There are zero cases of influenza or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in Israel, according to Dr. Galia Barkai, director of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit at Sheba Medical Center:
“It is not just that we have much less influenza, we don’t see it at all,” Barkai told The Jerusalem Post. “We have zero positive tests for influenza or RSV,” a virus that causes severe respiratory distress in infants and children.
Flu season in Israel usually starts in November.
“This is really, really special,” Barkai said. But she noted that it is also “understandable.”
“We know a major route of infection is people transmitting the virus to one another – breathing, coughing,” Barkai said. “Since we are wearing masks and have social-distancing measures, and people are staying in their homes now because of lockdown, so we have less interaction and less ways to get infected.”
Nonetheless, coronavirus has continued to spread throughout the country. On Thursday morning, the Health Ministry reported more than 8,000 new cases – 9% of those screened were positive. But Barkai said coronavirus is much more infectious than influenza. Also, flu is often spread between people moving from one country to another and travel has also decreased during the pandemic.
Barkai said that the same phenomenon is being seen around the world, though she could not confirm the number of cases of flu in any other countries. The World Health Organization, based on global surveillance data collected through late December, said that flu activity in the Northern Hemisphere is as low as in an ordinary summer. Flu is a winter virus.
So masks and social distancing have completely eliminated all cases of the seasonal flu — but those same measures have had little impact in slowing down the transmission of COVID.
The CDC in the U.S. also made seasonal flu cases completely disappear — by simply announcing that they were no longer going to track it or test for it.
In fact, if you try to get any statistics from the CDC concerning the seasonal flu, you’re likely to get this response.
The explanation is “understandable” — after all, COVID is much more infectious than seasonal flu — whatever that means — so obviously everybody is going to be infected with the more infectious virus and completely ignore the less infectious.
When viruses compete with each other to infect humans, the more “infectious” one always wins — as if the person being infected has nothing to do with the success of any virus.
And considering the average age for a COVID-related death is 81 years — it would be safe to say that the age and health of the person infected have a lot more to do with the virus’s success than the virus’s innate “infectivity”.
They are clearly making this up as they go — flu is spread by symptomatic people coughing and sneezing — and COVID — if it even exists at all — is spread the same way — by symptomatic people — according to a Chinese study involving 10 million people.
According to government health experts in Australia, face masks and social distancing will not protect you from either seasonal flu or COVID — if you are exposed to a symptomatic carrier.
But what they never tell you is that just because you are exposed to a symptomatic carrier of the virus doesn’t mean you’ll get sick — only immune-compromised people will have the biological “terrain” in their bodies where it’s fertile for the growth of viruses and bacteria — and that explains why most people who “die from it” are old sick people.
Clearly, the total absence of the flu in Israel is another “miracle of miracles,” an all-to-common theme in Jewish life:
Cold Biotech War
The normal seasonal flu infection rate went DOWN last year worldwide. Flies in the face of this false flag farce doesn’t it? The seasonal herpes cold virus in your body right now is no more or less threatening to you health as this alleged virus the doctors in my family, cannot get a sample of to cure like Jonas Salk did. Why? It doesn’t exist. Never did. Maybe will, because it’s not working, but as of now, the govt has not proven to any medical professional (not govt) that they have a sample. Also, Jonas Salk gave away his cure and that led to the NWO PTB creating the CDC and alterin existing viruses (CRISPR) for designer viruses they could profit from. I don’t mean just money. Not about money. It’s about control. The PTB print all the mone they want. The NWO is not about making the rich richer. It’s about control by tech and bioweapons. And not necessarily by themselves, these techs are merging to better enable the PTB to control you.
The simplest answer is that due to the fraudulent push to inflate the number of COVID infections, flu cases are being reported AS COVID. A flu patient presents their doctor or hospital with fever, chills, coughing, sneezing. These can also be indications of COVID. An overmagnified PCR test intended to inflate COVID numbers is performed and voila! You now have another COVID infection to report. The phenomenon of the flu disappearing isn’t new. It was reported on here in the United States a week or two ago and the explanation they gave was the same. That COVID measures have virtually stopped the flu, yet haven’t stopped COVID.
R. Ahrens
I honestly do not believe “covid” exists, other then the flu itself, which they are passing off as some “dangerous virus”.
There is a collection of medical experts who have been censored and silenced for saying the same-
So whats the reasoning? THIS is how they plan to “Kill God”. And I WISH that was just some crazy conspiracy theory, but they have been bragging about doing just that for a long time now.
They broke alot of laws, and paid alot of money under the table to people like Planned Parenthood, to get thier hands on the tissue of aborted fetus. Why? To put in this vaccine, which is something they admit is in it.
In ancient times, Children were sacrificed to the demon-God Baal, which is just another name for Lucifer as is “Moloch”.
This is a picture of a temple of Baal-
And THIS is the entrance to planned Parenthood…Coincidence? I think not…
In ancient Babylon, Israel fell into Baal worship and so was “divorced” from God. THIS time, they want to bring the abomination of desolation straight into Gods temple, and cause that separation to be permanent! What happens when they inject a murdered blood sacrifice to Baal into you, the temple of God? The Holy spirit departs from you forever.
THAT is what all this is really about. “Election theater” was a distraction. The ruling elite, including Trump, are subservient to the literal anti-Christ. And who is anti-Christ? “He who denies father and son are anti-Christ, and even now there are many antichrists” were the words of our eternal King when asked…And WHO, as a people, deny Christ and actually blaspheme him in thier “Holy book”? Jew. And they have hijacked the west, and Gotten those who sold thier soul for wealth and comfort to do thier bidding….And thier endgame is to kill the Holy spirit in us….
This is it, I believe….Endgame. And we MUST try to reach as many as we can with the truth, because now they are playing for keeps, and anyone we fail to wake up will take this “mark” for the worldly conviences that will be cut off if they refuse.
“Mark” in mark of the beast is actually a word translated from its original greek to mean “A scar, a stigma. or a pin prick”.
This is all just my personal beliefs, but it IS founded in research and knowledge of scripture, and so whenever, where-ever I can I try to explain it because I feel anyone we fail to reach, even people we cherish are going to be lost forever if we dont.
Be strong…Pray for wisdom and courage brothers and sisters…I hope I am wrong, but I dont think I am.
God bless.
….And thier endgame is to kill the Holy spirit in us….
Ahrens…….fascinating comment. Although I would venture to guess that the Holy Spirit hardly exists in Adamkind at the moment. If I had to guess, I’d say there is probably less than 10,000 people on the planet with the Holy Spirit.
But you may be on to something that such a substance might completely destroy the ability for the Holy Spirit to ever enter a person. Who knows. God is certainly stronger than any physical substance. But it is an interesting theory nonetheless. The comparison to the Baal Sacrifice is very interesting. Great observation.
I’ve often wondered about blood infusions(blood donors). Does not the Scriptures say that life is in the blood. Injecting your body with the life of another just seems strange and not right.
Part of the “Mystery” I guess. Someday it will all be clear.
R. Ahrens
Some are in the book of life even though they have yet to awaken and receive it. And when it fills you, its something you know- There is no feeling like it! Yes, this is “preventative”….You see, God said all of Israel belonged to him, and that Lucifer would not get one! But this does not mean “universal” salvation for Adam-kind either. Some have been forever “cut off” from Israel, and some will answer the call later. The whole reason for the punishments inflicted on the west right now are for the sole purpose of “shaking awake” our people….Some, like homosexuals and pedophiles, will NEVER awaken.
NO ONE is getting out of this unpunished to some degree or another, however. I believe that when Israel spends 7 months burying the bodies of the “strangers” THAT will be a punishment of sorts…Not the labor of it, but because our race has always been compassionate towards outsiders with a sort of “older and wiser” sibling role, and to see what the folly of misplaced compassion has wrought, its going to rip the hearts out of many people.
God hates all sin, but there are some sins in which he uses a stronger emphasis is describing his disgust. Those who prey on children, for example have done whatever they did to kids to God himself. Homosexuality and racial mixing are also called “abomination”. God isnt sitting around with a check list gauging who did what worse when ect in my opinion, but I also believe that some sins are deal breakers. No, thats not anything I can point to, just personal opinion. In the end, God makes the rules, though, not you or me 🙂 so take it for what it is on that front.
But when your very DNA has been altered with the blood of murdered innocents, I think thats a permenant deal breaker, not just for the one who takes it, but for any children they have afterwards… Everything our father does is for the preservation and betterment of creation and his people, even if some things seem harsh on the surface.
I was JUST elsewhere rebuking one of thier favorite tactics in attacking Gods methods, in that people bring up the harsh dealings with the seed of the serpent and Nephalim…
The short answer is that they arent part of the creation of God, but a corruption through fallen angels, just as the Satanic seed line is.
There is NOTHING taken so out of context, as the brutal finality God commanded in dealing with these evil creatures. People love pointing it out and saying “That old testament God was a brutal tyrant”….These who spout that, and those who sheepishly nod and agree, have been deceived out of context….These beings had only evil thoughts, day and night….And I am talking Ted Bundy/Jack the ripper levels of evil 24 hours a day which they would act on without hesitation, as well as degeneracy. Without faith in God people are misled by these types of lies, but if one has faith in the LORD and his holy spirit, they would understand that ALL God has ever done in this world, has been for the betterment of his creation….Including severe judgements and punishments.
When we kneel to the cross and repent, the reward is the Holy spirit….Without that gift, the work of the cross would mean nothing to someone no matter how much they prey. “THIS” is how these scum think they can beat Gods plan. It would be ammusing if it werent so tragic. They are so blinded by hatred for God and thier own self worship, they dont realize the ink has been dry a long, long time….And while we can discuss and speculate, only God knows how this inevitably plays out, other then the glimpses he gives us all.
God bless and protect you and yours, and all our people.
R. Ahrens wrote, “You see, God said all of Israel belonged to him”
Given the link to Christogenea and this specific reference, it seems like you believe the “all Israel is saved” doctrine. I do not doubt you have a zeal for God, but I fear it is not according to knowledge.
Ironically this doctrine is none other than universalism, and it will lead to the eternal damnation of its adherents. For this reason, I ask you to hear me. Salvation is not based on being an Israelite or not (we are talking about pure Adamites of course, without animal admixture).
The Lord said, “14 And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 so that everyone who believes will have eternal life in Him.” (John 3:14-15) It is only those who believe in the Lord who will have eternal life and there are no two ways about it. The Israelites — even the pure ones — who do not believe in Him will die eternally.
When Paul says “and so all Israel will be saved” in Romans 11:26, He is not talking about all Israel across all of time. His discourse until that point cannot be ignored either, where especially in Romans 9 he has given a well reasoned argument for the divine choice of God, that there will be vessels of destruction among Israel. “All Israel will be saved” will be a moment in time and they are words reserved specifically to the remnant of Israel, because “not all Israel is Israel”. All of the OT prophets confirm this. Isaiah 10:21-22 says,
“23 A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God.
22 For though your people, Israel, may be like the sand of the sea,
Only a remnant within them will return;
A destruction is determined, overflowing with righteousness.”
Isaiah 11:11 says, “Then it will happen on that day that the Lord
Will again recover with His hand the second time
The remnant of His people who will remain”
Micah 7:18 says, “Who is a God like You, who pardons wrongdoing
And passes over a rebellious act of the remnant of His possession?
He does not retain His anger forever,
Because He delights in mercy.”
Zephaniah 2:9 says, “The remnant of My people will plunder them,
And the remainder of My nation will inherit them.”
And will there not only be a remnant left, as it says in the Revelation? “Then I looked, and behold, the Lamb was standing on Mount Zion, and with Him 144,000…”
R. Ahrens
Your assumption is incorrect. I have stated elsewhere, that many would be “cut off” from the tribe of Israel. I see how you may have taken that statement as I have met those who think “all are saved” but no, I dont and never have believed that.
R. Ahrens
Sorry for the double post, but the “Only 144,000” will be saved is a misinterpretation of Revelation, and a strong part of the “Jehovah witness” doctrines.
Who are the 144,000?
The concept of the 144,000 comes from Revelation 7. John mentions the 144,000 after describing the Lamb of God (i.e., Jesus) opening up a scroll of which no one else is found worthy (Rev. 5:8-14). When the Lamb opens the seven seals of the scroll, a series of judgments come from the unsealing of the scroll, including the infamous Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Rev. 6:1-8), a group of martyred souls awaiting their vengeance (Rev. 6:9-11), and a massive earthquake (Rev. 12:9-17).
After all these events have completed, four angels standing at the four corners of the earth (symbolically speaking), and the angels hold back the judgments until 144,000 are sealed on the earth. The 144,000 are identified in verse four as those “sealed from every tribe of the Israelites.”[1] There are two primary options for identifying this group.
Metaphorical: The number 12 is symbolic of God’s government (e.g., 12 tribes of Israel and 12 disciples). 12,000 x 12= 144,000. In this case, some hold that 144,000 symbolically represents the entire church, but would not hold a precise numerical value as to the number of individuals in heaven.
Literal: In this view, the 144,000 are redeemed Israelites who are saved during the time of global tribulation after the church has been resurrected. This view is the most plausible and relates best to the text at hand. Therefore, the 144,000 are Jewish individuals who are saved during the time of tribulation and not the number of all heavenly citizens.
How Many People Will Be in Heaven?
If the 144,000 is not a representation of the number of heavenly citizens, then how many people will be in heaven? Interestingly, the number of heavenly citizens is given in the verses following the description of the 144,000. John looks and sees a “vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language, which no one could number, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: Salvation belongs to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Rev. 7:9-10).
So, how many people will be in heaven? Only God knows. It is a number greater than any person could count. The citizenship of heaven will include men and women who are white and black, Jews and Arabs, Americans and Russians, Iraqis and Iranians, North and South Americans, Africans and Asians, Europeans and Oceanians. Heavenly citizens will transcend from points across time itself! As Cordie Bridgewater poetically wrote in her classic hymn, “How beautiful heaven must be, sweet home of the happy and free; fair heaven of rest for the weary, how beautiful heaven must be
R. Ahrens
That last post was from an article debunking the 144,000 claim that all that will be saved is that many….While I DONT agree that it will be “mixes of all the races” (the bible doesnt say so, they just ADD it in that article) I do believe the number saved is far greater then can be counted, as John stated. the “144,000” “sealed by God” are the survivors of tribulation whom are saved, “Sealed” so that they cannot be deceived into taking the mark of the beast.
R. Ahrens wrote, “I have stated elsewhere, that many would be “cut off” from the tribe of Israel. I see how you may have taken that statement as I have met those who think “all are saved” but no, I dont and never have believed that.”
Ah, glad to hear it then. Thank you for kindly clarifying that to me, I appreciate it. I thought I’d give the verses I did to stimulate a discussion on the matter, and I chose the remnant as the focal point. From the perspective of salvation there’s not need to discuss it anymore, but I’ll provide some thoughts and you’re welcome to give your own if it seems good to you.
I should note that Christogenea from which you quoted believes “all Israel is saved”, which is heresy and a false Christ. It’s sad, because many of those who frequent there use their “birthright”, believing themselves to be saved automatically, as a license for lawlessness and sin.
R. Ahrens wrote — or quoted, “the number of heavenly citizens is given in the verses following the description of the 144,000”
I’m afraid this assumption is incorrect, as the author seems to be unaware that Revelation 7 is quoting Isaiah 49. Isaiah 49 is a pattern found in many of the prophets, especially within Isaiah itself. Although allow me to provide some context first. I will provide it concisely, but I can elaborate on any detail if needed.
When the Lord ascended, there wasn’t much left to be done prophetically speaking. He said that once the temple and Jerusalem was destroyed/desolated, “22 …these are days of punishment, so that all things which have been written will be fulfilled. 23 Woe to those women who are pregnant, and to those who are nursing babies in those days; for there will be great distress upon the land, and wrath to this people; 24 and they will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles until the times of the nations are fulfilled.” (Luke 21:22)
This begins the great tribulation, or time of Jacob’s trouble. The Lord said it would be a time like what a nation has never seen, nor will ever see. We tend to project this from our own perspective, but the truth is, the horrors of the last 2000 years easily eclipse what nations had been through prior to the time of Christ.
The purpose of this time would be two-fold: 1. Punishment for Israel, to create a remnant (verses I’ve quoted already) 2. Bring in the nations (pure white/Adamic peoples of Genesis 10). This seems clear to me in Luke 21 and Romans 11, but to hammer home, it is also seen in Deuteronomy 32:21.
Therefore, we are coming out of the great tribulation now, and we are going into the time of God’s wrath against the nations. With this in mind, the four horsemen of Revelation 6 are almost concluded. Note how the four horsemen conclude with “sword, and famine, and plague, and by the wild animals of the earth” (Revelation 6:8) This echoes the seven times punishments of Leviticus 26. It is explicitly referred to in Ezekiel 14:21-22,
“21 For this is what the Lord God says: “How much more when I send My four severe judgments against Jerusalem: sword, famine, vicious animals, and plague to eliminate human and animal life from it! 22 Yet, behold, survivors will be left in it who will be brought out, both sons and daughters. Behold, they are going to come out to you, and you will see their conduct and actions; then you will be comforted for the disaster which I have brought against Jerusalem for everything which I have brought upon it.”
See how the product of the seven times punishments (severe judgements) is a remnant in verse 22. Note how in Revelation 6, with the fifth seal being a rather brief milestone, the horsemen result in a remnant who are a part of the sixth seal. This is the same thing said in Ezekiel 14 which I quoted.
Back to Isaiah 49 and Revelation 7, it is referring to Israel in contrast to the fullness of the nations coming in as a result of the great tribulation. A full analysis is needed, but have a look yourself and take note that Revelation 7:16-17 is quoting almost word for word Isaiah 49:10.
The 144000 and the great multitude are not the same people, and this story is told beautifully in Isaiah 49. The 144000 is the remnant of Israel, while the great multitude is the fullness of the nations, and is likely to be the same group of the fifth seal of Revelation 6. Note also how the end of Revelation 7:17 is quoting Isaiah 25:8, “He will swallow up death for all time,
And the Lord God will wipe tears away from all faces.” This shows the multitude are in fact dead, but they are promised eternal life. Just as they were in the fifth seal of Revelation 6.
The theme of Isaiah 49 and Revelation 7 then, is that the fullness of the nations are like children and a gift from God to the remnant of Israel, who were bereaved and destroyed during the tribulation. From there, with knowledge of the wonderful work of God, and of His Lamb who opened the seals, the remnant can go ahead and see through God’s wrath on the nations in the following chapters. Consider also the imagery of Ezekiel 9-10, with beginning Revelation 7 and beginning Revelation 8. The coals are the atonement of Israel, which is likely to be the greater fulfillment of the day of Atonement in the law.
R. Ahrens
Sorry, I would have responded sooner, but I have been trying to raise awareness that these evil people are playing the race card to set another monster loose. This time it is “Rodney Reed”, a man who did very vile things including a murder and a sexual assault on a 12 year old so graphic I would rather not go into detail-suffice to say it was very bad….I lost a child to inter-racial random violence in 1996….It was a serious wake up call to how deluded I was….I didnt find solace inside for many, many years afterwards. Not until Christ came into my life and I repented and turned to God. But even still, when I see them trying to free monsters, just as they freed the monsters that took my baby girl who was only 11 and had a whole life in front of her, I cannot keep silent. This truly is the age of the beast….
I read your blog, and your right. It isnt up to people to marry God. The wedding was the cross this time, and God chooses whom he will, we dont pick him… The unrepentant and multicults are in for a RUDE awakening on the great and terrible day of our LORD. And the lukewarm church is in an even more precarious position, seeing as how they ALREADY think they are fine….The arrogance of the members of the luke warm “Judea Christian” churches of today astonishes me….I would NOT welcome people of “alternative lifestyles” into my home…And if my wife brought them in, I would be angry and disgusted- How much moreso does our Holy and glorious father feel angry when these lukewarm throw thier doors open for abominations.
The WHOLE POINT of “Judea Christianity” was to mix up the races. But the LORD knows weeds from flowers….And he marries whom he will. We dont make the rules, the LORD does. It is a great question but the answer is ALWAYS up to the husband. Israel is the bride of Christ, and if one of our people wants to be chosen as part of the bride, instructions are in the holy word of God 🙂
God bless, brother.
You wrote — I read your blog, and your right. It isnt up to people to marry God. The wedding was the cross this time, and God chooses whom he will, we dont pick him…
I’m not sure what you read; but it definitely wasn’t my blog. My blog has nothing to do with this comment of yours. It is not about salvation per se …. it essentially asks a very simple question — “How” does one marry and “Who” is eligible for marriage. “Marriage” as in man and woman; husband and wife. Nothing about Salvation in regards to Predestination/Foreknowledge/Free Will vs. no Free will.
You said something interesting … you wrote — The citizenship of heaven will include men and women who are white and black, Jews and Arabs, Americans and Russians, Iraqis and Iranians, North and South Americans, Africans and Asians, Europeans and Oceanians.
Why do you believe this?
Are you of the belief that the 4 distinct peoples of the world (White, black, yellow and red) all originate from the loins of Adam and Eve or; if you believe in a global flood — Noah. Do the 4 distinct peoples of the world all emerge from the loins of Noah and his family?
If YES …………………. how is that possible?
Let me ask you a very simple question to illustrate my point —
If we were to remove all of the White Icelanders from Iceland and replace them with 100,000 blacks from the Congo ……………… In how many years would those ‘blacks’ turn White?
This is a question I have yet to receive an answer to from those who believe in Universalism.
What is your belief of the origin of the 4 distinct peoples of the world?
Lastly — what part of the world are you from? You don’t have to be specific. Just curious where you reside.
Sorry about your loss. I too have lost a very close family member. It is one of the hardest realities to live through. So sorry.
Please disregard my comment as it relates to Universalism.
I did not understand that your “comment” was a copy of an article. My bad.
But I still am curious to know you better. Where do you live? Or ….. how about — what Continent to you reside?
Cheers. 🙂
There is a corolla virus. Also named the flu virus. There is influenza. All their lies now magnified to delusion are contrived from realities.
The greatest sickness is the belief and fear people give them. And yet it is not so much the fear of flu or covid @#$ which is polymorphic but their obedience to their false gods.
Planned Parenthood, a jew subterfuge is one, financed by taxes as “women’s health.” All UN Anti-Christ blasphemy. The jew is in his glory. May it be short-lived.
I personally do not want to take that injection, but to claim that it is the mark of the beast is very far from Scriptural.
It says in Revelation 20 that those who did not take the mark would rule with the Lord Jesus for 1000 years. So if an unrepentant murderer doesn’t take the injection, then he will reign with the Lord for 1000 years?
R. Ahrens
Thats just it though….When they start taking away the worldly convieniences to force people to take this, a selfish person such as an unrepetentant murderer will GLADLY take it….And remember, the mark is accepted in the right hand (Pin-prick or scar” or “forehead” (spiritual decision/ideologies.
Anyone who refuses this, at the risk of even possibly starving to death for love and faith in God, WILL be worthy to reign alongside Christ for 1000 years. Dont expect any of the faithless to reject it when they start putting on the pressure.
I personally know many disagreeable characters who have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. They would die before taking the injection. I know of a particular sinful character who refuses to leave his house, because he believes even the mandatory masks could be a mark of the beast. He is literally willing to starve to death, yet he is a cruel and base fellow.
I think understanding that this is a possible state in the minds of our kindred is important to understanding the spiritual problems we face…
In any case, injections are not a very substantive interpretation of the Scriptural references to the mark of the beast. One must still explain the number of the man, how it relates to Deuteronomy 6:8 and the seal of God in Revelation 12:2-3.
Just a note on “watch-unto-prayer” —
Before I was awoken to our Inheritance as physical Israel, I followed this website — Barbara Aho Is her name if I remember correctly.
I would say that the site was intrumental into my “awakening” as part of the vast Conspiracies that have happened to our people and the world.
That being said …………………… as I was awakening to the Jewish Question, I began to share my discoveries with Barbara. 9-11 is a perfect example.
At the end of the Day —- Watch unto Prayer is really no better than any other Judeo-christian conspiracy website.
They still believe the Jews are god’s chosen. They believe in Eternal Security — which is a false gospel. The bottom line is that this person nor the website has the Holy Spirit and any new “Christian” who may want to peruse this site should TREAD WITH CAUTION.
This is all.
A great and true saying —- we must “Chew the Meat and Spit out the Bones”.
How much money do big pharma make from cold & flu remedies, you can pick up in your local chemist/garage/supermarket along with flu vaccinations? I’ll tell you, it’s a multi billion, a year, industry!
So what do you think would happen to this industry, if the people actually realized that you CAN’T catch a cold/flu from other people and that a virus, is not airborne, but something the body creates to clean toxicity within our cells?
They have known, for a very long time, that the only way you can catch a virus is by DIRECTLY injecting it into another person, via a vaccination. The body creates many viruses, all working, throughout the body to remove heavy metals, plastics, drugs etc from our cells, acquired through eating, drinking and breathing. A virus is DEAD, that is, it is not living. It is also area specific within the body. It does NOT migrate to other parts, therefore it DOES NOT leave the body either. This therefore also means that the nonsense of swine, avian, monkey flu is a lie and again, the only way people CAN catch that is through direct injection into their bloodstream.
What this who plandemic has shown is that the intelligence of the average man, woman and human is exceptionally low. They have no critical thinking abilities whatsoever.
I’m actually beginning to realise that 90% of the people on this earth shouldn’t really be here, due to their complete and utter stupidity. They are sheep. They don’t think, just follow. They are Mammonites, debt slave consumers and nothing more, all swimming in the ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ sea.
And of course, instead of rebuking these fools, who’ll take the vaccine, society has been led to be compassionate to them when they inevitably get sick. I just laugh and ask them if they’d like to buy some seaside property in Oxfordshire. If there was ever a better time for conmen to con, it’s now.
“… that the intelligence of the average man, woman and human is exceptionally low. They have no critical thinking abilities whatsoever…..”
Hey Mark….
My thoughts — yes, intelligence is part of it. Maybe not Intelligence (IQ) as much as the programming that they have bombarded us these past 100 years.
For me ………………… the is Supernatural. This is Spiritual Deception. I believe the Scripture even suggests that it is “God” who blinds man’s eyes (mind/soul).
I know too many BRILLIANT peoples who simply refuse to even ‘pretend’ to want to know the Truth.
I think the Holocaust is a great litmus test. There is so much information out there contradicting the official narrative. I have purchased many books etc., for people that I have known — family members too — and they simply discard the materials. They won’t even look at it.
This is not Intelligence. This is Spiritual Blindness.
We are far too comfortable still. I guess we will have to wait until our friends and family are living in Tent Cities before they ever take what we say with a level of seriousness.
Hi Westwins,
So you’re implying that God is deliberately stopping the truth from people finding out and you say that brilliant people, simply can’t see what’s going on?
I don’t know.
I think much of it is conditioning. Take my mother and father. My father would have been 101 were he alive. My mother’s 87. Both are from a generation that simply believed that their government was on their side, queen and country and all that. They were incapable of understanding the gross deception, because they simply couldn’t believe people to be like that. And of course, they were taken for a ride, by many companies they worked with in the business they ran. Were they naive or simply incredibly trusting?
Again, it was their generation and how they’d grown up, both.
And I think that it’s really when you hit rock bottom in life that you start asking questions. I agree with you on other people, needing to lose everything and living in tents before they wake up. I have said exactly this, to others, many times. I know that when I was wakening up, I was going through a hard time. That was over 20 years ago. And then 10 years ago I had another incredibly hard time and an even greater awakening.
When many people are living in Sh*tsville, no home, no food, having to protect themselves from attack will they regain their instincts. They’ll start asking more and more questions and then they’ll start seeing between the lines.
Man has to essentially fall before he can rise. And I think many will, along with much great suffering.
“…So you’re implying that God is deliberately stopping the truth from people finding out and you say that brilliant people, simply can’t see what’s going on?…”
Yes. Because of Sin and Rebellion. John 12:40; Romans 11:8 to name a few.
And I hear your example loud and clear. It is my parents as well. But ……… and this is my point — I laid it all out for my parents and family. I gave them books, articles, websites ……………. you name it.
I am their “flesh and blood”! I, of all people, they should trust and listen to.
But they didn’t even try! They just ignored everything I gave them and said to them. They ignored it all under the false pretense that I am “mentally ill”. I am an anti-semite, so therefore, I have a mental illness, according to them. Because jews are god’s chosen (according to them), the jew can do no wrong and I have a mental issue that causes me not to see the truth that they believe, and be swayed by other anti-semites.
The only explanation here Mark is that God has shut their eyes. There is not one person in my immediate family that is righteously married. And they all believe in OSAS, which simply is, “another gospel” — 2 Corinthians 11:3-4
I see it first hand in my own life — God has blinded them so they can’t see. The cognitive dissonance is Supernatural. This is not a war of Intellect and Reason. This is a war with the Spirit World — Ephesians 6:12
“….They’ll start asking more and more questions and then they’ll start seeing between the lines…..Man has to essentially fall before he can rise…..”
Yes….I believe you are right. Sadly, it seems right now, the only ones being punished are those who are “awake”.
My x-friends and family are all living the high life right now. “Ignorance is Bliss”.
God and jews that changed signs to put the goyim on the wrong road like bugs bunny getting chased but its not a show its constant on going .
Your situation, with your family is identical to mine. I’ve tried, so hard to wake them. I’ve given them evidence of the Lord of the holocaust, who the Jews are and they just say that I go to silly conspiracy sites. And when they say that I show them proof that the CIA created the term conspiracy theory to stop people looking into the JFK assassination.
Yes, I believe you are right. There’s something not right about people who point blank, ignore truth put in front of them. It does seem that God wants them to fall, in order to awaken them.
2 Corinthians 4:4 – 4:6
“In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to [give] the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
Mark ….
Thanks for sharing. It’s hard, to be rejected by your family. I am very sorry for your loss. I feel it. I know you do too.
What is worse, however??? They insist I am mentally ill and in need of medication. This is what hurts the most.
They insisted that I get Psychiatric help if I were to ever sit at their family table. But ….. my nephew can bring his boy “lover” over for Thanksgiving and he is welcomed with open arms.
Talk about spiritual deception!
Blessings to you.
Don’t worry. My feminist sisters think I’m mad. So does my mother. They also think my older brother is mad as well.
Remember what Arthur Schopenhauer stated about the truth:
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident”.
In fact Schopenhauer has many good quotes. A very wise man.
They say this to you because their ignorance knows no other way to refute you. They cannot question you as you will only reply with truths. They don’t want to accept the truth so choose to insult and by bringing in one’s psychological profile, moves from the objective into the subjective and loses the debate in that instant.
I just say to people that we’re living through the looking glass. Everything that was no longer is. Everything that was good is now bad, right is now wrong, left is now right…..It’s a mess. And if they can question your mental health, while accepting sodomy at their table then there’s nothing really to say is there? You’re better off without them.
I’ll finish with another good Schopenhauer quote:
“A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free.”
They say this to you because their ignorance knows no other way to refute you. They cannot question you as you will only reply with truths. They don’t want to accept the truth so choose to insult and by bringing in one’s psychological profile, moves from the objective into the subjective and loses the debate in that instant.
Very astute observation/analysis.
So then, could mosquitoes indeed spread viruses?
Reforming Boomer,
Malaria IS NOT a virus.
Malaria is a disease, caused by a parasite. This parasite is therefore a LIVING thing.
A virus, on the other hand IS NOT living.
A virus is a natural bodily reaction to cell toxicity. The body CREATES viruses inside your body to expunge the heavy metals, plastics, poisons etc from the cells, through eating, drinking and breathing.
Just like with birds knowing when to migrate, seeds knowing when to germinate, bears knowing when to hibernate, fish knowing when to spawn, our body knows when cell toxicity is too high and goes through the process of removing the threat to our system.
Flu is a MAJOR cell detoxification. Cold is a minor one. More so, viruses are cell specific and DO NOT migrate. This means that if you have a virus working to remove toxicity from cells in the liver, it won’t leave that area and move to the kidney, or the stomach etc. The body will create viruses, in the areas, needed to combat the cell toxicity. And because it’s cell specific and does NOT migrate, it DOES NOT leave the body.
The only way to be infected WITH a virus is ironically PRECISELY the same way as a human is infected with malaria – INJECTED DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOODSTREAM!
A syringe is virtually identical to a mosquito’s proboscis.
How do scientists create viruses? No differently to how the body does. They take an infected piece of cell tissue (aborted fetus for example) and put it in a petri dish. Viruses automatically form to remove the harmful agents within the cells. They then add another 70 or so chemicals to the dish and put it in a fridge. This then goes into a bottle, where doctors insert a syringe, load it with the infected liquid and inject it into your arm.
This is the ONLY way that you can catch a virus – by having it directly injected it into you. And so if they want to infect you with a monkey, bird, swine or whatever other type of animal flu out there, they’ll repeat the process they did with the aborted fetus cell tissue, but exchange that with the animal tissue they want to infect you with.
Your health system is lying to you. Doctors are nothing more than drug pushers for big pharmaceutical companies, who profit greatly off of deception.
On a different note, but staying with deception, Leon Eisenberg (a Jew), who is known to be the father of ADHD, on his deathbed stated – “ADHD is a fictitious disease, created in order that pharmaceutical companies could profit along with the filling the young with psychotropic drugs”.
Everything and I mean everything around is deception. ALL institutions are working together on promoting this deception. Therefore, people will automatically believe them, because EVERY institution is telling them so. And this is EXACTLY why the covid lie is believed, along with all other harmful things happening to us. 100% of the institutions are deceiving us, because they’ve been infiltrated. People will therefore not question them. They won’t question them, because unlike the Jew, most people wish to do good to one another. Jews, want to kill us all.
Mark, have you read the book “Fear Of The Invisible” (2008) by Janine Roberts? Roberts basically argues that retro viruses and viruses are not to be feared–and are important parts of our immune system functioning.
Hi Danae,
Thanks for that. I’ll look to get this book ASAP!
Yes, this plandemic has really awoken me to viruses. It’s done exactly the opposite, of what they’ve expected, well for me (and most certainly for others) anyway.
I asked myself the simple question: “why do I always get flu, every year at a specific time. Why is it I only get colds when I’m run down physically and mentally”? I then began to realise that we were working to a natural body clock and looking deeper found it to be a natural cleansing of the body’s toxicity.
The reason why we get runny noses, cough and sneeze is because this is our body EXPUNGING the unwanted toxicity from our cells through our natural openings. It all makes perfect sense. In fact it’s common sense. Why, for example, won’t I get a cold/flu, even though I’m in a room with people coughing and sneezing? All of these make you realise that, technically, you can’t CATCH anything in the air, being removed from another’s body, through their own detoxification.
I expect people to come on here and say “well, what about if you’re in a room, where gas is being pumped into a room? You’ll breathe that in and die won’t you”? Well yes, but deadly gas is a far more concentrated version of the poisons that we breathe in daily from carbon monoxide, factory pollutants and of course, the spraying of the skies.
Cars pump out carbon monoxide. We breathe that in. It stays in our cells, later to be removed by the viruses that we create. However, if we sit in a garage, with the exhaust on, our body is overloaded with carbon monoxide, the body can’t expel it fast enough, cell damage occurs and we inevitably ‘kick the bucket’.
On a side note: they tell us that smoking kills and they banned it from public places, but car fumes? They never banned them and they’re deadly. The whole smoking ban was there for two things; firstly to gauge our reaction to the removal of a God given right of choice that man has been doing for thousands of years (incredibly Pavlovian) and secondly to increase the cost of tobacco products so that cigarette companies could make horrific profits through the hike in prices. Again, the public is being deceived.
Mark, if smoking causes lung cancer, then why is it that as smoking rates have gone down dramatically over the last 50 years, lung cancer rates have gone up? Why is it that countries with the highest number of smokers per capita don’t have the highest lung cancer rates? Logically, we can only conclude one thing: smoking cannot be the primary cause of lung cancer.
In fact, a Harvard study came out a few years ago that showed the number one risk factor for lung cancer was NOT smoking — or exposure to second-hand smoke. So what was that big risk factor? High Glycemic Index! Blood sugar levels.
I agree. I wasn’t saying that I believed smoking caused lung cancer but gave the reasons WHY they banned it.
My grandfather smoked 60 Piccadilly/John Players’ filter-less cigarettes for all his life. He died having an operation, that was not needed for another ailment. Regardless, he was 77 when he died and not a drop of cancer.
The foods we eat, from the supermarkets (owned by Jews) are full of carcinogens, especially the meats, courtesy of the fertilizers used in modern farming. Cancer is created in bodies with high acidity. Keep your body’s acidity low and you won’t get cancer.
Of course, smoking isn’t good for you. All the toxic substances within a cigarette, will inevitably make the cells toxic. So if you want to have a quick flu (if one at all), then cut down/stop smoking.
In my own experience, if I come into contact with people who have a cold of flu, I tend to get it soon after. Many times I have been ill, I have been able to identify where I likely got it from. Are you suggesting that this is coincidence? (serious question; not rhetorical)
Mark wrote, “The whole smoking ban was there for two things; firstly to gauge our reaction to the removal of a God given right of choice that man has been doing for thousands of years (incredibly Pavlovian) and secondly to increase the cost of tobacco products so that cigarette companies could make horrific profits through the hike in prices.”
As a non-smoker, I can attest to what a blessing those laws are. I don’t have to have smoke in my face and clothes in random places. I think there is a case to be made that those laws happened purely because it’s such a disagreeable thing to do around other people, no?
Well, Johan…
You and I do seem to disagree on everything here.
Firstly, you get a cold/flu afterwards, because seeing someone who has a cold or a flu can trigger your own body to detoxify, which is what it is. It’s like yawning. Have you ever yawned after seeing someone else yawn?
More so, about flu, it’s seasonal. It kicks into most people at the same time. Why is that? What triggers it? Do you truly believe that someone got a cold/flu and spread it to millions? ROTFLMFAO!!!!!
Secondly, there are no smoking laws. There are smoking ACTS. Do not confuse the two.
There was a program that was on TV once, called ‘Grumpy Old Men’ that spoke to well know, elder celebrities who discussed about how many things in life had changed. On it, one day, was Scottish actor, Ken Stott (whom I’ve incidentally met and had a beer with on a few occasions) who said something very poignant about smoking and the smoking ban. Paraphrasing:
“On being told one day by someone that smoking cigarettes was a filthy habit and showed no respect to pepole around them, I turned around, telling the man; “I hope you don’t mind if I take your car keys, to your 4×4 parked outside and throw them into the lake”?”
There was an incredibly simple way of dealing with smoking in public places. In the case of bars and restaurants, designate them either smoking or non smoking.
You will then find that 90% of the customers will go to the smoking bars and the others, would eventually have to close, due to not enough business. Smokers also tend to drink.
The smoking ban was draconian. It was authoritarian and I don’t really smoke, but I’d defend anyone’s right to smoke.
There’s nothing worse, in life, that people who want to BAN things. It’s the road to hell, paved with good intentions proverb. Nothing worse than authoritarians in my book.
I’m not sure I understand the comment about throwing the 4×4 keys away, but it’s a bad habit regardless, not befitting a follower of Christ. Smokers do tend to drink, yes, and it says in the Scriptures more than once that a drunkard will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
In light of Romans 13:1-7 though, I suppose smoking just isn’t a God-given right anymore in certain areas.
Every act of censorship inadvertently achieves its opposite by drawing attention to its subject.
Last week, an Israeli court ordered the 2002 film Jenin, Jenin to be banned in Israel and all copies of it confiscated.