On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:
Before the vote, Mayor Craig Kavanaugh said, “We as leaders of the city of Murdock want people to know that we condemn racism in all forms,” reported the Star-Tribune.
Don Wilcox, an attorney for the city, said, “There are certain constitutional protections that apply to religions. I haven’t seen any evidence sufficient to overcome the presumption that they are a religion, whether you agree with it or not.”
“There’s not a compelling interest in keeping that building from being used for meetings,” said Wilcox. “Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean they can’t do it.”
The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group.
According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”
“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged.”
“The AFA supports the efforts of all cultural and biological groups to maintain their identity and opposes the cultural marxists who would reduce all of humanity to an indistinguishable gray mass,” states the religious group.
The First Amendment to the Constitution states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock.
“The Asatru Folk Assembly is identified as a Neo-völkisch hate group, which means they have the same ideation as Nazis,” states Ampora on the petition. “The group bought the once Lutheran church back in June 2020 and was just now okayed to occupy the church. The group wants to create an all white church; I shouldn’t have to explain why that’s bad.”
“This will only serve as a place for extremists to gather and plan harm. It has nothing to do with Christianity,” said petition-signer (((Marna Cahn))).
“We cannot let central Minnesota be known as a hateful area. This goes against all of our individual and state values. How disgraceful,” said petition-signer and Minnesota resident Ellie Inkster.
Had the town voted against the establishment of this “church”, no doubt this Asatru group would have immediately sued the town and won — a complete waste of the taxpayers money.
And note how one of the people who objected to this “all white” church believes that it’s self-evident why it’s “bad” — a typical tactic of the radical Left, presuming their “morality” needs no explanation.
But if an all-Black religious group wanted to start a ‘church’ in town that was based on traditional African “spiritual” traditions, these same dissenters would enthusiastically support it — and would claim that it is “self-evident” why that such a group is “good” for the town.
And contrary to what this “Marna Cahn” alleges, this Asatru group’s beliefs have something in common with Christianity — real Christianity — as it was originally practiced in the centuries — and that is why so many of our pagan European ancestors so readily embraced Christianity when they were first introduced to it — before it was polluted with universalism.
Liberals usually embrace all forms of paganism — except, apparently, when the pagans happen to be White and want to stay that way.
And any Whites who want to stay that way secretly “plan harm” of everyone around them — especially Jews — for no reason whatsoever.
( KJ ) Joshua 1: 8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
( KJ ) John 7: 49 But this people who knoweth not the law are cursed
Name. In law a man has only one Christian name. ( Black’s Law Dictionary !st Edition )
Christian Name. The baptismal name as distinct from the surname. ( Stratton v. Foster, 11 Me. 467)
Christian Name. The name given at the font, distinct from the Gentilitious name, or surname.
(Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary 1755)
Surname. An appellation added to the original name. ( Samuel Johnson’s 1755 Dictionary )
Surname…over and above the Christian name… ( Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary )
Maxim of Law: The Law of like kind. Unequal things ought not to be joined.
June 25, 2014 Pope Francis’ address. ” The first name is “Christian”, the last name is ” belonging to the Church”.
Legal Name. The name officially given and recorded on one’s birth certificate. A legally recognized name. ( Black’s 2nd )
Legal. The undoing of God’s Law. ( 1893 Encyclopedia Britannica, Arts and Sciences )
Natural Person. Any human being who as such is a legal entity. ( Radin’s Law Dictionary 1955 )
Man is a term of nature; person of civil law. ( Black’s 2nd )
( KJ ) James 2: 9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
( KJ ) 1 Peter 1: 17, 18 And if ye call on the Father, who without of persons judgeth according to every man’s work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear: Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers…
Human Being. Natural man: unenlightened or unregenerate. ( Random House Dictionary of the English Language, 2nd Edition )
( KJ ) 1 Corinthians 2: 14, 15 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
Religious men are civilly dead. ( Black’s 4th )
( KJ ) Revelation 3:1 …I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.
( KJ ) Mark 12: 26, 27 He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.
( KJ ) Isaiah 43:1 But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not, for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name, thou art mine.
( KJ ) Isaiah 45:4 For Jacob my servant’s sake, and Israel mine elect, I have called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.
( KJ ) Job 32: 21,22 Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away.
Flattering titles in Hebrew is Kanah= …surname ( Strong’s H3655 )
( KJ ) Isaiah 33: 22 For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.
( KJ ) John 3: 3 … Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
( KJ ) Matthew 22: 21 …Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.
I Dunno
This is the Corporate Identity, using ALL CAPS. Look at your birth certificate, driver license, credit cards, passport, and so on. The United States is the actual government- the UNITED STATES is a corporation, and is deliberately confused with the United States! Those CAPS means you are owned by the UNITED STATES corporation! I presume that Admiralty courts are part of this corporate system.
The CAPS on your birth certificate mean that you are a CORPORATION.
Rudolph Buhrmann
All people that recognize that they are born of the Creator and hence are 100% beholdened to Him alone and not by the will of the STATE and that the registration at birth as an asset of the STATE (against which STATE loans are raised) should withdraw consent to the birth registration. It is a very valid withdrawal of consent because no parent has as yet been informed on the implications of birth registration as a citizen (= tax entity) and without full disclosure the imposed contract is fraudulent and thus voidable if you desire to support real justice. With all states being registered corporations, corporate and maritime law applies witch requires that every contract be by mutual consent.
Can a rational free man consent to theft, extortion,usury, fraud and coercion in a body that acts as government but in reality does NOTHING to the benefit of mankind???
3D Printers!
Won’t last long even though schools can be jewish only. Even though schools can have black only dorms. Of course Baylor University is a Christian, Babtists school but way less than half I saw there were neither. However, in New York, there are plenty of a pure, all jewish schools with no Christians and they are all of the same denomination. Ever heard of an interest free Hebrew loan? How about usury? America is in big trouble.
Deon de klerk
You guys are fortunite to even be able to make a request for a whites only church. Here in South Afrika I would be arested for such a claim.
Laws stop whites in many Western nations from organizing to save their race. In America, it’s simply the fear of being called ‘racist’ that stops us.
Even if prison were the risk for being pro-white, so what? it’s an insult to our ancestors to let fear stop us as they were willing to risk everything from prison to death to fight for our people.
It’s not as if our enemies are going to ‘see the light’ or eventually give us permission. We’re going to have to just force our way and force our views onto them as they did to us. Whites need to stop being “nice” and “fair” with these predators.
George Schindler
The AFA has a sizable membership in SA. Look up http://www.runestone.org
Sandra Kennelworth
Once any org takes fed money (501c3) for their church, group, school, it MUST BY LAW implement govt programs that promote Non-Christian values. It also gets rid of good people in those churches which makes it easier for that church/group, whatever to turn that org/church/whatever into a new, sanitized black market node on a nation/world wide network run by secret society members in the govts of all countries involved.
I’m replying to Ex Nihilo below because it’s getting a bit short on space on that particular thread.
“Either way it is off topic and irrelevant to whether white people should be able to have a religion of their own.”
My comment is exceptionally relevant to whether people should be able to have a religion of their own.
Under common law/God’s law/universal law/law of the land there is absolutely NOTHING, whatsoever to stop anyone from deciding whom to like, dislike, love, hate, employ, dismiss, associate with, disassociate with, converse with or ignore.
Do you understand this? It means that under common law society, this would not be a story, because if white people want to set up a church solely for white people they have that under common law.
The US has changed from a constitutional republic into a democracy and under this democracy, the judiciary created even more legislation to control people’s lives with. However, all of the legislation ONLY has authority over those who consent to being under it. Legislation is CONTRACT LAW (Admiralty law/law of the sea) and it is through the state’s control of the Legal Fiction Birth Certificate that allows them to do this. The Common Law Birth Certificate (CLBC) takes back the legal fiction, from under the control of the state!
Look at the society you now live in, whether in the US, or anywhere else in Europe? The Jew knew, overwhelmingly that it had absolutely no control over people while that society was under common law jurisdiction, so it set about fusing the law of the sea with the law of the land. Now think about this? As stated in my previous reply, a CRIME is only a crime if a party has been injured through theft, assault and murder. So calling someone a name is not a crime. Taking drugs is not a crime. Not employing a black man/woman is not a crime. Choosing to have a church only for white people is not a crime….do you see where I’m going with this?
People, because they are ignorant, all willfully I might add, fail to see that they are being duped into a contract, in order to be taken to a place of business, known as a court de facto and tried under their rules, that will inevitably lead to them being fined and/or incarcerated.
More so, also as stated in a previous reply, these people also fail to see that the contracts, they’re being roped into, are in fact invalid, because all elements of the contract have not been met, overwhelmingly that they have not been told they’re actually creating a contract in the first place!
If people actually educated themselves and woke up to understanding how they’re being duped into making contracts, continually, this society would not be in the mess it’s in.
For example, this current COVID nonsense would not exist. The government has NO power, whatsoever to lock down society. The police have no power to enforce that authority whatsoever.
The government has NO authority to cancel Christmas and stop people from meeting with one another. It has no authority to close down bars, restaurants, night clubs etc.
The only reason it has is because people have CONCEDED to being under that authority and thus accepted the contract to be under their jurisdiction.
If there were any people out there with common sense, say bar owners, they’d open up their bars, right now. The minute any police came to their door they’d tell them that the bar is under common law jurisdiction and they have NO authority here, whatsoever, unless a crime has been committed and are all, banned from entry. Their names and badge numbers should be taken and they would be informed that they are committing a common law breach of the peace. Let them know that if they enter the premises they are committing common law trespass. If they arrest anyone inside, who has not committed a crime (theft, assault, murder) they would also have committed common law assault, common law kidnap and common law false imprisonment.
Under a common law court – simply one where a member of the public is tried, by a judge (does not have to belong to any BAR) and overseen by 12 in a jury, they would undoubtedly be found guilty of all aforementioned crimes and certainly put in jail.
And yes, the same goes to FOR HAVING A WHITE ONLY CHURCH!!!!
People are not thinking straight. The government and thus the police and all those who work for them have NO authority over the people – PERIOD!
The government is an institution to act out the will of the people, NOT the will of the politicians. Politicians now truly believe that they have divine rule of the kings and queens of old. They don’t.
The problem in the US, the UK and all over Europe is one thing – bankers controlling governments, using their judiciary to impose law of the sea to those on the land and overwhelmingly find them guilty of whatever they see fit. And this is all brought about by deceit, in politics, academia, the msm, the judiciary and the police. It’s a MASSIVE corruption that needs to be stopped and the only way that people are going to do this IS by firstly stopping the enforcers from enforcing (arresting all police and incarcerating them, pending trial for the many crimes they’ve committed while working for the state), secondly arresting all members of the BAR (judges & attorneys and doing the same to them as with the police), thirdly all politicians, fourthly all members of academia (professors/teachers) who promoted this corruption and fifthly all msm journalists for their gross deceit!
This post has EVERYTHING to do with what’s going on because people are utterly oblivious to understand that GOD’s LAW (Common Law) is no longer in control here and that’s why society is in the utter mess it’s in.
Just curious —- Have you ever come across a man who goes by “Eric WhoRU”?
He had a program on RBN maybe a decade ago.
His story is very interesting and corresponds to all that you say. Although not from a Biblical world view. But the same idea — Sovereignty.
I haven’t unfortunately. The two men who got me into this, were Robert Menard (Canadian free man) and the late John Harris of the The People’s United Community (TPUC) and that was around 10 years ago now. Both brilliant people. Sadly, John Harris died young and really opened up a can of worms for the establishment. His last video he denounced everything he’d been teaching, because he said that many people tried to use it to get away from committing crime, but John failed to realize that he awoke thousands of people, not only to the scam of the system but made many actually start to think critically, for the first time in their lives.
Rob Menard stated the following which really woke me up. He asked three simple questions (paraphrasing):
1. Does a person, have authority over you if you do not allow it so?
2. Does a group, have authority over you if you do not allow it so?
3. Does a person/group have authority over you, given to them by another person/group without you not allowing it so?
Of course, the answer was no to all three. What Rob promoted, right there was how the individual, the state/government and the state’s police force operate.
No one has any authority over you unless you give it and that also includes common law. How society operates is simply through a gang system and nothing more. If some individual has a problem with another individual, that’s between them and them alone. It has nothing to do with a third party whatsoever. It’s all about who’s got the most men to enforce whatever they wish to enforce upon that society. It’s nothing more than thug mentality with armed henchmen. The west, is no different to any African nation, with a tinpot dictator. The only difference, of course, is we dress our henchmen up in uniforms and hide behind a law system, that all people must obey, regardless.
There are many websites and people attacking sovereign citizens, saying what they’re teaching is rubbish. It isn’t. They know this, but they know that should the sovereign citizen influence enough people, their reign, as solicitors/attorneys/lawyers/judges will come crashing to a halt. The whole law system will go in the bin and they’ll be out of a job for good. Any argument that they give as to why the law system is how society is, you simply ask them the three questions above, as stated by Rob Menard. No one and I repeat NO ONE has any authority over another, without their given consent. To take authority, over another, without their consent is tyranny and sadly, this has been the west for a very long time, in fact since the rule of Kings, has this been the case, those men who thought they were given divine right to rule, by God, when they most certainly never did. And then, just like today it was the same – a man ruling over all with a gang of henchmen to enforce his authority.
I am remembering when Trump had so-called Covid and he was ‘supposedly’ in a hospital. But when he came on live to make a speech from Walter Reed Medical Center…he indeed was speaking from a Navy ship.
That’s when I was educated on the US flag with gold fringe (via comments from a different video) notating maritime or Admiralty Law in which you have mentioned. Trump was indeed lying big time and to the ones aware, was demonstrating this law that’s behind the Covid scam (which he backs 100%). Now I see the connections. This same law/flag is also in a court room. I don’t know but it would not surprise me if it is now in hospitals, police departments etc. Including a video just found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exAuNXzn3fw Maritime Admiralty Law – your red pill
You’ll find this flag everywhere because they have enforced maritime law upon the public, who are so stupid, courtesy of willful ignorance, they don’t even know the difference between it and common law!
People ‘willingly’ stand when asked, in a court room, thus accepting an authority in the court. People then ‘willingly’ move from where they’re sitting (on the land), through the small gate (bar) and into the dock (sea). They have decided, there and then to move from common law jurisdiction to admiralty law jurisdiction.
Exactly! Well put! And I couldn’t agree more. Very interesting, thanks.
What really opened my eyes was when I read the book of Judges. It really hammered home to me that God ruled and was meant to rule, not men over men. King Jesus wrote the law in our hearts: we KNOW what is right and wrong… some call it concience, a gut feeling, a hunch, etc.
The last verse of Judges really stood out for me: In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
No wonder God was angry when the our ancestors wanted a king over them! Being led is for other “peoples”, not for God’s children!
I AM NOT PROMOTING ANARCHY, just to be clear 🙂
Interestingly enough:
“The last verse of Judges really stood out for me: In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”
This is anarchy.
“What” you say? Yes, every man did what was right in his own eyes and there was no king. The definition of anarchy is ‘without rule or rulers’.
Those people, pushing all the buttons, the Jews, are living in anarchy. They are above the law and they are not ruled by anyone. However they are tyrants, because they impose rules and rulers to those they see below them (99% of the population). So they are not, in fact, anarchists.
Can people live in peace, within an anarchy? Of course they can. They can live as they did in Israel, worshiping their God and abiding by the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments are common sense. They are there to preserve the individual and the nation. They are a self, preservation society. If you steal you bring harm to yourself. If you covet the same. If you murder the same and so on.
Hollywood promotes anarchy as what we see in harrowing movies like ‘The Road’ with Viggo Mortensen based on the book by Cormac McCarthy. We see murder, we see enslavement, we see cannibalism. It’s there for one reason and one reason only – to scare the public into always voting for government and democracy. In other words they dupe the people, with lies, so that the bankers remain in power, controlling everyone through debt.
Think about this for a minute? Under an anarchy would:
1. Jews rule?
2. Paedophiles molest children?
3. Bankers control society through debt?
4. Governments arrest millions of people and steal from them through fines, community service and custodial sentences?
5. Governments wage wars on foreign lands, murdering the indigenous, creating millions of refugees, who’d travel en masse to the west, thus bringing about civil war?
6. Governments enforce lockdowns, through the creation of fake pandemics?
7. Governments bring in mandatory vaccinations?
8. Governments bring in holocaust teaching in schools?
9. There be any government?
10. There be any police force?
11. There be any armed forces?
No, in an anarchy there would be you, armed protecting yourself, no different to how it used to be, before men seized power, called themselves kings and taxed the population so they could have a better lifestyle, while everyone around them worked and they lived off of the fruits of their labour. And then those kings created bigger armed forces, through forced conscript, to protect their reign even more. And then those kings created ‘laws’ that everyone should live by, in order to further bring about their own safety and steal from the people.
There is one ruler – God.
There are only one set of rules – 10 commandments.
You do not need a government, an armed force/police force to enforce them. Bottom line – democracies bring about corruption and allow the corrupt to rule. Anarchy doesn’t. “But someone will just set themselves up as king, that is he who has the most weapons”. Well, that’s I suppose how the kings came into being, so essentially it’s a constant, revolving wheel. It’s really about men educating themselves and realizing that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The trick is to spot the would be despot before they gather enough men to seize power. If you don’t, well, you get to where we are today.
Thanks for your reply, Mark. Sorry, I knew I should have been more clear (sometimes I am a bit vague when I don’t mean to be as my brain works faster than my gob, and especially faster than my fingers haha). What is on my mind, doesn’t necessarily mean it translates well for others when I try to express myself. Sorry if their was a mix up. 🙂
I agree once again with everything you wrote.
What I meant by that I am not “PROMOTING ANARCHY” was the “drive on the footpath, destroy and burn, do whatever you wana do, man” garden variety of anarchy that is so beloved of punks and drugged out hippys; which obviously all gets taken care of through God’s Laws like you said.
The time of the Judges was indeed anarchy. I recall reading about the Christian Anarchists some time ago… the church crushed them… but they wanted to just do as they pleased like in the time of Judges. Sounded pretty good if ya ask me!
With more research (for myself), what is difficult for me to understand is How (?) do/can we change over to Common Law system when (they) have us registered as a legal person? If a bar or cafe would wish to comply with Common Law and open back up…how is it that their business license doesn’t get revoked (and etc with all of the places you listed).
I guess in essence, the fear of their iron fist will happen anyway (?). Forgive me, this is all new to me…and yes I am the included ignorant who is none the wiser. There are only a handful of US states that recognize Common Law which is a glimpse of hope. A few more recognize Common Law marriage but not the full scope of the Law.
I was just arrested for not being able to wear a mask in a place of business I have patronized for 18 years. The fact that the police lied, caused me to have a serious physical collapse from PTSD and threatened me several times means only what you have described in precise detail. I cannot go to court because I can’t wear a mask and it will be considered ‘breaking the law’. So they offered me to send a letter to the judge and prosecutor by fax.
I have lived my life for JC 22 years and have been terrorized by complete lawless corruption by the powers that be that. God has been with me but not without the horrible ordeals. Because we can’t operate out of hypocrisy maybe He has sent you for me to take heed and learn…as this subject has been the whole of my vexed soul and remains so.
I am just trying to grasp how to start and ‘Stand’ in it. I find it interesting that the states who recognize Common Law are not shut down nor do they wear masks. They stand on the Constitution…and now I know how they are doing it. My state unfortunately is not one of them. Thank you for helping, enlightening, and speaking in a common language to understand something so foreign to me. I appreciate your patience.
Nunn B.
Which U.S. States recognized common law?
Hi Nunn B.
When I typed it in Google (list of Common Law States) they show at the top:
Rhode Island
There is a Pastor in Montana by the name of Chuck Baldwin who is a Constitutional expert. https://libertyfellowshipmt.com/ He has videos of his sermons. I now understand why he lives in MT. He never explained things though as clearly as Mark has about Common Law vs Admiralty Law. But you may find his talks about the Constitution informational. He has several books available on the topic so he may have explained this subject. He also revealed how the Sheriff (!) can make the final decision(s) on anything coming against the Constitution and trying to enforce it. So far MT is free of this tyranny.
I’m sorry to hear of your misfortune with the police. Don’t worry. I’ve had a few run ins with them.
Firstly, a business license, again, is part of contract law. You don’t need any license to run a business under common law. But then again, as stated above, it’s about the ‘gang’ mentality of the state. You open up a premises, without a license, they’ll send in the police heavy handed. Why? Well, when everyone cottons on to the fact they don’t need a license, then the state loses out on a lot of revenue and people open up businesses, left right and centre. It’s the same with a house. If you found a piece of land and started building on it, nowadays they’ll come, arrest you and your house knocked down. Again, gang mentality. They enforce the rules, they make to control you.
Here in the UK, people ‘think’ they need a license to watch TV. They don’t. But what happens is that the BBC, uses a third party company (can’t recall the name) that send out threatening letters to people telling them they need a license. The first letter is to tell you there is no license registered for that address. The second gets more threatening, until eventually you’re being told you’ll be taken to court and fined £x,000 for not having a license. And the clever part is, they’ll say in the letter: “all you need to do is register and your payments will be £x every month and this way you’ll steer clear of courts”. People fail to see that they’re being forced into a contract, because once you agree to that contract, you have to pay the money asked. You’re now bound by legal contract through your own making.
The government cannot, lawfully, force people to wear masks, nor can they lawfully close businesses, nor can they dictate how those businesses operate. The US government, from what I can see is breaking every constitutional amendment there is and is now a tyranny. This is where the second amendment now comes in and was made for. Forget about Trump and Biden election; militias should have started, open civil war by now and be attacking the government. The military SHOULD have mutinied by now, but again, they’re all heavily indoctrinated, by their Jew masters. So what you’ve described, with the situation with masks, is horrific.
I haven’t worn a mask yet and I will not.
It’s going to get worse.
Again, this is all about who has the bigger gang and the government do, through their control of the police and the armed forces.
Unlike in the rest of the west, you have the right to bear arms, legally. It’s time you honoured your 2nd amendment. It’s about time you removed your governments snouts, from the troughs of the public purse and jailed every, last one of them – including Trump. He’s no different to any other politician – they all work for the Jews.
Thank you so much for your comment Mark. Every little bit helps. I wanted to send this not only to you but to every reader here. First the level 4 lockdown in London and the war on Christmas…
Second the warmakers on Christmas in the west, in Israel…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xIbUosZXY0 HANUKIYA and CHRISTMAS TREE in Jaffa, Israel
…both dated 20 Dec 2020
Everyone should know by now who are behind this war…what they have done to churches in the US…what they have cancelled in DC and replaced with lighting a giant menorah. But look where the Christmas tree went to! And just take a look at EVERY SHOP WIDE OPEN FOR BUSINESS! EVERY ONE! EVEN TAKING SELFIES IN FRONT OF THE CHRISTMAS TREE! I couldn’t finish the video.
Third the recent gift given to the biggest mafia on earth:
On business licenses, I agree that they are awful and we are all seeing how they have been weaponized against us during covid. We can even find Jews who are against mandatory licensing, eg: Milton Friedman and Seinfeld were both adamantly against the AMA.
But how do we square licensing being terrible with the sad reality that some taxation is necessary when we live in a society? Would we have to go back to the borderline Biblical per capita tax system that the Founding Fathers imagined we might need to have when they wrote the Constitution?
It pains me that (((subversives))) have so undermined our culture, language, and understanding that the US Constitution now reads almost the opposite of what it meant when it was written.
“The government cannot, lawfully, force people to wear masks, nor can they lawfully close businesses, nor can they dictate how those businesses operate.”
Unfortunately, from what I have seen, the government does not even have to do this as big business is all too eager to “virtue signal” by mandating masks even when the government does not.
Seems to me that small businesses already are operating under common law, in the sense that they know the shutdowns are illegal and want to open up yet they cannot avoid being shut down by the boys in blue (who, the adage goes, always work for the Jew).
There was the case of the “autonomous zone” bar in Staten Island (Mac’s Public House) that sidestepped the liquor license extortion by claiming that it was no longer selling alcohol but rather was giving it away and was merely accepting donations. The boys in blue went in and physically shut it down. They’ve also arrested the owner of the bar at least twice.
At this point, I don’t see a point to funding the police. I know the “Defund the Police” clowns are just (((paid))) activists and useful idiots for the left, but also knowing that removing the police would instantly solve most all of our current problems, covid or otherwise, makes me really want to do the handshake from the movie Predator with ’em.
The police ‘service’ is no longer a service but a ‘force’. They no longer are constables of the common law but, instead, enforcers of policy (legislation) which is banker’s contract law.
I am in 100% agreement with you to defund the police. They are not needed. They are not needed at all. Without the police there would be no politicians, no local council leaders. They’d have been dealt with, properly, in common law courts. There would be no judiciary, no law of admiralty, no bankers, no professors in academia, indoctrinating our children at schools and universities. There would be no Jewish msm, no synagogues, NO JEWS!
The only way a society should be, is one where its people are armed, to protect themselves from danger, as it was in the past. Once you also remove those NOT of the nation, you will certainly almost wipe out crime altogether. No blacks in the west, means crime will drop by 75% instantly.
The police are causing today’s problems because they defend those creating them. Of course, I am totally opposed to ANTIFA and the left’s reasons to defund the police, but I agree with them in concept of getting rid of them. Those stupid idiots, the left, fail to see that the only thing stopping them from swinging from a rope, are the police, because when the police disappear, they’re toast.
I would also recommend a very good book to read, by the brilliant Kevin Annet called: ‘Common Law Community Training Manual: Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: The Common Law and Its Courts’
Orthodox Realist
So you guys are condoning Heathenry now, aren’t you?
Look how low you’ve sunk.
The Heathen “churches” shall be burnt along the Brothels.
The “Asatru Folk Assembly” shall get the rope along the ADL.
The issue here isn’t about supporting “heathen churches”. It’s about the irony that this “heathen church” might as well be identity Christian because real Christianity promotes the same values, except that real Christianity believes in the one true real God. Why bother with Asatru when you can have the real thing? There is no resurrection with Asatru, but there is with Christ.
Uh…no. No one said that; the point is that the leftist tools are aghast because this group is implicitly and overtly all WHITE. Somehow its ok to have all jew groups, all black groups, all mexican groups – your tax dollars are even going to ‘la raza’ which means ‘the race’, an overtly mexican supremacist organisation that wants to murder White people and take the western half of the country for ‘their people’ – but let someone want the freedom of association to extend to Whites and watch (((their))) heads explode. Thats the point.
That being said tho, if one understands Christianity and the Bible as a whole at all, one sees that racial segregation is at the very centre of it and that these folk arent completely wrong; their theology may be lacking as it certainly is, but they have at least one of the basic tenets of Biblical understanding correct. When given the Truth of True Christianity, these folk would most likely embrace it. And even if not, the point is still that they have every right to establish their group and associate with each other unmolested. Its none of the city council etc’s business. The hypocrisy of the left and the antiChrists is whats being pointed out here, not necessarily support for the sect.
Last year a library was being dedicated to the USS Liberty in this state Upon the modest gathering of veterans and just people ubiquitous jews descended like vultures on them crying, “hate and anti semitism.”
Where are the white, racists nazis to defend justice ? ? Where are the churchmen, congress and assemblymen? They were with the jews who own them.
Testimony of jew crimes and betrayal is hate speech, a lex non scripta, the only law. In capitol city of a state boasting its constitutional loyalty a young woman was released from job as spokeswoman by her employer, the attorney general, because she made films of propaganda for white people.
The ever present jew and their minions suppress and punish all truthful free expression and discrimination. The opulent jew that trades in people and nations cannot afford the truth. Politicians are vultures competing for the corpse called America. They defend persecuted jews and bury the law with the people, who conceived it .
Patrick White
Please God… let these churches swamp the West in the next five years. Please.
The "Goyess" knows
Cardinal Burke: Forces of the ‘Great Reset’ have used COVID to advance ‘evil agenda’
The pope’s not going to be happy with that speech, that’s for sure.
IT’S ABOUT TIME! The White community deserves to have as many “White Only” institutions/organizations as the Black community has and that’s in the hundreds; an internet search bares witness.
EVERY nationality should be able to Worship in their own setting and with people of their own Nationality – people who share common ancestry, bonds, beliefs, traditions, up-bringing, and culture. America needs these churches in every US city. If Blacks can do it, and they do, so can all colors of humanity.
ALL nationalities of people are racist; it’s a very natural, “built-in” mechanism intended to keep us with our “own kind”. ALL races need to be able to express their beliefs within the atmosphere of their original ethnic background; as it should be at home and at church. Common beliefs are best served in common company.
May God be with Mayor Craig Kavanaugh and the people of Murdock, Minnesota. And to The Church of Asatru, where Ethnic European Folk can Worship their Divine Creator, “THANK YOU FOR STANDING” – in these times of freaks, villainy, and the on-going slaughter of goodness, it is the only option.
Jews aren’t white.
I agree that Jews aren’t White.
Though I instinctively disagree with this link’s assertion that the Jews are living Neanderthals, that an ancient Neanderthal looks much like a modern Jew looks because the Neanderthal did not interbreed.
The first issue with this assertion is that modern science™ tells us that every race but the blacks/abos interbred with Neanderthals. Younger generations might recall the blacks in their school days crowing after being taught that Whites had “caveman DNA”. So at some point the Neanderthals interbred.
The second issue is that the article contends that Jews do not interbreed, and we know that is false as the Jews interbreed with da goyim at every opportunity in order to pass themselves off in our society. Odds are you know of Jew-“Gentile” marriages in your social circles, and we all can see high-profile examples of this, such as the DC federal judge (((Amy Barrett Jackson))), who threw Roger Stone into prison on bogus charges, married a black man and spawned a son who looks like a black version of Ben Shapiro.
These dovetail into the third issue, the article’s assertion that today’s Jews view themselves as the “chosen people” due to their Neanderthal genes giving them a “genetically determined ‘us against them’ mentality.”
Similarly, the article connects the Jew to the Neanderthal by contending that Jews are smart and Neanderthals are smart. The problem there is that we know Jews are not smart, that the myth of “Jewish genius” is just Jewish propaganda, and this article writer may have been misled by it in order to draw the wrong conclusion.
In general, the secular approach of this article seems to put it on an unstable foundation. Perhaps it could be used to “JQ” secular people who would instantly ignore any case argued from the Bible, but is that a good idea?
Constitutional right to freedom of association–we can hang out with whomever we please. How hard is that to understand? And why would you want to be a member of a club that doesn’t want you as a member?
I find it very interesting that the legal scene tends to fall back to “Well, the First Amendment does not apply to anything but Congress, read the text!” whenever we try to use it for our side.
I still do not quite understand how the legal scene can say that the Second and Fourth (etc) Amendments only apply to the Federal Government, when the fact that the First Amendment specifically says that it only applies to Congress indicates that if it did not have that unique phrasing then it would apply to all local and state governments too.
Though I have seen that ostensibly allied groups, like the gun lobby, help maintain this seemingly-obvious fiction by claiming that the Second Amendment only applies in states that have copy-pasted the Second Amendment into their State Constitutions verbatim.
The "Goyess" knows
The indigenous English are Iceni of Queen Boudicca’s tribe. They are Not German Saxons or Norse).
She was a awesome force, she and her army defeated the Roman Ninth Legion & obliterated their capital which was Colchester she totalled London and other Roman held towns. She’s a role model for English white people. I think there are a few Boudicca’s rising in England.
Her people didn’t die out, they just dispersed after the invaders caught up with her, raped her underaged daughters in front of her and took the country by force. That’s what happens when you give the enemy an inch.
With the eternal enemy, Jews, you give them an inch and they steal your entire country/World.
2 guys have discovered Hieroglyphs can be translated using old Welsh, proving that the people inhabiting Wales must have travelled long before Christopher Columbus and co .
So much of England’s history has been rewritten or hidden since the evil Jews were dumped on the country from Germany. More unwanted now than ever before. Queen Victoria was an evil old perverted Jew too. Her husband was gay but she was besotted by him. That marriage insulting freakery is still rife today. Tony & Cherie Blair are good examples of it & of the immense evil of the Jew
I’m very skeptical of the Boudica tales as they are used to advance feminism and we know from both experience and the Bible (echoed by Karl Marx) that feminism destroys civilization and that women leaders are disasters.
Other phony feminist icons have been outed even by the left, like supposed “first computer programmer” Ada Lovelace.
Why are the Romans so vilified? As the Jews themselves conceded (and Monty Python referenced; Shabbat 33a-b), the Romans brought civilization wherever they went. Which, on a side note, if Israelites from Troy, and other places of pre-Roman, high civilization are the ancestors of the Britons, then why were the Britons so far behind the Romans?
Jews heavily promote the myth of the “strong woman” or the “woman warrior”. Why? When you plant these ideas in the minds of impressionable young girls, they don’t want to grow up and be good wives and mothers who are essential to a strong, healthy White society.
If they can convince young girls to be astronauts and CEOs, they will delay motherhood indefinitely for the sake of their “dreams”, and if they do finally become mothers in their late 30s, they will do it begrudgingly and not become a necessarily deeply involved parent–balancing career and family. This type of woman will allow Jewish television programming to do the parenting instead, which will repeat this cycle of destruction of the family.
I agree with your skepticism of the Boudica tales. But it is entirely possible for one White/Aryan group to be “so far behind another” because geography affects population density, agriculture, and ease of trade (flow of technology) with outside populations. The Germans were indisputably the modern cradle of White civilization in the 19th century, yet when the Aryan founders and ruling class of Ancient Rome were at their zenith, the Aryan Germans were forest dwellers. Similarly, the Aryan stock of Appalachia (think “hillbillies”) live differently than their racial kin in Boston or Washington D.C. I am not saying that the Ancient Britons were or weren’t Aryans, merely that the fact they were living in what was then a backwater of the Ancient world should be considered.
On that, aren’t our Appalachian brethren largely of Irish/Scottish stock?
On a now-defunct right-leaning site (RIP), I was linked a post where a salty Brit contended that the Irish were hopelessly backward until the Brits went over there and not only gentrified the land but vastly improved the gene pool. As a result, his view of the Irish rebelling perpetually (and petulently) at the Brits was akin to antebellum Southerners viewing Nat Turner and Frederick Douglass.
While that contention is not without merit, it was not made with any consideration to the theory that I’ve seen here about the Irish being the Israelite sons of Troy, like the British. Could it be that the Brits were so much more advanced because the Romans set up shop there but basically ignored Hibernia/Ireland?
I’m puzzled how the British Isles could be populated by the people of Troy, yet take millennia to advance back to the level of technology of Troy. Of course, even the Greeks lost all that technology even though they were right there in the thick of the “OG” Isrealite civilizations.
What is the Biblical & Isrealite based explanation for the Mycenean Dark Age that preceded the rise of what we recognize of Ancient Greece?
Well, teh Britons werent actually behind the Romans; Roman senators routinely sent their offspring to be educated in Ireland and England. The Britons invented and led the world in several arts and technologies. Just like the columbus myth, the ‘backwardness’ of the Isles has been promoted with an agenda.
Remember too that teh original / core of Rome was also of Israelite origin…
Whomever a man/woman chooses to like, dislike, love, hate, employ, dismiss, associate with, disassociate with, converse with or ignore, is entirely up to him/her. The state/government has absolutely NO business in their choice, regardless.
And people really need to understand this.
Here in the UK, we have the Race Relation Act of 1965. This is, of course, the act that the judiciary goes to, to prosecute people for racism in the UK. However, people fail to understand one thing here – it’s not a law, never was and never will be. It only has authority over the legal person, not the living person. And as people on here know, both are very different to one another.
People need to understand the law, that is common law of the land and admiralty law of the sea. You cannot be tried under law of the sea on the land and all legislation is law of admiralty that the state needs to contract with said individual, who accepts to be tried as a legal person, under their admiralty law of the sea jurisdiction.
And of course 99% of the public hasn’t a clue about this. They fail to see that the state has been binding them into illegal contracts and trying them under the law of the sea. I say ‘illegal’ contracts, because they very much are. In order for a contract to be valid, ALL four elements (agreement, capacity, consideration, and intention) MUST be adhered to and fulfilled. If even one of the elements is not honored, then the contract is invalid. And by the state, not giving full disclosure of the contract, let alone TELLING the individual that they are creating one, proves this.
The bottom line is, every single member of the judiciary and police should be hauled up, before a judge, under common law and charged for the many crimes they’ve committed while enforcing law of the sea upon the living person.
The reason why the new world order is winning is because it’s been enforcing law of the sea, upon people on the land, not to their knowledge. And dictating to a man/woman whom they can like, dislike, love, hate, employ, dismiss, associate with, disassociate with, converse with or ignore is entirely up to them and not breaking any law under common law. It is though, of course, breaking umpteen ‘legalities’ under law of admiralty/contract law.
People need to do one thing right now and that’s apply for a common law birth certificate and take back control, from the state, of the legal fiction (which incidentally is invalid from the get-go because full disclosure was not given, by the registrar of births and deaths, of just what the signing of the birth certificate, by the parents, fully implied. That is, no mention of contract was mentioned and certainly nothing about the creation of a legal person/fiction) and stop making contracts, with the authorities, under their law of the sea and subsequently losing in what is nothing more than a kangaroo court (place of business).
This is very interesting and I had no idea about it. I signed my children’s birth certificates and indeed no mention of any contract was made at the time. Thank you for explaining this, I’m sure many other people will not be aware of it either.
Think about this; a crime is only a crime when there’s an injured party. And the injured party is so because he/she’s been wronged either through having had something stolen from them, trespassing on their lands, breached their peace, assaulted them (this includes rape) and murdered them (in which case they won’t be in court). A crime, is only a crime in common law, against the living man/living person. On the contrary, under law of the sea/contract law there are hundreds of different ‘crimes’ (not crimes, illegalities), which often result in fines, community service, custodial sentence. All are essentially to do with the state trying to take as much money as they possibly can, off of the accused. And they will always, almost win, because it’s their game, their game ‘court’ and their jurisdiction (rules). Essentially being tried under their ‘law’ is going to a gun fight with a knife and the prosecution are sitting there in front of you behind a heavy machine gun.
When you go into their ‘court’ most likely a court de facto, they will ask you to stand when the judge comes in. By doing so you are accepting their jurisdiction and you are now under their rules. They will ask you to come forward at which point you will move through a closed ‘gate’ and sit/stand in a seat within an enclosed space. This is called the dock. You have just, through your own will, moved through the gate, from the land and by stepping into the dock, into the sea. You have therefore consented to being under law of the sea.
It’s all a game that people do not know how to play. Every single solicitor knows this con, but if you ask them of it, they will VEHEMENTLY deny it.
Well as in a previous post I spoke of how the dentist messed up my teeth when I was young in order to open up a gold mine, for other dentists to dig in and prosper from. His messing up my teeth kept dentists in business. It’s the same with the medical institution. It’s far more profitable to make people sick and keep treating them, than make them well. The cancer industry epitomizes this. And with the judiciary, they’d all be out of a job, because not many people are committing common law crimes, to substantiate the massive lawyer population in every country. So they created contract law and unknowing to the individual, rope them into a contract they haven’t a clue they’re in.
The whole system is utterly corrupt to the core.
However, by attaining a common law birth certificate and taking back your legal fiction, you will completely stump any judge, in a court de facto, trying to impose his contract law upon you, as he/she has NO authority over the living man/woman. By presenting your common law birth certificate, in a court de facto and telling the judge to read it, as well as telling them YOU have full control over your legal fiction, he/she will most likely state that they have no authority over the legal fiction and leave the court.
What the judiciary have done, unlawfully, to the good people of the west, really needs to be punished severely. Every member of the judiciary, even defense attorneys, are all guilty and so too are the police.
If I ever was to become president or prime minister of wherever, the first thing I’d do is create a secret police force, which would arrest, in one day, all judges, lawyers and police, employed and retired and they’d all be hauled up to a massive common law court, similar to Nuremberg. To the judiciary I would tell them: “all of you have, gone into illegal contracts with millions of people in this land throughout your careers. You have committed fraud, stolen money through fines, community service labour and incarcerated labour and in doing so, destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people who had committed no crime, whatsoever.” I would then turn to the police and say to them: “you have not upheld your oaths as peace constables, but instead acted as policy enforcers for these corrupt judiciary. You have worked hand in hand with them, to ensnare the public into illegal contracts, you never told them about and in doing so, have not only committed common law assault, but also common law kidnap and common law false imprisonment numerous times over. More so, your actions have led to the destruction of hundreds of thousands of peoples’ lives.” I would then turn to all and say: “You are all clearly guilty of gross crimes against humanity. I hereby freeze all your assets and all property in your possession. This will be divided out among all those whom you have wronged. As for your sentence, well, all of you, from today, will be incarcerated, for the rest of your lives with no chance of parole.”
This is what has to happen. The police and the judiciary are corrupt crooks and they both work with one another to defraud the public of their wealth. Life imprisonment is the only punishment for them, every single one of them employed and retired.
As this site is for followers of the doctrines of Christ, the word of God, please provide scriptures supporting applying for a common law birth certificate.
He won’t be able to reply adequately as he is likely glowing in the dark.
Or else he is posting the kind of stuff that is more likely than anything to target this site.
Either way it is off topic and irrelevant to whether white people should be able to have a religion of their own.
As for me and my house, we serve the LORD. I belong to Christ and my citizenship is in the kingdom of God.
I Dunno
Why don’t you go pee up a rope.
You are completely missing the point of my post. Yes there is nothing whatsoever, in the bible, that states we must have a birth certificate. I agree. However, there is nothing in the bible that states we must have a bank card, have a passport, have a driving license and so forth, but they exist don’t they?
Thank you for explaining this difference Mark. Can you please help me understand your analogy…
[“…If I ever was to become president or prime minister of wherever, the first thing I’d do is create a secret police force, which would arrest, in one day, all judges, lawyers and police, employed and retired and they’d all be hauled up to a massive common law court, similar to Nuremberg…”]
How is/was Nuremberg different than others?
Are you referencing The Nuremberg Trials conducted after WWII?
My only reference to the Nuremberg trials was in contrast to the large numbers of people being tried at one particular time. That is the only similarity.
Kudos Mark!
“People need to do one thing right now and that’s apply for a common law birth certificate…”
It seems you’ve done this, yourself, then? How did you do this? If this is a fundamental step to our freedom and for establishing our own sovereignty, given your experience and/or expertise, explain how one applies for or does this? Walk me through it, step by step. Be precise and straightforward in your reply. And how is our present registered birth certificate to be rescinded?
You could simply just ignore it i.e., birth certificat. Search for a man who goes by — Eric WhoRU. aka Eric Williams. He had a show on RBN. His story is a must listen. Fascinating.
In short — his birth mother dropped him off at the post office or something like that. Some family took him and raised him and never bothered to issue him a birth certificate.
He did business for himself and did not pay taxes. When the IRS hauled him into court, and the judge asked him his name ………………. well, he didn’t have one, as he was never given a birth certificate. No name — no social security # — and the government has ZERO power over such a person. Well……that is not entirely true — he did have to spend time in jail, but I guess this is the price of true Sovereignty.
check him out. changed my life.
He is/was a bit eccentric, however. Ignore his other opinions. But when it comes to understanding “Sovereignty”, he is the guy.