A Germany-based microbiologist who gained a huge online following during the COVID-19 pandemic for exposing its scientific fraudulence — has been conveniently discredited as an antisemite™ who believes that Israel “is worse than Nazi Germany”:
Sucharit Bhakdi, a former professor of microbiology at the University of Mainz, made several antisemitic comments in an online video promoting his parliamentary candidacy for “Die Basis” — a political party founded during the pandemic by conspiracy theorists who charge that governments have deliberately misled their populations over both the nature of the virus and its cure.
In the video, Bhakdi — a German citizen born in the US to parents who were Thai diplomats — said that Jews were a people who had “learned the evil” from their Nazi persecutors, according to the Berliner Zeitung news outlet.
“The people who fled this country, where there was arch evil, and founded their own country, they have turned their country into something that is even worse than [Nazi] Germany was,” Bhakdi opined. “That’s the bad thing about Jews: They learn well,” he continued. “There is no people that learns better than they do. But they have now learned the evil — and implemented it. That is why Israel is now … a living hell.”
The Austrian publisher Goldegg Verlag, which has published three of Bhakdi’s sensationalist books on the coronavirus pandemic, said on Friday that it was severing ties with the former scientist.
“Not only do we not understand the current statements by Prof. Bhakdi, they are beyond our understanding,” a statement from the publisher declared. “As a publisher and as people, we clearly distance ourselves from right-wing ideas and antisemitism.” It said that it had published Bhakdi’s writings on the pandemic, with titles such as “Corona: False Alarm” and “Corona Unmasked,” in order to “represent a broad spectrum of opinion with our books, and contribute to social discourse. ”
Bhakdi has been one of the most prominent voices in Germany promoting the falsehoods that COVID-19 is a “fake,” that preventive measures such as the wearing of masks and vaccinations are “nonsense,” and that a mass vaccination program would “decimate” the global population.
In common with several other conspiracy theorists who emerged during the pandemic, Bhakdi has been barred from a number of social media platforms, including YouTube, which shut down his channel in Nov. 2020. The University of Mainz, whose Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene was formerly headed by Bhadki, has also distanced itself from its former employee.
Bhakdi repeats the lie that the “Nazis” were evil — but the Jews want to destroy him nevertheless — because he is a highly credentialed expert who has exposed the fraudulence of the fake pandemic and their deadly vaccines.
And Bhakdi is also wrong in claiming that Jews “learned evil” from the Nazis — Jews proved their capacity for evil long before the “Nazis” arrived on the world stage when the Bolsheviks tortured and murdered millions of Christians in the killing fields of Russia.
Crypto-Jews — the so-called Young Turks — also orchestrated the Armenian genocide during WWI that resulted in 1.5 million Christians murdered.
But it is rather ironic that as Jews have exponentially increased their power in the world since the end of WWII, they and their political bagmen have been increasingly compared to the “Nazis” — thanks to the Jews themselves who have brainwashed everyone to equate “Nazis” with any brutal, draconian totalitarian regimes — their political specialty.
So it’s only fitting that Jews would have their false depiction of “Nazis” come back and undermine them — they’ve trained the world to identify “evil Nazis” under any guise — even those waving the Israeli flag.
He is right! And it would be wise that his Thailandish compatriots understand it, but also whole of Asia + the Chinese !
Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson
Hello from the UK
I have found this article very interesting. I have yet to delve especially deeply into such matters but it is only a matter of time.
However, I have identified the three principal groups behind the evil in the world after Satan of course.
One I have said on my website is Germany, strictly Prussia as was, more strictly Nazis/communists.
Then there is the Roman Catholic church centred on Rome of course.
Then obviously as is stated in the post and comments the Jews.
However, one must distinguish between Israelites or Is-ra-elites, and Jews as in of Judah, one of the original 12 sons of Jacob.
And then one must distinguish the Jews into at least two groups.
Firstly the Jews from whom Jesus was descended from as set out in his family tree.
Secondly, the Jews who say they are Jews, but are not Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan.
I have set out in my website in my Covid 19 Summary about Germany and its wanting world domination which it tried to achieve by militarily means twice in WW1 and WW2.
It has been seeking to do this since WW2 by economic and political means. It has been wanting lebensraum or ‘living space’ for its peoples. Of course there is the issue of what Israel is truly now and what plans God has for the nation.
But it certainly does not include the Jews who say they are Jews but are not etc.
There is an awful lot more I could say, but I have yet to set things out on my website.
I am always happy to discuss any matters however.
I must look further at the other posts on this site, but thank you so much for what you have done.
This is the Covid summary link for those who might wish to examine.
Kind regards
The Germans circa 1933 EXPELLED communists.
So why do you slander them and bear false witness?
And they are not “nazi”. That word is a derogatory word given to them by the jews. And the jews are not Israelites, so there is no need to make any kind of “distinction”. A jew is a jew is a jew. They have nothing whatsoever to do with Judah.
When you come on to a Website —- you should probably read “what” they are all about first, before sowing your Leaven.
But now that you are here —- I would strongly encourage you to “study” the contents of this site.
The Truth is the Truth is the Truth. And the Truth shall set you free.
You seem to be “shackled” at that moment.
With all Sincerity and love for the Truth.
Christians For Truth
Baldmichael, please do not use our articles and website as an excuse to promote your website. Thanks.
Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector'sson
Dear Christians For Truth
Thank you for your reply.
Have you really thought about what you have just said? The field entries for email include for a website address, albeit optional. I have a website so I put the address in.
Perhaps you object to something I said? Perhaps you are not interested in free speech? Perhaps you are not interested in the Truth? Do you only want people to look at your site and not others who tell the truth? That would not make sense to me.
So why have you said what you have said?
I could use my site to direct people to your site. Are you not interested in that?
I follow Jesus Christ and as He said the Truth will set you free.
Kind regards
Christians For Truth
Baldmichael, the “website” field is standard for WordPress software that we use, as is the “email” field. Just because there is an “email” field, doesn’t mean we want people to share their email with us or anyone else. We do not allow people to advertise their websites on our website, so this policy is not about you or your website — it’s standard policy.
Baldmichael wrote —
“…..Perhaps you are not interested in the Truth? ……”
Maybe you simply missed my reply to you above. I will give you the benefit of the doubt.
But you have been “challenged” so ………………….. enough with the insults.
We are interested in the Truth!
But when you suggest the Germans were the Bad Guys —- RED FLAGS pop up.
So, now, I am asking you to defend your position.
What did the Germans circa 1933 do that was wrong, bad or evil in your opinion???
Imagine believing Jews are evil yet then believing their ludicrous testimonies & allegations.
Have you seen what many of them have alleged without evidence?
It’s just the same as believing Soviets have no morals, no inner motivation to tell the truth and then believing their testimonies about their enemies, when it is already proven that they committed massive atrocities. The Bolsheviks were largely Jewish by the way, which is one of the reasons why Hitler wanted to boot many Jews out of Germany/ Europe.
Take a look at the newspapers where 6 million Jews are mentioned, it goes on way before Hitler rose to power. https://imgur.com/a/853Xzz6
Yes, Catholics have always been misguided, it’s always been about creating a theocratic empire, using the Bible to gain power over others, and they’ve never fully followed the teachings of Christ, but there was a point where Jesuits took over, apparently due to their devotion & competency (not cunning & ruthlessness?). The first Jesuit was a Marrano by the name of Ignatius of Loyola. The Jesuits were responsible for the burning of White/ Christian heretics, a lot of whom were simply people trying to read the Bible and interpret it for themselves. The Jesuits were the ones who decided converting the world, even brain-dead cannibalistic tribes, is the purpose of the Great Commission. There is also evidence that the Jesuits developed their own study of Kabbalah when Kabballah first became a thing (it is likely compiled from previously existing esoteric texts, the Zohar existed all the way back during the Second Temple Period).
The Germans were largely Catholic, but Hitler was not like the Catholic fascists and allowed Protestants and other Christian denominations, in his personal writings he wrote how he did not trust the Catholic church and felt that Christianity needed to reform. He also did not obey the Pope with certain requests, like the request to mix the ethnic stock of Germans & Italians. I hope that the Germans were not following the directives of Jesuits, but, allegedly, the Jesuits tutored the SS. I think my point is, once you rule out the main allegations as atrocity propaganda, the Germans are no worse than Britain and America, far more noble, in fact. They did what they did in response to massive pressures, like massive usury debts, complete financial collapse, the spread of degeneracy like Transsexuality, the rampant sexual & labour exploitation of the folk, the introduction of Africans to ethnically displace them, and so on. WW2 was caused by Britain forming a defensive treaty with Poland, then depraved massacres against German diaspora occurred in Polish territory (the territory handed to them after WW1), and then the Polish refused to settle a matter diplomatically.
According to Josephus, Herod was half Edomite, half Judahite, so in your eyes, was he a Judahite or an Edomite? And are Edomites solely defined by their progenitor, or by the fact they are all part Canaanite?
Josephus said that he burnt the genealogical records, and we know from the Bible that he had no problem ordering the massacre of Judahite newborns as collateral in an attempt to stop any potential threat to his power. So clearly he must have despised Judahites, despite being raised by one.
The Synagogue of Satan was already pointed out with Christ’s parable about the wheat and weeds, and then in John 8:44 he calls the Pharisees speaking to him Children of the “Devil”/ “Slanderer”, he then directly ties the “Devil” with the murder of Abel and in Mat 23:33-36, we see him holding them accountable for Abel’s death too. It’s an odd thing to go into detail about if it was just a common insult to hurl rather than a revelation about their nature.
1Jn 3:10 In this the children of Elohim and the children of the devil are manifest: Everyone not doing righteousness is not of Elohim, neither the one not loving his brother.
Action is more important to God than physical birth or cosmetic features, but you can inherit far more than cosmetics from your ancestors during that physical birth, traits that can limit your ability to be righteous and understand the Bible or get to know God. This is because we are all products of our ancestors choices, desires and habits, and this applies to peoples too, who are kin that come from the same source at a diverging point from other peoples.
This can be seen clearest with the chronic impacts of incest, which can never be undone by mankind. If you breed a Pug with a Labrador, you may improve the Pug’s offspring than if it was mating with it’s own breed, but it’s not a good deal for the Labrador’s offspring, who’s going to inherit issues that Labradors don’t have.
So this verse could include both those who are born without the capacity to do those two things, loving kinsmen & performing acts that are righteous in God’s eyes, as well as those who once had the capacity but then corrupted their own nature to the point where it is no longer possible.
The modern Jews are largely followers of the Talmud, which was originally the Oral Law of the Pharisees written down in exile and then expanded on by many ‘rabbis,’ they also follow the Zohar and practice Kabbalah, which are inherently Gnostic, in my research, like Zurvanism, it is also what Freemasonry is based on. Ethnically they are simply a mixed multitude that may have had a history of more frequent incest, there are those of them who are mixed with Germanic nobility/ royalty, like the Rothschilds. They are all just another part of the mixed multitude which are known as “semitic” Caucasoids, therefore they have no innate natural affection towards Europeans, but these ones like the Rothschilds or Nietzschean “Neo-Nobility” have inherited greater intellectual capacity from European nobility.
Pro 5:3 For the lips of a strange woman drip honey, And her mouth is smoother than oil;
Pro 5:4 But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a two-edged sword.
Pro 5:5 Her feet go down to death, Her steps lay hold of She’ol.
Pro 5:6 She does not consider the path of life; Her ways are unstable – you do not know it.
Pro 5:7 So now, listen to me, you children, And do not turn away from the words of my mouth.
Pro 5:8 Keep your way far from her, And do not come near the door of her house,
Pro 5:9 *Lest you give your splendour to others,* And your years to one who is cruel;
Pro 5:10 Lest strangers be filled with your strength, And your labours go to the house of a foreigner.
Pro 5:11 Then you shall howl in your latter end, When your flesh and your body are consumed,
Pro 5:12 And shall say, “How I have hated discipline, And my heart has despised reproof!
Pro 5:13 “And I have not heeded the voice of my teachers, And I have not inclined my ear to those who instructed me!
Pro 5:14 “In a little while I was in all evil, In the midst of an assembly and a congregation.”
Pro 5:15 Drink water from your own cistern, And running water from your own well.
Pro 5:16 Should your springs be scattered abroad, Rivers of water in the streets?
Pro 5:17 Let them be only your own, And not for strangers with you.
1Pe 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a set-apart nation, a people for a possession, that you should proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light,
1Pe 2:10 who once were not a people, but now the people of Elohim; who had not obtained compassion, but now obtained compassion.
Deu 14:1 “You are the children of YHWH your Elohim. Do not cut yourselves nor shave the front of your head for the dead,
Deu 14:2 for you are a set-apart people to YHWH your Elohim, and YHWH has chosen you to be a people for Himself, *a treasured possession above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.*
Lam 4:7 Her consecrated ones [Nazarites] were brighter than snow and whiter than milk, their bodies more red than rubies, their cut [polishing] like sapphire.
Mat 15:24 And He answering, said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Yisra’ěl.”
Mat 15:25 But she came and was bowing to Him, saying, “Master, help me!”
Mat 15:26 And He answering, said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.”
Are the Germans evil for putting the essence of these writings into national law?
Especially when the American Founding Fathers also wrote lines in regards to preserving the posterity of their people? Hence why they had laws against mixed race marriages and excluded Mediterranean’s/ Irish from the White citizenship/ identity.
The Germans saw all Europeans as their “volk”, but they often prioritised the safety & wellbeing of Germans over other Europeans, which is to be expected. Sometimes Hitler did not utilize an advantage in war because he had concern for the British people.
Herman Wahl
“I have set out in my website in my Covid 19 Summary about Germany and its wanting world domination which it tried to achieve by militarily means twice in WW1 and WW2.”
Where did you get that idea? I mean I need sources, references, etc.
Let me guess…it’s propaganda, it’s a cheap smear, it’s slander and libel, and you are repeating what liars have told you. What did JC himself call them? (Hint: You are of your father, the devil…) What did JC do to them? He took a switch and drove them out of the temple. (Now that’s a fine example of ‘Love thy neighbor,’ no?)
In fact, it’s Karl Marx and the Commies who preached worldwide revolution. Why would they do that? Obviously to dominate the world. Not Marx, per se, but his paymasters. So you can see that they were accusing the long suffering German people of doing what they themselves had been about. Typical, no?
So your claim is the exact opposite of reality.
Instead, I implore you to consider both these claims and their sources, which I deem credible.:
“… this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth.
If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler’s Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions…”
Murray Rothbard, Revisionism for Our Time
Mr. Rothbard was an American historian of the very highest caliber.
“I suppose it began with a sense… that what the average child is taught about major historical events is a pack of lies.”
-Gerard Menuchin, Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil p12 (2016)
Even Israel’s top military academy believes Hitler was right, the holocaust is the cure to end Jewish diaspora, and that Jews living outside of Israel must be killed. Take it from the horses mouth.
The second video is what is referenced in the first video.
Scythian Warlord
I was once a White Nationalist guy so brainwashed by the Satanic agenda that I could be reintroduced to Christianity only through Dual Seedline Christian Identity, a version of “Christianity” you guys seem familiar with (having read your earlier articles) – since we all have quite similar stories here.
Over time however, through self-questioning and unbiased Bible-studies, and of course also because of your articles, I came to have a view more and more like that of the regular Evangelical Christian, minus of course the baseless Jew-worship and with a better understanding of the Old and New Covenants and the general who’s who and isn’t.
It all made me meek and humble before God and man, may His name be praised.
There remains however, a final who’s who which I just can’t fathom.
And it’s no less important an issue than anything save for the Divinity of Christ Himself and the Inerrancy of His Word.
And I was reminded again of it by the “man” in the caption and his photograph.
Is he man or is he not?
Precisely that.
As a Christian I’m in no position to judge who receives His kingdom and who doesn’t, lest I myself be judged, but only pray for sinners and show them the right direction while condemning them for bad acts.
Yet having believed for so long that only whites/west eurasians/caucasians are of Adam through Noah (something which you yourself seem to maintain sometimes), I certainly wish to clear up once and for all, exactly who is “man” in the Bible and who isn’t.
And no one character or nation has contributed more to this confusion than has the nation of Ethiopia/Cush. Be it Moses’ Wife or be it the eunuch or mention of Ethiopia in general, they’ve caused me more trouble and have made me risk engaging in begging the question more often than anything else has.
So help God clear up this confusion for me and others.
Who’s Man in the Bible and who isn’t. And Ethiopia in the Bible.
I’ve tried other websites (one could guess which) and they didn’t help.
Yahweh Bless!
During the time of Christ the people were very unfamiliar with the concept of “race” as we know it today. To them the closest thing to “race” was different nations which could only be told apart by culture, accent and dress.
The Ethiopian man was riding a chariot and reading the book of Isaiah… Something blacks have never accomplished. Also during that same time, Diodorus Siculus wrote about the Ethiopians: https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Diodorus_Siculus/3A*.html
You’ll note in section 8 how he breaks from describing the white Ethiopians to describing the local negroes, showing that they were indeed much different. Thing is, if you’ve never seen another “race” in your life, it is a very jarring and weird experience. It’s utterly ridiculous to expect our ancient ancestors to be “color-blind”. It defies all sense. That much is obvious with Siculus, and it is obvious with our Biblical ancestors who wrote about the various physical differences of the Rephaim/giants in the OT.
With that in mind, the Ethiopian in Acts was definitely a white man, and we know there were white civilizations in that area. Moses’ wife would also have been a white woman, maybe even from the same area.
If ancient writers (Bible included) didn’t mention any “racial” differences (according to modern standards), that means there were no “races” to speak of. To expect a Scriptural writer or scribe to essentially ignore that someone had black skin, wire hair, no nose, giant nostrils, smelled like rotten onion and couldn’t communicate in any Aryan language… Well, only an intellect ravaged by Marxist doctrine could come to that conclusion. Many of us have been there though, but thankfully we can renew our minds.
Also the only ones eligible for salvation are descendants of Adam (white people). If someone has one ancestor who is not Adamic, they are not eligible for salvation. I’d recommend reading this article though: https://christiansfortruth.com/a-closer-look-at-deuteronomy-23-prophetic-fulfillment-of-the-assembly-of-the-lord/
Or maybe this one: https://christiansfortruth.com/who-are-the-nations-in-scripture-and-who-they-are-not-and-why-it-matters/
Scythian Warlord
Thanks for the last link.
Don’t know how I could miss that one, lol. Excellent article.
Just one more question. How could one interpret Jer 13:23 most properly?
“Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.”
Yahweh bless!
@Scythian Warlord
Given the context of that chapter, I would guess God is saying that Israel should repent and turn back to Him, because like a leopard, man cannot change his spots. Only God can clean a man of his iniquity. An evil man cannot do good, therefore he must return to his Father and ask forgiveness.
And, if I recall correctly, there were both black African and white Adamic Ethiopians at one time….Ethiopia turned black over a period of time, just like Egypt. The original Cushites were white Adamic people who were eventually overrun, replaced, and absorbed into the Nubian black flood into the nation. So in the Bible, depending on the context, an Ethiopian can be white or black….it’s pretty easy to figure it out by the context….
Peoples along the Nile, Egyptians included, had a tendency toward tattooing themselves. Even some mummies show tattoos on their skin. So Jeremiah compares tattooed skin with leopard skin… Which makes sense. I would say that comparison alone makes it certain that Jeremiah was not talking in a racial context.
It must have been so common that Israel was forbidden from doing it themselves, which included the cutting of flesh as well (Leviticus 19:28).
Also should be noted the word used to translate to “Ethiopian” is actually “Cushite”.
I agree with you completely, Grass. I recall when I first went to Australia and saw a Aborigine in the flesh for the first time in my life; I was just gobsmacked at their appearance… like nothing I’d ever seen before – and I live in a “multiculturally diverse wonderland of peace and harmony”, or so I’m told, anyway.
And Yes! One drop of blood foreign to White man creates a bastard! I see many mixtures everyday, and it ain’t pretty. The kids rave about the beauty of Beyonce and Doja Cat, but for every “beauty” there are thousands of no so “beautiful”, shall we say.
Kissinger at 98: ‘If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic.’
45,000 DEATHS in US FROM JABS. They have 3 reporting systems. Legal action starting Confirmed 45,000 people have died from the COVID Vaccine within 3 days and they have covered it up. Thom Renz has filed the paperwork and lawsuit and is suing the Federal Government.
Those in Germany who called this man an antisemite will have to apoligized, because a German Dr. Reiner Feullmich is uncovering that covid-19 was a bio-weapon released on the population for profit, who controls the printing machines and dictates America’s New World Order agenda, https://odysee.com/@mildblur:8/Dr_David_Martin_Dr_Reiner_Fuellmich_July_9_2021.mp4:9?fbclid=IwAR2-1wbAqMcNGk0swSPC2kjojp5DUDILOjpczU2aaIH9GjYJaW4isYkZvd4
The RICO (Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) to combat organized crimes in America comes into play….the Globalist are going down….Nuremburg2 is underway.
You are strongly deluded to think that any of these criminals who are orchestrating the fake pandemic will be prosecuted for crimes under the RICO — organized crime — laws. And for David Martin to suggest that’s even a possibility shows just how far removed from reality he actually is. (((They))) own the courts, the FBI, the prosecutors, and the judges. Explain how such case would even get off the ground. Martin lives in a fantasy world detached from reality — which is easy to do when your wife is an heiress and her money insulates you from reality.
In another lecture (link below), David Martin actually tried to convince his audience that the whole fake pandemic was being orchestrated by the life insurance companies, which are much more powerful and influential than the bankers, he claims. This is preposterous. Why would the life insurance companies orchestrate a pandemic that will result in millions of premature deaths that will end up bankrupting the life insurance companies? Life insurance companies lose money when you die before you are supposed to.
Watch the lecture….you can see how condescending he is toward his audience. He’s a fast-talking carnival salesman. What’s dangerous about Martin is that he actually seems to believe what comes out of his mouth, and he obviously thinks he’s smarter than everyone else.
At about 9:50 in Martin tells us “who runs the world”….the life insurance companies. Not only that, he completely discounts the idea that the Rothschilds run much at all (15:20). Here is a direct quote from Martin:
“Everybody who thinks the world is run by the Rothschilds has their head up their ass….the world is actually run by life insurance executives.”
—Dr. David Martin
The lawyer who is leading the commission is highly competent and has knowledge about the American legal system. I have confidence in the Germans, who were the first victims of this predatory parasitical international cabal, they know their history and dare to question. The judicial system governing the western world was born in Europe and not created by Jews.
The anti-European sentiments of American’s enabled Jews to corrupt every institution in America from top to bottom. From the comfort of America they use man made law to dictate what happens in the rest of the world and justify their crimes against humanity. Somebody already noted in the comment section of the video who David Martin is, but he is by no means the only one in the pockets of the dictatorial communist oligarchy. What is important is the information received needs to be questioned. Some Germans are still of sound mind and see the non-sense as a repeat of what happened in the 1930 and as natures God wants it, what goes up must come down.
Thank you for the link. I listened to it. He certainly seems different in this account than the investigation link I left. Life insurance companies certainly ARE connected to the banks & Rothschilds aren’t they? He doesn’t get a cheer until he quotes scripture. Let me ask you Chesterton (seriously)…what do you think of the investigation via patents? Since he defended the Rothschild monopoly, do you think it’s because THEY are losing this conspiracy and want to level the accountability on the lower co-conspirators? Like mafia’s do? That’s the only thing I can speculate from this as the research he has presented via patents can’t be a lie as he said it is available information. What do you think? Thanks.
Sparrow, Martin’s company, M-CAM, attempts to montetize intangible assets such as patents that have yet to be developed to basically use them as collateral to secure business loans for under capitalized start ups. That’s why he knows so much about patents. My understanding is that he was unable to secure financing himself for his company (from a Saudi investor), and had to lay off his entire staff. So he now has a lot of free time on his hands, which is why he’s all over the internet talking about the pandemic.
You noticed that the only applause he got was when he quoted Scripture, and that’s because he was talking to a church group. And he knows how to appeal to that kind of audience because his father, if I remember correctly, was a minister or missionary, or something like that. He seems to have some kind of messiah complex and believes that he has the knowledge to save the planet if only we would all just follow him.
While Martin may be technically correct about the illegality of the COVID patents, how is he going to convince the U.S. Attorney General to take up the case? The pandemic lockdown rules have been unconstitutional from the beginning, and may of the cases that have tried to challenge different aspects of it have been thrown out by the courts. They wouldn’t have attempted this fake pandemic if they didn’t already know they had the courts and the media to back them up.
As Roy Cohn, the powerful Jewish attorney and mentor of Donald Trump once said, “I don’t care what the law is. All I care about is who the judge is.”
Thank you so much for the understanding Chesterfield. My knowledge of finance, underwriters, patents etc is a big Zero. But what I did do was take my knowledge of The Almighty (the Truth) and weigh it against certain things that were said esp. the insertion of A. Hitler. Also the fact that Mr. Martin is filled with ego (as opposed to a true prophet/mouthpiece of God). I appreciate your input…and I stand corrected in discerning the situation with the video link you provded.
The notion of Hitler/1939/euthanasia/superior race/conspiracy with America/…
“we do not have DNA”/there is no defective human/no references to accusations/we haven’t studied evil as Believers/…
There’s truths mixed with lies mixed with unknowns. But he calls himself a prophet. Would a true prophet lie about Hitler?
Over every shoulder there is a net for believers in Christ so it’s up to us to be close to The Almighty, to know Him is to know the counter fit. Never study evil!
If I am wrong about the links I have submitted I am so sorry for it.
Well, that’s just it….David Martin would never defend Hitler because it would destroy his career. I know that Martin is a die hard racial egalitarian who has spent a lot of time in the Third World trying to uplift them. He seems to truly believe that non-Whites are just like White people if only they had the “opportunity” and “support”. What opportunity and support were ever given to White people? Who gave White people a leg up? He has no idea how condescending he is to “people of color” — like all hardcore liberals, he thinks he can save them because they just haven’t been given a fair shake. Why is a White man like Martin who has to come to their rescue and not a competent Black man? Need we ask? He may be technically correct about the illegal patents, but so what? What will come of it?
I agree with all you say here…esp “He may be technically correct about the illegal patents, but so what? What will come of it?”. What I do know is that when a lie is mixed with truth it becomes null and void without any power at all. This is what the propagandists know and why they carry on smearing it in our faces. Dr. Martin was a totally different man in the link I posted. It is the reason I am glad you busted what I thought was a possible light. This is what the body of Christ is suppose to do in humility to keep us standing and repent for error. My error was not investigating further before passing it around. [Psalm 19:13] I don’t want to mislead another.
Sparrow, I’ll say this about Dr. David Martin….he is a radical idealist who believes that the “common man” can rise up and defeat the “elite” by exercising their “constitutional rights” through the U.S. court system. He seems to truly believe this. Months back he was making the rounds pointing out that mRNA shots were legally not “vaccines” and that the government therefore could not force us to be vaccinated. He ignored two important factors: first, before the pandemic started the CDC/FDA changed the legal definition of “vaccine” to include the mRNA-type shots. Two: the government can ignore the legalities of anything if it serves their interests. For example, personal income tax in America is illegal and unconstitutional. Many people have challenged it in the courts, but most of them end up in prison as “tax evaders” even though the law is on their side. Dr. David Martin ignores this reality, this black pill, because it won’t grab headlines. As I’ve mentioned, perhaps his wife’s wealth allows him to be a liberal idealist messiah without having to worry about the consequences…..
Chesterton’s right on the money.
check this out if your interested ‘Who Is David Martin?’
That’s an interesting article on David Martin. One thing is clear from it: a lot of Martin’s accomplishments are real only on his own resume, not in the real world. He seems to be a master at resume padding. But the bottom line is that just because there is a patent for a virus doesn’t mean that it exists.
It’s repetitive how the jews twist and knarl the truth:
[““The people who fled this country, where there was arch evil, and founded their own country, they have turned their country into something that is even worse than [Nazi] Germany was,” Bhakdi opined.”]
…and as the perversion keeps on warping out of control esp. during this fakedemic/nazi insert every sentence meme …it’s not hard to realize who is at it’s most deepest corruption. At the very beginning of this scam ‘Nazi’ inserted propaganda was the dead ringer for me. What should have been written in that quote to make it the truth should have been [‘Weimar] Germany’…the Communist jewish takeover of Germany that lead to it’s complete collapse morally, economically and politically before A. Hitler was democratically elected by the vast majority German people which also dispels him as a dictator (also a jew concept). The jews hated that they were trumped so in cahoots with the jew bankers in NY declared a boycott on all German goods and the Master plan of the holohoax/6 million/WWII. NSDAP to my knowledge of study for the last two decades, never declared nor desired some kind of master/higher race. That is a jew concept through and through. Hitler’s only way to bring back morale and self esteem, self determination and worth was to instill to be the best you could be at whatever your talent. He praised and encouraged mother’s of families to stay home and raise children. Hitler had many allies from all over even Muslims from the ME. A. Hitler was praised by black American Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens in the 1936 Berlin Olympic games (paraphrasing) that Hitler made the attempt to shake his hand and congratulate him as he never received that kind of reception at home. As Providence would have it, they were impressed with each other.
How many times I’ve read the LIE that this pandemic was a copy cat from the days of Nazi mad scientists. SMH.
Here is some information that should cause a crusade of condemnation and judgement to this complete covid corruption and out right maiming and murder:
…both articles written from the video below:
“The people who fled this country, where there was arch evil, and founded their own country, they have turned their country into something that is even worse than [Nazi] Germany was,” Bhakdi opined. “That’s the bad thing about Jews: They learn well,” he continued. “There is no people that learns better than they do. But they have now learned the evil — and implemented it. That is why Israel is now … a living hell.”
He is not lying I said the same thing earlier on a FB post….”Imagine the people who constantly cry victim of Nazi Germany, exploiting Black people in America to foment hatred against White people because they are White people and not Jewish.”…..a statement of fact…..Jews in Europe and America exploit Race and Black People to further their agenda of Hate…..and it needs to be challenged. They are far more dangerous than the Nazi, because they use the law, their privileged government protected minority statues to engage in cruelty with impunity. That antisemitism line is a broken record losing its magic and just like the Zionist supremacist Barbara Spectre predicted the resentment towards Jews is building…..they are over playing their hands and things will explode, because people are getting tired of the terrorism.
Rabbi Glickman
Bakhdi is an anti-Semitic, right wing, White nationalist conspiracy theorist. Yes, that’s the ticket!
And YouTube is itself an anti-Semitic hotbed. They even banned me! A beloved rabbi and Holocaust survivor who tried only to tell the world of all the love and good will towards gentiles found in the Talmud.
I don’t believe in western morality, i.e.
don’t kill civilians or children,
don’t destroy holy sites,
don’t fight during holiday seasons,
don’t bomb cemeteries,
don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral.
The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way:
Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).
— Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Manis Friedman
Moment Magazine (May/June 2009). “Ask The Rabbi”
Jewish fencer (sword-fighter) Helene Mayer won the silver medal — FOR GERMANY! // 2. Helene gives “sieg heil” salute during the awards ceremony.
I wonder how much non-white admixture she had?
What happened to her during and after the war I wonder. Interesting.
I think naturally, when Jews and blacks and other POC’s are a small minority among our Peoples — they behave fairly well. It is when they feel they have the protection to sow their Leaven is when they become a problem. And this might be purely subconscious — simply their nature.
Lisette here on this forum is a good example. For the first few months, Lisette was not hostile at all to our plight. But now she has the confidence to besmirch White people and not speak in Context. Hardly a person calls her out on her sh%t. So, she gains confidence to truly speak from her heart.
It would be interesting to hear from Helen Mayer AFTER the war. Was she still Pro-German?
Which Lisette do you mean, Westwins? There are two, are there not? It confuses me sometimes.
Not the content of what they write, that they both are called Lisette. They write very differently from each other.
I wasn’t aware there were two. If you read her comments closely, her anti-white spirit comes through. And she never takes “Context” into consideration. She says Whites are as bad as Jews. Now, that may be true TODAY in various ways. But it wasn’t always like this and you have to take this into perspective Scripturally.
She lacks the Spirit in her analysis of History. She admitted to me in a private email that she was mixed race. But this was months ago when she actually “contributed” positively to CFT. Now, it’s a constant stream of anti-white animus.
CFT should primarily be a place of Fellowship of White people for White people. We can have “guests” if they contribute in a positive way. Our Mission Statement should be to “attract” our deceived White brethren and bring them into the fold through patience, kindness, grace, but with a firm and honest hand. We don’t need outsiders telling us that which we already know!
This bears repeating —- We already know the weakness of our People. It is prophesied. We know we have turned our back on God and have done vile and wicked things. We know this. We don’t need non-white people reminding us.
“White Guilt” is bad enough from the Jews. We don’t need to hear it again and again from POC’s.
If our “guests” don’t meet this standard, they should simply be asked to leave.
It is an interesting “Pattern” to notice. First, they will come in with nice things to say. But slowly, over time, the poison becomes apparent.
I don’t keep track of all the comments that I have noticed. But here is just one and this one is fairly mild in comparison — https://christiansfortruth.com/its-official-elvis-presley-was-jewish/#comment-60205
“….Which brings me to the point that their is not much of a difference between the fair skinned Adamites and the Jews. The mindset….amazing and troubling at the same time….”
Ironically …………… I’ll bet Lizette and her kind live in White Nations.
Before criticizing Whites, maybe these people ought live in the Congo for a spell.
Heck …………… I lived in Atlanta for 16 years! That is more than most of our ‘haters’.
Whites are Evil —- but everyone wants to live near Whites!!!
Go figure.
Bret Thomas-Wilson
The Nazis were simply imitating the jews;
ingroup preference
outgroup hostility
genetic purity
Nazism was the mirror image of judaism.
The German people were trying to save their nation from a jewish/communist takeover.
Exactly, I had to remind somebody who compared communist China to Nazi Germany, that Bolshevik communist terrorism preceded Adolf Hitler. Bolshevik communist tyranny brought Hitler to power and I second the opinion that the Nazis learned from the Jews, because people learn by example. Like childs-play….Jews claimed superiority and Hitler gave them a taste of their own brew.
‘Bolshevik communist tyranny brought Hitler to power and I second the opinion that the Nazis learned from the Jews, because people learn by example.
That’s a vague and misleading statement. You are posting a lot of content here and most of it is good material. On this though you need some elaboration. I’m annoyed by the truthers that don’t do their due diligence on WW2 and Hitler in particular.
You made 2 points in the above quote:
1) communist tyranny brought Hitler to power -> If you’re strictly speaking about Hitler’s motives for galvanizing the German citizenry against the looming threat of Bolshevik communism then fine. If that’s what you meant, you should have been specific – if it’s not then what the heck are you talking about?
2) the Nazis learned from the Jews -> As westwins put it so well ‘The LAST people the great men and women of Germany circa 1933 wanted to imitate was the Jews.’
The NSDAP decency toward other peoples was 180% from the fake Judahites. The accounts of the way german soldiers treated prisoners and Russian citizens was exemplary,etc. etc.
My statements sometimes sound absurd as some people see it, because I am not a linear thinker, but they are not vague and/or misleading.
People keep asking the question why did people follow Hitler, Jews still cry victim of Nazi Germany and the liberating Europe from Hitler and Nazi Germany narrative is repeated, over and over and over but nobody is asking what happened before that. A matter a fact according to the Marxist tradition legalise the history of Europe starts with WWII. Everything prior to that is not important said Ruth Bader-Ginsburg.
Because common sense told me that Hitler didn’t come falling from the sky I found my way to the part of the story that is not being told.
I did my homework and history backs me up. America’s declaration of war against Germany on behalf of the Bolshevik communist bankers and their economic havoc with the Weimar Republic brought a lot of misery to the Germans. America divided Europe in East for the Bolshevik communist Jews and West for the Bolshevik communist Jews.
“The Treaty of Versailles demanded Germany pay hefty reparations to the Allied powers, and Germany, after four long years of taxing warfare, did not have the means to do this. Asked for 132 billion marks, Germany only had around 50.” The allied powers were America, Russia, France and Britain. This legal plunder and economic hardship imposed on Germany was the catalyst that brought Hitler to power.
Germany was first to feel the brunt of the legal plundering Jewish supremacist who operated from the comfort of America. That supposed liberation of Europe, using American soldiers (majority of them White men) was the subjugating Christian Europe for the Marxist Bolshevik communist Jews. They morally corrupted and economically bankrupted America to prop up communist China. By mouth of Attali (the French Henry Kissinger) the American empire will collapse in 2035.
The truth is out there but who is challenging them?
Europe and America just go along with the program and push the Covid-19 scam that ushers in their New World Order with a bio-weapon that was created at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
A whole lot of American’s and Europeans still beat the Nazi Germany is evil drum all made possible by the government sanctioned propaganda machine.
I think you mean well, but I wish you would have written this much different!
The LAST people the great men and women of Germany circa 1933 wanted to imitate was the Jews.
There was no “outgroup hostility”. What the Germans did was very kind and gracious. Could we imagine any other race trying to expel a non-native population in the kindness and generosity of the Germans?!!! No way.
“Nazism” is a Jewish pejorative term. We should NEVER USE IT.
So, NO ………….. the NSDAP was NOT a mirror image of judaism. Not even close.
If you are fairly new to ww2 History and History of the NSDAP, I would encourage you to start with John Wear — http://www.wearswar.com
A few other great books — “The Myth of German Villainy” by Benton Bradberry
“Hitler’s Revolution” by Richard Tedor
Watch — “The Greatest Story Never Told” – by Dennis Wise.
Keep studying! It is a lifelong endeavor. Always learning.
Hillary Goldberg
Sorry dude….but you’re wrong. Kevin Macdonald (the expert on Judaism) said that Nazism was the mirror image of Judaism. You need to think it through before the knee jerk reaction.
The Nazi/Jew cycle has happened at least 109 times in history and it always follows the same pattern. Ingroup preference/outgroup hostility go hand in hand and this is why the jews are so powerful….they use cohesive group strategies that they deny to gentiles.
You might want to read Macdonald’s three magnificent books on the Jews.
“The Culture of Critique” is a must read.
David Irving is also very good.
The Nazis rose to power as a direct result of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and Germany was NEXT.
Hillary Goldberg …..
Thanks for the laugh.
Let me guess …….. you are NOT of the Posterity — Correct?
Why would a Jew want to come to a White Christian website, except to subvert.
Jews do not and cannot practice “genetic purity” because all of them are race mixed, which is why they envy and hate white people, and get so nervous when whites start talking about racial purity. Jews may not want each other to marry other peoples, but that’s not because of “purity”….it’s to keep the crime syndicate inbred….although 70% of Jews marry out, marry non-Jews…Jews are corrupters, and their specialty is corrupting bloodlines.
Darren Pinkerton
Your comment is 100% wrong.
Think it through. How could such a tiny group survive for thousands of years intact if not for the practice of genetic purity? They do DNA tests in Israel for right of return.
If Jew marries a non-Jew, the jew is kicked out of the synagogue. The family will kvetch if the jewish offspring dates a non-jew. White women are called “shiksa,” which means abomination.
Some secular jews marry out, yes. But they are not the breeding arm of the clan. The orthodox do not marry out and they are the breeders. You are quoting the BS claims that the jews themselves propagate pretending that their race is going to disappear. They’ve been making the same claims for centuries.
Check out Unz.com and The Occidental Observer.
After 2 days of protests, French Police put down helmets, and Surrender. Clapping with the protesters.
The Vaxed can be patented (Owned) says Supreme Court.
Vive la France:
Infections Decline in the Unvaccinated as They Surge in the Vaccinated – Demolishing the Argument for Vaccinating Children and Young People.