A German author’s graphic memoir about what she calls the inherited sin of the Holocaust won the prestigious National Book Critics Circle award:
Nora Krug’s “Belonging” won the autobiography category on Thursday during the Circle’s annual award ceremony in New York.
On Krug’s website, “Belonging” is described as being rooted in how “the simple fact of her German citizenship bound her to the Holocaust and its unspeakable atrocities and left her without a sense of cultural belonging.” She knew little about her own family’s involvement in World War II and “though all four grandparents lived through the war, they never spoke of it,” according to the site. The book follows the author’s research into her family’s history in archives, flea markets and interviews.
Other winners announced during the ceremony at the New School include “Milkman,” a novel by Irish author Anna Burns that surprised most readers last year by winning Britain’s Man Booker Prize.
The anti-Nazi propaganda that has been drilled into Germans’ minds since the end of WWII is really inconceivable for most people today. From the time they are children, Germans have been told what horrible people their ancestors were for not treating the Jews in Europe they way they had come to expect to be treated. They accused the Germans of all kinds of fictions that never happened just to make them feel so bad about themselves that they would never dare cross the Jews ever again. And they award Germans like Krug who encourage other Germans to abase and hate themselves.
And in large part this massive propaganda campaign has worked brilliantly. Despite seeing hundreds of their women and children raped and murdered by Third World Muslims and Africans who now roam Germany’s streets with impunity, the Germans continue to welcome these invaders, hoping to please their jewish thought police, believing that perhaps one day the Jews will pronounce that the German people will finally be completely denazified, a day that will never happen until that last ethnic German has been bred out of existence. Then the Jews can breathe a collective sigh of relief. “Amalek” is finally no more.
This photo appears to be a Teufelskind, with the wreath of weeds instead of Myrtelkranz. It is true . I have read essays about the contemporary educated Nachwuchs (progeny) Deutschen Volk. One goal o f education today is disavowing our heritage . Martin Luther learned to be a devout anti-jew as his contemporaries. SO Richard Wager as Franz Schubert as Gerhart Hauptmann, as Schopenhauer , Kant and a young brilliant artist and inspired Great War survivor named , Adolf Hitler among many others victims of the jew. There has been cultivated a new proverb : it is much easier to cut down a mighty oak tree than compare oneself to it.
Christians For Truth
Paul wrote, “It is much easier to cut down a mighty oak tree than compare oneself to it.”
Great quote. Sums up cultural Marxism, Socialism, and Judaism–both secular and messianic. Jews destroy what they cannot create. They are cursed in their ability to appreciate the greatness of Western Christian culture, and yet also loathe it because they are incapable of creating anything on that level.
My grandmother’s father’s people came from Germany as well, and she was so ashamed of it, she denied it, and said they came from France, which was ridiculous. My mom did the whole genealogy family tree stuff and found out and my grandmother was mortified.
The publishing industry is largely Jewish and that means some of these will be very Jewish. I have noticed that here in Scandinavia, that writing books about Jewish culture and specially holocaust is a tribute. It paves the way for servile goy to Jewish money and their network. It is a way of telling them, I am helpful, i want to be Jewish – even a reserve Jew may do.
If you start to look at books on holocaust you will find this pattern, look out for journalists and politicians, people who always need money and allies. One or two books does the trick.
Servile Goys should be targeted. They shall know they cannot serve all, when chosen so wrong.
Of COURSE her ‘book’ won…
[[[they]]] just keep hammering the lies and propaganda; this is why [[[they]]] are doing their best to shut down all free speech, control the internet and enact ‘hate speech’ statutes – the TRUTH is getting out, and the truth is the polar opposite of the garbage they have been foisting on us for decades. Once enough of US learn the facts and wake from our slumber, the parasitical life of riches and Riley is up for [[[them]]]. And [[[they]]] know it.
I do know what it is like to feel that shame. My Oma knew what it was like to feel that shame. And we both live(d) in the US. Oma felt so much guilt and shame over her heritage, she decided to not only not have any more children after my father, but tried to terminate her second pregnancy during WWII, but failed, praise Yahweh. The anti-German propaganda in the US must have been awful. While my grandparents were legalized immigrants (took tests, learned the native language, secured their own jobs and residence, etc.), my father was a born citizen and grew up with English as his native language, so he was able to blend into his white American brethren and adapt. He even fell victim to the anti-nazi propaganda, though never lost his love for Germany. My grandparents had to keep to themselves.
Praise Yahweh He kept my heart open, as I never understood the ‘villiany’ attributed to Hitler and Nazi Germany, as well as never fell for the Hoaxaco$t as it never made sense to me how over 50 million white people could perish and it just be chaulked up to “casualties of war”, but a specific people group (regardless whether race or religiously related) felt their hurts deserved more attention…and that just wasn’t right.
Have you read the open letter from Monica Schaeffer to her mother? You should appreciate it.