce “fruits that are consistent with repentance.” Unless they produce this fruit, their ancestry according to the flesh means nothing.
If they cannot break out of a fleshly understanding and move into a spiritual understanding, then they do not belong to Christ (Romans 8:9) — despite satisfying the fleshly requirement (Romans 9:8). That is what John the Baptist, John the Apostle, Matthew and Paul all clearly teach — as we have briefly shown in this article — and these are the “elementary principles of the actual words of God.” (Hebrews 5:12)
That’s what it means to preach “a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” (Mark 1:4) A repentance from all sin — not merely just one sin. Why? Because merely being born white doesn’t guarantee anyone salvation — just like merely having never committed the sin of homosexuality doesn’t guarantee any Adamite salvation.
Then John says in Luke 3:9,
But indeed the axe is already being laid at the root of the trees; so every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
And in Matthew 3:10
And the axe is already laid at the root of the trees; therefore, every tree that does not bear good fruit is being cut down and thrown into the fire.
Note the criteria which John gives us to determine which trees will be cut down. He tells us that the trees which do not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. “All Israel” adherents attempt to claim that they and their fellow Israelites produce only good fruit, while “serpent seed” produce only bad fruit — therefore, John here could be referring only to serpent seed that will be thrown into the fire.
Yet it’s undeniable that there are myriad examples of Israelites producing bad fruit throughout the Scripture. Furthermore, if we as individuals live a life of sin, then we also produce bad fruit. By that standard, if we sin, isn’t that demonstrable proof that we ourselves are the so-called “serpent seed?”
Unfortunately, we have not seen a logical explanation to resolve this obvious internal inconsistency. If they want to insist that all Israelites according to the flesh bear only good fruit, then wouldn’t we expect every Adamic person to live a righteous life according to the Scripture?
John the Baptist gives us a severe warning in the clearest terms — if we do not bear fruit worthy of repentance, then we will be cut down and thrown into the fire. The Lord Jesus says in John 15:5-6,
5 I am the vine, you are the branches; the one who remains in Me, and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not remain in Me, he is thrown away like a branch and dries up; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.
If we remain in the Lord Jesus according to a personal faith in Him, then we certainly will bear fruit for Him. Conversely, if we do not remain in Him, then we will not bear any fruit. If we do not bear any fruit, then we are thrown away into the fire to be burned.
How does this teaching work according to the “All Israel” doctrine? If remaining in the Lord Jesus means bearing fruit, then why do “All Israel” adherents claim they can remain in the Lord without having to bear the fruit? What is the “good fruit” (Matthew 7:17) exactly according to this self-negating doctrine? It can’t be good works because by far the majority of Israelites according to the flesh do not live according to the Lord Jesus’ ways.
The Lord teaches us the meaning of the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:19-23,
19 When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is the one sown with seed beside the road. 20 The one sown with seed on the rocky places, this is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; 21 yet he has no firm root in himself, but is only temporary, and when affliction or persecution occurs because of the word, immediately he falls away. 22 And the one sown with seed among the thorns, this is the one who hears the word, and the anxiety of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. 23 But the one sown with seed on the good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces, some a hundred, some sixty, and some thirty times as much.”
We see exactly the same pattern in The Parable of the Sower as with John the Baptist’s words as well as the Lord’s words in John 15.
If one does not understand the word, they will never bear fruit. If one understands, but gives way to affliction or persecution because of the word, then that understanding counts for nothing. Unless we hear the word and understand it, then we cannot and will not bear any fruit.
Yet it is not simply enough to hear and understand because the one seed “is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no firm root in himself.” We cannot merely hear, understand and agree — we must actually bear the fruit.
There is absolutely nothing “racial” about this teaching — because this teaching applies to only one people — “the generations of Adam.” Without question, The Parable of the Sower is about understanding, belief and their influence on our ability to bear fruit. Whether we bear fruit or not doesn’t depend on the skin into which we were born — it depends on hearing the word, understanding it and applying it. The same applies to John the Baptist’s words.
Paul tells us in Romans 11:17-24,
17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, 18 do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 20 Quite right, they were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand by your faith. Do not be conceited, but fear; 21 for if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you, either. 22 See then the kindness and severity of God: to those who fell, severity, but to you, God’s kindness, if you continue in His kindness; for otherwise you too will be cut off. 23 And they also, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in; for God is able to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these who are the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree?
Paul explains that natural branches — Israelites according to the flesh — were broken off. Under some circumstances, they may be grafted in again. If this were a “racial” teaching, then one would be broken off even though they were not of pure Adamic lineage. Yet if one were not of pure Adamic lineage, how would they be grafted in again — or part of the tree in the first place?
Likewise, if a wild olive was grafted in — meaning it fit the requirement according to the flesh — then why would it run the risk of being cut off again according to verse 22? Interpreting this metaphor in a “racial” way simply doesn’t make any sense.
Paul says that branches were “broken off for their unbelief.” Then he says, “if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in.” Paul has very clearly and explicitly stated the criteria under which a branch is allowed to remain in the root. Being a part of the root — that is the Lord Jesus — comes entirely down to our belief and what it produces in us.
Paul speaks of bringing about the “obedience of faith among all the nations” (Romans 1:5) — and commends the Romans because their “faith is being proclaimed throughout the world.” (Romans 1:8) He says the “righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith” and “the righteous one will live by faith.” (Romans 1:17)
He speaks of the “righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ” (Romans 3:22). God is “just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.” (Romans 3:26) We live “by a law of faith” (Romans 3:27), and we are “justified by faith” (Romans 3:28) and we are “circumcised by faith” (Romans 3:30)
Romans 4 follows with a teaching on our need for a personal faith based on the life of Abraham — whose own faith serves as an example for us. Paul says in Romans 9:30-32,
30 What shall we say then? That nations, who did not pursue righteousness, attained righteousness, but the righteousness that is by faith; 31 however, Israel, pursuing a law of righteousness, did not arrive at that law. 32 Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as though they could by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone
With the above in mind, to reach Romans 11 where Paul talks about branches broken off because of unbelief, a racial metaphor should just be the furthest thing from our minds. Branches may be broken off and grafted in again, because merely being an olive branch — or even a child of Abraham according to the flesh — does nothing to guarantee our own conformance to the Lord Jesus’ ways.
No, we need faith — and if we don’t have it, we will be broken off due to our unbelief.
All of the passages presented here are self-evident in their meaning. We do not constantly second-guess the authors of the Bible merely because they do not agree with our own arcane interpretation which lurks between the lines, in double entendres and sexual innuendoes.
Some might object and claim, “But a wild olive is still an olive!” Yes, a wild olive is still an olive. This teaching of the sower applies only to Adamic peoples. Their grave mistake is to presume that an olive can only ever be an Israelite, as opposed to any legitimate Adamic person from the Genesis 10 nations.
They are happy to claim that only Israelites who supposedly never received the Law — itself an incorrect assumption — are the wild, uncultivated branches yet the exact same thing applies to all Adamic peoples who never received the Law. Israel was cultivated whereas the rest of the nations were not. Israel and the nations are still both olive branches — that is, Adamic people.
Let us review Luke 3:9 again,
But indeed the axe is already being laid at the root of the trees; so every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
John the Baptist is telling us very explicitly here that we must actually bear good fruit — which cannot be realized apart from a faith in the Lord Jesus — otherwise we will be cut down and thrown into the fire. We cannot take a stance on this passage which doesn’t require us to actually do good. Matthew 7:15-20 says,
15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they? 17 So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 So then, you will know them by their fruits.
Again, “All Israel” adherents will attempt to claim that being born white means necessarily bearing good fruit, even when they obviously are doing no such thing — such as sacrificing their children to Molech (Leviticus 20:3). This claim is just as ridiculous as the Marxist “logic” which claims that black people are as smart as white people. If only blacks had better native grains, or better animals to domesticate, or hadn’t been enslaved, then we’d all be living in Wakanda.
At no point to they actually have to demonstrate any evidence — so long as they have excuses for Israelite sin to fall back on. Likewise, just because one may produce an excuse for not bearing good fruit doesn’t change that they still aren’t bearing good fruit.
Adamic people do not bear good fruit merely by having been born Adamic. Thousands of years of history — along with the Flood — prove this fact countless times over. There’s no use burying our heads in the sand over it.
Moreover, through the Scriptures, the Lord teaches us how to identify false prophets — they are not some kind of banal racial manifesto to help us identify mamzers or crypto-Jews. We face a very real threat that some would come in sheep’s clothing — in the name of Christ (Matthew 24:5) — yet inwardly they are ravenous wolves. If being a ravenous wolf depends on how one acts, then being a ravenous wolf or not has nothing to do with “race.” Israelites have proven over and over that they are perfectly capably of behaving as ravenous wolves.
If the so-called prophet or teacher produces bad fruit in their own lives, the Lord tells us they are not good trees. Why? Because a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. If a tree bears bad fruit, why would we presume it is a good tree? If a teacher bears bad fruit — demonstrating itself to be a bad tree — why would we continue to pick its fruit assuming it is good?
At the end of the teaching in Luke, the Lord again confirms that if we do “not bear good fruit” — our faith and works — then we are “cut down and thrown into the fire.”
Even in the Lord Jesus’ explanation of The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares — a veritable sacred cow for the “All Israel Is Saved” acolytes — He teaches exactly the same thing. He says in Matthew 13:40-42,
40 So just as the weeds are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, 42 and they will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Note how the Lord Jesus has very explicitly qualified what He means when He calls people weeds. His words are very difficult to misunderstand or misinterpret. The weeds are the ones who are stumbling blocks and commit lawlessness. Many Adamic people are stumbling blocks toward their own brethren and commit all manner of lawlessness. Also recall that lawlessness is sin (1 John 3:4). There’s just no way this could ever be a “racial” teaching — as if only non-Adamic people could possibly be stumbling blocks.
By the time the Lord Jesus returns — when His grace of salvation is over (2 Peter 3:15) — He will gather up the lawless sinners and they will be thrown into the furnace of fire, which is eternal death. Paul says in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10,
7….when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels 8 in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God, and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9 These people will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, 10 when He comes to be glorified among His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed—because our testimony to you was believed.
Note how Paul explicitly tells us that those who “do not know God” and “those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus” will “pay the penalty of eternal destruction.” This distinction has nothing to do with our status as Adamic people — and everything to do with whether or not we have lived our lives in Christ. There have been many Adamic people who do not know God and did not obey the gospel of the Lord Jesus, even by “All Israel’s” own standards.
To bring this essay to a conclusion, let’s consider Luke 3:16,
John responded to them all, saying, “As for me, I baptize you with water; but He is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to untie the straps of His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”
Then in Matthew 3:11,
As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
Being baptized with water was a symbolic cleansing of the body from sin, just as Peter says, “baptism now saves you — not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience” (1 Peter 3:21). Baptism by water was symbolic — a copy and shadow — thus incapable in and of itself to bring about righteousness.
The baptism by the Holy Spirit was the heavenly fulfillment of baptism by water and achieves the exact same thing just as Paul says, “He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we did in righteousness, but in accordance with His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit.” (Titus 3:5) The Holy Spirit washes us in that it cleanses us of all the uncleanness of sin.
The Lord says of the Holy Spirit, “And He, when He comes, will convict the world regarding sin, and righteousness, and judgment.” (John 16:11) Thus the Holy Spirit washes us from the uncleanness of sin by convicting us regarding our sin, our righteousness and the coming judgment.
Moreover, the Holy Spirit is the heavenly fulfillment of cleansing; therefore, if we are baptized by the Holy Spirit, then we definitely will be cleansed — unlike dead works which have no power in and of themselves.
Again then, when we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, then we must inevitably bear good fruit. Paul tells us that “all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons and daughters of God.” (Romans 8:14) If we have not been cleansed by the Spirit, then we are not being led by the Spirit. If we are not being led by the Spirit, then we are not children of God. If we are not children of God, we will not be saved unto eternal life regardless of whether we were born into Adamic flesh or not.
If we are Adamic people, we are merely candidates for the work of the Holy Spirit. Being led by the Spirit — that is, what we actually do — is not guaranteed merely by having been born into Adamic flesh.
In Galatians 5:16-24, Paul gives us some concise pointers on how we can gauge whether we — or others — are being led by the Spirit or not,
16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. 17 For the desire of the flesh is against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, in order to keep you from doing whatever you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. 19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: sexual immorality, impurity, indecent behavior, 20 idolatry, witchcraft, hostilities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, 21 envy, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
Paul goes as far as to say that we will not inherit the kingdom of God if we exhibit any of the deeds of the flesh. He then says that “those who belong to Christ Jesus [have] crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” If we have not crucified our passions and desires, then we simply do not belong to Christ. If we do not belong to Christ, then we do not have eternal life in Him — because only those in Christ will be made alive (1 Corinthians 15:22).
It is our sincere hope that every Adamic man or woman who reads these words will seriously consider the brief pointers Paul gives us in this passage to the Galatians. We must first and foremost apply them to ourselves, but then also seriously consider the company we keep.
We have a brief wisp of life filled with the grace of the Lord Jesus toward our sins (2 Peter 3:15). Therefore, let us “work out [our] own salvation with fear and trembling,” (Philippians 2:12) because in so doing, we demonstrate that “it is God who is at work in [us], both to desire and to work for His good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13) Paul says in Titus 2:11-15,
11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people, 12 instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously, and in a godly manner in the present age, 13 looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, 14 who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, eager for good deeds. 15 These things speak and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. No one is to disregard you.
Paul is probably the most clear in this passage. We must not disregard this teaching — because Matthew 3:12 and Luke 3:17 say,
His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”
Then Luke 3:18 concludes by saying,
So with many other exhortations he preached the gospel to the people.
This is the gospel. The gospel is something to be obeyed, because those who do not obey the gospel will pay the penalty of eternal destruction (2 Thessalonians 1:8–9) whether they are Israelites according to the flesh or not.
If anyone has felt convicted to a repentance for the forgiveness of their sins, it may seem like a daunting mountain ahead. However, through earnest prayer in faith, the Lord Jesus will come to help us with our weaknesses. After all, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous, so that He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
What we regard as a remnant of Israel is dealt with in Romans 9,
Rom 9:6 But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel,
Succinctly, true Israel is a small part of physical Israel. Just because they are descended from Israel, does not mean they are part of believing Israel. Israel will be sifted during the tribulation and only those who are hard hearted and have no truck with God, will be eliminated leaving a soft hearted remnant who will witness the physical return of Christ.
Note Worthy
Revelation 2:9 …I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.“… Who calls themselves jews—JEWS! There were two groups that called themselves Jews, (that are not). The Shelahmites who were from Judah’s Canaanite wife Genesis 38:2, KJV: “And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her.”-aka bad fig jews. Jeremiah 24:1-2 1 The LORD shewed me, and, behold, two baskets of figs were set before the temple of the LORD, after that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the carpenters and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon….
Sorry, Note Worthy, your comment was way too long for anyone to reasonably read. Please keep them shorter, and more concise. CFT
Laird Michel
Canaanites are “bad fig Jews”? Really? Where does it say that in Scripture?
Note Worthy
Not all Canaanites are called bad fig jews. Judah married a Canaanite which are the bad figs. Shela married Canaanites. The Shelahmites invented Parasee-ism which is the religion jews practice today under the Talmud. When they came out of Babylon, they were the mixed multitude. The Judah/Tamar union (only) produced good fruit.
Note Worthy, we appreciate you stating your case and welcome you to the discussion. However, we are well aware of the arguments you are making and we have addressed them in prior essays:
And many others in our CFT Bible Studies section. You’ll notice in our articles we advocate that only “white” people of pure ancestry constitute the Adamic peoples of the Bible — and that Israel must be pure Adamic as well — despite rejecting many traditional CI doctrines.
In order for us to discuss the matter, we just need you to familiarize yourself with our position. Please at the very least read those articles linked above — and we would appreciate your taking the time in indulging us. If you disagree, leave a comment on the article. Other users will be able to see it in our Recent Comments section.
Also, if the children of the promise aren’t Israel itself, then why is John promising baptism unto repentance followed by baptism of the holy ghost to the pharisees at Matthew 3? The same pharisees he and Christ both call serpents?
Would they not be children of the flesh (and not the promise) according to the salvation doctrine here at CFT?
Said pharisees certainly were not fitting the requirements of the children of the promise. In fact, they were called vipers. So was Israel itself as the above article points out.
If Christ came to turn ungodliness away from Jacob, then of course that means Jacob Israel was being carnal and not living in righteousness by faith. And yet the chief transgressors were promised salvation.
Perhaps if we focus on the mission of continually building brethren up in faith, in hope that they – we all – have the best chance to make it – we do better.
Paul said,
Romans 10 “But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)
7 Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)”
Who are we to decide who or how many get in?
In Revelation 9 we have witness of a host put to death after repentance, and a remnant kept alive because they had not repented – kept alive until they finally repented of their murders etc.
So what do we say? The 144,000 were sealed and saved from the torment, and yet those that were not still had their salvation waiting for them through fiery trial.
Even if every last Israelite gets saved, it is a terrifying ordeal for most in order to get there.
Kevin wrote,
Because no one knows who the children of the promise are, except the Father and the Lord Jesus. When we exhort someone, we do it with the hope that they are candidates for repentance and will heed our exhortation. Whether they follow through or not is up to the Father — based on whether they are children of the promise or not.
We all participate in building the temple of living stones, but God causes the growth (1 Corinthians 3:6-9, Mark 4:26-29).
Kevin wrote,
John’s message wasn’t a promise of salvation — it was an exhortation to bear the fruit of someone who is saved. If they didn’t bear the fruit, then the axe was ready at the tree, and the winnowing fork in the Lord’s hand. Having said that, Paul, a chief transgressor, was saved (1 Timothy 1:15).
Kevin wrote,
We do not presume to decide who or how many get in. We must speak the truth according to the words of the Lord Jesus through His apostles. It’s one thing to disagree with our view from the Scripture on how many Israelites will be saved, but it’s another thing to say that we ourselves have merely decided. The latter is not true, but we are open to discuss the former.
Regardless, “the gate is narrow and the way is constricted that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:14) Also many “will seek to enter and will not be able.” (Luke 13:24) Our goal is for as many to enter as possible — and for ourselves to enter. If God allowed it, we would not stop until every Adamite was saved.
But if we or any are to enter, we must understand the path. The one who teaches a false path does nothing to help anyone enter, because they will get lost along the way. We do not want anyone to get lost, but to walk the path with utmost confidence by a true faith and knowledge in the Lord Jesus. Note that Matthew 7:14 and Luke 13:24 were directed at an Israelite audience.
Kevin wrote,
Apologies, we do not follow this piece. Do you mind rephrasing or elaborating, please?
Kevin wrote,
Yet there are many Israelites in the Scripture who died in the midst of evil lives. They never went through a cleansing trial, but rather only a death filled with punitive judgement. Take 2 Timothy 3:8-9 for example.
I still believe that the salvation doctrine here at CFT is wrong. However, so too is the simplistic view taken by dual seedliners – that “all israel is saved” so let us walk wantonly without fear.
In a way CFT has forced myself (at least) to wrestle with the thought of my own damnation, and to tremble in fear. It is true that we ought to fear our own damnation at the same time we hope for salvation, otherwise what fuels our hope?
I think if one reads Romans (particularly chapters 8-11) slowly then one can’t help but notice that not only does Paul take the stance of hoping for the salvation of all his folk, he also in some instances seems to be saying only a remnant will be saved – those blinded for the salvation of the gentiles (which he compares to the hardening of the heart of the pharoah) – whilst seeming to contradict that sentiment by brining things around again, saying “until the fullness of the gentiles come in.”
And he mentions the promise once again.
He also prefaces his speech by drawing a demarcation between those of Abraham and those more narrowly of Isaac –> Israel. Seems to me it is clear that the children of the promise are Israel, and that gentiles are being grafted in just as Israel is being cut off.
But like he said “until the fullness of the gentiles….”
So when he says “and so all israel is saved” he is speaking to that promise.
This doesn’t mean CFT is wrong to draw a hard line on the fruits one bears, because we should all be warned away from men who sin continually (as Christ told us). However, Paul explicitly tells us that grace is not of works.
It isn’t man that cleans up his act. It is God. It is God who lashes a son in the wilderness, takes away his habitation or his health, his family and his wealth – whatever it takes. It is He who haunts our dreams, or lifts them.up. it is His will be which our bodies sag and our energy drains. And it is His will be which the spirit eventually takes root within us amidst tears of repentance and gratitude.
I believe that is the meat of Paul’s message. Paul, an Israelite who was blinded (just as a portion of Israel) for three days, then REDEEMED by the grace of God and shown the truth.
IMHO we have a big problem in our greater identity Christian fellowship. I really do appreciate and love the work CFT does, but this salvation debate is wrong on both sides IMO.
Kevin wrote,
The “promise” is primarily the promise to Abraham (Romans 4:13, Galatians 3:29, Galatians 4:28), so “children of the promise” must include the non-Israelite Genesis 10 nations who attain to eternal salvation as well. However, Paul also includes the “promises” toward Israel (Romans 9:4) — and they are secondary, but no less valid and applicable.
Kevin wrote,
Paul considers the nations to be a part of Israel, or to have joined Israel. Romans 11:25 proceeds after the analogy of the olive tree, where the nations have been grafted in. Also Romans 2:29, Philippians 3:3, Colossians 2:11 and Ephesians 2:11-13. Therefore, when he says, “all Israel,” he is including everyone who gets saved — Israel and Genesis 10 nations.
Kevin wrote,
We feel that many doctrines conflate “grace” and “works” with one another, as if one must choose either or in their doctrine. Our argument states that we must have a faith in the Lord Jesus and the work He did for us in His mercy and grace — something we could never have earned by works. After that, we must display works in obedience to His gospel.
We address this topic in detail in Were The Romans Israelites? — Our Faith In Christ Or Abraham’s Faith In Us? (Part 4).
Kevin wrote,
Absolutely — John 3:21.
CFT wrote,
“Regardless, “the gate is narrow and the way is constricted that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:14) Also many “will seek to enter and will not be able.” (Luke 13:24)”
Right. And also in Matthew 8 Christ says the children of the kingdom would be cast out as droves from the east and west – the nations – are let in.
However in Romans 11 Paul says a few things that don’t reflect an eternal casting out of Israel. There seems to be, IMHO, something else going on.
“What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded.”
So Israelites like Paul and the apostles etc were elected while the rest were blinded.
“8 (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.
9 And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them:
10 Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway.
“I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.”
The portion of Israel werent blinded so that they should fall.
“12 Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?”
The blind shall obtain fullness.
Paul continues in this vein a few verses down:
“For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.”
Then Paul says – still talking about Israel his kindred of the flesh:
“And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:”
But why? Because their ungodliness, in part, was due to a blindness put on them as David spoke of, and to provide mercy unto the gentiles.
There was an elect of Israel – Paul etc – and a host blinded. This was all for a greater purpose.
Paul reminds us that it was God’s will:
“For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.”
And he is still speaking of Israel – his kinsman of the flesh (as he is the entire chapter) whom have been blinded for a purpose, when he says:
“As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the father’s sakes.
29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.”
So they (Israel), though blinded and in disbelief, being as enemies to the wise in Christ, are only so for the very benefit of the gentiles. Enemies as per God’s will, as Paul reitterates:
“30 For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:”
And as Paul hints at at 29, it is by His gift and calling that we are saved. Repentance comes afterward.
“31 Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.
For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.”
All in unbelief. As verse 31 tells us all the gentiles were at one time in unbelief, and now at the time of Paul so too was Israel. Therefore ALL have been in unbelief, so that He might have mercy on ALL.
Remember that Israel’s slumber was put upon them UNTIL the fulness of the gentiles be come in. And they are beloved of God still.
I don’t take this to mean that all Israel nor all of the nations are saved to a man, woman and child.
But it seems to me that Paul is either saying something opposite to what Christ says of the narrow gate, of the casting out of Israel, or they are talking about something slightly different.
When Paul speaks at the beginning of the chapter of cursing his own flesh that he might save some of his kin, he could only be talking about kin during his own life. Surely only a few if any were called by God into service at that time, for the rest were blinded.
Christ may have also been speaking locally in time, because Israel was destined to be cut from the vine as a service to the gentiles, and Christ’s ministry to Israel did not include expounding on this mystery to them, for this was supposed to be a surprise that provoked them to jealousy. Therefore His words in Matthew 7 and 8 were the initial seeds of this mystery. They were supposed to feel the sting of rejection through this process.
The road certainly is narrow, but God chooses our steps, cleans us up, brings us unto death in the flesh and raises us in spirit. To me this all just magnifies His awe.
“33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!”
Note Worthy
Firstly gentile means ‘nation’. You must have a qualifier to know which one.
Secondly, only The house of Israel is going to the Kingdom that’s why there are only twelve gates. Matthew 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost “sheep” of the house of Israel. Romans 9.4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Matthew 15:13 But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Romans 11:1-2 “I say then, hath Yahweh cast away His people? Yahweh forbid! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. Yahweh hath not cast away His people which He foreknew!”? Deuteronomy 32:9 For the LORD’S portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.
“All Israel will be saved”
“All Israel will not be saved”
Wheat and tares. How could I have been so stupid. THanks for clearing that up CFT!
Yes, we are aware of the title of our article relative to Romans 11:26. We’ve written two before essays which go into detail on this matter.
From Will All Israel Be Saved — Or Just A Remnant?:
From How Do I Know I’m An Israelite?:
From the essay above:
In summary, Romans 11:26 refers to Israel according to the promise, not Israel according to the flesh. Therefore, all Israel according to the promise will be saved. All Israel according to the flesh will not be saved. That is our argument.
It grieves us that you’d reduce the matter into nothing more than impotent, sarcastic humor — especially at the cost your own opportunity to actually defend your case. Unfortunately, this is the pattern of most of your comments which get deleted. We don’t find this to be a joking matter, and we believe you shouldn’t either. Again, you use sarcasm when you have no argument. That’s a sign of weakness. You’re outside your small echo chamber now, so try a different tactic.
Moreover, your joke intentionally ignores the fact that we’ve made it abundantly clear in our writing that we are highly self-aware of what we’re saying when we say something like, “All Israel will not be saved” — as if we are not even aware that Romans 11:26 exists and haven’t written extensively on the matter.
Either way, we suggest you stop making jokes and address our argument in a thoughtful and honest manner.
The Greek word translated “all” here is “pas.” (G3956)
It is translated into many different words elsewhere.
In the Outline of Biblical Use, it lists…
II. collectively
A. some of each type
In the case case of true, genetic Israel,
some of each tribe/nation (type) would make the most sense.
Not only that, but the word “saved,” sozo, has as it’s primary meaning,
to survive destruction (physical), which given the war on Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Nordic/Germanic people would make sense.
Also, Galatia, properly-Galatea, means “she who is milk white”
as gala is Greek for milk. Milky Way Galaxy – a tautology, has the same etymology
cognate with lactose. Not surprisingly, somewhere around 90% of modern Jews are lactose intolerant.
“Now we brethren, as Isaac was are the children ep (of) angelia (from anglos)”
Galatians 4:28
eckbach, if you are trying to suggest that “children of the promise” comes from the word we get “anglo” from, you couldn’t be more mistaken.
“promise” comes from the Greek word “epaggelias” which means “promise” or “summons”. Strong’s 1860.
The English word “anglo” is not derived from this Greek word. The superficial similarity is purely coincidental.
That said, the remnant of Israel can indeed be found within the white European people, but we don’t need to play word games to prove it.
That seems like a subjective opinion, eckbach. ‘Pas’ means all as in “each and every” seemingly every time it is used in the NT. It would be weird for it to suddenly mean “some” of each type.
“all” have sinned, “all” fall short, “every” man is a liar.
Not “some” of each type.
This is clearly a troll comment that adds zero value. It’s sarcastic and meant to provoke people while completely ignoring the actual content of the article. What’s the point, Chris?
Chris, as someone who fell for the DSCI house of cards in years past, keep going in your studies and attempt to exit the DSCI echo chamber. The entire DSCI house of cards depends on a false and superficial reading of a few core passages, while ignoring every passage that clearly and unequivocally destroys the DSCI dogma.
“But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 8:12
Missouri Confederate
Rev 2:9 I know thy works ,and tribulation, and poverty (but thou art rich ) and i know the Blasphemy of them that say they are Judeans and are not but are the Synagogue of Satan. Rev 3:9 Behold of them I will make them of The Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Judeans and are not, I will make them come and worship before thy feet , and to know I have love thee. John 8:44 Ye of the Father the Devil and the lust of your father ye would do. He was a murderer form the beginning, and abode not in the truth , because their is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the Father of it. John 8:39.. if ye were the seed of Abraham you would do the works of Abraham. John 8;33 We be Abrahams seeds but we were never in Egypt. John 2;22 : Who is lair that denieth Jesus is Christ? He is the antichrist … Mat 15:13 ” Every plant my heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted”. The Star of David is 666., Mathematically and Geometrically . Saturn is Satan in Persian . Saturn is the Planet, Has 6 Letter , and Sabbath is on the 6th day 666. You heard that one: ” Most Jews don’t like to admit that there god is Lucifer ( Messiah ) .. he will sit on the Third Temple mount even if they Fake it. Saturn is also the Crown Planet FYi.
Ok thanks that what I will say rev 2; 9 rev 3; 9 john 8;44 john 8;39 john 2;22 Thanks mo reb
Max Chaos
All Israel will be saved. Here is where you self appointed experts go wrong. Jesus was raised AGAIN. That means Jesus was raised before. Jesus said John the Baptist was Elijah. JTB was born again from a previous life as Elijah. Jacob/Israel descendants go up Jacob’s Ladder when they die like the thief on the cross, then they come back down, born again from above into another conception. Jesus was Perfected on the Cross, therefore He was not perfect before the Cross. Jesus was the First son of God, Adam in the flesh. He was Joshua and King David and probably more, going up and down Jacob’s Ladder. You, dear reader, may be Israel down here to learn only to go back and forth until YOU are perfected. There is more Scripture saying this. Read Hebrews closely full chapter by chapter, not just cherry picking. This is the Glory of God’s forgiveness. But if you commit a deadly sin you like murder you may come back into an abortion and be killed fulfilling the punishment. For further information go to, Dewey Tucker teaches this truth if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.
Sounds like you’re claiming some kind of reincarnation doctrine, along with a lot of other non-Scriptural ideas.
Why don’t you give chapter and verse to support any of your ideas?
If you need “Dewey Tucker” to prove your case for you, chances are you don’t understand what you are saying, so you need him to defend it for you, but you want to believe it.
Let’s start with your contention that Jesus went “up an down Jacob’s ladder.” Where’s that in Scripture?
So everyone here on earth has been here before as someone else or just a few? How many lives do we get? Can we ever be perfect enough to stay atop Jacob’s ladder? Interesting ideas you’ve raised, but yes, as ppaul said, chapter and verse please 🙂
@Richard Raymond..if the Jew would openly admit to their Edomite heritage, that might be the key to finally wake up the Christian Zionists to whom they’ve been lavishing over for at 60 some years. The Jew can’t have that; it would be detrimental to their plan of divide and conquer which they are famous for. Benjamin Nutty Yahoo is on record stating Christian Zionists are useful idiots.
Richard Raymond
Lerch, that’s simply not true. In many Jewish publications they have admitted that they aren’t really Israelites, but that hasn’t changed anything for them, nor has it had any impact on evangelical Christians supporting them. Most Christians don’t believe faith is based on race, so they certainly wouldn’t hold it against Jews for being of mixed race heritage or even Edomite heritage. It simply wouldn’t matter.
But a lot of CZ don’t read Jewish publications, nor does the general public. They’re too brainwashed to even bother. I’m talking about them coming right in the open through the MSM and Hollywood where most CZ and non Jew public receive their information.
Most Christians are so “filled with the love of God”, as they always say, that they can’t see the wood for the trees! They are selfish. Selfish because they say they care about everyone, and do lots to help people, yet never pay attention enough to the Word to see that by helping everyone and denying the world around them and the Word, that they are trying to get to Heaven via works. They’re concious of their works and their want to do them, and they never see what’s in front of their eyes, which is Sin. Sin is everywhere, and they call it good, or over look it, so they can feel good about themselves thru their works. Selfish. So, unless something impacts them on a personal level, and wakes them up, they will continue to drink from the fountain of jew propaganda and love every sip… just so long as they build a little hut for a savage in the jungles of Papua New Guinea so they can feel good about God.
Astute observation of “Christendom”.
Their “Good Deeds” are based on a Humanitarian philosophy or point of view. And then they equate this Humanitarianism with the teachings of Jesus. Which we know here is simply “another jesus”.
So, unless something impacts them on a personal level, and wakes them up, they will continue to drink from the fountain of jew propaganda
So true! This is exactly what happened to me. But interestingly, the rest of my immediate family did not “wake up”. Our tragedy further cemented their deceit.
White Peoples should be waking up in masse right now, but from my experience, almost the opposite is happening.
For my family and x-friends, they see the End Time “Narrative” that the Jews have constructed, as proof of their Faith. Israel declared a Nation in 1948 is a huge part of this deception.
I’ve asked several End Times experts if they would say that we are in the “last days” if Israel was not a UN recognized Nation right now and they all to a man say NO.
It just boggles my mind how powerful that scheme has been for the Jew World Order. Fascinating. Can only be Supernatural. Mere man can’t scheme in such a way.
When I am weak in Faith, I simply think about how powerful this Lie has become and I can only conclude that God is real and His Word is True.
Hollywood is good at writing fiction. But they could never imagine the Fiction of Jewry.
I have to ask for help how to explain or point to the truth of jews are not gods chosen . That is the main problem with the hard head Christians its hard to see so many so wrong and against us . Hopefully not to much info needed . Thanks
James, read the essay, “Who Are The Jews? (And Who They Are Not)” which will answer your questions:
Thanks CFT the reason I ask is I have been going to a bible studies class and 20 percent agree with me but alot of them are like a brick wall . You can point to the water but can’t make them drink . I understand to me its common sense and thats probably all I got but don’t want to give up on people .
Most Christians are so “filled with the love of God”, as they always say, that they can’t see the wood for the trees! They are selfish. Selfish because they say they care about everyone, and do lots to help people, yet never pay attention enough to the Word to see that by helping everyone and denying the world around them and the Word, that they are trying to get to Heaven via works. They’re concious of their works and their want to do them, and they never see what’s in front of their eyes, which is Sin. Sin is everywhere, and they call it good, or over look it, so they can feel good about themselves thru their works. Selfish. So, unless something impacts them on a personal level, and wakes them up, they will continue to drink from the fountain of jew propaganda and love every sip… just so long as they build a little hut for a savage in the jungles of Papua New Guinea so they can feel good about God.
Brahmin Believer
Or maybe let them watch this little docco by pastor Anderson:
It’s got the potential to turn lay CZs into apostolic era anti-semites at the very least.
And it doesn’t require jews to be literal edomites either lol.
Who cares about jews. Honestly it’s a yawn fest.
Why would an Adamic Christian man want to sit around talking about them ad nauseum? Beyond the necessary point of becoming aware of what they are (and who they aren’t), i just don’t get it. Neither do i get the camp that sits around posting negro memes ad nausem.
Go to a zoo.
The article was spot on. It’s absurd how stubborn some are in following the rhetoric of one man with a website. They have made him a God and he drains them as they crawl.down a ditch with him.
To me, that is a reality in our midst. Who cares what some rabbi is doing in tel aviv.
Fish, that’s easy for you to say now that you’ve figured out the puzzle, but the vast majority of people have not figured out who the Jews are, and who the white race is in relationship to them. We cannot discourage people from waking up and trying to understand what’s going on in the world, and exposing the lies. It’s an essential part of any Christian journey today as they identify Mystery Babylon and try to extricate themselves from it.
I hear that Benchmark. However, an entire country (Germany) did just that and unfortunately they didn’t go past that awakening process.
God obviously was not “with them” at the end.
I look at the enemy as being behind the jews, not the jews themselves. Spiritual wickedness itself, perhaps a fallen angel/s as scripture suggests.
When I read this article, and then see commenters wishing to discuss jews in response to it, I can’t help but speak up. Becoming jew woke is an important step, just as becoming Hitler woke is. But then you have camps who never move past it and become entranced by it all.
In order to safeguard ourselves from spiritual wickedness, we must call out wickedness, not just the meatsuits it inhabits.
And for us all, the more intimate, up close enemy unfortunately will likely be men of our own Adamic kindred, which this article does a good job hinting at. The pharisees that led Israelites astray were white, and it wasn’t some nefarious jew pulling their strings. Rather, it was white Adamic man’s own greed, lust, hatred etc that was and is the culprit.
Fish, jews have sat around for ever trying to be a problem to us. I think it would be wise for the world to know about jews, what they have done, and are doing and want to do. The evidence is there to see for those who will look if there is any justice? jews think their evil is justice .
Even if the majority in any given white nation knew the truth about the jews, it wouldn’t matter much by itself, because the jews only reign over us because we turned away from God.
Our own sins have brought them upon us, and only our repentance to God will bring forth their removal. In order to do that – as the above article suggests – we have to realize the evil in ourselves and within our own tribe.
Biblically speaking, national revival when ordained by God comes about in miraculous fashion. Gideon and 300, or Joshua and wall breaking trumpets.
Hitler had hundreds of thousands of troops, and ultimately failed to destroy jewry.
Again I don’t mean to dismiss anyone sharing knowledge of jewish treachery. I just think it would be wise to simultaneously examine our own treachery when we do.
….because if we don’t make it a point to examine our own sin, we run the risk of falling into a trap.
When I became jew woke it brought forth tears and anger. What happened to Germany and its people – my ancestors – was horrific.
And I wandered a bit until I found CI, and landed in a DSCI camp where many other white kin felt as I did.
2 years into it God took everything from me. I started having strange dreams. I lost my job and my residence and wound up homeless. I was vexed by it all.
Slowly I begin to realize the sins around me and eventually pulled myself away from DSCI. But then the brick fell into my stomach when I realized I had been assisting in deterring folk from God by the company I kept, the doctrine I advocated for.
Only then did I begin to realize how futile being jew wolk was in and of itself. It is.
If a massive army armed with cutting edge weapons failed against jewry, yet Christ and a mere 10,000 saints will ultimately succeed, then we must put our allegiance to God and realize that the jew problem is His to fix, not ours.
Our role is to die in the flesh into Christ. Our path out is spiritual, not martial.
Fish and all of you thanks for the ideas on my question . I think the article dec 30 about jews seeing dangerous levels of anti semitic maybe time to go. because of more people finding them out that is whats needed for A start the internet is the reason the days of passing books around and A 150 years ago 90 percent don’t read now maybe A sign from God and A gift of accountability for the truth I sure want to see the tables turned on jews and do not want jews to have power over us or anyone but them selfs . It reminds me of A joke . ok A jew A negro and A white guy were walking on A beach and A jeannie bottle washed up and A jeannie said you guys all get A wish so the jew said I want A place for all my people to live alone ok done and the negro said thats what I want for my people ok done then the white guy said heck give me A bud light .
Richard Raymond
If Jews are really “Edomites”, then why aren’t there any Jews proclaiming their pride for their Edomite heritage? If all of them are just Edomites pretending to be Israelites, you would think that sometime during the past 2,000 years or more there would be Jews who wanted to return to their “roots” and extol that heritage, but they don’t and never have. They openly discuss their Khazar roots, even in their mainstream media, but they never discuss their Edomite roots. Why not?
Brahmin Believer
Nope… they simply aren’t edomites.
And if edomites were alive as a nation today (which i think they aren’t), they would be just as eligible for salvation as anyone else, anyway.
Bill Medford
The Jewish Encyclopedia states that ” The Edomites [ descendants of Esau ] today are found in modern Jewery.”
Bill, that’s a fake quote. No one has ever been able to confirm it. Lots of fake quotes about Jews are circulating online….
For the Edomites to not be alive today, their destruction as detailed in Obadiah would have had to come to pass.
When do you believe that destruction occurred?
RB wrote, “For the Edomites to not be alive today, their destruction as detailed in Obadiah would have had to come to pass.”
You seem to be implying that the Jews today must be literal Edomites because Edom will still exist at the End Times. This illogical post hoc argument is addressed and refuted in the following essay. “Edom In Prophecy of Malachai”
They likely believe that the key ethnic difference that separates MENA from a prototypical European (aside from African, Australoid or East Asian admixture), what makes them unique (like the nose and monobrow), is what a “Semite” is, and therefore Israelite or Judean. They would have no reason to quibble over different types of “Semite,” especially when they are all mixed anyway.
From what I’ve seen they do take a lot of pride in Babylonian history.
But if we broke it down to Biblical progenitors, those ethnic markers more likely from Canaan rather than Shem, who was the product of incest (which means Canaan had the same mother as Shem).
CFT, my implication in my post here is not that the Edomites are the Jews.
My post was using Obadiah to refute “Brahmin Believer”‘s claim that the Edomites no longer exist as a nation.
If the Edomites no longer exist then Obadiah has been fulfilled, but that seems impossible given what it prophecies for all the nations.
Well Cain isn’t mentioned in the genealogy from Adam to Christ and if Noah who was perfect in his generations and obedient to God, he wouldn’t have taken the wife of a strange god. The logic breaks down. Can’t have it both ways.
Chris, would you please break down in detail why Cain’s absence in Christ’s genealogy is significant to your doctrine?
Does it prove that one of Cain’s daughters weren’t one of the patriarch’s wives before Noah’s time, even if Noah himself didn’t take a wife from the daughters of Cain?
Chris, no genealogies in the Bible include other family members outside the direct patriarchs. Uncles, brothers, etc. outside the direct line are NEVER included because it would be impractical to list all those thousands of people. Christ is not descended from Cain, so Cain would not be included in his genealogy. Why is that so hard to understand?
Thought experiment: do you honestly think that every single patriarch in Christ’s genealogy had no brothers or sisters because they aren’t mentioned in the genealogies? That’s preposterous and ignores tradition and common sense.