Joe Biden has something very unusual in common with Donald Trump –their children have married Jews — a family trait that seems to be a tacit requirement these days for anyone running for the highest office in American politics:
Hunter Biden and his wife shared their dramatic love story — and it includes matching Hebrew tattoos.
Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, told ABC that he married his now-wife Melissa Cohen Biden within six days of meeting her.
“I instantly fell in love with her,” Biden, 49, said in an interview that aired last week. “And then I’ve fallen in love with her more every day.”
Within days of meeting his Jewish wife, Biden got a tattoo with the word “shalom,” which means “peace” in Hebrew, to match one that she had. The pair wed in May.
Melissa Cohen Biden, 33, is a filmmaker from South Africa but is now a naturalized U.S. citizen.
In the interview, Biden also spoke about his struggles with addiction and how he has sought treatment.
Hunter Biden isn’t the first in his family to marry a Jew. His late brother, Beau, married Hallie Olivere, who is Jewish. Following Beau’s death from brain cancer, Hunter and Hallie had a romantic relationship. Hunter’s sister Ashley is married to Howard Krein, a Jewish doctor.
Jews have an innate attraction to power and wealth, and going back through recent history, Jews often found themselves in the inner-most circles of European aristocracy because of their willingness to extend loans to the cash-strapped profligate elite at interest.
And one of the easiest ways to get those un-repayable loans forgiven was to marry the daughter of the jewish money lenders, a simple strategy that allowed Jews to infiltrate and ultimately replace the native aristocracies of Europe.
The children of Biden, Clinton and Gore have all married Jews, a phenomenon that can hardly be a coincidence. It has become quite fashionable to have a jewish spouse yourself or marry your children off to Jews if you’re running for office. What better way to convey to wealthy jewish voters that you are 100% kosher?
And just like communism, intermarriage is one of the easiest ways to ensure that all the wealth of the goyim ultimately ends up in the coffers of the Jews.
Joe Biden is an example of how low the American public have to sink to vote for a candidate . We have two choices, and the two parties want no competition. Others have tried to run on other parties , but get nowhere.
I see an internet article that Harris and Michelle O Bama would make a good presidential team in 2024.
This is like scaping the slime off of a barrel. I’m beginning to believe that we are bringing the evil we claim we hate and are fighting against upon ourselves willingly, knowingly, or under the influence of evil from the spiritual realm.
I saw a news article about the female governor of New York and thge virus. She must have been appoinred by him and took over when he resigned. We have a black female mayor of chicago, a women speaker of the House, women police chief;s, assistant female police chief;s, women iun the Military,
women firefighters, , astronauts, and many other male occupations.
We are giving our country away to women, blacks, Jews and other minorities who glory in their roles instead of appreciating it and lord it over us as achievement’s of their race or gender.
Women and other minorities are slowly taking over our Congress, political positions,.
We will get what we deserve.
Our news media is slowly being filled with blacks ,Jews and other minorities advertisement’s are subtlety putting black’s into ad’s and mixing White women and black males or White men and black females or White men as though we are led to beleive that is their children shown with them.
The black race is the only race the White race is unattracted to and not difficult why it is the race most used to force the idea of racism upon the world.
It is no wonder the blacks in the White Christian world scream racism , but never talk , refer, show, help, talk of the history nor care for the history of their black relatives and relations in Africa. They can’t stsand ther shame of how their relations in Africa appear even after thouisands of years.
And most priogress has been brouight by the White’s, and missionaries, in spite of their whining that their countries have been exploited.
J (Jay)
Lots of truth in your post Gene. I will research and verify that which I do not know if at this reading of your post. 3/23/24.
Also, Alex Jones married and divorced his first wife who is Jewish and married a second Jewish wife , said to be Jewish by those who keep tabs on him.
How does a conspiracy theorist, who pretends to expose the New World Order said to be Jewish plot to rule the world, find Jewish women around him to be attracted to them and marry them ?
His second wife is said to be an escort or claim to run an escort business. So again, how does one ‘s life , said to be devoted to exposing the New World Order, which is a centuries old, maybe eons old plot, if it actually goes back to Lucifer as the Catholic Church has always taught, and Christ declared the Jews to be of the Synagogue of Satan, find time, friends, life style, experiences, to bring Alex Jones into contact with Jews and their women to marry him , not before he enters the conspiracy world and makes it a business, but years after he’s in it? Are his Jewish wives’, the damper on his ranting’s and raving’s of the New World Order as a means to use him , but yet control his revelations.?
He claims to know their plans, secrets, and toi have read their so called “White Papers,” which I think he emphasis’s to make it sound as though he or someone broke into their vault, and stole their plans as though it was like in a movie, All one has to do is to search the internet and his followers will find that he has revealed nothing they couldn’t know if they searched and made the time and effort to search.
Since his puppet Donald Trump is only around in the news when he makes a comment, we don’t hear Alex Jones talk of ‘Fake News” any more because that was Donald Trump’s gimmick and it doesn’t work anymore because Alex Jones gets ” ALL ” of his news from the same sources that we or anyone else gets them without his fear mongering and deamination to make his followers fear the world is ending and buy his survival products.
The only way the Jews can have their DNA all over the world and in all races is because of their slave trading , their god telling them to steal and take all valuables, goods, livestock, tale young girls and women as slaves and concubines, and destroy all else.
And if you look at the ugly features of some Jews , like Zuckerberg and Soros , it is not difficult to see why they marry Asian women with all of their money
as a ” come on.”
Maybe the Jews habit of marrying into other races, slavery, sex trade, pornography goes back eons ago and why we are made or they want us to believe that all races are one so that they can be accepted and survive within the races they dwell.
The Jews would have no reason to exist without the Catholic Church and Protestant religion to help them survive, because the Jews use and depend on the Christian world for survival. They live among all races and use whatever races they live among to obtain the food, habitat, services, culture, and steal it or buy it or subvert it to overcome it if they can.
Just as they did to overthrow the Russian Czar, murder his family while Russia was suffering from WW1, just as they took over Germany and other European countries after WW1 and at the end of WW11 still retained their power. .
Before the virus, Alex Jones claimed that the Arabs ruled Hollywood and sought world domination. the virus gave him a distrsaction to brag of his expertise of the Corona virus for two years.
When it enters his mind , it is now the Chinese who want to rule the world, Hollywood and use propaganda to screw up our minds,
It’s not hard to tell how events are shaped. Germany and Japan were led to war by boycotts and embargo’s on theur countries. We entered the Viet Nam war on a lie of a fake attack. Saddam Hussein was demonized for years and the World Trade Center disaster gave Bush Jr. a chance for war. We hear all the time of Russia and China to keep them ready as evil opponents for the day of war with them. The Cold war ended and Ronald Reagan was given and took the credit even though it was supposed to end the division of Germany in 50 years.The war in Iraq was supposed to end with the United States leaving , and the virus had already started and just as Bush Jr. called his war a twenty year war and it lasted twenty years, this virus is two years old and seems to have no end until the New World Order can create another tragedy.
so while Alex Jones is telling his listeners to send more money , because he is winning the war against the New World Order, they are planning events for their next tragedy.
This is ant-semetic. Jesus was Jewish did he have trash DNA or crave wealth??You should be ashamed .
No, Jesus was NOT Jewish in the same way today’s Jews are “Jewish”. Jesus is not a blood relation to Barbara Streisand and Rodney Dangerfield–you can’t possibly believe that with a straight face.
Today’s Jews merely pretend to be Israelites but are not, just as Christ himself stated in Revelation 3:9, “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie.” Jesus was from the Tribe of Judah, and He rebuked the fake Jews for making that claim. Read more about it here:
That’s correct, Jesus referred to himself as a Judean (from the Tribe of Judah), he was not a Jew. When Jesus talked to the Jews, who at that time were Edomites they answered him “We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?” John 8:33. That proves they were not descendants of Jacob (Israel), because all the Tribes of Israel were taken in bondage and were not free at one time or another. Then Jesus told the Jews “I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you … If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham … But now ye seek to kill me … Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” John 8:44 Jesus knew very well the Jews were descendants of Esau, he also knew they were the seed of the the serpent (devil) through the blood lineage of Cain.
Pointing out that Jews deliberately intermarried with the European aristocracy to increase their power is NOT anti-semitic.
It is no more of a faux pas than pointing out that the Mongols invaded China, or that the Romans invaded Britain.
Lol, Christianity is a sect of Judaism specifically because you people didn’t want to believe that the individual was the most important thing. Instead, you believe God is. That is anti-human.
Now here comes the truth and the genesis……”Jews have an innate attraction to power and wealth, and going back through recent history, Jews often found themselves in the inner-most circles of European aristocracy because of their willingness to extend loans to the cash-strapped profligate elite at interest. And one of the easiest ways to get those un-repayable loans forgiven was to marry the daughter of the jewish money lenders, a simple strategy that allowed Jews to infiltrate and ultimately replace the native aristocracies of Europe.” The European (Christian) aristocrats who became addicted to the money lending of the ‘Jews’ in their midst made it all possible. My first law course writing assignment was the French Revolution….and one thing that struct me was the middle men collecting taxes for the King and keeping some for themselves….the Federal Reserve in America that enslaves every man, woman and child is a carbon of that system. Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 and after WWII America in no uncertain terms became the sponsor of international Jewish Marxist Bolshevik communist imperialism through that unscrupulous money lending system….plundering and spreading death and destruction with impunity.
Patrick White
Imagine all the mental illness and other diseases behind those smiles.
Sewer DNA.
Because Joe Biden first wife was a jew yenta rat. Who knows what is his second wife ??
No, Joe Biden’s first wife Neilia Hunter was NOT Jewish, nor was his second and current wife, Jill Jacobs–despite her Jewish-appearing name, she is actually Italian–her family Americanized their last name Giacoppa to Jacobs–a strange choice–but apparently, Giacoppa is not an Italian-Jewish surname.
Jews are not Hebrews; they are Canaanites. Jews are descendants of Esau who lost his birthright because he married mongrel Canaanites from Hittite tribe. Birthright then went to Jacob who married Rebecca, a white Adamic woman. Scripture states several times God hates Esau Edom (descendants Edomite/Canaanite jews and all their related tribes including Canaanite Arabs and Ashkenazi Jews).
Wake up, white man. They are destroying your bloodline. YOU are the chosen, not them. Yahweh would have to violate His own laws to choose a mongrel race because He hates race mixing.
Chris P L.
You mean like Jared Kirschner……
more accurate to say Pharisees
John 3
Jews are a genetic identity, not merely a religious choice. Not all Pharisees were ethnic Edomite Jews. Paul the Apostle was not an Edomite Jew, for example, but he was a Pharisee before his conversion on the road to Damascus.
I know that Ivanka married a Jew but don’t about Don Jr. and Eric.
You seem to but like the MSM, at least in this instance, you have made an accusation without offering any proof.
Christians For Truth
That Trump’s children were married to Jews was first reported by the jewish press, but we just looked into it, and it turns out that it is not true. Donald Jr.’s wife’s step-father was jewish not her father, and Eric’s wife’s father was not jewish but rather Slovak. We have corrected the article to reflect these facts. Thank you for your well-deserved criticism.
never forget Eric Trump said he’d like to put a bullet in Dr. Duke’s head
It’s a longstanding jewish strategy to acquire power. They coddle up to the nobility, act as bankers and suppliers to the crown, then acquire minor titles and interbreed with the existing aristocracy. That happened in the UK, France, Germany (i.e., Prussia and all the other principalities). That’s where the whole “Jewish Question” came from, as people started to notice.
They are doing it to preserve their offspring. Whites are being genocided by these Canaanite jews. Jews are not Israelites. They are a highly mongrelized people who have roots to Cain through race mixing with Canaanites who married into Kenite ancestry, which was Cain.
tattoos are verboten for realJews
What is a “real” Jew? One who studies the occult Babylonian Talmud, Zohar, and Kabbalah? The guys who believe that their “messiah” or “moshiach” is going to be another grey bearded rabbi like themselves? Someone like Schneerson? Seriously?
Nearly all of denominational churchianity has no concept what “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” is an why it truly is an “unforgivable sin”. The unholy union between God’s children (tree of life) and any other ‘human’ race (tree of the knowledge of good and evil) is exactly that. A white person favoring marriage to one not of their kind first of all deprives themselves of the Holy Spirit working in their lives, being yoked with an “unbeliever”, which is one who CANNOT be a part of the faith whether they play at it or not (child of a strange god). Second, and even more importantly, the fruits of that union will be BAD. A child born of an unholy union can never be holy, resulting in an entire bloodline tarnished forever, never to be recovered. Forever to be cursed bastards, clouds without water, broken cisterns, twice dead…they will never be able to house the Holy Spirit. That is the epitome of blasphemy.
sold their souls….