The official explanation of why Spiro Agnew was forced to resign as Vice President has always been because of corruption charges while he was governor of Maryland, but a letter has emerged in which he claims he was “framed” by Zionists who correctly believed that he wasn’t pro-Israel enough:
The late US Vice President Spiro Agnew requested money in 1980 from Saudi Arabia to “continue to fight” against American Zionists.
Agnew, who served for three years under Richard Nixon before resigning in 1973 in a corruption scandal from his time as the governor of Maryland in the 1960s, wrote to Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, then crown prince of Saudi Arabia, saying “I need desperately your financial support,” MSNBC reported Thursday.
“You highness is already familiar with the unrelenting Zionist efforts to destroy me,” Agnew wrote, adding that Elliot Richardson, who was attorney general when Agnew was vice president, “attacked” him because Agnew “could not be trusted to act properly in the Middle East.”
The reason, he also wrote, “was that the Zionists in the United States knew that I would never agree to the continuance of the unfair and disastrous favoring of Israel and they had to get me out of office there so that I would not succeed Nixon.”
Since 1974, “The Zionists have orchestrated a well-organized attack on me” through lawsuits, Agnew said, “to bleed me of my resources to continue my effort to inform the American people of their control of the media and other influential sectors of American society.”
Agnew, who died in 1996, resigned amid revelations that he had engaged in corruption while governor and did not contest his conviction. But in his letter to the prince, he said the Zionists “framed” him.
He spoke out frequently about what he called the “Zionist influences in the US.”
The jewish hatred of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew is well known in the back alleys of Washington, D.C. politics. Nixon was driven out of office not because he lied about the Watergate break in — that’s the jewish Hollywood version of Nixon. In reality, Nixon’s undoing began when he opposed the Jews, especially when it came to a peace settlement involving Israel and the Palestinians. He didn’t trust his jewish Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, so he secretly went around him and tried to broker a peace deal using the Saudis as a back door channel.
That fact alone accounts for why Spiro Agnew would have felt he could appeal to the Saudis to help him in his fight against the jewish Zionists who orchestrated his downfall. Of course, what neither Nixon nor Agnew realized was that the House of Saud were cryto-Jews who were — and continue to be to this day — ardent Zionists behind the scenes. The very fact that Agnew’s letter to the Saudis is now in the hands of the jewish press for the purposes of discrediting him, suggests an understanding between them.
I’m late. But for whomever needs this information, here it is!!!–President-Nixon—Most-Jews-Are-Disloyal—-You-Can-t-Trust-The-Bastards-
It is amazing the secrets behind the scenes. Turkey , it was revealed has been dominated by the Jews since the end of WW1. And Turkey is in the news from time to time. Another , is that the Saudi Arabian ruling family is a ” tribal ” Jewish family installed, I believe by the British in the 1920’s or 1930’s. How those robes and shawls make the Jews look like Arabs instead of Jews.
This is just another example of what chameleons the Jews are. They live in every civilization, enjoy every culture, take over control , and live among the ruling elite of every class of life , such as medicine, academics, history, philanthropy, Military, Government, and other fields even and especially religion because the Jews claim that they gave the Christian world our religion. I even remember how in the WW11 war movies, the Jews would portray how they could impersonate and imitate the Germans and fool them so that the Germans would be betrayed.
Of course, most of our television shows, nighty talk shows, comedies , news, and other programs are dominated by Jewish actors. Others may see Hogan’s Hero’s as a WW11 sort of light hearted view of war to take away its horrors, and Mash , of the Viet Nam war , a sort of fun way to illustrate the tragedy of war and make it seem that in spite of all the suffering, the people were human and could get thru it. I see them as mockery’s of our wars, because we fought on the side of the Soviet Union , controlled by Jews , against Germany a Christian country, and the Viet Nam War fought on a lie to get us involved just as we did against Iraq. The Jews would not tolerate Christians making a mockery of their history. I remember the French soldiers begging for military aid, not personnel , to resist the Communists in Viet Nam and then after the French were defeated , we got involved as usual on a lie and deception. We can see now that the war was fought deliberately to do exactly as came out: reunite the country. The French were no sissies.
The war in Iraq has to keep going as well in the Middle East because the Jews still want and are trying to provoke war with Iran. No one cares to talk about our National Debt, but our politicians keep talk of adding to it like drawing water from an ever flowing stream with no consequences. I saw an article kind of hinting what will we do when it comes due.? We are slaves to the bankers , just as one of your books tells. I believe that the economy was kept going because of Donald Trump’s personality and arrogance, but Joe Biden is different. Donald Trump may have really saw himself as some sort of person to change our government , from a citizen point of view, but Joe Biden is a 40 year politician who wants the glory and fulfillment of his career of the ultimate achievement, the Presidency of the United States and supposedly leader of the free world and of the “most powerful country in the world, ” so any inabilities in the present or future to perform the job : he doesn’t care: he wants his name where it will be remembered: as President. I read many things over the years, but trying to get through life, it was just like the daily news.
I remember reading in Popular Mechanics and Popular Science of mass sufferings from poisonings of our water supplies, mass virus’s. A Baptist minister whose book I don’t have any more, tells of the Jews prostituting their women for money when they were coming here in mass during the 1920’s and 30’s. Of sexual experiments in South America with humans and animals. Is that a fanciful lie ? We have cloning.
I don’t know where he got his information and can’t find a source, but John Torrell claims that Jewish blood is different than other blood. Saudi Arabia does not have a good reputation. Even Aleister Crowley , in one of his books tells that on a ship he was traveling on he saw a group of women whom he felt were bound for the harems of Middle East Maybe Saudi Arabia is an example of why we read so much of women in harems. During ancient or Roman times White Christians were favored as slaves. The Blacks weren’t the only slaves in history. White’s were also. But like anti semitism is to the Jews ,their shame tactic to stop criticism of them, so is racism to the Blacks.
“Of course, what neither Nixon nor Agnew realized was that the House of Saud were cryto-Jews who were — and continue to be to this day — ardent Zionists behind the scenes. ”
That is exactly what I was going to say after reading the first paragraph.
Recent documents translated from Turkish intelligence reveal that the Turks believed the Saudis were Jewish. Even today the modern Turks complain about Sabbatean Jews infiltrating Turkey.
Agnew should have realized this. The Muslim leadership is in Jewish pockets, even Iran is compromised. The place to go is the low and mid level Islamic religious leaders who do not have official sponsorship.
I never understood why Nixon airlifted military supplies to Israel during the 1973 War. The outcome would have been a lot different if he hadn’t. Either he was afraid of Israel using its nuclear weapons or he was told/forced to do so. I believe this was after his remarks to Billy Graham were recorded.
I highly recommend that people listen to some of the Nixon tapes for themselves. After listening to some of them, I changed my opinion of Nixon. He was actually a very decent, intelligent man who loved this country, and he knew damn well (((who))) his enemies were–and (((who))) was trying to destroy the country. No doubt that’s something he and Agnew had in common.
Agreed, especially like the one where Nixon is speaking to Billy Graham, and they agree that the jews run all major media and need to be dealt with…
Yes, if Nixon had told the American public what he told Billy Graham about the Jews, America would be a very different place today. The jewish press hated Richard Nixon more than any man in the 20th Century except for Hitler, which means Nixon was on our side. Even if Nixon had gone public about the Jews, how bad could it have gotten for him? Driven out of office? If he was going to leave office, he should have taken a few Jews politically out with him and changed America for the better.
The jews are definitely playing with fire. Producing such propaganda is definitely a double edged sword. While it is obvious that they are trying to smear Mr. Agnew, they are only preaching to their choir. Their audience is already propagandized. All this will do is further cement the truths and shed light on ‘conspiracies’ that ‘anti-semitic’ websites such as this are trying to disseminate to the world.
It was a reference to a previous name for the site.