(Times Of Israel) Intended to coincide with the Hollywood movie based on James Oppenheimer, a new documentary film “A Compassionate Spy” has been released, based on the life of Ted Hall — Jewish-born Theodore Alvin Holtzberg — who despite being only 18 years old, was assigned to work on the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb under Oppenheimer, and was “somehow” given a high enough security clearance to allow him to eventually pass the plans for the bomb to his Soviet handlers, as the Times of Israel writes:
“It was hardly a conventional setting for a marriage proposal — the cockroach-infested floor of a Chicago apartment in the 1940s. Yet love knew no bounds for two Jewish-American atheist sweethearts named Ted and Joan.
Their romance at the University of Chicago occurred in the wake of dramatic moments in world history. In 1945, the United States had achieved unprecedented scientific supremacy with the successful Trinity test of an atomic bomb at Los Alamos. It was followed by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the end of World War II. And Ted, the man making the proposal, happened to be Theodore Hall, the youngest physicist to join the Manhattan Project.
After Joan said yes, Ted made a disclosure. While working on the bomb, he had secretly passed crucial information about it to the Soviet Union. This act of espionage would arguably impact Cold War geopolitics for decades.
Yet it didn’t shake Joan from marrying Ted, keeping his secret and staying by his side up until his death in 1999. This narrative is shared in a new documentary film, “A Compassionate Spy,” directed by celebrated filmmaker Steve James….
…When recruited as a Harvard College student for the Manhattan Project in 1943, whiz-kid Ted was just 18, even younger than another wunderkind, Richard Feynman. Ted proved his worth through his work on the first atomic bomb against Hiroshima and on a subsequent implosion bomb used on Nagasaki. He lamented American glorification of the attacks and feared a US monopolization of the terrifying new technology. He wasn’t alone — the film cites a letter from Los Alamos scientists urging then-US president Harry Truman not to bomb Japan.
Yet Ted took a fateful further step. As the film explains, his Harvard roommate, Saville “Savy” Sax — a fellow Jewish American, with Russian immigrant roots — was an enthusiast of progressive causes. After Ted snared a pass to leave Los Alamos for a 19th birthday getaway in New York, he and Savy conceived a plan to get atomic intel to Moscow.
Ted was not the only atomic spy for the Soviets, even at Los Alamos, where Klaus Fuchs was also active in that regard. However, Ted’s espionage put him a cut above.
“What he had to offer was quite meaningful to the Soviets,” James said. “He offered secrets having to do with what they had discovered about the fission process that controlled the ignition of the bomb, setting off a chain reaction to make an atomic explosion.”
As if Hall’s story wasn’t jaw-dropping enough, his older brother Edward “Ed” Hall wrote his own chapter in history. As brilliant an engineer as Ted was a physicist, US Air Force hero Ed was credited with developing the intercontinental ballistic missile or ICBM, which became capable of transporting the very cargo Ted feared: Nuclear warheads.
According to the film, when the FBI became suspicious of Ted, Ed alerted his brother about a surveillance attempt. James wished he could have included another way Ed saw himself as helping Ted. Earlier in life, concerned over antisemitic hiring practices, Ed changed his last name from Holtzberg to Hall and successfully persuaded his brother to do the same….
…Although he reportedly walked out on the FBI during an interrogation, [Ted] later began feeling remorseful over his espionage when two fellow Jewish Americans — Julius and Ethel Rosenberg — were accused of sending atomic secrets to the Soviets and sentenced to death.
“Ted had looked at the situation,” James said. “He saw it for what it was: The Rosenbergs were guilty. He also recognized what they had done was extremely minor compared to what he had done. I think it prompted him to feel like he should pay the ultimate price.”
Yet, the director added, “Joan was right: ‘There’s no way you can save the Rosenbergs, it will only just cause us to be imprisoned or executed.’ …There was no way his confession was going to save the Rosenbergs. No question, she was right about that.”
The couple eventually relocated to Cambridge, England, where they raised a family and where Ted went on to do pioneering work with electron microscopes. When British intelligence approached Ted about his past, he contemplated confessing again, and once more Joan talked him out of it. Ultimately, Ted was never arrested, although James said living with a secret took its toll over the years….
…Long after Ted and Savy had passed intel to the Kremlin, history caught up with them. In the 1990s, the US government declassified documents pertaining to the Venona decrypts on individuals who had spied for the Soviets. By then, the USSR had fallen and Savy was dead. Ted was still alive, but suffering from terminal cancer and Parkinson’s disease.
The one-time spy was introduced to the general public in the 1997 book “Bombshell: The Secret Story of America’s Unknown Atomic Spy Conspiracy” by journalists Joseph Albright and Marcia Kunstel, who are among the experts interviewed for James’s documentary. Hall died two years after the book was published.
“I think the position of the film is that whatever your feelings on what Ted did, its rightness or wrongness, he did act on his conscience,” James said.
“He didn’t do it because he hated America, he didn’t do it because he could profit by sharing these secrets. He did it because he really had a genuine concern over America having the bomb.”
“As he says in the film,” said the director, “it was more out of compassion than anything else.”
To say that the Manhattan Project was a hotbed of Jews is an understatement — but what’s most remarkable about it is that Jews like James Oppenheimer and Ted Hall, given their communist leanings and known associates, could ever be granted security clearances.
It’s not as if there weren’t very capable, loyal White physicists who could have performed as well or better in their jobs — to suggest that the military had no choice but to hire these compromised, Soviet-sympathetic, high-risk Jews for the sake of “national security” is preposterous.
It shouldn’t surprise us if the men running the Manhattan Project — such as Leslie Groves — were ordered by higher ups in the Jewish/Zionist-heavy FDR and Truman Administrations to look the other way and hire these Jews despite the security risks.
Yet we are supposed to sympathize with these traitorous Jewish espionage agents because Leslie Groves allegedly claimed that the “real” purpose of the nuclear weapons was ultimately to use against the Jewish-dominated Soviet Union — and Ted Hall “feared” that the “fascists” in America would have a “monopoly” on the use of those weapons.
So the notion that these communist-sympathizing Jews involved in nuclear espionage on the Manhattan Project all worked independently of one another without a “hidden hand” at the highest levels running interference for them is unthinkable — the FBI would have been watching their every move — and noted all their known Jewish associates — and fellow travelers.
In reality, the “official” reason that Ted Hall was never investigated, arrested, and executed is that Hall’s brother — Edward Hall — was director of the U.S. ICBM development program, and they simply could not afford to risk having to remove Edward from that position, and thereby lose their strategic advantage over the Soviets in missile technology.
As this article freely acknowledges, Edward Hall warned his younger brother — Ted — that the FBI was on to him — which implies that the director of the U.S. strategic missile program knew his own brother was passing nuclear secrets to the Soviets — and committed treason by trying to protect him.
Again, to suggest Edward Hall could not be replaced with someone as equally capable is absurd — and given how quickly the Soviets developed their own missile systems, we can only assume that Edward Hall, like his brother, looked the other way while other Jewish spies who worked under him passed our German-based missile designs to the Soviets at the same time.
According to Wikipedia, one of Ted Hall’s Soviet handlers — Sergey Kurnakov — described Hall as mentally unbalanced:
“Rather tall, slender, brown-haired, pale and a bit pimply-faced, dressed carelessly, boots appear not cleaned for a long time, slipped socks. His hair is parted and often falls on his forehead. His English is highly cultured and rich. He answers quickly and very fluently, especially to scientific questions. Eyes are set closely together; evidently, neurasthenic. Perhaps because of premature mental development, he is witty and somewhat sarcastic but without a shadow of undue familiarity and cynicism….”
Kurnakov describes the disheveled Hall as obviously “neurasthenic” — a somewhat obsolete medical term for “neurotic” — often accompanied with paranoia — a psychological disorder far more common in Jews like Hall than in the general population.
It’s hard to imagine that when Hall was initially screened by the FBI for his security clearance, they wouldn’t have observed the same mental problems in Hall that Kurnakov had — and recommended against any sort of high security clearance.
In June of 1946, the U.S. Army eventually revoked Hall’s security clearance but only after the damage was done — because the FBI censors had intercepted a letter from his Jewish sister-in-law in Britain which clearly suggested that she knew he was working on the atomic bomb — yet “somehow” he was nevertheless given praise for his work by President Truman and an “honorable” discharge.
The reality is that a disproportionate number of convicted spies in America have been Jews — as former President Richard Nixon observed, “The Jews are born spies….they are just in it up to their necks.”
It’s hard to imagine that Ted Hall actually considered turning himself in after seeing his fellow Jews — the Rosenbergs — rightly executed for nuclear espionage, despite the fact that his own treachery was far worse than what the Rosenbergs committed, by his own admission.
If anything, Ted Hall was — like Franz Kafka — a neurotic coward, lacking any honor — the honor to hang himself if he lacked the courage to face arrest, conviction, and execution by a court of law.
Jews, by their own actions, have earned the well-deserved the accusation of having “dual loyalties” — for the simple reason that they identify first as Jews — regardless of the nation in which they may dwell.
Clearly, Jews in America were emboldened by their success in undermining the U.S. nuclear program during WWII — which only encouraged them to continue in their treachery over the next two decades as they brazenly stole enriched uranium from U.S. stockpiles to secretly supply the nascent atomic weapons program in Israel.
And when U.S. President John F. Kennedy told Israel that he would not allow them to develop nuclear weapons, they assassinated him in front of the world — sending a message to any future politicians who dared to stand up to them.
This is the true legacy that Ted Hall’s treachery has wrought — and no one, especially Jews, should have any sympathy for this devil.
From the Jewish Encyclopedia:

Guess what! God put you in my radar…and here you are! Welcome back dear, CFT! I hope you are well and back to the magnifying glass. You were missed.
PS…my condolences to all those white Israelites who had their name mocked by the psychotic nest of vipers, liars and sadistic blood thirsty demons called Jews.
Hall ~
From the Middle English hall, Old English heall, Middle High German halle and Old Norse holl. From the Norse hale and Anglo-Saxon haele, meaning “hero.”
Welcome back!
CFT Team: I was SO WORRIED about you! I assumed that the Khazarian Mafia and/or, its CCP soldiers snatched you away.
Keep your heads on a swivel.
We already knew this. At least I did. Well…..we have proof which can be used if WE ARE FORCED!!! But I think that “Courts” are a false form of obtaining “justice”. We’re well passed “HOPING”. “Hope” is the deaf and mutes’ cousin.
KEEP THIS source PROTECTED, just in case!!!:
Welcome back CTF!
Jews have by nature low or no ethics and morals, this gives them an advantage in profession where this would block you, like spy here or murder, or any shady business like running human traffick or prostitution, money lender with absurd ursury, well you get it. Born psychos, Bibi is a good example.
So glad to have you back!
God bless you Christ heals all!✝️
We need you in these dark times!
Yep ted hall was another jew rat with connections.
Look at who is in THIS administration,
Disgusting left-wing zionist jews pushing their zionist trash overseas in the name of “America”
And then you have fake Christian fake Republican zionist filth supporting them.
You can’t make this stuff up.
You’re welcomed back. It is well.
CFT, glad to see you’re back. Thought that maybe some JDL thug had made your life so miserable, you stopped writing.
Don’t stop, we need your truth so we can spread those truths far & wide.
It’s about time!!!!
Yes, I think a lot of people across the globe over this last month of Gaza warfare have suddenly and very sharply come to the realizeation that the jews are collectively mentally unwell, hypocritical, nasty, totalitarian, and deluded as to their importance to society. “God’s Chosen”? Noooooooooo way!
Ya know, I don’t think anymore that nuclear weapons exist… I think they’re just a fear-mongering tactic. The jews love to wield power over everyone and everything, and what better way than a “blow up the whole world” threat. Anyway, if they do, why haven’t they been used yet? That’s if the bombing of the japs was just fire bombs as some say, of course.
Im not gonna worry to much about it though because God will have His way!
I challenge any indoctrinated Christian evangelical to show me in their Bibles where it says that “Jews” are “God’s chosen people”…….
nuclear wepons are a hoax – according to miles mathis – he explains where physics and mathematics reach their limits.
hallelujah! CFT is back! we missed you so.
Welcome back CFT crew! You were sorely missed.
Another great article here as usual.
CFT, I hope you and your family are fine and safe.
God bless you!
Welcome back, I’d like to think my message to you the other day prompted this. I’m just glad you have returned. God speed gentlemen!
UN – World Jewish Plan
– Common Sense magazine 1951, issue 146
UN – Den of Red Spies
– Common Sense issue 172
Stalin Instructs US Agents
– Think Weekly 1946, 06-29
Jewish World Hoax
– Common Sense issue 159
See the book “Every Spy A Prince” written by the Israeli Dan Raviv.
Jews consider spies biblically justified by the cherry-picked verse:
“The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Send men that they may spy out the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel; of every tribe of their fathers shall you send a man, everyone one a prince among them.” (Numbers 13:1-2)
All western intelligence organizations, such as CIA, NSA, MI6, etc., serve Jewish and Zionist interests and ultimately do the bidding of the Jewish bankers who wield all the power behind world events.
Since moses’ times they do so – with the willing help of their traveling cousins, the gypsies
The path of the serpent through history – a view back and into a constructed future :
It’s foolish to think that Ted Hall really felt any remorse for what he did. Jews never feel remorse for the damage they’ve done.
Instead they feel vindicated, and the ends justify the means, just like Hall’s beloved Jews who murdered 10s of millions of Christian Russians…..
“You must understand that the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their blood stained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant or uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of its perpetrators.”
—Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Nice to see you back CFT, we missed you brother.
Grace and peace to you.
“Eyes are set closely together; evidently, neurasthenic. Perhaps because of premature mental development, he is witty and somewhat sarcastic but without a shadow of undue familiarity and cynicism….”
Typical Jew mongrelized DNA resulting in all sorts of mental illness.
One of the diseases is hysteria. Per the above linked article, ‘Jewish women in Palestine are hysterical.’ That can be said as well for the Jew male regardless of where they reside.
All one has to do is to take a glance at the Hollywood entertainment industry.
In a sane world Mr. Hall should have met the same fate as Leo Frank.
U.S. missile technology was based on technology stolen from the Germans after they surrendered, and then developed by German scientists brought over to the U.S.
Therefore prosecuting Ted Hall would not have compromised the U.S. missile program that was headed by his brother.
The Manhattan project began in 1942, three years before the surrender of the Germans. The U.S. intended to use nuclear weapons on Germany if they were operational before the Germans surrendered.
Ted Hall must have known that.
Would Ted Hall have given the Germans the plans for the nuclear weapons to make sure the U.S. didn’t have a monopoly on them?
Did Ted Hall put all Jews in the U.S. at risk by giving the Soviet those plans?
Of course.
Like all Jews Ted Hall knew that the USSR was run by Jews and was a Jewish state. He wanted Jews there to have those weapons so that they could terrorize the world with them, which they did.
If Ted Hall had not committed espionage, no Americans would have feared a Soviet nuclear strike. There would have been no Cold War, which was planned by Churchill, FDR and Stalin at Yalta.
That’s why Ted Hall got away with it. Treason at the highest levels of our own government.
Japan had been trying to surrender to the U.S. before the atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but the U.S. ignored all peace overtures because they were intent upon dropping those nuclear bombs.
The spectacle of the nuclear attack on Japan was to show off U.S. power to the USSR. Allegedly.
In reality, by the time the U.S. dropped those nuclear bombs, Russia already had the plans to make their own, thanks to Ted Hall, the Rosenbergs, et al.
So even that excuse for dropping those bombs holds no water. It was pure sadism.
Welcome back! May God richly bless you! Missed you!
I guess the managers of the Manhattan Project didn’t get the memo from Nikola Tesla….”Never trust a Jew”…..
Welcome back!