(The Jewish Chronicle) “Rabbi” Natasha Mann — “the first openly queer rabbi in a traditional Jewish denomination in Europe” — who was born to an English mother and Indian father — and converted to Judaism — has projected onto the prophet Zephaniah her own “mixed race” identity:
Our ancestors would not have recognized the categories of race that we navigate today. Tribal categories certainly existed and physical features were related to them, but they had their own contexts and complications. It is sometimes challenging to read ancient texts without being unduly influenced by our own societal expectations and experiences.
That being said, I have long been interested in the tribal profile of the prophet Zephaniah. Zephaniah, one of the lesser-known prophets of the Twelve Minor Prophets, was quite possibly a man we would recognize today as being mixed race.
According to Zephaniah 1:1, “The word of the Lord that came to Zephaniah, son of Cushi, son of Gedaliah, son of Amariah, son of Hezekiah, during the reign of King Josiah son of Amon of Judah.”
Let’s unpack this unusual family tree. It is most unusual to get this much information about the history of a prophet; usually, the biographical information would be limited to the name of the prophet and his father, along with the name of the king to provide us with a time period.
Sometimes, we don’t even get that much information. But here, Zephaniah’s name is followed by a list of four names: Cushi, Gedaliah, Amariah, and Hezekiah.
There are two great mysteries to Zephaniah’s introduction. First, the name of his father seems to be Cushi. This would be a very strange name indeed.
Cush was a geographical area in the biblical world; the Kingdom of Cush lay south of Egypt, in what is modern-day Sudan. (Cushi is, incidentally, used in modern Hebrew to refer to black people with pejorative connotations. It’s worth noting, however, that there are no value implications in the biblical term.)
The most linguistically intuitive way to read “Cushi” here is as a name, not as a description.
However, when we make the assumption that Cushi is the name of Zephaniah’s father, we must wonder why an Israelite man would be given this name.It is, of course, equivalent to a parent of the Kingdom of Cush naming her child “Israelite”. It is especially interesting that the Cushite people are mentioned by Zephaniah twice later in the text (Zephaniah 2:12 and 3:10).
I find it difficult to believe that Cushi would be given such a name without a Cushite connection and that Zephaniah would be inclined to mention Cush multiple times if it were pure coincidence.
The most natural way to read this text, I think, is to assume that the man Cushi had Cushite heritage, perhaps through his mother’s line. This would give Zephaniah three Israelite grandparents and one Cushite grandparent.
While we should avoid imposing ideas of blackness and whiteness on to a society that held different understandings of tribe and ethnicity, we live in an active relationship with our texts. They do not, and should not, exist in some kind of cultural vacuum.
I am a mixed-race person and I see part of myself reflected in Zephaniah’s apparent mixed heritage.
What might it have meant for Zephaniah to navigate life as a prophet with heritage from another kingdom? Did it make a difference to his life and perspective? Did he see himself as connected in some way to Cush, even as he was such a profoundly Israelite man that he was one of few gifted with prophecy?
That leads us to the second mystery of Zephaniah’s superscription: its sheer length. One traditional explanation, purported by Ibn Ezra, is that we require so much of Zephaniah’s family tree in order to lead us back to the name Hezekiah.
This Hezekiah, Ibn Ezra suggests, is actually a character we know from elsewhere: King Hezekiah, famously the last righteous king before the monarch reigning during Zephaniah’s lifetime. To read the superscription that way tells us that Zephaniah is the descendant of a righteous king and, therefore, as much of an insider to his society as it’s possible to be…
…Zephaniah may be an example of a man of African heritage in the Tanach and also the descendant of the last good king of Judah. Perhaps taking both of those interpretations seriously can allow something in Zephaniah’s prophecy to unfold anew.
Zephaniah’s book of prophecy faces in two directions. He speaks to Israelite society (the insiders) and to the surrounding nations (the outsiders). He turns his face in both directions in order to offer piercing condemnation. And to both, Zephaniah concludes by envisioning the possibility of redemption:
”From beyond the rivers of Cush, My suppliants Shall bring offerings to Me in Fair Puzai” (Zephaniah 3:10)
“In that day This shall be said to Jerusalem: Have no fear, O Zion; Let not your hands droop!” (Zephaniah 3:16).For this prophet, having heritage from the royal house of Judah and from the kingdom of Cush may well be used as an advantage. Zephaniah’s place in the world is unique: he is able to look in both directions. What may seem unusual about him becomes his great strength as a prophet.
In other words, “Rabbi” Mann is suggesting the hackneyed Jewish cliché that “diversity” is Zephaniah’s “strength” — talk about, as Mann previously warned against, being “unduly influenced by our own societal expectations and experiences.”
Let’s be clear, though — “Rabbi” Mann has no overt “Jewish” ancestry — she’s a convert to “Reformed” Judaism, and therefore, she would not qualify for any “right to return” or citizenship in Israel.
That said, the majority of “Jews” in Israel today are Ashkenazi — and the Ashkenazi are all originally Khazar converts to Judaism — so in that sense, she’s no less a “Jew” than any Ashkenazi — while the Sephardim and Mizrahi Jews are clearly mixed with arabic blood — having absorbed those bloodlines during their diasporic sojourns in Mulsim countries.
Either way, neither Mann nor any Ashkenazi has any legitimate claim to be descendants of the ancient Israelites — which the Jews have admitted to in their 1980 Jewish Almanac:
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
This “complicated” identity of today’s Jews has nothing to do with Israelite identity of the ancient prophets — and to project that confused, mixed race identity on those prophets is a typical example of Jewish narcissistic projection.
None of the early generations of Israelites were “pure” Israelites on both sides of the family — that would be impossible — Jacob’s twelve sons has no choice but to take wives from the original Adamic Genesis 10 nations.
The same would have been true of the second and third generations of Israelites — so as to avoid incest.
In reality, by Israelite law, only the father must be an Israelite for the children to inherit Israelite identity — as long as the wives were of legitimate Adamic bloodlines.
Deuteronomy 23:2 makes this law against mixed race marriages very clear:
“A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.”
A “bastard” here has two important meanings — based on the Hebrew word “mamzer” (Strong’s 4464).
First, a “mamzer” can mean a child who is the product of incest — which explains why Jacob’s sons and grandchildren — et al — could not marry fellow Israelites — and had to take spouses from the Genesis 10 bloodlines.
Second, a “mamzer” also refers to someone of “mixed race” ancestry — and that would mean anyone outside the original, unmixed Adamic bloodlines of Genesis 10.
Because all “Jews” today are mixed race, they have attempted to redefine the original meaning of “mamzer” to ignore the prohibition against race mixing and claim instead that it strictly means the “product of incest” or marrying a “non-Jew.”
According to rabbinical sources, “Jews” changed from patrilineal to matrilineal identity sometime around 200 AD — so as to justify their being mixed race after the fact.
However, since Israelite identity — according to what the Old Testament states — must come through the father, no “Jew” today can possibly make any legitimate claim to being an Israelite.
Ezra chapter 10 makes this very clear — Israelites had disobeyed God and taken “strange wives” in Babylon and fathered forbidden children — mamzers — with them.
Ezra formed a council with the leaders and commanded that any Israelite who had taken a “strange” wife or had “strange” children must “put them away” (Ezra 10:19) — meaning divorce.
Talmudic rabbis misinterpret Ezra 10 by claiming that it proves that non-Jewish wives are prohibited — and therefore “Jewish” identity descends through the mother not the father — an astounding inversion of reality — typical of the self-justifying talmudic mindset.
Now some people would like to claim that these Israelite men in Babylon had merely taken non-Israelite wives — but as we’ve seen previously, there was no prohibition against marriage to a wife who was from a legitimate Adamic bloodline — as all of Jacob’s sons married such women — the father confers Israelite identity on his children.
We also see this was the case with the marriage of Ruth the Moabite to the Israelite Boaz — yes, some claim that Ruth was an Israelite who lived in Moab, but there’s no proof of that — and as we demonstrated in a previous essay, the original Moabites — like the original Canaanites — were most certainly of pure Adamic stock, descendants of Noah.
Recall Moab himself was the son of Lot, who was the son of Haran — Abraham’s brother.
If Ruth could enter into a legitimate marriage with Boaz, then so too could the men of Israel during Ezra’s time — therefore, the “strange wives” of whom Ezra speaks must be forbidden because they were non-Adamic — that is, they were products of mixing Adamic and non-Adamic seed.
Which brings us back to the Israelite prophet Zephaniah — there is no way that given the laws against race mixing that he could possibly be mixed race, which would have disqualified him not only as a legitimate Israelite, but also would have disqualified him as a prophet.
If we “assume” — as “Rabbi” Mann does — that Zephaniah did indeed have some Cushite blood, then his Cushite ancestry must have been pure and unmixed Adamic — a direct descendant of Cush, Ham, and Noah.
The “righteous among the nations” refer to pure descendants of Noah who, like Noah, was “perfect in his generations” — or genealogy — and “righteous” in following God.
An analysis of the Hebrew connotations of “generations” here makes this abundantly clear:
“Nm) rd (דר DR) – I. Generation: As a circle of the family. II. White: From the whiteness of the pearl. KJV (5): white, generation – Strongs: H1858 (דַּר), H1859 (דָּר)”
Yes, you read that correctly, Noah was White — as compared to the “whiteness of the pearl.”
And if Noah and his entire family were White — which is why they were preserved — then how can mainstream Christians believe that all the different races somehow descended from him?
And this explains why Jews searching for the “ten lost tribes of Israel” among the races of the Third World is completely contrary to Scripture — Jews simply refuse to accept that any legitimate Israelite must be unmixed without non-Adamic blood — and we can identify Adamic people who resemble “the whiteness of the pearl.”
And we know that the original Cushites were indeed a pure Adamic people — as we demonstrated in a previous essay — descendants of Noah via Ham and Cush — and that includes the original Egyptians — after all it would have been completely appropriate for Joseph to take an Egyptian wife — Asenath — if she were from an umixed bloodline — which she was — the daughter of Potipherah, a high-born Egyptian priest.
Yet Jews today would have us believe that Joseph’s descendants from the tribe of Mennaseh can be found among the mamzer “Jews” of India — simply because they observe “Jewish festivals” and “keep kosher” — completely divorced from laws of legitimate marriages.
However, we know that the original Cushites were eventually overrun by African nubians — and the original Adamic Cushites either fled to other nations or were absorbed into its conquerors’ bloodline — which gave rise to the black Ethiopians today.
Mann’s article on Zephaniah includes an image of Egyptians with their Nubian black slaves:

The caption for this image reads, “The ancient Nubians (the people of Cush)” — somehow conflating black Nubains with legitimate Cushite Egyptians — which they were most certainly not.
In fact, the term “nubian” appears nowhere in the Old Testament because the black nubians were not legitimate Adamic people descendant of Noah — nor could they have been since Noah and his wife were from pure Adamic bloodlines.
And notice how “Rabbi” Mann — even though she has an “English” mother — nevertheless identifies with the non-white side of her family — which is typical of all mixed race people.
It has been these mixed race converso and crypto-Jews who infiltrated the Catholic Church and attacked the traditional “purity of blood” doctrine of the original Spanish Christians — and then pushed the Catholic Church to claim that race was not a consideration in conversion to Christianity — a dogma that has had disastrous results for the Church — as these Jews have been the prime movers of the destruction of the Church — culminating in their authorship of Vatican II.
In a recent interview (@ 53:00) Catholic writer, E. Michael Jones quoted prominent Catholic priest, Theodore Hesburgh, who warned about Jewish infiltration of society:
“If you let the Jews in, they take over, and that’s the situation we’re in today.”
But apparently that rule doesn’t apply to allowing Jews into Christian congregations — what Jews have wrought on our Christian nations is no different from what they’ve done to Christianity itself — and to think that baptism will magically make them act any differently is simply willful ignorance.
Likewise, when Israelites ignored the racial covenants, they too were undermined by the same mixed race subverters of the faith — the Jewish “holy” book “the Talmud” is a complete subversion of Hebrewism of ancient Israel — and unfortunately all mainstream Christian denominations have followed their lead.
Zephaniah warned that the tribe of Judah had brought Baal worship back with them to Jerusalem from their captivity in Babylon — where Ezra testified that Israelites had taken wives of “strange flesh” who worshiped strange gods.
Baal worship leads to fornication and race mixing — and God promised that he would “cut off” those Israelites who engaged in it — making them desolate — a prophecy fulfilled in modern Jewry.
A generation is a “Door” (Strong’s 1755) , as in a door that opens to the next generation of White Adamites. And ‘life’ is the “Key” that opens the door. (Strong’s 2416).
Doesn’t it make sense when Jesus talks about not throwing our Pearls (Strong’s 1858) , meaning White Adamic people like Noah, before Swine, lest they trample us under foot !
Also, Jesus says the Kingdom is like a pearl buried in a field, and furthermore the ‘doors’ to the New Jerusalem are Pearls. All of these scriptures seem to emphasize staying pure and not ‘race-mixing’ under any circumstances.
Thanks again for the excellent article .
If this rabbi were not so pathetic, it would be blasphemy.
Fitzpatrick Informer 🇺🇸🇬🇧 Proud Atlanticist
Lesbian ‘Rabbi’ Projects Her Mixed Race Identity Onto Israelite Prophet Zephaniah
On a related note, in the kosher production The Chosen, there is a scene where a tall White man, playing a Greek, joyously tells a Pharisee, played by some arab, that Jesus said Jew and Gentile alike will be together with “your patriarchs:Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Amusingly this causes the Pharisee to have a “yids flip lids” moment and act as a man possessed by a demon. Art imitating life.
But the show does not answer why the Greeks would want to spend eternity with patriarchs wholly unrelated to them. Just as today I see Christians cheekily blowing the shofar but they are unable to explain why they are attracted to an instrument that–they believe–is not historically theirs.
Looking into this show, I saw that while it is directed by an Evangelical, it is produced by two Mormons and a Jew. One of these Mormons cites verse from their religious text explaining that the Americas were settled circa 600 BC by whites fleeing Jerusalem. If Mormonism preaches that Israelites were White in 600 BC then why do they believe them to be & have always been anything but White in modern times?
The Philistines came from two great grandsons of Ham, Caphtorim and Casluhim. DNA proves they were white. That’s pretty well accepted.
DNA proves the ancient Egyptians were white.
DNA proves the Canaanites were white.
The Libyans (Putites) were depicted by the Egyptians as white. Not much more needs to be said about them.
Therefore, Cush couldn’t have been anything but white. If Cush “became” Ethiopia, that doesn’t prove that biblical Cush was black because Ethiopians are of mixed Caucasoid/Negroid heritage.
“Ham = black” relies on nothing more than stubbornness from racial egalitarians.
I’ve even seen them claim the Canaanites were Asian solely because there was a group named the “Sinites” which they link to the Chinese. That’s despite the fact that east Asians have zero relation to the ancient Canaanites. I’ve also seen them claim that Australian Aborigines came from Cush, even though they are more genetically distant from Congoids than any other race.
Minor correction: Casluhim and Caphtor were grandsons of Ham and sons of Mizraim (Egypt). If the Philistines were white (and journalists generally have no trouble admitting they were genetically European), the Egyptians would have been too.
No one can realistically explain how the Aborigines got to Australia in their “out of Africa” theory, or any other theory for that matter.
The Aborigines couldn’t swim, couldn’t sail, never even used a wheel, did not even understand that intercourse created children, and yet they somehow got to Australia all the way from Africa? I think not.
They don’t look anything like white Europeans…clearly a different species:
We have no trouble explaining how white people got to Iceland or Greenland, or anywhere on the planet because they had the brains and ability to do so without the help of others.
If the Aborigines cannot be traced back to Noah, then we have irrefutable proof that they are non-Adamic people, or pre-Adamic. And they cannot be the only non-Adamic people on Earth.
Judeo-Christians need to use their God-given brains to cut through their brainwashing and wake up to the racial reality in the Bible and all that it implies.
Many sightings of “rock apes” or “ape men” in Vietnam going back to colonial times all the way through the Vietnam War where U.S. troops witnessed them….
Early explorers in Burma also reported “ape men” living in trees who were not monkeys in the conventional sense.
Same in Africa where the first white men to explore the continent encountered hominoid creatures that they did not consider entirely “human”.
Yep ………….
Pre-adamites “planted” in various parts of the world. Impossible to deny.
Arthur Rowe ……
If the Aborigines cannot be traced back to Noah, then we have irrefutable proof that they are non-Adamic people, or pre-Adamic.
Great point! Amen
Judeo-Christians need to use their God-given brains to cut through their brainwashing and wake up to the racial reality in the Bible and all that it implies.
I think this is their last chance, quite honestly. Miracles can happen, but I’m not holding my breath —- Luke 18:8
“I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”
I don’t recognize your name – so if you are new — Welcome!
Are Aborigines human beings?
Emmanuel D’souza ……..
“….Are Aborigines human beings? ….
Let us come to understand Terms. What do you mean by “human being”?
Here at CFT, it is understood by most of the regulars, that there is “Adamic Man” and then everyone else. The “everyone else”, we will call them “Pre-adamites” for simplicity.
There are a few articles discussing this topic here in the archives.
Aboriginals would be of the category — Pre-adamite.
“Ham was black” is an Afrocentric claim.
If you cannot identify who true Israel is, you will never understand the Bible.
Kelly …..
You pose a very interesting Theological Discussion.
I don’t necessarily disagree. Although, I will say it took me maybe 5 years believing myself to be a Follower of Jesus Christ — to finally understand Israel’s true identity, and essentially my identity.
Would you say that I, during that time, did not have a saving relationship with our Father in Heaven?
It is an interesting question for sure. One that I have as well.
Understanding who Israel is and who WE are really made the whole story much more real and alive. That is for sure. All the pieces came together.
I hope you reply, because I have a follow up question. 🙂
West said “Would you say that I, during that time, did not have a saving relationship with our Father in Heaven? ”
No, I didn’t mean to imply that. One can have a relationship with Christ without understanding the Bible. Most Christians didn’t read the Bible for the first 1,500 years after His death.
Many more people read the Bible today, but they don’t understand it, and they get more easily led astray by preachers who are clueless. They are led into worshiping a false Christ.
What I was trying to say is that to really understand the Bible, you have to understand who Israel is. And doing so, you can have deeper connection to it, as it means more you to personally and to your people. It’s no longer an abstraction that we relate to.
I think that there are many good Catholic Christians despite their shallow understanding of scripture that the church forces on them. Identity forces you to read the Bible much more carefully and put more work in, and have a more comprehensive understanding.
It really makes the Bible much more interesting and relatable, don’t you think?
I would say this about Identity….in the hands of the wrong people, it can also lead people down the wrong path and away from Christ.
Especially those who claim “all Israel shall be saved”, no exceptions. If you’re white, you’re saved even without accepting Christ and following Him.
That’s no different an end from “once saved, always saved” with the evangelicals.
Paul said that his Israelite ancestry was worthless without Christ. Israelites without Christ are no different from rocks, says Christ, whom He could raise if He wished.
Israel + Christ = salvation. That is Paul’s message.
Ken Marchon …………
“….That’s no different an end from “once saved, always saved” with the evangelicals….”
Yea, really great point.
Hi Kelly …………………
“…What I was trying to say is that to really understand the Bible, you have to understand who Israel is. And doing so, you can have deeper connection to it, as it means more you to personally and to your people. It’s no longer an abstraction that we relate to….”
Yes …… 100% agree. Thank you for the clarification/elaboration.
“…I think that there are many good Catholic Christians despite their shallow understanding of scripture…”
Well, I think “good” is a relative term. I know many really nice, generous and good mormons. Almost married one way back in the day because of how sweet, pure and innocent she was, and how nice her extended social circle was. Off track a bit …
What do you think is the role of the Holy Spirit? Can a person have a saving relationship with God through Jesus but not have the Holy Spirit? I think your answer would be NO. But possibly there is a process of growth there.
I have always been very interested in Paul’s admonition for us all to be “one in mind”. He makes this admonition several times. (1 Corinthians 1:10 et., al)
I know for me, when I was on my journey of knowing God more deeply, I was still trying to make my Christianity fit in with your typical Evangelical Church. But my Soul yearned for something different. I stayed because I thought I had to. So I tried to gently “teach” or “change” their way of thinking and ultimately was asked to leave. This happened 2 times. So, eventually I just stopped going to the bricks and mortars altogether.
I just don’t understand how a person filled with the Holy Spirit can continue to sit in a Catholic Church and not feel like he/she has ants crawling all over their legs (as a metaphor of course), if they were truly filled with the Holy Spirit, who is there to convict us.
What is your understanding of the Holy Spirit who is given to us to guide, direct and teach us God’s Will?
Another troubling question I wrestle with. I certainly don’t want to exclude anyone from the “Family”.
Maybe another way to ask the same question — how long would you fellowship with someone who refuses to see important truths of the Scriptures like our racial/Israelite heritage or Salvation issues?
I had a Catholic tell me over and over again that I was destined to Hell because I wouldn’t take the Sacraments and become a true Christian i.e., a Catholic.
I just can’t imagine a Catholic disagreeing with that belief but continue to attend a Catholic Church.
I stuck with Evangelical Christianity for about 1 year before I finally pulled the rip cord.
Hey …………… great discussion! Thanks for having it. Peace to you.
West asked “How long would you fellowship with someone who refuses to see important truths of the Scriptures like our racial/Israelite heritage or Salvation issues?”
I don’t know. I don’t try to force my views on others. Instead of telling people what I think, I pose questions that make them think, like “I just don’t understand how all the races in the world could have come from Noah and his wife who were of the same race in such a short amount of time. Any ideas?”
Or “Why did Paul write his epistles only to white nations and not to any other races if the Gospel was to go to everyone?”
Or “Christ said he came only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, so why doesn’t Paul ever mention that fact? Or does he in another way when he talks about “gentiles”?”
Or “I just don’t understand who Cain could have married, and who those people were who helped him build all those cities. Where did they come from?”
In other words, just keep asking questions but fight the urge to tell them your answers.
Kelly ……..
Thanks. Reading back, I guess I wasn’t looking for specific answers. Just posing “questions”.
I agree with your philosophy/strategy. Asking Questions is a great way to evangelize. We can only plant seeds. But we also have an obligation at some point to “mark and avoid” — Romans 16:17.
I think my question was more about getting someone else’s understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit. I suppose it is a rhetorical question.
For me personally ………………….. I just don’t see how someone can have the Holy Spirit and be still sitting in a dead church and not be uncomfortable.
I was a hard-core Zionist when I was an Evangelical. As I was beginning to question my faith, I remember reading something where the holocaust was called into question. I remember having an objection feeling, BUT …… I was very curious as to why someone would say such a thing. So, I began to study what was being said.
I believe this is how the HS works. I was offended, but not offended enough to “test that Spirit”. This was the work of the Holy Spirit.
A few months later I was convinced the holocaust did not happen. Then 9-11 made sense. And the rest is History.
If the jew’s aren’t Israel, who is. This is how I found my Identity.
Thanks for the dialogue.
Jews promote race mixing among whites because they want whites to be just like them, confused, and hate anything pure. Sadly, whites don’t even value their own race and how unique it really is.
And most Christians insist that race is irrelevant to their faith.
If that’s the case, why don’t you go to a black church instead of your white one? What difference could it possibly make?
Go ahead, show your fellow Christians that race doesn’t matter to you….
Just as “pure” as that yellow snow Zappa talks about….
Bout time for the hundredth “GOY”…..to get it…
incidentally back in the Year of our Lord 2000 got to go to Global Sciences
in Denver, Had Dinner with Arizona Wilder and a Scientist from England who confided
in me that there were over 2 million “mind controlled” robots….on the shelf.
Think ….Telefon & Manchurian Candidate…and Long Kiss Goodnight.
Anyone who watches t.v. is a “mind controlled robot”
let’s look at Zephaniah 3:9 –
For then will I turn to the people (ISRAELITE) a pure language,
that they may all call upon the name of the Almighty, to serve him with one consent.
Which leaves out all so-called {{{{JEWS}}}} ! THAT ARE NOT THERE…in the TEXT,
serving the “ADVERSARY”…..the FATHER OF LIES…and MURDERERS !!!
You mean that Yiddish isn’t a pure language?
Like the Jews themselves, Yiddish is a patois, a bastardized language called “cant” or “jargon or language of a group, often employed to exclude or mislead people outside the group.”
“Rabbi” Natasha Mann — “the first openly queer rabbi in a traditional Jewish denomination in Europe.
The opening sentence shows the “gender confusion” Jews are known to inject into society.
A female Rabbi, and her last name is Mann? Of course I’m being sarcastic here; but then again, with the Jews we can’t be sure.
My understanding of the article is once again we have some kike stealing the identity of the true Israelites; the Caucasian people.
They never stop.
Jews create gender confusion by first confusing the language with idiotic questions like “what is a woman?” or “why can’t men menstruate?”
Jews create “ambiguity” in everything they see, as if “ambiguity” is some sort of virtue or sign of intelligence. The Talmud is all about ambiguity and confusion.
Somehow the jews have jewed themselves. Is it deliberate so that (((they))) can say “No goy, that’s a canard: Jews don’t control (((feminism))), see, we too have the 300# lesbian landwhales running our religion!” ??
Judaism is not a real religion because all Jews worship themselves not God, and they have attempted to usurp the power of God to control the world and all its wealth. God to them is merely a reflection of themselves.
It doesn’t matter if a Jew never steps foot in a synagogue….they are still a Jew, and the “religious” Jews who say these secular Jews “aren’t real Jews” is just another shell game that all Jews play to deflect criticism of the tight-knit Jewish mafia in general.
An atheist, communist Jew is a practicing Jew in that Judaism is socialism, according to Rabbi Stephen Wise.
Jews believe that they are “healing the world” by destroying Christianity and enforcing their death cult upon the rest of us. We are too stupid to know what’s best for us, in their minds.
And when they get away with all their crimes against humanity, they confirm in their own minds that we deserve what we get.