(The European Jewish Congress) — together with other leading Jewish organizations — has presented a joint 10-point action plan spelling out the expectations of Jewish organizations following the Council Declaration of 6 December 2018 on the fight against antisemitism and the development of a common security approach to better protect Jewish communities and institutions in Europe:
“The action plan proposes crucial steps, such as closer cooperation with communities on security, improving data collection on hate crimes and creating common guidelines for countering antisemitism in education that will provide long-term positive effects for Jewish communities in Europe.
The document not only focuses on key follow-up points to the Declaration, but also develops other vital aspects of the fight against antisemitism, for example by insisting that the EU addresses antisemitism in its Human Rights Dialogues with third countries.
1. IHRA Working Definition, National Action plans, EU and National Special Envoys
a. The IHRA Working Definition on antisemitism, including its eleven illustrative examples, should be used in all efforts tackling antisemitism and be used accordingly as a guideline for a common standard. All EU Member States should adopt the IHRA Working Definition and use it as a reference tool to better grasp all manifestations of contemporary antisemitism.
b. Member States should adopt specific strategies to combat antisemitism or outline concrete and precise objectives and steps on combating antisemitism as part of their national action plans against racism. Such strategies should include a solid definition with a broad understanding of antisemitism, rely on data collection to support evaluation of plans, receive sufficient political support at national and local levels and be elaborated in cooperation with local Jewish communities and organisations.
c. On the EU level, the office of the EC Coordinator on combating antisemitism needs to be significantly upgraded and equipped with sufficient qualified personnel and a budget, reflecting the challenging coordinating role that the EU has taken on in support of member states’ efforts to implement the EU Council Declaration on the fight against antisemitism (6 December 2018). Proper implementation and change of national policies will be needed to ensure a decline of antisemitic expressions and prejudices. In order to facilitate even better coordination amongst the Member States, the EU ought to consider creating in the future an EU Council Coordinator on Combating Anti-Semitism, modelled after the mandate of the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator.
d. Several EU Member States have already appointed national coordinators, some (like Germany and France) have equipped the offices with significant personnel. Other Member States should follow their example and appoint contact points for the Jewish community at national level to ensure the horizontal implementation of policies (education, security, data collection, training etc.)…”
There seems to be nothing in this plan about how the Jews themselves need to change their own behaviors which are causing this alleged rise in antisemitism.
Instead of obsessing about what the goyim are saying, perhaps the Jews should start listening to their critics and back off from their nation wrecking agenda.
The Jews are the only ethnic group in the world that demands special laws be enacted to protect them from any and all critics — that fact alone is the cause of the antisemitism about which the Jews are so worried.
Time is short for the Jews to accomplish their destructive goals, which is why they are pushing so hard for these draconian laws to silence anyone who objects to their treachery.
They smell blood in the water as their White host nations continue to decline by a thousand small cuts of their liberal agenda.
What big event do the Jews have planned in the near future to guarantee universal sympathy for them as victims?
How many jewish victims are they willing to sacrifice in order to leverage their ultimate hate crime laws?
“Zero tolerance for usury”
Christians and muslims are tired of having to go into eternal debt slavery from usurious jewish bankers. If ripping off all of the people of a country you enslave monetarily is called anti-semitism, then that is exactly what jews are guilty of semitism/RICO banking law. Usury is semitism. Semitism is usury. judaism is the front of religion to make you think you can’t criticize them. So is the holohoax. jews lie for a living.
You can’t criticize my criticisim because I am in the process of converting. Oh, my mom is racially jewish, oh wait, no, my dad is, umm….whatever, I am going to use your semitic BS psychology/kabbalah against you. Ok, that’s it. I’m just goiing with my mom was jewish. There. Can I say whaever I want now and degrade the goyim? Yippee!
Honestly jews, give it up. We all know your ways and means. Without usury, you would all be fleeing to israel. After whining forever about persecution and nowhere to live you illegally crated your own “safe space” by killing mostly Christians, then you all just stay in your mansions witherso dispersed throughout the world (judea). You live off the hard work of good people and own everything but never work yourselves. Just own. Order things. Talk. While other do the real work.
jews just talk and lie for a living. never met a poor one. they alwyas had such cars and houses. not fair. This is why jews are kicked out eventually. Money. Period. Money and interest. Usury. They have a very high quality of life for free because they control the printing press. Just like they control the papers with their BS propaganda on.
Not anymore. We expose you on the net. You hate it. We love it. We are not going to allow you to take over America with jewish communism. We know your protocols and ways and means. The armed forces know this. It’s not just Christians. Most Christians have gone non-dem and don’t go the churches after the jews ruined them with LGBTP 501c fag policy. They get the good people to leave, then turn that church into a node on a network of other 501c3 pedo/drug nodes that have been “sanitized” after the antifa types they import to your church after you get the money. Basically, you turn your church into a black market front hiding in plain sight. Want an easy payout if you are a P.I.?
Scope out a church you know is on 501c3 and bust them. Easy if you know what you’re doing. You will find the clergy and school teachers and resident psychologist on retainer are really a grooming gang of beholden judean operatives just waiting to be activated by the feds (paymasters) to go active and make dark money. Don’t forget to pay “big daddy” his share from those kids that bring in the big bucks.
This supposed working definition comes from the Bolshevik communist zionist controlled US State Department and the European Jewish Parliament is making sure that all European governments use this psychological torture tool the silence people……Stasi, Gedapo (thought police)
Imagine a group so VILE, so utterly repulsive in every way, so jealous of Real Human Beings as to want to destroy an entire world to rid itself of all reminders of this one group’s extreme UGLINESS.
Imagine such a group committing every atrocity imaginable, blaming their own crimes on their innocent victims and then having to pass “laws” banning even the mildest criticism of said criminal gang masquerading as both a race and a religion, when in reality they are neither.
Imagine these evil, physically repulsive, immoral, Godless, soul-less THINGS usurping the world’s monetary system and using that control to enslave and destroy.
That’s what we’ve got to deal with, but (((they’ve))) made it “illegal” to discuss the ONLY solution to the world’s problem.
Whether or not we believe He was a Real Person (some do, some don’t) the words attributed to Jesus Christ in condemning these creatures of the devil are nothing less than the absolute TRUTH.
It is impossible for a fictitious character to illuminate such truth that is so deep and so controlled, that REAL PEOPLE refuse to acknowledge it or proliferate it. If Christ is indeed a conjuring of someone’s imagination (which also would be impossible, as 5 witnesses wrote about Him at completely separate times and places, corroborating many details and historically verifiable accounts that can’t be explained away as anything other than testifying to the TRUTH), then that person would have had to have been a well known scholar, and would have had to have held these beliefs so secretive, that NO ONE has caught on to them yet, and should be the source of great controversy today as there would be too many inconsistencies in these writings, as you cannot build a house on a foundation of sand…
“44% of people who call themselves Gilets Jaunes believe there is a Zionist conspiracy at a global level, compared to “only” 22% in the general population.”
Just because “The European Jewish Congress (EJC), together with other leading Jewish organisations, the World Jewish Congress (WJC), B’nai B’rith International (BBI) and the American Jewish Committee Transatlantic Institute (AJC-TAI)”, “collaborate with Israel, the UN and the US”, to deprive the public of their free speech rights and do “data collection” on them, certainly doesn’t mean that, “there is a Zionist conspiracy at a global level”, does it?
Yes any feeling or expression the goyim may have towards Jews that falls short of rapturous adulation should be penalised according to some category of offense, misdemeanour, infringement, crime, aggression, micro-aggression, intending micro-aggression and discriminated according to fine points of law that are positively Talmudic.
Lynda – Your comment is absolutely FANTASTIC. In our current and now eternally on-going, ever over-reaching, almost-but-not-quite-there complete ban of anything said/written/”meme’d” that falls under the category of anti-semitism/anti-semitic “hate speech”, blah blah and such (I’m tired and mentally drained just trying to keep up with SOME of it) – but my point being I have never heard this situation summed up like you have done here. Really excellent and describes it to the “T”!
But notice…never ‘zero tolerance ‘ for antiWhite or antiChristian speech / actions. Hmmm…. wonder who is actually running things there goy? Now you know.
If stating, and ultimately creating laws in favor of, zero tolerance for anti-semites is NOT the most blatantly racist declaration imaginable, then I shall have all the confidence to declare within all the boundaries of jewish political correctness:
Zero tolerance for anti-whites/anti-christians.
Matthew 18:6 (KJV) But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Why not the moslims make everything illegal, why not the Jewish people and
Its culture.
I have no idea what you are trying to say here. Can you please explain?
Glad it wasn’t just me…read it twice and it simply didn’t register with me – not in a way I can work with. I am over-tired and thought perhaps the “dumb-dumbs” were kicking in with me, as happens from time to time, lol ; )