(Forward) The difference between an evangelical Christian and a full-blown Jew has become so small that someone like Stephen Smith, who has spent his entire life in the service of the Jews — promoting the Holocaust Industrial Complex™ and marrying a Jewess — decided to take the next “logical” step and convert to Judaism:
“After a life spent studying and working with the Jews, Stephen Smith became one.
You would think then that Smith, with his international reputation as a scholar and archivist of the Holocaust, would now be joining the chorus of voices warning us that antisemitism is an existential threat to American Jews.
You would be wrong. Smith’s journey to Judaism has, if anything, given him insights on how to fight, and beat, antisemitism.
Smith was born and raised in Nottinghamshire, England, the son of devout evangelical Christians. On their first family trip to Israel in 1980, when he was 13, Smith was struck by the sight of Jews praying at the Western Wall.
“I thought, we came here to study the origins of Christianity. When we get here, I see Jewish people praying where Jesus of Nazareth would have come. How come I don’t understand what I’m seeing?”
Ten years later, after studying Christian and Jewish theology in university, Smith considered converting to Judaism. He contacted an Orthodox rabbi, who struck him as too stringent, and a Reform rabbi, who seemed “too cold.” “I was having a Goldilocks moment,” he told me.
At the time, Smith decided he could do more to combat antisemitism by remaining Christian.
“This happened to the Jews,” he said of the Holocaust, “but it was not the making of the Jews. This was a product of Western European civilization.” His leverage, he said, came from being part of the majority.
Smith went on to create, with his brother James and their mother Marina, England’s National Holocaust Museum and Centre, which he ran from 1995 until coming to Los Angeles in 2009 to head up the USC Shoah Foundation, founded in 1993 by director Steven Spielberg to preserve videotaped testimony of Holocaust survivors.
There, Smith expanded the distribution of the foundation’s 56,000 Holocaust testimonies to schools around the world, collected testimony from survivors of the Rwandan and other genocides, and pioneered the use of AI and holograms for presenting survivors as if they were alive in museum settings.
After he stepped down from the USC Shoah Foundation in 2021, Smith traveled to Israel for one of by then many regular visits. This time, at the Western Wall — where he sat five decades before — something shifted.
For the first time in his life, he said, he was no longer a professional “representing six million souls,” fighting antisemitism in their memory. “I thought, why do I have to sit on the outside looking when I feel a part of this history? Why wouldn’t I want to be a part of this people and its history?”
When his wife Heather Maio-Smith, who is Jewish, returned from her prayers at the women’s section, he turned to her and said, “I’m going to convert to Judaism.”
Maio-Smith looked at her husband in shock. “What, now?” Later that day, Smith called Rabbi Neal Weinberg, a Conservative Los Angeles rabbi who offers conversion classes, and signed up…
…What changed for Smith, who now runs an AI company that he and Maio-Smith founded, wasn’t an increase in actual Jewish knowledge. “I’m not saying I could have taught the conversion course,” he said, “but not far off.”
The change was more subtle, and more striking. “I changed my pronouns,” he said, “from ‘them’ to ‘us.’”
In the midst of his conversion process, a professor had asked him to contribute a paper to a journal on Jewish ethics. “I suddenly realized I wasn’t writing about Jewish ethics,” he said. “I was writing about my ethics. I was writing in the first person singular and plural, ‘We have a point of view.’ That was the biggest signal for me; I made a shift to an internal perspective, not an external one.”
That shift informed how he thought about the rise in antisemitism. Smith said being part of the Jewish people actually made him less worried, and less afraid…
“First of all, I don’t have any respect for antisemites,” he said. “Whether they are overt, angry ideological antisemites or whether they are under-the-table quiet types. I don’t respect them enough to waste my time on them.”
The communal impulse to hide or grow defensive, understandable as it is, is exactly the wrong one, he said. “We need to be out in the world. We need to talk about the values of Judaism. We need to espouse what we have to offer to the world, because it is beautiful. It’s good. It’s old, as in wise and old. We have nothing to fear, and nothing to hide.”
Incorporating the word “we” in his language is no small thing for Smith. It’s the culmination of a journey he began at age 13. “I have never felt safer,” he said. “I have never felt more protected. I have 16 million new friends who understand the world the same way that I understand it.”
Smith, of all people, cannot be accused of underestimating the dangers. “If we know one thing about antisemitism,” he said, “it can result in the genocide of Jewish people. We know that as an empirical fact. No one takes it more seriously than me.”
But what Smith found on the inside was a community well-positioned to fend off the threat. American Jews have democracy, civil society, free speech and open society on their side, he pointed out. They have a sympathetic media and education system….
I heard Smith deliver this message to a Muslim-Jewish dialogue group, NewGround, last May, and he brought it to a Jewish-Christian gathering in Indiana the month before.
There, he spoke to some 300 people on a Thursday evening about the threat of white nationalism and increasing antisemitism. A white nationalist group, he said, “couldn’t put a group of 300 people together on a Thursday night if it tried, and when they do turn up on a Sunday afternoon in a park, it’s 30 of them.”
Smith, in his quiet but firm English accent, said what I’ve long suspected: There is reason, even in light of the latest bad news, for optimism. “I think we underestimate how strong we are. I think we underestimate how powerful our community is,” he told me. “We’ll find that we have many, many more allies than we will ever have our enemies. And I’m saying that now as ‘we.’”
Notice that nowhere in this article does Stephen Smith mention Jesus Christ — or how he decided to deny Christ in order to convert to Judaism — that apparently was no concern for him and the consequences for his eternal soul.
Instead, he’s literally spent his entire life focusing on Jews and promoting the Big Lie of the Holocaust™ that he probably sees Christ and Christians as his own personal persecutors — just as the Jews do.
He replaced Christianity with Holocaustianity — substituting the suffering of the Jews in imaginary Gas Chambers™ with the suffering of Christ on the Cross.
But Smith grew up steeped in evangelical Christian Zionism — as practiced by his mother, Marina Smith, who was awarded an MBE for her tireless work in the service of Jews and Holocaust education.
Stephen Smith followed in her footsteps, proving his bona fides as a trusted “shabbos goy” — to the point that he was appointed director of Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation — where he got to rub elbows with Hollywood movie stars and the rich and powerful.
He and his Jewish wife started a company that uses AI technology to create 3-D holograms of Holocaust survivors — in a vain attempt to make these survivors immortal so that they can continue to brainwash young, impressionable children long after the last survivor has died.
In 2012, the Jerusalem Post ran an article claiming that by 2027 — only four years from now — the Last Holocaust Survivor™ will have died — yet in 2017 the Jerusalem Post ran an article claiming that 43,700 survivors will still be living in Israel alone.
But given the health benefits of surviving the Holocaust, we can expect that there will be plenty of Holocaust survivors even in 2065 — 120 years after the end of World War II.
So it’s no wonder Smith realized how powerful Jews are — and how they can use their power and wealth to crush his fellow “gentiles” into submission for daring to say anything critical about Jews or the Holocaust.
After his conversion to Judaism, Smith claims that he “never felt safer” — that he was “protected” — by this Jewish wealth and power surrounding him — yet despite their power most Jews continue to live in fear, thanks to the Holocaust psy-op that he promotes — so much so that at least 25% of Israeli Jews sincerely believe “another” Holocaust could happen.
The Zionists have always used the specter of the Holocaust to convince Jews to move to the “safety” of Israel — and yet by their own admission, Israel is the most dangerous country for Jews to live in — and most assimilated Jews in America have no interest in moving there.
The fact that Stephen Smith feels “safe” and “protected” is proof that he is not, nor can he ever be, a real Jew — genetic Jews are born to live in fear as paranoid neurotics — and everything they do is motivated by fear — and the greatest thing they fear is The Truth — which makes them “hostile” to all living things — as the apostle Paul said.
And as Alexander Solzhenitsyn observed, “For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth.”
They fear that if the goyim en masse ever figure out that the Holocaust is a lie — and Holocaust denial goes viral — all their power and ability to control society will come crashing down like a house of cards.
They so fear this exposure that they have had to push for laws that make it illegal to question any aspect of their official Holocaust narrative — and throw people in jail who dare speak out about it.
Yet despite his conversion to Judaism — and his marriage to a Jew — many Jews will never accept Smith as a “real” genetic Jew — or ever truly trust him — no more than they accepted other converts like Marylin Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor or Sammy Davis Junior as “real” Jews.
He certainly will not qualify for Israeli citizenship despite his conversion — and no matter how much he promotes the Holocaust and Zionism.
Stephen Smith should take the following words of Theodore Herzl — the grandfather of Zionism — to heart concerning his so-called “conversion” to Judaism:
“A native Eskimo, an American Indian might conveniently adopt every tenet of the Jewish Church, might practice every form of ceremony imposed by Jewish laws and Jewish ritual, and so far as the religion is concerned be Jew but yet, no one who will reflect for a moment would class them with the Jews as a people. Who shall say that the Jews are no longer a race; blood is the basis of the race idea, and no people on the face of the globe can lay claim with so much right to purity of blood as the Jews. The religion alone does not constitute the people, as I have already maintained, a believer in the Jewish faith does not by reason of that fact become a Jew. On the other hand however, a Jew by birth remains a Jew, even though he abjures his religion.”
—Theodore Herzl, “The Jewish State”, p. 200
In fact, a Jewish cantor in Germany was fired recently because so many Germans were converting to Judaism that she feared they would “take over” — and replace “real” Jews.
These “real” Jews hate Jesus Christ because He told them that “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” — and that “The truth shall set you free.”
But Smith has spent his life rejecting that Truth and denying Christ — just as all Jews do — instead they choose to be imprisoned in the comfortable suffocating lie of the Holocaust for worldly gain.
Did Stephen Smith also have his Rabbi cut off that little piece of skin on his penis. Isn’t that the true sign of a Jewish male.
A Christian has to read the papers given to him sign when he has a child or he will be signing the rights to his physician to circumcise his son and not know it until too late..
This must be how the Jews identify themselves. But what about Arabs who also are circumscised?
The ultimate testimony as to their rescue by being segregated in these remote camps, far from the danger of the mass bombing raids, comes from ~ who else ~ the Jews themselves. As they never cease to assure us ~ they “survived”.
Jews prepare to skip town… POGROM
JEW Brian Shilhavy of Vaccine Impact blaming Christians for Human Sex Trafficking.
Exposing How Christian Churches Participate in and Facilitate Human Sex Trafficking..
He knows the truth of course, JEWS are natural Slaver’s always were.
Israel Hebrew website says that the total annual profits garnered from white slavery in Israel have reached the US $1 Billion Dollar mark. (2005)
10,000 Eastern European and Russian girls are lured to Israel each year and enslaved as prostitutes.
Over the past decade, about 100,000 women have been trafficked into Israel in what Keidar calls “modern slavery”.
Slavery is Legal to the Jewish People. A right granted to them by GOD!
And they take their Religion very seriously!
Muslim and Jewish slave trade and castration of the Slavs in the Middle AgesIn 1996, the Moscow publishing house, published work of famous Swiss Orientalist Adam Metz _Muslim Renaissance_.In this book, only a few pages are quite remarkable information about the history of the slave trade in medieval Europe. It turns out, there was a slave and who would have thought that doing it, mostly representatives of the _persecuted and the long-suffering people _!In Europe, the slave trade was almost entirely Jewish. Goods come mainly from East Slavic lands. Bishop Agobard of Lyon (IX century AD.) mentions in his book (De insolentia Iudaeorum), number of cases where Jews kidnapped Christian Franks children, or evenreceived from Christian children for sale and sold them to the Spanish Muslims.Trafficking in slaves is connected, apparently, the resettlement of Jews in the city of Magdeburg vostochnosaksonskom [Caro, Wirtschaftsgeschichte, I, str.191].During the transportation of slaves slave traders robbed in good faith, at least the Germans; For example, the Customs Code of g.Koblentsa required on each head a slave to 4 pence, and the Bishop g.Hura in Switzerland are levied on the customs outpost in Vallenshtadte 2 dinars.
In the X century, Prague was the center of the slave trade. St. Adalbert resigned from in 989 bishop of Prague because was not able to buy all the Christians purchased by a Jewish merchant [Caro, Wirtschaftsgeschichte, I, str.191].
Jewish merchants brought Slavic slaves in Muslim countries. Women and girls were intended concubines in harems, and a young man, after castration, to the eunuchs.
According to the laws of Islam and Muslims is forbidden castration provided this work to Jewish doctors. Medieval Arab historian al-Muqaddasi writes that the main supplier of white eunuchs in Muslim harems were “Slavs, a country that lies behind the Khorezm; castrate them, and then are transported to Egypt. «
Slavs brought to the Spanish cities, populated by Jews, and that they were castrated.Jews in the Frankish empire also practiced castration, and little known used in this respect the Jews of Verdun [Dozy, Gesch. der Mauren, 2, p.38]
As for the operation itself says castration medieval Arab historian Ibn al-Athir: «At the time of castration skrotum cut up and removed the testicles. Often, during this operation, boy is frightened and one testicle goes up. Doctor-Jew looking for him, but do not always find it possible, and then drop it when the cut is zarubtsuetsya.If it’s left testicle, then the eunuch will libido and sperm, and if it is right,
then grows his beard «[Ibn al-Athir, IX, page 39].
Only a small portion of the slaves survived after such an operation, but the survivors were very expensive.
BTW, how well known is this (((fella)))?
I probably live under a rock, but it seems like my Evangelical pals aren’t too familiar with him either.
He’s British, and he never promoted Christianity, too busy promoting the Holocaust for the last 30 years….
Heeby Kikeburger
There was a Times of Israel article recently where the Moms for Liberty (IIRC) movement “apparently” quoted Hitler in their new pamphlet. The quote, “Who owns the children, gains the future!” This line was taken from a speech during the 1935 Nuremburg speeches, the group didn’t know it was a Hitler line (and they are using it to attack the LGBTQ2+ movement’s ensaring of children, not to take children themselves).
The only problem, according to the transcripts of Hitler’s speeches on Der-Fuhrer dot com, more specifically the Nuremburg speeches, he never said that. That “owns the children” quote came out of thin air.
The Jews say they may have taken the quote out of Mein Kampf, but I can’t remember Hitler saying anything like that in Mein Kampf (and if he did, it was spoken in a more positive light to oppose Communism & protect Germany, like almost everything else he said in Mein Kampf, unlike what the Jewish MSM implies).
“It wasn’t true, but in my mind it was true.”
Don’t you dare say anything bad about a Jew w/o a video & audio recording of the Jew confessing to said bad thing, but a Jew can pull anything that pushes the boundaries of logic, rationality & cognition past their limits out of their behinds w/o question.
The Jews (specifically the JTA & ToI Jews) say Ukraine can wear Swastikas & worship Nazis because “it’s a part of their culture & symbolizes something different than the extermination of Jews.”
But if you take a nonexistent quote from Hitler, use it to criticize the [Jewish-founded/funded] LGBTQ2+ movement’s pedophilic grasping for children, and you didn’t even know the quote was from Hitler when it wasn’t…….
Well obviously this is antisemitism of the highest order & proof the entire conservative movement in America is filled with Nazis.
Completely different from Ukrainian Nazi worship, those Ukrainians wearing Swastikas & quoting Hitler are just protecting their culture & independence. Anyone else who wears a Swastika or quotes Hitler just wants to gas all the Jews to death– clearly……..
I’m sure the fact Zelensky & his admin. are Jewish has nothing to do with this hypocritical double-standard. Don’t mention this though, for as Goebbels pointed out, the most insulting thing you can do to a Jew is point out they’re a Jew; everything else will wash off like water over a raincoat.
PS – I’ve noticed Judaism seems to be the only religion that institutionalizes “protecting” homosexuality. You don’t see the staunch defense of “gay & trans rights” from other religions. Almost like Judaism is a religion of gay people…
Fort Niagara
That fake quote attributed to Hitler sounds more like something out of the communist playbook.
One of the objectives of communism was to break the continuity of morals between the parents and children by having the State raise the children and indoctrinate them into the “new way” of thinking, amorally.
The psychiatrist, educator and NWO stooge Brock Chisholm advocated just such a strategy toward children, alienating them from the parents to re-educate them in the proper “values”.
Chisholm once stated, “Children must be free to think in all directions irrespective of the peculiar ideas of parents who often seal their children’s minds with preconceived prejudices and false concepts of past generations. Unless we are very careful, very careful indeed, and very conscientious, there is still great danger that our children may turn out to be the same kind of people we are.”
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”
“The re-interpretation and eventually eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of the old people, these are the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapy.”
Brock Chisholm was a mad scientist, pure evil. Sadly, he’s probably a distant relation of mine.
Elizabeth Austin
He’s got a basketball shaped head, simps for the tribe and has an uber creepy maniacal grin. I’ve spent so much time studying them I can usually spot them instantly. IMHO Once they fully embrace their true Jew self they physically warp further into the true demonic monsters they are. Change my mind…
The demonagogue of satan is in eminent danger any time they step in our Adamic Nation(s). Not as much from us, as from our Father. But does that stop them ? Oh, nooo. His false sense of security is a demonic facade.
It’s too bad he married a kike. That is a telltale sign of being past the point of no return. Unless he is a kike, of course. In which case he and his wife could possibly make more demons to fight for satan. If he is Adamic, his cursed offspring will be confused mongrels that he selfishly brought into this world , only for them to be confused miscreant cretins tossed to and fro.
Smith’s (((progressive ))) proclivity that has him (((changing his pronouns))) probably won’t end with ‘we.’ He will ‘progress’ from there to the pantheon of pedophilic pronouns. And his new (((family))) will never be prouder, while at the same time hating him and themselves.
To me, it would be fitting for there to be Holocaust Education TM playing on a never-ending reel in the Lake of Fire for Smith and his (((gang))) for all eternity. While they are gnashing their teeth in outer darkness and the worms are feasting on them, they will forever hear the sounds of their favorite foundational lies: ” Never Again,” ” The Six Million” and ” Muh Anti-semitism” will ironically ring out to eternally remind them of the blasphemy that they (((knowingly))) perpetrated on us and Jesus Christ in their demonic quest to (((live forever.)))
Come to think of it, the Lake of Fire will be a Holocaust Museum. And like now, people will not want to make a visit.
Well why not go whole HOG and change his name to Steven Smithberg, or Goldsmith or Jewsmith? Huh?
I can safely say that the canard was never a practicing Christian…just a pharasitical theologian that has no entrance into the Kingdoms Gate.
Btw Steven Synogogian
when will your BRIT MILAH be?
And please be careful of those blessed STD’s. 🤪
Your friend Putin would be so pleased.
Looking at the company he keeps…this was probably the final INITIATION level of Illuminati passport.
Ever notice how big the Edomite head is? Just look at it…I mean…no wonder the fixation with a shrunken head.
I wonder if jews have “jewdars” like we do. 🙂
“…..many Jews will never accept Smith as a “real” genetic Jew….”
I’m not sure about this. I’m reminded of the Orcs in TLOTR. They knew each other and others by smell.
I feel like jews have this same spiritual ability to “sniff” out those who are not 100% Adamic.
Smith looks to me like he has some non-white admixture. In that photo he looks more like Spielberg than he does Rita Wilson.
I think Smith is right where he belongs. I think he “posed” as a White Christian far too long.
“….The fact that Stephen Smith feels “safe” and “protected” is proof that he is not, nor can he ever be, a real Jew…..”
I have a different take. I think he now feels safe because he knows the jews have already won (in this life).
Is Stephen Smith the bald guy in the picture?
That guy looks very creepy to me, and indeed he does bear a resemblance to Spielberg. Looks like a biological jew to me.
I wonder why an agent of jewry placed in the upper echelons of evangelicalism would burn his cover identity like this.
People are often chameleon-like and take on the look of the people they admire, and I think with Stephen Smith, he has adopted the jewish look to fit in.
I used to live in New York City and saw many gentiles who would start to look and act more jewy because of the dominant jewish ethos there.
If you look at other pictures of Smith, he doesn’t look jewish, at least not to me, such as:
Both of his parents were Christians. If they were atheists, I might raise an eyebrow, but they were both devout Christians in their own way.
(((Brother Nathaniel))) claims to be a devout Christian and he’s an ethnic jew, so his parent(s) being ethnic jews seems plausible to me.
Though I mention (((BN))) for another reason, that he has a pet theory that the more diabolical a jew acts, the more twisted and demonic his visage becomes, and he juxtaposed younger pictures of the kikes in Biden’s cabinet with their present selves to support his theory.
If Stephen Smith isn’t an ethnic jew then something similar must be in play for shabbos goys. Assuming that Bill Gates is not an ethnic jew then he could be an example of this as he too looks creepy.
But I’m not sure a white person could voluntarily make himself look so jewish.
yankee doodle
I think you’re right West. He’s secretly a jew, and has been posing, and is just now emerging from a deep-cover assignment of pretending to be a Christian, so as to lead astray any Christians who might follow him.
Now, the jew who pretended to be a Christian can show his true colors by “converting” into what he has been all along.
He looks quite jewish in the picture: he’s got the glasses and nose and evil grin just like Spielberg beside him. And, look at the way his head is tilted a bit forward, like Spielberg. A posture necessitated by drool dripping from the fangs, perhaps.
If I were to see a picture of him, and be asked is he jewish or a Christian, I would guess, with confidence, that he is jewish.
Goylent Green
yes, he was already a spiritual jew at least and looks like he may be an actual jew too.
“Meet Stephen Smith, The Evangelical Holocaust™ ‘Expert’ Who Rejected Christ And Converted To Judaism”
Sandwiched in between the usual suspected pedo kikes in Jewwood.
“Ten years later, after studying Christian and Jewish theology in university, Smith considered converting to Judaism. He contacted an Orthodox rabbi, who struck him as too stringent, and a Reform rabbi, who seemed “too cold.” “I was having a Goldilocks moment,” he told me.”
Along with millions of shekels slithering their way into his bank account.
“technology to create 3-D holograms of Holocaust survivors — in a vain attempt to make these survivors immortal so that they can continue to brainwash young, impressionable children long after the last survivor has died.”
Always wondered how they’re able to keep the scam going; now I know. 43,700 holohoax survivors still living? Jews are such vampiric and evil devils, wouldn’t be surprised if they dug them up out of their graves. Maybe I’m stretching the narrative; but Jews are know to go the extra mile for lying.
Cold case
That jewish actor Issac Kappy went public and accused both Tom Hanks and Stephen Spielberg of being pedophiles (in the picture above). Sarah Ruth Ashcraft publicly accused Tom Hanks on Twitter of raping her as a child.
After Kappy made these accusations, he was found dead under a highway overpass, allegedly of a “suicide”, and Tom Hanks put out a cryptic Instagram with a picture of a glove in the dirt, along with the quote “Historic Route 66. Road kill. I hope not”. Hanks must have known Kappy was killed and thrown off the bridge.
Cold case
If you watch some of the following video of a zoom meeting on the Holocaust with Stephen Smith (he’s in the lower right), you will get the feeling that Smith is very effeminate, probably homosexual.
Wouldn’t surprise me that he and his boss Spielberg share the same taste in children. Maybe that’s why he “converted” to Judaism, how it encourages pedophilia.
Smith starts talking at about 5:45 in….very creepy….
Tom Hanks probably isn’t exactly White. His mother was Portuguese, so he’s probably been touched with the tar brush. His father’s second wife was Chinese, so Hanks has half-Chinese siblings.
He became a tv star in that stupid sitcom “Bosom Buddies” where he plays a cross-dresser, and then he became a movie star and won an Oscar for glorifying a homosexual with AIDS in “Philadelphia”. He won another Oscar playing the retard “Forest Gump”.
From then on he owes his career to Spielberg, which is why he shows up at these Holocaust charity events. Example of inheriting the world but losing his soul in the process.