A new survey in the Public Religion Research Institute’s 2017 American Values Atlas shows that for the first time that the majority of Muslims in the U.S. now support gay marriage:
Opposition to same-sex marriage has decreased across a broad swath of religious groups in the United States, with white evangelical Christians one of the few movements for which a majority remains in opposition. Three years on from the Supreme Court ruling that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry, the findings from the Public Religion Research Institute’s 2017 American Values Atlas, published Tuesday, showed growing support for LGBT rights, including a majority of U.S. Muslims backing same-sex marriage for the first time.
Muslims, by a margin of 51 percent to 34 percent, favor same-sex marriage, compared to just four years ago when a majority, 51 percent, were opposed. There were similar results for black Protestants, with 54 percent opposing gay marriage in PRRI’s 2014 American Values Atlas, compared with 43 percent in the latest findings.
Indeed, opposition to same-sex marriage is now limited almost entirely to white conservative Christians. Fifty-eight percent of white evangelical Christians and 53 percent of Mormons—an overwhelming majority of whom are white—are opposed to allowing gay couples to marry. The group with the most opposition, though, is Jehovah’s Witnesses, a group which is 36 percent white, 32 percent Hispanic and 27 percent black in the U.S. Just 13 percent support the law.
As a whole, 63 percent of Americans now back allowing same-sex couples to marry, up from 52 percent four years ago. All major racial groups now have a majority in favor. Republicans, though, remain opposed, 51 percent to 42 percent.
In its platform ahead of the 2016 election, the Republican Party declined to soften its language on the right of same-sex couples to wed from four years previously when it called the act “an assault on the foundations of our society.”
Since taking office, President Donald Trump has embraced white evangelicals with a series of policies, including signing a ban on some transgender people serving in the military. Yet, during his campaign, Trump criticized Islam, claiming that he would protect LBGT people against oppression.
“As your President, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBT citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology,” he said during his speech when accepting the Republican nomination for president.
Despite the incessant propaganda in the jewish-controlled media about how “intolerant” Islam is toward homosexuality, this new survey suggests that Muslims are actually far more influenced by the jewish pro-gay propaganda than we’ve been led to believe. The jewish media has tried to convince conservative Whites that they should welcome Muslim immigration because Muslims share the same “conservative’ values as Christians. But what exactly is “conservative” about a religion whose revered prophet was a pedophile who worshiped a pagan moon god?
The survey is also worth noting because it points out that non-White Christian groups are also more tolerant of gay marriage, and that basically the only real resistance to the jewish gay agenda comes from specifically White Christians. Whites are truly the only race which is capable of defending and upholding traditional Christian morals and ethics, which is why they are portrayed by the jewish media as the evil enemies of “humanity”. This, of course, is the ultimate irony because one of the most important teachings of the New Testament is that it is the Jews who are the enemies of all mankind.
Any religion that forces women to cover every inch of flesh as ‘blanket protection’ against their own men who cannot (inherently) control their own carnal/animal instincts is no doubt NOT compatible with white Christian culture and society. Muslim men are also known to diddle little boys and justify it much in the same fashion the jews justify their appetite for pedophilia…through their ‘holy books’…so this ‘news’ should come as utterly no surprise!
The last paragraph is SO true…
Remember too that ‘Islam’ is a jewish creation; mohammed was illiterate, and was a jew tool. The whole of Islam was created by the antiChrist jew to weaponise ignorant brown people as a tool against [white] Christianity – They needed foot soldiers. The ‘koran’ – or however they spell it this week – is modeled after the talmud.
Don’t you ever wonder why, if the towelheads hate jews SO much, that they don’t concentrate all their ‘terror attacks’ against jews and palestine instead of us in our countries?
Well said, Luke2236. Both the jews and the muzzies have a distinct historical liking for all things dealing in pedophilia. Some of that is brought out in the tract linked below, which makes some good and astute observations about both the muzzies and the jews.
“Everything the Jew represents, the law of Moses opposes. The Jewish Talmud and the Koran uphold pedophilia. The Bible does not even mention pedophilia, because to Whites pedophilia is practically unthinkable. If the Bible were a Jewish book, pedophilia and other perversions would emanate from every page.
As I often like to say, If Moses was a jew, the Torah would have been a banking manual rather than a code of law which enforces morality with the penalty of death. If Joshua and the Israelites were Jews they would have invaded Canaan with briefcases and pencils, rather than with axes and swords. If Jesus were a Jew, He would have done stand-up comedy instead of parables. The Bible is the LEAST Jewish book in print today, and one of the only books printed in large numbers which is opposed to everything Jewish.
Another point brought out further down in the link is not directly related to the issue [I’ll get back to it in a minute, but I like the point that William is making.
“In other words, if the Jews are Israel, which is a historical impossibility, then God is a complete failure, and we should not even care about our race, because there is no salvation or redemption. That is the very conclusion which the Jew wants you to arrive at, so that he can destroy you and you have no defense.”
Later on it is stated, “Jeremiah understood the mixed genetic nature of the Ishmaelites when he said at 25:24: “And all the kings of Arabia, and all the kings of the mingled people that dwell in the desert …”
This is a Hebrew parallelism. The “kings of Arabia” and “kings of the mingled people” are one and the same group. The word arab, as Clifton [Emahiser] explains, means mixed.
From the 1980 Collier’s Encyclopedia, volume 2, page 398, under the topic “Arabs”, we read the following: “The people of the Arab world have no single origin. Although Arab culture was associated in early times with the Arabian Peninsula, over the centuries many different peoples have become Arabized through adoption of the Arabic language and other features of Arab culture. For nearly all Arabization was through Islam, the major religion of the Arab world. The Arabs are as diverse physically as they are in ethnic origin. There is no Arab ‘racial type.’ Some Arabs do fit the stereotyped picture, lean and ‘hawk-nosed,’ with darkish skin and black hair, but these features are in no sense typical. Negroid Arabs are similar in appearance to sub-Saharan Africans, and light-skinned Arabs are physically indistinguishable from most Europeans.” [emphasis mine (Bill Finck’s emphasis)] —-
…” But once the dawn of Islam came, which was contrived by Jews that had been ostracized from the Byzantine empire, other elements, Negros, Turks, and Mongols, were introduced as Clifton describes it here. And religious Jews as well as the original Arabs, the ancient Canaanites and Edomites, mixed themselves with all of these along the way. Islam, the most significant religion of bastardization, ruled over the entire Middle East for over twelve hundred years..