As expected, recent crime statistics released for 2018 in the Netherlands shows an overall decrease in general crime, but a huge increase in sexual crimes which has left “experts” scratching their heads looking for an inoffensive cause:
The total number of crimes registered by the Dutch police in 2018 decreased by 6 percent compared to the year before, Statistics Netherlands reports. The number of sex crimes, however, is on the rise.
The police registered almost 9 thousand sexual offenses like rape, sexual harassment or -assault last year, compared to 8,400 in 2017. The number of rape reports increased from 1,200 in 2014 to 1,900 last year. And the number of sexual assault reports increased from 1,700 in 2015 to 2,400 last year.
In 2018 the police registered a total of 783 thousand crimes, 6 percent less than in 2017. In particular the number of property crime and offenses against public order and authority decreased when compared to the year before, according to the stats office.
The police reported a similar trend last month. “An explanation for this could lie in the increasing attention and openness in society with regards to sexual violence, which makes people report more quickly”, the police said. There are also more hotlines available where victims can report sexual violence.
General or petty crime is down, not because these migrants are better behaved this year but rather because the police are no longer enforcing many nuisance crimes that are so common among recent immigrants.
So while pick pocketing is down, hand grenade bombings are way up, as are gang rapes and crimes against the elderly, judging by the news headlines.
Sweden experienced a rape epidemic with its huge influx of migrants, but the Netherlands would like to give their migrants the benefit of the doubt. The “up-tick” in rapes could just be caused by a “clerical error” or a different way of reporting sex crimes, as the above article wants us to believe.
Either way, Dutch women are told that they should be much more concerned that they will drown when the polar ice caps melt than being raped by a vibrant migrant.
When the majority of your overwhelming amount of foreign migrants comes from a culture that forces their women to cover nearly every inch of their bodies to keep the men’s sexual predatory instincts down to a dull roar…you might want to admit the real reason behind the growing ‘sex crime’ epidemic, lest you get strung up by a pissed off mob once they finally admit the obvious truth to themselves…
It would be hard to find another culture that holds women in lower esteem than Islam. And yet feminists in the West don’t dare say a word against them. Feminists would rather see millions of White women raped by Muslims than a single Muslim woman get raped by a White man. The hypocritical silence of feminists on this issue is mind-boggling.
Oh, for heavens’ sake. What is your real name? Who the bleep are you referring to re “feminists”? I have been a Real Name ProWhite Gentile Activist ( for over 20 years which has caused irreparable damage to my life. I have opposed non-white immigration for even longer. I. Am. A. Feminist. I used to be a Gracious White Gentile Woman. Nasty parasitic alleged men ninnies made me into a “feminist”.
Elena, welcome to CFT! No need to come here pointing fingers and shouting vitriol over an innocuous comment about nation-wrecking ‘feminists’. And you are indeed engaging in a typical form of ‘feminist’ and liberal rhetoric, which is arguing from the exception. Of course there are feminists who are anti-immigration, but they are as rare as hen’s teeth, as you well know. The exception proves the rule.
We would encourage you to continue reading the material on our site, starting with our “About” page, but leave the chip on your shoulder at the door. It’s hard to think straight when you go around creating instant enemies out of potential friends.