(Algemeiner) According to the Jewish press, an Ohio man who was seen displaying an antisemitic™ sign at a COVID-19 lockdown protest in Columbus, Ohio, in April also later allegedly ‘threatened Jews’ near Kent State University in a bizarre separate incident in early May and is still on the loose:
The Cleveland Jewish News reported that Jackie Congedo – the director of the Cincinnati Jewish Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council — spoke about the incident during a webinar on coronavirus-related antisemitism last week.
Describing a man at the Columbus protest who was carrying a sign that portrayed a religious Jew as a rat under the words “the real plague,” Congedo said, “Fast forward several weeks after this protest and law enforcement is actually investigating a subsequent incident where we know that he entered a convenience store around the anniversary of the Kent State shooting in that area wearing a black T-shirt with a Nazi symbol and swastika, black tactical pants and boots, a Nazi tattoo on the back of his head.”
“And he had a hatchet and a machete, and he was asking where he could find Jews,” Congedo said. “He told the clerk he was an Aryan Brother, for those of you who may not be familiar with the Aryan Brotherhood, which is a Nazi organization, and he said that he intended to go to Kent State to find Jews.”
The incident apparently took place on May 3.
Kent State University Hillel’s executive director, Adam Hirsh, corroborated Congedo’s account, saying that his organization had been notified and law enforcement had taken appropriate action to ensure the safety of Jewish students.
The police in the town of Stow, where the convenience store incident occurred, did not confirm the suspect’s name, but Lt. Dennis Garren of the Canton Police Department said that it was Matthew Slatzer, 36, of Canton.
“I work very closely with our local synagogue, and we’re very aware of the threat that Mr. Slatzer poses to the Jewish community, and are in constant communication with the synagogue about the safety and security of their congregation,” Slatzer said.
State Representative Casey Weinstein said of the incident, “When you see people take that next step of making threats and action toward violence, it’s very sobering. And it reminds me of the stakes of the fight we’re in right now.”
In April, Weinstein had posted an image of the man believed to be Slatzer on Twitter.
Sure, a ‘Neo-Nazi’ in full regalia walks into a convenient store, explains to the clerk that he’s an Aryan Brother “looking for Jews.”
Only a demented and paranoid Hollywood screenwriter could make this stuff up — and most likely did.
If this incident were true, an FBI SWAT team would have located Slatzer within hours and arrested him, but somehow he’s still on the loose ‘looking for Jews‘ apparently to hurt or kill.
And get this, according the Cleveland Jewish News, Adam Hirsh, executive director of Hillel at Kent State University, claimed that “[We] were asked to keep this matter private as to not compromise an ongoing legal investigation…”
But they obviously disregarded this request from the police — but the mainstream media strangely obeyed.
Of course, according to this cartoonish script, Slatzer will eventually be arrested “just in the nick of time” before he can attack a synagogue with ‘assault weapons’ that anti-gun groups want to make illegal or some such nonsense.
And like Frank Collin, the leader of the American Nazi Party in the 1970s, don’t be surprised to eventually find that Matthew Slatzer turns out to come from a nice Jewish family — or even more likely, is an FBI informant.
According to a Jewish watchdog website, Slatzer allegedly has an extensive criminal history, which includes acts of violence, which makes all the more unlikely that this boogeyman is still free to walk around the country ‘looking for Jews’ unless he’s an FBI informant looking to recruit unstable, unhinged White stooges.
Yes, this machete-wielding Neo-Nazi apparently has an 11-year-old daughter whose birth was announced in the local Canton, Ohio press in 2009 — and less than a year later he was allegedly arrested for ‘domestic violence’, presumably against his daughter’s mother.
It seems extremely unethical for both the Jewish press and watchdog groups like the ADL not to warn Jews everywhere that this dangerous ‘Neo-Nazi’ is still free, allegedly roaming the country, ‘looking for Jews’.
Unless, it’s not what it appears to be.
OK….so when are we gonna get ‘notices’ and ‘assistance’ in looking for blacks that want to kill whites? Or jews that want to kill whites? Huh? Im waiting…
Soon as I see RedHair I get psyop fake news suspicious
This even qualifies as part of the ‘comics’ section of Haaretz…
I’m unfashionably hetero, but Matthew’s a handsome dude with a look about him of pure determination. I do wish this story were true.
And that there were lots and lots of Matthews.
But I fear they are all a confection to distract from the sewage that pours out daily from the global Jewish community.
” and less than a year later he was allegedly arrested for ‘domestic violence’”
They always use that charge to shut down dissidents, and discredit political opposition.
I’ve since stopped believing any charges against politically-involved whites.
And I’m not even white.
Slatzer is on the jewish surname index:
What a strange website that link is; I had never seen it before. Thanks for sharing, I Dunno. However, I found it very confusing to understand: type in a name and it come up with a code which has some other code with a big list of names that I didn’t type in listed, which then doesn’t link anything to anything… what? Then I realized that it is a jew site, so no wonder I was confused – jews being so good at sowing confusion of course.
Does anyone know how to use that site? The “important notice” at the top makes my head spin. Do I even need to understand that site…?
I see no evidence that Slatzer is a common Jewish name. It is clearly Germanic, and according to Ancestry, it is a very rare last name, mostly found in rural farming areas, not cities, which rules out Jews. Ohio, which is where this guy is from, has the most Slatzers–they are probably all related.
Jews are so paranoid they will invent ” antisemitism ” at every opportunity to continue the narrative of how persecuted they are. This case of someone ” hunting Jews” just sounds totally unbelieveable. I’ve come across some NeoNazis because of the industry I’m in. Though I can’t agree with their Hitler worship, most of them struck me as reasonably intelligent. As for Jews, they just can’t or won’t try to figure out why so many people get disgusted with them.
Interesting….what “industry” do you work in that allows you to come across some “Neo-Nazis”? Prison guard? Police? Military? Tattoo parlor? I’m almost 60, and I’ve never come across one single “Neo-Nazi” in my entire life.
Let me know if you come across one. I’ve never met a Neo-Nazi either, and I’d sure like to see what one looks like just for the record.
Me neither….those white guys the media propaganda machine keeps telling people are right-wing extremist, nationalist and danger to the so-called minorities are the guys that watched my back when the so-called government minorities in America engaged in intimidation and threats telling me that I had no right to think for myself, I had to follow their dictates and culture of hate like a slave. The biggest mistake US politicians made is declaring war against Germany on behalf of the Jewish supremacist who constantly cry victim of antisemitism.
Modern “nazism” doesn’t even come close to representing the great men and women of the NSDAP. Not even close.
Next time you run into an alleged “neo-nazi”………………give him a copy of John Wear’s book — “Germany’s War”. If he recoils…………….he is most likely a Jew. See — Frank Collins aka Frank Cohen…..of Skokie Ill fame.
I work in construction.
Oh look, another ebil white boogyman to take the focus off the jq, b on w crime stats, infiltration & subversion of our country/rights by the traitors running this country… into the ground
Anyone with twitching synapse can see something about this seems very off