I suppose they’ll make real meat so expensive that many people will have no choice but to eat this synthetic substitute.
Or perhaps they’ll market it as a healthier substitute to real meat–the way they successfully convinced people to prefer deadly margarine over real butter. Heart attacks were relatively rare before margarine (oleo) was introduced during WWI when they had fat rationing. Just another way they’ll continue to cull the herd….
Watch how the CEO of “Just Foods” rattles off a bunch of random problems – from poor nutrition in Liberia to fat kids in Alabama – and somehow his synthetic meat is going to solve everything. This is laughable since synthetic unnatural foods are the very cause of many health problems.
Notice also how hard they are working to frame it as “clean“. Therefore they are implying that anything not grown in a San Francisco lab is somehow unclean. Here we have the classic marxist dichotomy: you can either choose the “clean” laboratory meat or you can choose the “dirty” conventional meat that “harms” the environment.
While there are many problems with conventional factory-farming practices, which rely heavily on chemical fertilizer, pesticides, and antibiotics, there is actually a third alternative: traditional organic farming that is in balance with the ecosystem. You know, what our ancestors have been practicing for millennia.
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