Inside their June 24 edition, The Gazeta Polska magazine, with a readership of over 110,000, has included stickers showing a black cross over a rainbow flag with the words “LGBT-free zone” written in Polish:
“We do not protest against the LGBT ideology, but we do strongly disagree on imposing it by force on anybody,” said Gazeta Polska’s editor in chief Tomasz Sakiewicz, in a statement to the ABC.
Activists and some politicians criticised the move, saying the stickers promote hatred and intolerance and could incite violence against the LGBT community.
Cecylia Jakubczak, of Kampania Przeciw Homofobii (KPH) — which translates to Campaign Against Homophobia in Polish — said the stickers will affect the LGBT community in Poland “both physically and psychologically”.
“The message that it sends is pretty much straightforward: There is no place for LGBT people in Poland,” she told the ABC.
But Mr Sakiewicz defended the campaign, saying the publication upholds free speech and opposes censorship.
“The LGBT ideology-free zone is a zone of freedom of speech, tolerance and respect for people who think differently,” he said.
…Georgette Mosbacher, the US ambassador to Poland, tweeted that she was “disappointed and worried that some groups use stickers to promote hatred and intolerance”.
“We respect freedom of speech, but we must collectively stand on the side of values such as diversity and tolerance,” she wrote.
In response, Gazeta Polska’s editor, Mr Sakiewicz, tweeted that “being an activist in the gay movement does not make anyone more tolerant“.
“Poles love freedom and have known the word tolerance for centuries,” he added.
In his statement to the ABC, Mr Sakiewicz said while “homosexual people have the full right to live a normal life and to enjoy their rights fully”, the LGBT movement — which he likened to Communism and Nazism — is seeking to “destroy the traditional society, fight religion and restrict freedom of speech“.
“The LGBT symbol has recently become inseparable from the mockery of faith, attacks on Christian temples and the humiliation of Catholics,” he said.
“Let us respect people, let us respect homosexuals, but let us oppose the madness that deprives people of their fundamental rights.”
The leadership of the international LBGT movement is top heavy with Jews, which accounts for its familiar rhetoric of victimhood, false accusations of opponents, and appeals for tolerance of the unacceptable.
And like Jews, the intolerant LGBT activists hate Christianity for not allowing them the “normalcy” status they covet which would ultimately give them the power to indoctrinate and sexually abuse our children by normalizing pedophilia, which is the end game of their death cult.
Poles, of all people, don’t need to be lectured on so-called “tolerance”. Over the last 1,000 years, they tolerated the presence of the largest jewish population in Europe, much to their own detriment.
The Jews, through their sharp business practices, kept the Polish peasantry in virtual enslavement for centuries, while the corrupt, paid-off aristocracy looked the other way. And to add insult to injury, the Jews dominated the Communist Party before and after WWII, sending thousands of “dissidents” to their deaths.
Poland, unlike western Europe, can see the jewish menace rearing its ugly head once again and has no interest in repeating history.
If a similar sticker was in English and I put it on my car here where I unfortunately live in Caifornia, my car would be vandalized. California is actually red. We are just under mostly jewish and freemasonic mafia control. Mormon mafias run small towns with huge mormon churches in them like Placentia. Jews, freemasons and mormons run california. Scientologists have some push in hollywood but they are losing members like the mormons and freemasons.
There are none so INtolerant as those who preach “tolerance”.
Most people are tolerant, but we have to draw the line at tolerating pure EVIL.
As a young man, I was apprenticed by a man who was a fag. Not your ‘now typical’ lisping flamer, but a hard working carpenter who had been married and had children, but sexual deviance took control of his life. I made an effort to be ‘tolerant’. I got to see (but absolutely not experience) the LGBT world…and could not stand it. I honestly might have been ‘ok’ with it if they acted with respect and had some sense of dignity about them…but they DON’T. I was so tired of being propositioned. I’ve even been hit on by the guitar player from Jethro Tull! Their sick sexual degeneracy is truly foremost on their minds, and nobody will ever be able to convince me otherwise. They are not normal. They can never properly function in a civilized society. And yes, faggotry absolutely is a death cult centered around anal masturbation. Where is the ‘tolerance’ from them for those who want to be GOOD?
Oh yeah, God bless Poland!!! This European country is fast becoming the apple of my eye, outperforming the country of my birth, as well as those of my ancestors…
I understand. Can’t document my experience due to upcoming RICO case but believe me, I understand how disgusting homosexuals can be. Men and women.
The one major thing I wish people would believe is the fact that most homosexuals were abused as kids, grow up, and abuse kids. People don’t want to believe that most homesexuals were abused as kids and told “you like it because you are gay like me”. But they are really just blown away by their first orgasm and too young to know what’s going on. Then the abuser continues and the victim hits puberty and starts to get attracted to the opposite sex and many kill themselves or get killed by their abuser for talking about the immoral relationship. Often the abuse will get the victim on drugs to facilitate an OD murder because the victim was going to talk. Also, most people don’t want to believe that ALL denominational Christianity is used by the PTB as a black market front for crime.
Trump will probabl not remain POTUS, but I hope he does. If so, the RICO case may get some justice to survivors like myself and many others across the nation. The same people behind Xiden, Bush, Clinton, most VIPS’s are beholden and pimp out their own kids for their govt jobs after taking an oath. Trump knows all of this. Even if he doesn’t win, the case is still going to happen eventually.
Wonder how I can get some of those stickers?
Isnt it just SO ironic…the first thing queers and jews scream is ‘intolerance’ , ‘hatred’ , and incitement to violence – the EXACT things they are guilty of! Rightly did Jesus accuse (((them))) of hypocrisy…
Survey shows at least one-third of all Israelis are “bisexual”, but no doubt that number is a low ball. This is the “new normal” that Jews want to impose on our children, to bring them down to their level and destroy them.
Let’s not forget Brenda Howard. She’s the bisexual jewish activist out of New York who is known as the “Mother of Pride”. Only a jew would come up with the idea of marching down the streets being “proud” of their sexual degeneracy and sin on full display for the public to see. When you see how disgusting and degenerate “pride” parades are, it only makes sense that a jew would have invented it. Now the sodomites have taken over an entire month, June, to ram this down everyone’s throats.