In an unusual twist for the jewish-controlled media, CBS news is reporting that Jewish pedophiles in America, often with dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship, are able to escape justice for their crimes against children by finding refuge in Israel:
It’s a tense stakeout, waiting for Jimmy Julius Karow to appear. He is a wanted man and is considered dangerous. Accused of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl in Oregon in 2000, he fled to Israel before authorities in the U.S. could apprehend him or figure out where he went. Karow has been running from U.S. law enforcement ever since. Currently INTERPOL, an inter-governmental policing organization that works with 194 countries, has a Red Notice to alert police worldwide that he’s a fugitive.
Two years after he fled the U.S., Karow was convicted by an Israeli court of child molestation in a separate case. He served time and was released. Now another alleged Israeli victim has come forward, saying he began abusing her when she was 5-years-old, and continued for years.
Karow has successfully evaded authorities by moving between communities in Israel for almost two decades, and he is not alone.
A CBS News investigation has found that many accused American pedophiles flee to Israel, and bringing them to justice can be difficult.
Jewish Community Watch (JCW), an American organization that tracks accused pedophiles, has been trying for years to find Karow and help bring him to justice.
JCW says Karow and other wanted men and women have been able to exploit a right known as the Law of Return, whereby any Jewish person can move to Israel and automatically gain citizenship.
Since the small organization started tracking accused pedophiles in 2014, it says more than 60 have fled from the U.S. to Israel. Given its limited resources to identify these individuals, JCW says the actual number is likely much larger.
“The same thing that is going on in the Catholic Church right now around the world, the exact same thing is happening in our community,” JCW’s founder Meyer Seewald told CBS News. “The cover-ups are the same, the stigma, the shame.”
Seewald says tightly-knit Jewish communities across the U.S. will sometimes meet accusations against a member with incredulity, and that can have a chilling effect.
“Everyone goes and surrounds this individual and supports him because they can’t believe a person can do such a crime. They take the abuser’s side and the abuse continues,” Seewald says. “They put him in another community. A few years later, he’s done the same thing and we hear more allegations that the person is abusing children. Victims don’t want to come forward when they see that.”
JCW says the majority of its cases originate from modern Orthodox to Ultra-orthodox Jewish enclaves in the U.S., but that it happens across the wider Jewish community. Because perpetrators can’t be held accountable unless victims come forward, many cases are believed to go unreported. To try to get them out into the light, JCW holds awareness events across the U.S., and offers victims of sexual abuse advice and emotional support.
As we have previously reported, Israel has become a safe haven for jewish organized crime and where sexual deviants, rapists, and pedophiles are often given a slap on the wrist by the court system.
Of course, we can’t really expect jewish-owned CBS News to tell the public that the jewish ‘holy’ book, The Talmud, openly condones pedophilia, which is why it is rampant in Orthodox communities, and also why it’s covered up.
And make no mistake, pedophilia, along with mental illness, is far more rampant among Jews, religious and secular, than it is in the general public.
The Talmud also discourages Jews from reporting wrong-doing among other Jews if it is going to bring unwanted and detrimental attention to the jewish community. Jews prefer such cases are handled by their own rabbinical courts with a wink and a nod.
And it goes without saying that if the victims of these jewish pedophiles were mostly White Christian children, this story never would have seen the light of day because it surely would have fomented ‘antisemitism’ by bringing up the age-old, verifiable jewish practice of abducting, abusing and murdering Christian children as part of their occult rituals.
Perhaps the best way to deal with this problem is to just go ahead and decriminalize pedophilia and make our justice system consistent with The Talmud instead of the Bible. At least that way, it would get rid of just one more issue that causes antisemitism in our society.
It’s a chicken or the egg….are Jews mentally ill because so many of them have been molested, or do they molest little children so often because they are mentally ill. Or most likely, both….
Charlene Port
Eric Silverstein fertility specialist license number1801891924 sold 4 of my embryos out to the highest bidder. Now I have two biological sons I have never met.
Frederick Thomas Eanes iii another Jew was trying to steal my property having government men constantly harass me. I won in court twice now.
The Talmud says it is OK to steal and kill the goyim. Check out verse Gittin57a
hmmm… wonder what the angle is on this getting aired? Hafta think about it awhile, because if it wasnt good for the jew in the overall, it would not see the light of day in any sort of mainstream public medium…
quite possibly as simple as ‘testing the waters’…
It’s a way for the jewish media to be able to claim that they don’t pick on just Catholic priests as pedophiles, and that it’s critical of Israel….but jews have internal battles among themselves that we don’t hear about, and this could be one of them…..
“Perhaps the best way to deal with this problem is to just go ahead and decriminalize pedophilia and make our justice system consistent with The Talmud instead of the Bible. At least that way, it would get rid of just one more issue that causes antisemitism in our society.”
Aw heck, go for broke…might as well let them criminalize the Bible and Christianity. Then the way is absolutely paved for the glorious jewish utopia where ‘anti-semitism’ is only kept writhing under a boot heel, only given enough wriggle room to spawn new jewish condemnation as it suits their whims.
There are still too many ‘wayward’ whites who like their own pet sins too much to take a stand against such perfidy. They’d sooner let their own children suffer abuse than to repent and seek the face of their God in an effort to purge our society of these devils.
In the 1920s when Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf”, he warned the world that if the Jews ever got their own country in Palestine, they would turn it into a ‘gymnasium’ of international jewish organized crime. That certainly was one of his most prophetic insights.
Charlene Port
Eric Silverstein license number 1801891924 sold4 of my embryos out to the highest bidder Now I have 2 biological sons I have never met. I am trying to get justice but the Colorado springs Colorado police department are more worried about a hate letter Eric Silverstein received
Sy Bergsteinowitz
Add in the perverted Mohel Rabbis, that first mutilate a baby boy’s penis, then suck the blood off with their mouth and you have all sorts of sickos hiding behind Judaism.
What do you think would happen if that was a practice in Islam or Christianity instead of Judaism?
The you know what would hit the fan.
“Fly Air Aliyah to Israel when that pesky DA starts making noises about arresting one of G-d’s Chosen and you’ll be safe for life!”
Per capita, there is probably a lot more child abuse among Jews than in the Catholic Church, but then again, the Catholic Church is run by a bunch of crypto-Jews so that shouldn’t surprise us either.
Both the Jesuits and the Dominicans were known from their beginnings to be magnets for crypto or converso Jews. 200 years later, and the Jesuits are the most powerful and dominant order in the entire church–and the order that has the biggest problem with gays and pedophiles.