(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) A South Florida synagogue has filed a lawsuit that attempts to argue that the state’s new law restricting abortions will do “irreparable harm” specifically to Jews and unspecified “others” who don’t share the Christian religious beliefs upon which the law is based:
Because under Jewish law abortion is required if necessary to protect the health of a woman, and for many other reasons not permitted under the new law, it “prohibits Jewish women from practicing their faith free of government intrusion and thus violates their privacy rights and religious freedom,” the lawsuit contends.
The synagogue that filed the lawsuit, Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor of Boynton Beach, aims to block the enactment of the new law, which is set to go into effect on July 1 and would prohibit abortions in nearly all case after 15 weeks of pregnancy.
Under current law, Florida allows abortion until 24 weeks. The lawsuit comes a month after a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that signals a possible decision to overturn the precedent set in Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case that established the right to abortion.
The synagogue’s tactic is not a new one for abortion rights supporters, who have long argued that laws limiting abortion reflect a particular Christian point of view that holds that life begins at conception and that abortion is murder. Rabbis for Repro, formed nearly two years ago under the umbrella of the National Council of Jewish Women, has sent Jewish clergy to Congress and statehouses to make the case that abortion restrictions limit Jewish religious freedom. And in Washington, D.C., last month Jewish abortion rights supporters held a rally on the National Mall with many speakers arguing that abortion is not only compatible with their faith, but sometimes required by it.
The “failure to maintain the separation of church and state, like so many other laws in other lands throughout history, threatens the Jewish family, and thus also threatens the Jewish people by imposing the laws of other religions upon Jews,” contends the lawsuit, filed Friday in Leon County circuit court.
Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor, which doesn’t belong to any denomination, defines itself as “an all-inclusive, universal, and rational approach to Judaism” and “honors tradition, respects science, and celebrates spirituality.”
In an interview Tuesday, the congregation’s rabbi, Barry Silver, said when separation of religion and government crumbles, religious minorities such as Jews often suffer. “Every time that wall starts to crack, bad things start to happen,” he said.
This is the second suit challenging the new Florida law. The first was filed earlier this month by abortion clinics. Both suits contend the new law violates the privacy rights guaranteed in the Florida Constitution.
Considering that the vast majority of Jews are atheists, it’s hard to ignore the cynicism of this lawsuit — but whether atheists or not, abortion is clearly a Jewish value.
And as far as “religious” Jews are concerned, there is nothing in the Torah — the first 5 books of the Old Testament — that could possibly be understood to support a “woman’s right to choose” abortion — ancient Israelites undoubtedly saw abortion as infanticide or murder.
All of which leaves us with the other Jewish “holy” book — the Talmud — which contradicts the Torah and makes one exception to the law — if the mother’s life is endangered, then abortion is “morally” acceptable.
But this new Florida law does not prohibit abortions when the life of the mother is in danger, so how exactly does the new law infringe specifically on Jewish women?
Jews love to talk about so-called “Judeo-Christian” values that Jews and Christians share — based on the Torah — and love to point out that America was founded based on those values.
But how that their satanic freedom to abort any baby at any time is threatened by new laws, all of a sudden those same “Judeo-Christian” values become exclusively Christian values that oppress the poor Jews.
But should we expect anything less from a people who freely admit — but only among themselves, of course — that being a hypocrite and having double standards is the height of Jewish ethics and morality.
Christians are often shocked to find just how Jews can attempt to justify their own hypocrisy that they experience cognitive dissonance — they tell themselves, “This person must not be a real Jew — a real Jew is just like a Christian and shares the same moral values.“
And notice how these Jewish pro-abortion advocates always invoke the “separation of church and state” — a bogus concept that a Jewish law professor openly admitted is a ‘Jewish conspiracy’ to undermine Christian America.
On that other hand, we are supposed to believe that there’s nothing about Judaism that threatens our constitutional rights or freedoms the way Christianity threatens Jews.
And that tells you all you need to know about this one-way street that is ultimately leading to what the Jews enjoyed in Poland for hundreds of years — a Congressus Judaicus — their own legal system independent of the Polish parliament where Jews need obey only Jewish laws.
“Abortion Activists Calls For U.N. On The Streets … [of America]”
Salomon Morel
I’m OK with this. Actually we should encourage as much abortion as possible for Jews.
Goylent Green
So your host wants to outlaw baby mashing as a form of birth control, huh? Jeez that’s awful, is there no end to the suffering of your people? Well, I have a suggestion…get out. The fact is, this country has made a ton of very costly mistakes but none of them so costly as taking pity on you people and letting you settle here. We should have seen your lies for what they were and never let you dupe us into betraying and slaughtering our German brothers who tried to warn the world of your plans and your nature. Sadly, if our people has a weakness, it’s the size of our heart for it is too accepting, compassionate, trusting and loving so we simply cannot co-exist with an organized, ruthless, Godless, psychopathic collective devoid of honor, loyalty and gratitude.
LOL, Jewish women supporting abortion say that it is a Jewish value, here again the tyrannical ‘minority group’ exposes their depravity and anti-Christian sentiments. Abortion is a ‘minority group’ privilege aka genocide on demand sanctioned by the government. Jews have issues with Christian values but they are the number one beneficiaries of Christian benevolence the world over. Countless wars, genocide, displacing people from their natural habitat and plundering the natural resources in name of national security….their security, is official American foreign policy
Scroll down to see the meme: Abortion aka genocide on demand is a Jewish Value. https://forward.com/news/502681/jewish-abortion-rally-religious-freedom-capitol-national-mall/
But they still cry victim Hitler and Nazi Germany. Debra Messing (Jewish) called the Bible a dog whistle to Nazis,
I dare say that without the Nazi or Christians for that matter Jews are nothing, niente, nada….Christians put Jews at the center of the universe to be worshipped as Gods on earth.
Al Liguori
The “mother’s health” pretense is, as you’d expect, just one more BIG JEWISH LIE.
“Before the baby is born, it is not considered a living soul, and it is therefore not subject to the halakhot (law) of murder.” Koren Talmud Bavli: Sanhedrin Part Two (Jerusalem, 2017), p. 155.
Abortion is from the Jews: http://judaism.is/abortion.html
Well according to passages of the bible man’s flesh is is as “sheep led to the slaughter”. So if man’s bodies are considered to be basically “ripe for harvest”. Do you expect much more from “religions” that come from it?
How about all 3 “religions” that came from a “jew’s” mind? Any honest critique of man’s known history shows some entity(s) use mankind’s vessels ?(bodies) as basically their cattle. So do you want harvested? The bible says that is a good thing does it not?
If “god” is a “god of war” then how can it be the “god of peace”? Since there is no darkness in the true Divine according to the epistle of john.
Any honest critique of “religions” again shows that all man made religion is vain
cas, all your comment proves is that you can make the scripture say anything you want it to when you take verses out of context. Take Jeremiah 12:3, for example,
“But thou, O LORD, knowest me: thou hast seen me, and tried mine heart toward thee: pull them out like sheep for the slaughter, and prepare them for the day of slaughter.”
Jeremiah is talking here about sinful, wicked Israelites, and it is their sin that leads them to slaughter, not God. And this is true over and over again in the Bible. God did not create man to slaughter him, after all, man was made in His image; but you cannot honestly expect God to grant sinful man eternal peace while he continually act sinfully, do you? Atheists expect eternal peace out of God without having to earn it.
Sounds like you have are the one who has made up a “man made” religion and called it Christianity, a strawman argument that you are in the habit of doing.
cas…please humbly witness video 1 then video 2…the beginning and end of a miracle and what it took to get it. You may not agree with it but it takes complete humility, belief (even when it falters) and surrender to witness a miracle from The Almighty in Jesus Name. It takes everything we think, depend upon, believe, assume and even indignation…and lay it at the feet of Jesus Christ.
Video 1
Video 2
Sparrow, Video 1 in your comment was also our story with our son a few years ago. What started out as a simple stomach ache cascaded into blood poisoning with Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) and doctors telling us he may not live.
With lots of prayer, fellowship and support from other Christians, and by God’s grace, our son made it through this traumatic ordeal that could have easily taken his life like it has with so many other children. After two weeks in critical care, endless testing, rounds of dialysis, and a blood transfusion, my 4 year old son was able to come home from the hospital. Thinking back to this time always gets me emotional. We are so, so grateful to God for giving us more time with our only son.
I’m so glad hear that you all are blessed to still be together. God is good…and even in my times of faltering faith I find that community is what it’s meant to be. We have to hold each other up and stand in the gap of faith, prayer and fasting to keep the unbelief from overtaking us. God bless you and your family dear Reader.
[The “failure to maintain the separation of church and state, like so many other laws in other lands throughout history, threatens the Jewish family, and thus also threatens the Jewish people by imposing the laws of other religions upon Jews,” contends the lawsuit, filed Friday in Leon County circuit court.]
White House Menorah Lighting Ceremony 2021 I LIVE
Jewish Manipulation of World Leaders
“Ye have brought this man unto me, as one that perverteth the people; and behold, I, having examined him before you, have found no fault in this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him.”
The biggest show of this jew hypocrisy:
When a jew says ‘the Torah’ , they are NOT referring to teh first 5 books of our Bible; they are referencing their talmud. This whole ‘we believe part of the Old Testament’ ruse is just another in their long line of deceptions to fool the goy and enable their continued support of, and parasitic existence upon, un-learned White Christians.
Abortion is completely consistent with ‘jewish law’ as is murder in any case save for meurdering another jew. Funny how murdering an unborn jew is OK tho…
Michael Raleigh
And also, there are three different Talmuds, and only the Babylonian Talmud is uncensored. The other two are censored for the goyim, so that allows the rabbis to lie and say that all the anti-Christ, anti-goyim comments are not in the Talmud.
No wonder the Babylonian Talmud says that any goyim who reads the Talmud should be killed….if the goyim only knew….the Jews believe their lives would be in danger….just as Martin Luther suggested….
Frank Capra
To the jews a child in the womb is designated as a “pursuer”. By the child’s mere presence,alone, it is considered a threat to the woman’s life.According to the jews it licit to kill the child at anytime up until the baby’s head appears.Another diabolical talmudic invention.
The Supreme Court,in a ruling (Doe vs. Bolton),a companion piece to Roe vs. Wade,defined “threat to a mothers life” so broadly that it can include almost anything (Stress,”mental anguish” ,depression,etc.)My guess is that the ruling was talmudic based.(BTW,even putting aside morality,it is never neccessary to kill a baby to save the mother in actuality.Both can always be saved.I’ve even read an acknowledgement of that fact from an abortionist.
Will Samson
Yeah, if a Jewish woman wants to pursue a career as a pastry chef, say, her unborn child is technically a “threat to her life” and can be aborted. Under Jewish law, the widest possible interpretation is always considered, as the point is to nullify the Torah.
Gee, they are sick…
body parts for sale via ‘Planned Parenthood’
blood sacrifices to Moloch/ Baal
This one should open the gates of hell to see their evil and to point out. Any media that won’t talk about this and can make the case of what jews do and are for in isreal but not anywhere else well if they don’t report now they never will .
I was going on what it takes to get a abortion in isreal a jewis needs to get a boards approval too do it . And chuck u Shumer name means protector of isreal and supports pro life there but more info about jews the better a lot I don’t know I feel like I know enough because it is sick .