(Daily Dot) Jordan Peterson — the multi-millionaire self-help guru and Judas Goat of the “alt-Right” — has apparently checked himself into rehab to deal with a serious addiction to Klonopin which he appears to blame on his wife’s cancer diagnosis:
Peterson’s daughter Mikhaila made the announcement on her YouTube channel yesterday. Her father twice tweeted a link to it, saying in one, “At least life isn’t dull.”
She says that her mother’s cancer diagnosis and subsequent surgical complication created an unbearable amount of stress for the family, and particularly her father. A doctor prescribed clonazepam, or Klonopin, to help him cope with the anxiety it caused. Clonazepam is an anti-seizure medication that is also prescribed to treat panic disorder.
After her mother went into remission, Peterson attempted to get off the drug on his own. This caused terrible withdrawals, his daughter says. “The reason we’re in New York is because dad’s in rehab using other medications to try and get off this clonazepam.”
Peterson skyrocketed to fame in 2016 for opposing a Canadian bill that protects transgender and nonbinary people from discrimination. In 2018, his second book, 12 Rules for Life, further elevated his persona. Peterson is beloved by the far-right for unapologetically espousing views that have been called misogynist, homophobic, and racist.
….In the video, his daughter says that Peterson checked into rehab for his addiction in order to minimize stress on his wife. She adds that they decided to go public to get ahead of the story….
Peterson’s wife, Tammy, also makes an appearance in the video. She doesn’t speak about her husband’s addiction, which Mikhaila blames on the drug and their ignorance of its addictive nature. Instead, she focuses on the work they may do in the future….
“Apparently he’s writing more about this in his book, so at least it will make the book more interesting,” she says.
Sure, his wife’s cancer was so “stressful” he became addicted the trendy — and highly addictive — Klonopin, which other celebrities — such as Stevie Nicks and Whitney Houston — have used to help break their addiction to cocaine.
Given Peterson’s general hyperactive affect and emotional volatility, his brash Gordon Gekko hairstyle and cockiness, and along with his general messianic complex, it would be wise for his rehab doctors to make sure that he wasn’t taking the Klonopin to deal with another underlying addiction rather than merely the stress of his wife’s cancer.
After all, his wife’s cancer wasn’t so “stressful” that it interrupted his ability to build and run a vast multi-million dollar media empire that also requires him to travel internationally while making countless appearances in the mainstream media.
But even if we take him at his word, in reality Peterson is taking no responsibility for his addiction like a typical addict in denial — blaming the addiction on the drug itself or his wife’s cancer.
What else should we expect from a guy who blames “White Identity” groups as the root of all evil in our society?
He pathologizes white identity with a vitriol that we have often hear coming from Jewish supremacists who are in direct competition with their white host nations.
Peterson — of course — gives Jews a free pass and dares not pathologize their ingroup racial identity — clearly, he knows enough not to bite the kosher hand that feeds him.
And keep in mind that the “intellectual dark web” of which Peterson is a member is loaded with Jews and anti-Muslim zionist apologists and stooges.
For an excellent expose of the intellectual fraudulence of Jordan Peterson, please take the time to watch the short documentary Jordan Peterson Dismantled:
It appears that his daughter — Mikhaila — the designated family spokesperson — is also a fan of prescription medications:
Short clip of a guy exposing Jordan Peterstein as the emotionally unstable con artist and hypocrite that he is…
Here’s Jordan Peterson finally admitting what he’s all about and who pulls his strings
Jordan Peterson’s troubling defense of and associations with pedophiles:
Your view would be much more compelling without the personal attacks on Peterson and his family. You certainly have interesting points, but how can anyone take them seriously when you write with what seems to be some personal vendetta. I reckon you’ll look back on this article in 10 years and view the tone with which you wrote it very differently. GL buddy.
This article is a bad look. Insensitive, unfair, unnecessary. It shows a lack of understanding of Petersons messages. Very unfortunate.
You have sympathy for the devil? He’s anti-White, and if you are White and support him, it’s seems that it’s you who have a “lack of understanding” of Peterson’s real agenda. Did you watch the video expose posted in the article about Peterson? Of course not. Like the liberals Peterson targets, you can’t tolerate opinions that contradict your cult leader. Watch the video. Open your eyes. He’s classic controlled opposition.
This is a great report confirming my thoughts on this guy. I knew he was compromised the minute he started promoting the asylum fraudster Hirsi Ali who climbed to the top on the death backs of both assassinated Pim Fortuyn by a white radical animal rights activist funded by the Dutch government, and Theo van Gogh beheaded by a radical Muslim on the streets of Amsterdam.
When she was welcomed to the United States by the Zionist supremacist Robert Zoellick the circle was complete. Hirsi Ali Muslim Marxist feminist became the poster-child of the Marxist social democrats who put the demonizing of Pim Fortuyn in motion because he opposed the open-border, importing economic refugees multicultural agenda that is wreaking havoc in the Netherlands.
Pim Fortuyn was branded a sexist, racist, Hitler and danger to minorities without cause and Jews stood first in line. https://www.expatica.com/nl/uncategorized/america-to-welcome-hirsi-ali-with-open-arms-36732/
The article was going excellent until you exposed your bad opinion about him. A professional news article should be neutral.
Christians For Truth is NOT a news site. Read the “About” Page. We provide commentary (opinion backed with facts) on today’s current events, along with historical events, from a truly Christian, non-demoninational perspective. If you’re looking for straight up news reporting, go to CNN or FOX.
I like you make that clear, otherwise do I wonder if people know or not.
He’s a traitor, but scary how they filled up so many with addictive drugs!
Peterson is an official member of the so-called “Intellectual Dark Web”, which is really nothing more than a group of Jews like Ben Shapiro who are trying to mislead people into believing that they are doing something “naughty” in opposition to the mainstream, which is a joke.
The quid pro quo deal is that Peterson will be promoted in the jewish-controlled media as a anti-liberal ‘rebel’, and be allowed to challenge feminism and trannies, but his real purpose is to trash any White racial identity and cohesion, and he’s played his assigned part like a well-trained seal.
I was fascinated by Peterson’s rapid rise.
After a while I saw through his sleight of hand with his supposed anti-identity politics stand.
He is actually anti-Caucasian and anti-nationalist. He is terrified Caucasians will organize politically.
That is his raison d’etre.
Your assessment of Peterson seems on point. The more I find out about him the more sinister it gets.
No wonder I don’t recognize this guy. I stopped being active on social media over 3 years ago and focused more on applying Scripture in MY life instead of trying to convince internet denizens to do so. The alt-right and social media are so (((subverted))) it’s sickening and laughable. And with immature, pass-the-buck type people leading and guiding, you know it is doomed to failure.