Many Catholics will concede that admitting Jews into the Catholic Church has been a disaster — that despite their conversion, they remain Jews and try to interpret both Church dogma and the Gospels through the lens of not only apostate Judaism — but also through cultural Jewish identity, which today largely centers around the “historical fiction” called the “Holocaust.”
While the early Ante-Nicene fathers repeatedly warned against judaizers entering the Christian faith, those warnings were largely ignored which has led to an internal battle within the Church itself over this issue that has persisted for the last 1,500 years — through the Inquisition — and culminating in Vatican II, which all but signaled the triumph of the judaizers over those who fought against it — and still fight against it — such as E. Michael Jones along with the well-researched website
In fairness to the Catholic Church — for much of its early existence, it did do well in keeping the Jews safely segregated from Christian society — and even at different times from allowing racial Jews from entering the Church. At one point there were so many “converted” Jews in the Jesuit order that it was considered a “virtual synagogue of Jews” — and eventually the Church had to ban any further “conversos” from entering the order.
But eventually the Church did formally address the issue of conversion of racial Jews. For example:
The Fifth General Congregation of the Society of Jesus in 1593 banned recruits “descended of Hebrew or Saracen [Arab] stock” whose parents had converted because such persons “have routinely been in the habit of inflicting a great deal of hindrance and harm on the Society.”
And fourteen years later at the Sixth General Congregation, the ban on Jewish or Saracen ancestry was extended even further back. By the Twenty-Seventh General Congregation in 1923 the prohibition against Saracens had been dropped, but the ban on members of “the Jewish race” remained:
“The impediment of origin extends to all who are descended from the Jewish race, unless it is clear that their father, grandfather, and great-grandfather have belonged to the Catholic Church.”
–as quoted by James Carroll, Constantine’s Sword, pp. 382-383
Even Pope John XXIII seems to have believed this. According to an anecdote told by his personal secretary, Msgr. Loris Capovilla, Pope John once told a newly converted Jew:
“… by being a Catholic, you do not become any less a Jew.”
—as quoted by E. Michael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, 1st ed., South Bend: Fidelity Press, 2008, pp. 889
One such Jewish convert is Roy Schoeman who has a YouTube channel called “Jewish Catholic” — and in his numerous videos he attempts to reconcile his Jewish identity — which he believes is reinforced by the Church — and even goes so far as to claim that the fictitious event known as the “Holocaust” was essential to God’s plan not only for the conversion and salvation of the Jews but also for the salvation of non-Jews.
In a video describing his conversion, Schoeman states,
“By entering the Catholic Church not only did I not stop being Jewish, but the only way I can understand it is I became more Jewish than ever — because I became a Jew who was following the Jewish messiah — rather than a Jew who refused to follow the Jewish messiah and was stuck in pre-messianic Judaism. In fact, my understanding is that the Church is post-messianic Judaism — and that Judaism is pre-messianic Catholicism — that they are one and the same plan for salvation.” (18:15)
Schoeman claims to have had a “Road to Damascus” moment where he had some kind of “close encounter of the third kind” with both Jesus and the “blessed Virgin Mary.” [As an amusing side note, the movie by that name, directed by Stephen Spielberg, features the Jewish actor Richard Dreyfuss who plays a character named “Roy” who is depicted as a Christ-like figure when he joins the extraterrestrials to board their “mother ship” space craft.]
For Roy Schoeman, it was his mystical vision of Mary which convinced him to ultimately join the Catholic Church rather than any Protestant denomination — apparently because the Protestants he spoke to didn’t show enough “respect” for Mary. In his witness testimony, Roy raptures,
“I saw how all of the grace — all of the gifts that flow from the divinity into humanity — flow through the blessed Virgin Mary.”
Actually, all those gifts flow through Jesus Christ, not His earthly mother, but that’s a different issue from what’s at hand.
That Schoeman became attached to the Virgin Mary shouldn’t be all that surprising considering that Jewish culture is largely feminized and matriarchal — and that Jewish racial identity is conferred through the mother not the father. So it would seem only natural that Schoeman as a Jew would feel that his conversion to what he calls “Jewish” Catholicism would be mediated by Mary, a “Jewish” woman who apparently “lovingly” encouraged him to remain a Jew despite his conversion.
However, Judaism’s matriarchy is in complete contradiction to the teachings of the Old Testament which is emphatically patriarchal — proof that today’s “Jews” cannot be the same people as the Israelites in scripture, both Old and New. This apostate switcheroo from a patriarchy to a matriarchy laid the groundwork for our Christian-Israelite nations having been “blessed” with nation-wrecking Jewish Feminism.
Much of Schoeman’s analysis of the New Testament is based on his false conflation of Israelites and “Jews” — as if they are one and the same. He also relies on the false notion that a “gentile” is necessarily a “non-Jew” or non-Israelite — an erroneous teaching based on St. Jerome’s introduction of this confusing Latin term in his Vulgate translation that has no equivalent in Greek or Hebrew where it refers to “nations” — both Israelite and the original Genesis 10 nations. The widespread use of this confusing word has unfortunately been accepted not only by the Catholic Church but also by the vast majority of Protestant denominations today — and it has become a pernicious tool of all judaizers.
In the New Testament, the word “Jew” actually refers collectively only to Israelites from the southern kingdom — the tribes of Judah and Benjamin — and perhaps Levi — as opposed to all 12 tribes of Israel whom Christ came to regather. In no way should this term “Jew” in scriptures ever be equated with those who falsely call themselves “Jews” today.
And while Schoeman repeatedly uses the term “gentile” in the singular form, it is never used that way in the Gospels — except erroneously in Romans 2:9-10 where it is mistranslated from the Greek “hellen” which means “Greek” not “gentile” (or “the nations”).
But what is most concerning about Schoeman’s conversion is how he filters his understanding of Gospels and eschatology through the “historical fiction” of the “Holocaust” — which is nothing more than a Kabbalistic blood libel not only against the “Nazis” and the German nation but also against Christendom as a whole — including America.
This raises a serious theological question — can a Jew who insists in the reality of the “Holocaust” — a blood libel against Christian-Israel — truly be converted to Christianity?
It should be noted that there are many Catholics who have openly questioned the veracity of the “Holocaust” — notably Bishop Richard Williamson of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) — an order within the Church that appears to be fighting against judaizers such Pope Benedict who in 2009 declared he was in “full and indisputable solidarity” with the Jews, and warned against any denial of the “full horror” of the “Nazi genocide.”
Many Catholics rightfully believe that “…in the post-Vatican II Church, the ‘Shoah’ has replaced the Crucifixion as the central event in history.” And Roy Schoeman, in lockstep with the post-Vatican II Church, has lectured worldwide promoting his thesis that the “Shoah” is an essential historical event that will ultimately bring about the wholesale conversion of the Jews and usher in the second coming of Jesus Christ.
So here we will present a summary of his YouTube video lecture on “The Holocaust and Salvation” — including the timing marks so you can cross reference the video. Also, we have inserted some of our own CFT comments for clarification — and response to some of his distorted “facts” about the “Nazis” and the “Holocaust” — along with his self-justifying interpretation of scripture:
Schoeman begins:
The role of the Jews between the first and second coming (8:00)….”The central event in that time is the Holocaust…” (8:35)
“What does the last 2,000 years of history and the Holocaust tell us about God’s plan for salvation and the role of the Jews?”
[CFT Note: It should confirm to Christians” that the Jews are indeed the ‘Synagogue of Satan’ (Rev. 3:9), fake Judahites who are hell-bent on destroying true Christian-Israel.]
“Pope Emeritus Benedict, from his book God and the World, ‘Although the Jews have lived 2,000 years in exile, their religion has not evaporated. This is a phenomenon still without parallel in the history of mankind. It is quite obvious that the development of the world as a whole has a mysterious connection with the development of the Jewish people. The way the Jews are still Jews and still a people even in the 2,000 years when they had no country, is an absolute riddle. This phenomenon in itself shows us that there is something more than mere historical chance at work. It shows us something of the mystery of God.’”
“There is no other example in the history of mankind of an ethnic group….that maintained their identity for 2,000 years without a homeland…”
[CFT Note: God has used the Jews as a “rod of chastisement” against Christian-Israel to punish us for our disobedience. A sinful Christian nation has the Jews it deserves.]
Jews have been hated by every other people at every point in time….Antisemitism is a reflection of the fact that the Jews are the people of Jesus.
[CFT Note: ‘Antisemitism’ — which exists nowhere in the Bible – is the direct result of antagonistic Jewish behavior, and it is a healthy response from Christian nations to keep the eternal tempter and destroyer at bay.]
The devil can’t get at Jesus directly (11:19), so he wants to get at all of mankind because he hates all of us, but if he has a particular grudge against a particular people [it would be against the Jews], since they were the cause of his defeat at least in directly through Christ (11:36)
[CFT Note: Schoeman almost admits here that the Jews are the ‘Devil’, but instead cops out and says the ‘Devil’ works through them. ‘Satan’ or ‘adversary’ is a collective noun, not a single entity, and it describes the anti-Christ Jews to a ‘T’.]
“Catholic catechism, paragraph 674, “The glorious Messiah’s coming is suspended at every moment until His recognition by all Israel.”
[CFT Note: Proof here that Schoeman, and the Church, conflate “Jews” with Israel — a false equivalency. If our salvation is dependent on the Jews’ behavior, we are all in trouble.]
“The second coming can’t happen until there is a widespread, wholesale, conversion of the Jews.” (12:20)
[CFT Note: Nowhere in the Gospels or Paul’s epistles is any such declaration made.]
How the ‘Devil’ used Hitler….
“One way for the devil to delay or abort the second coming would be no conversion of the Jews, or if there are no Jews.” (12:37)
“Three streams” that flowed into the Nazi determination to eradicate the Jews (13:00)
“I still consider myself Jewish even though I’m a baptized Catholic.” (13:15)
“There is no theology of suffering in Judaism, no understanding of the redemptive value of suffering — unlike Christianity…” (13:50)
The fact that the Jewish people have been chosen for so much suffering is in itself an indication that they are the Chosen People….to be chosen as a channel of grace for mankind — and grace flows through suffering.”. (14:30)
[CFT Note: Jewish “suffering” is a foundational myth of Jewish identity, and their monopoly on suffering reigns supreme above all other peoples. Jewish behavior has always led to a backlash that resulted in temporary suffering, but they have never admitted to themselves that it is their own behavior, not vague ‘antisemitism’, that is the cause of it.]
“Hitler’s determination to exterminate the Jews was a direct expression of the diabolical will — straight from hell….part of the devil’s agenda….and they flowed through people who were available to the devil…” (15:00)
“[The Holocaust] was a direct expression of the diabolical will. The streams that flowed into the Holocaust came straight from Hell, and they were part of the Devil’s agenda, and they simply flowed through people who were available to the Devil.” (15:15)
[CFT Note: The Jews had been falsely claiming a “Holocaust” of “6 Million” Jews long before World War II. It is a Kabbalistic notion that this number of Jews must perish in order for them to return to Palestine and usher in their true Jewish “moshiach” who will be an earthly rabbi.]
“The same kind of program that lead to the Holocaust is reemerging today (against the Jews)….(15:40)
First stream: The chief exorcist of Rome, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, “Hitler was certainly consecrated to Satan.” (16:00)
“Hitler was a satanist. Hitler was an occultist. His first springboard to public prominence was a secret society in Munich called the Thule society….the head of the society was an occultist named Detrich Eckhardt who bragged, “I have initiated Hitler into the secret doctrine, opened his centers of vision, and given him the means to communicate with the powers.” (16:00)
[CFT Note: Here’s an example of the pot calling the kettle black. Schoeman seems unware that, according to the Jews themselves, “The occult has always been an integral part of Judaism.”]
“Initiation is the introduction of demonic entities into the person who then open a channel into the spiritual world….the very fallen spiritual world.” (16:45)
[CFT Note: This describes Judeo-Freemasonry, which is based on the Kabbalah.]
Hitler “Mein Kampf” dedicated to Dietrich Eckhardt.
[CFT Note: Well, that proves it then. Later on, a more mature Hitler distanced himself from Eckhardt — what does that suggest?]
“Second Stream”: eugenics (17:40)
“Nazis wanted to purify the bloodlines of the taint of the Jewish race.” (17:45)
[CFT Note: Can you blame them? The Jewish Dr. Kurt Munzer bragged in his writings that Jews had “corrupted” the blood of all the races of Europeans.]
The Thule society is the German version of the Atlantis legend….where the people had superpowers…the continent sank into the Atlantic and some of the people fled to Europe…and lost their powers because of inter-breeding with inferior races….but if their bloodlines could be restored, through selective breeding, they could regain those powers….that was the superman myth
“That is what Hitler was after in eradicating the human gene pool from Jewish blood….he had these breeding farms where SS men….were matched aryan women to breed aryan children….to eventually restore the bloodline over time….and the German people could regain their heritage….as supermen.” (19:00)
[CFT Note: Hitler eventually distanced himself from the Thule Society — and shut down all secret societies in Germany, notably the Freemasons. He later made comments disparaging those who engaged in the over-romanticizing of Germany’s pagan past.]
“Hitler set up a eugenics institute for compulsory sterilization of inferior people, for euthanization of disabled children…over a quarter of million children were killed….” (20:00)
[CFT Note: The National Socialists quickly put an end to this program — which was based on the American model. And it did not target Jews specifically. The alleged “gas vans” used in this euthanasia program is a myth — such vans were contrived by a communist Jew to be used in the Ukraine during the Holodomor, not by the Germans.]
“Hitler’s eugenics institute worked with Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control League….the founder of Planned Parenthood….Ernst Ruden contributed to Sanger’s Birth Control Review….
Sanger board member Lothrop Stoddard wrote, “The Rising Tide Of Color”….became the foundation for German teaching of eugenics in schools….Sanger’s plan was to set up concentration camps for genetically undesirable people who could chose either sterilization or live out their lives segregated lives in the camps….”[CFT Note: Margaret Sanger was married to a Jew — no doubt, this fact influenced her promotion of abortion — which many rabbis consider a “mitzvah“. And almost everything that Lothrop Stoddard predicted about the “rising tide of color” in white nations has come to pass, with the help of the Jews.]
“Third Stream” is sexual depravity…. (24:30)….that led into the Holocaust….
[CFT Note: Much of what Schoeman presents below as “facts” come from the spurious and largely discredited book, “The Pink Swastika,” written by the evangelical Scott Lively and the Jew, Kevin Abrams — and Schoeman completely ignores the fact that the National Socialists purged their ranks of homosexuals during the “Night of the Long Knives.”]
“According to an official at the Berlin Sex Institute…Ludwig Lenz….over 90% of the early Nazis were active homosexuals….the Brown Shirts who forced Hitler into power….were an openly homosexual division of the Freikorps…founded by a homosexual named Gerhard Rassbach….and led by homosexual Ernst Rohm….the Brown Shirts meeting place was the largest gay bar in Munich….this is “absolutely documented” (26:00)
[CFT Note: Again, Schoeman ignores how the National Socialists publicly campaigned against the the Jewish homosexual and “sex researcher” Magnus Hirschfeld and his Berlin Institut für Sexualwissenschaft that promoted all sorts of deviancy including transgenderism. The NS raided his institute and famously burned his books — not something we’d expect from pro-homosexual “Nazis”.]
“Himmler complained to Hitler that it constituted a danger to the Nazi movement if it could be said that Nazi leaders are selected for sexual reasons — because they were homosexual.”
[CFT Note: This Jewish psycho-pathologizing of National Socialism is best exemplified by the Jewish disciple of Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich in his 1933 book, “The Mass Psychology of Fascism,” in which he claimed that suppression of childhood sexuality resulted in “Nazism” and even “cancer”.]
“According to an OSS intelligence report, Hitler received a dishonorable discharge from the first World War for homosexual activity in the barracks….he had an official record as a male prostitute from 1907 to 1912 in Vienna….Baldur von Schirach was the leader of the Hitler Youth was a pederast…” (26:50)
[CFT Note: This notorious OSS report on Hitler was largely a fabricated anti-German psy-op by U.S. and British intelligence to discredit Hitler. No historian takes it seriously today.]
“Satan used the Nazis to exterminate the Jews to stop the second coming….(28:00). It failed, but it succeeded in stopping the conversion of the Jews….”
[CFT Note: There is zero evidence that Jews prior to World War II were more likely to convert to Christianity than after. But let’s not let facts get in the way of a good story.]
“Before WWII, the Catholic Church had a dozen orders dedicated to praying for the conversion of the Jews (28:30)….The Sisters of Zion existed only for praying for the conversion of the Jews. Because of the Holocaust, those orders were suppressed….”
[CFT Note: Over a thousand years of Catholic prayers for the conversion of the Jews had no effect prior to WWII — and those prayers continued after the war during every Latin Mass. It was the Jews themselves who demanded that the Church remove that “offensive” prayer from the Latin Mass.]
“Jews say how can you pray for the conversion of the Jews? Haven’t you done enough damage?”
Three reasons to pray for the conversion of the Jews (29:30):
“One: The whole “gentile” world owes salvation and everything they have in the Catholic Church and Christianity in some sense to the Jewish people….the Jews brought the world Jesus, so shouldn’t we return the favor?” (30:00)
[CFT Note:] Schoeman doesn’t seem to understand what “salvation is of the Jews” means. It means that Christ, the Savior of Israel, arose out of the tribe of Judah, the root of Jesse. It does NOT mean that our salvation or Christ’s return is contingent upon the “Jews” converting to Christianity.]
“Two: the second coming can’t happen until there is a widespread conversion of Jews….”
[CFT Note: Nowhere in scripture does it say any such thing — that Christ’s second coming is predicated upon apostate Khazar Jews converting.]
“Three: Hasten the second coming by conversion of the Jews to save more lost souls….”
[CFT Note: None of us can “hasten” the second coming. Even Jesus Christ said He doesn’t know when that will happen — only God the Father knows. (Matthew 24:36; cf. Mark 13:32)]
“The relationship between the Jews and Gentiles before the second coming as described in Romans 11 (31:45)…”
[CFT Note: As stated above, Schoeman mistakenly believes that “gentiles” means “non-Jew” — but it means “the nations” — and often refers to the “lost” tribes of Israel dispersed among the Genesis 10 nations.]
Based on Romans 11….the mystery of the roles of the Jews between the first and second coming….
Quotes Romans 11:1
“Even though the Jewish people have rejected Jesus….God has not rejected the Jewish people whom He foreknew….” (32:50)
Quotes Romans 11:8, “According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear; unto this day.”
Quotes Romans 11:11, “I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall, salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fullness?….For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?”
“The failure of the Jews to recognize Jesus wasn’t due just to their hard-heartedness, but was a mysterious act of divine providence….”
[CFT Note: When you really don’t understand the Parable of the Olive Tree, just call it a “mystery”. Jews have been programmed in their cult of Judaism to never accept responsibility for their own sinful actions — “The gentiles made us do it.”]
What was the first crisis in the church addressed at the first church council in Acts 15? “Are we allowed to let Gentiles into the church, or is Christianity only for Jews?” (34:52)
“Circumcision was a concrete example of having to be Jewish before becoming Christian. That was a concrete example of having to be Jewish before coming into the church. If a Gentile, any non-Jew, wanted to become a Christian, he first had to become a Jew through circumcision….Acts 15:24” (35:50)
“Christianity began as a branch of Judaism. All the disciples were Jewish, all the converts were Jewish. It was a natural mistake to make to think that Christianity was only for Jews.” (36:00)
[CFT Note: Christianity began as a branch of Hewbrewism — not Judaism, which is based on the Talmud. Judaism was codified as a “religion” in about 200 AD.]
“That mistake was avoided when the Jews rejected Christianity…..Paul would go out and preach the gospel, and the Jews would first reject him and then to the Gentiles would accept him, and so the church was comprised of gentiles.”
[CFT Note: The Jews (i.e., Judahites and Benjamites in Juduea) as a whole did not reject Christ — only some did who were led by the Pharisees, but “many” accepted him, according to John 1:12]
“Imagine the blessing to the world when Jews finally accept Jesus…”
[CFT Note: Jews can keep their “blessings” to themselves.]
Quotes Romans 11:16, the interplay between Jew and gentile between the first and second coming:
“Olive Tree Parable”
“The Olive Tree of salvation is originally the Jewish people.”
[CFT Note: This is false. The Olive Tree is all 12 tribes of Israel, not just the “Jews”. And the root of the tree is Adam, not Judaism, which is based on the Talmud, not the Bible.]
“The root of the tree is Judaism. The original cultivated olive branches were the Jews. The Jews who didn’t follow Jesus were the branches broken off. The wild branches are the Gentiles. When all the wild olive branches, the Gentiles, are grafted in, God will graft back in the natural branches, the Jews who rejected Jesus. The grafted-in Jews will be an even better part of the tree (than the Gentiles) because they are natural branches.” (39:00)
[CFT Note: The “wild” branches are the “lost” ten northern tribes of Israel whom Christ came to regather (Matthew 15:24). These tribes are often referred to in the NT as “the nations” which is confusingly translated as “gentiles”.]
Quotes Romans 11:25, “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved.”
[CFT Note: The verse “all Israel shall be saved” refers to the fact that all Israel — not just the Jews or Judahites from the southern kingdom in Judea, but also the ten “lost” northern tribes — the “uncircumcised” wild branch — will be reunited and to follow Christ and be saved.]
God’s plan is to wait until the full number of Gentiles come in….the gospel has been preached to the four corners of the earth….then bring the Jews back into the church….and then the church, with both Jews and Gentiles, will be ready for the second coming…..(39:42)
[CFT Note: What does this “full number of Gentiles” even mean? Does Schoeman actually believe that every non-Jew on the planet must enter the Church before the Jews convert and Christ returns? How would that even be possible? At this point in history, the Gospel has reached all the people who were meant to hear it — Christian-Israel.]
Quotes Romans 11:28, “As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers’ sakes. For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief: Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy. For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.”
“The gentile world started out in a state of disobedience to God, out of relationship with God. So when they came into the church, it was obvious to them that their salvation was the sovereign act of the mercy of God. But the Jews when Christ came were in a state of obedience to God, so if the Jews had started out in the church, they would never have passed through a period of disobedience, so they would not have seen salvation as an unmerited gift of the mercy of God….they would have seen it as something they earned, something they deserved for being so good…” (41:00)
[CFT Note: This rambling, semi-incoherent theology is merely Schoenman’s wishful thinking — his own Jew-centric spin on self-justification. The issue was that the Israelites as a whole had been in disobedience to God, which is why all 12 tribes were sent into captivity among the nations, and only their Messiah could remove the wall between them — and thus restore them as a people (John 10:16).]
Schoeman then closes with a prayer for Jewish “conversion” — a completely “kosher” prayer, he claims (42:50):
(Postulatum approved by Pope Pius IX and the Fathers of the First Vatican Council, 1870)
“The undersigned Fathers of the Council humbly yet urgently beseechingly pray that the Holy Ecumenical Council of the Vatican deign to come to the aid of the unfortunate nation of Israel with an entirely paternal invitation; that is, that it express the wish that, finally exhausted by a wait no less futile than long, the Israelites hasten to recognize the Messiah, our Savior Jesus Christ, truly promised to Abraham and announced by Moses; thus completing and crowning, not changing, the Mosaic religion.
On one hand, the undersigned Fathers have the very firm confidence that the holy Council will have compassion on the Israelites because they are always very dear to God on account of their fathers, and because it is from them that the Christ was born according to the flesh.
On the other hand, the same Fathers share the sweet and intimate hope that this ardent desire of tenderness and honor will be, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, well received by many of the sons of Abraham, because the obstacles which have held them back until now appear to be disappearing more and more, the ancient wall of separation now having fallen.
[CFT Note: This “ancient wall of separation” seems to be a reference to Ephesians 2:14, but this “wall” isn’t between the Christians and the Jews, but rather between the southern tribes of Israel and the ten “lost” northern tribes of Israel. Christ came to remove that “wall” and reunite all of Israel.]
Would that they then speedily acclaim the Christ, saying “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord!”
Would that they hurl themselves into the arms of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, even now their sister according to the flesh, who wishes likewise to be their mother according to grace as she is ours!
CFT: Here is concise refutation — based on biblical evidence — that “the Jews” are “God’s Chosen People” — a cornerstone of Roy Schoenman’s entire thesis. In reality, all 12 tribes of Israel are God’s chosen, not just “the Jews” or Judah — and today’s Jews are certainly not real Judahites:
E. Michael Jones wrote an essay “Cardinal Bea, The Jews, and Nostra Aetate” which fills in more of the background of the Jewish hand at Vatican II.
But you can see Jones’ bias as he calls “Christian Antisemitism” an oxymoron. It is no such thing. Christianity must be anti-jewish if it is to remain Christian.
At the time he wrote this essay, Jones had yet to come out and openly question the holocaust, but he does show how the holocaust was a motivation for Jews to go after the Church:
Jesus warned us against the (((Pharisees))) and (((Herodians))). And who was Saul/Paul? A Herodian Pharisee. See Romans 16:11.
Acts literally says that Paul and HIS disciples created “Christianity”. It was corrupt from the start, how do you not extend your logic to see this?
John 8
Where in Acts does it say that Paul and HIS disciples created ‘Christianity’? The word ‘Christianity’ does not appear anywhere in the entire New Testament.
Jesus did warn about the Pharisees, but Paul repented of his Pharisee past. Christianity is about repentance, not about what you used to be. If so, then none of us could be saved.
Truth …………….
What “Truth” are you trying to sell us here at CFT?
Are you Pagan? Agnostic?
Are you “White”? Let’s start there.
Jewish Archbishop of Canterbury Shills for Jewish Climate Change.
Book “The Nameless War” removed by, can be downloaded from link below.
Here also there existed a wonderful field for disruptive criticism ; for although it was a Christian kingdom, yet it was one most sharply divided as between Protestant and Catholic. A campaign for exploiting this division and fanning hatreds between the Christian communities was soon in process of organization. How well the Jews succeeded in this campaign in Britain may be judged from the fact that one of the earliest acts of ‘their creature and hireling’ Oliver Cromwell, after executing the King according to plan, was to allow the Jews free access to England once
British government white paper on bolshevism issued in April 1919. (Russia No. 1.) In it I have read the following passage :”I consider that the immediate suppression of bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging, and unless bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe, and the whole world, as it is organized and worked by Jews, who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.” P29
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
i have posted it before but here it is again Welby’s Church of England 2021: £Trillions for Gaia Greed but Peanuts for the Parish Paupers
CofE Covered In Blood And Gore
my ancestors on different sides of my family have roots with ancient irish clan and in briton were lords of the noble house of flavell i have gone so far with my ancestry it is thought flavell is derived from the original name of the noble house , under constitutional law legally i am eligible to be monarch
An excellent discussion between Bishop Richard Williamson and E. Michael Jones on the Holocaust and the Catholic Church: “Are you willing to suffer for the truth?”
If becoming a Catholic makes a Jew feel even more Jewish, it’s safe to say that it’s time for the Church to clean house and start all over again.
Al Liguori
Gents, Thank you for the complimentary mention of
P.S. If my thanks appear in multiple messages, it is because there seems to be a CloudFlare SSL handshake problem.
“Perpetrators of the holocaust against Russia transform themselves into “survivors” of “the Holocaust”
“When food the very essence of life is controlled so completely by a ruling elite you know you have arrived at the [jew] world order [JWO]”
“In 1932 and 1933, millions of Ukrainians were killed in the Holodomor, a man-made famine engineered by Kaganovich”
“Lazar Kaganovich, Remember Him?”
Curly Newsome
All Christians must be members of the cult of the Holocaust.
The book “A Legacy of Hatred: Why Christians Must Not Forget the Holocaust” insists that all Christians must take responsibility for the Holocaust because of their long history of “intolerance” toward the Jews, even though the Gospels tell us to have nothing to do with such unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14).
long history of intolerance of jews against christians + BLOODLABEL !
New book claims that evil Hitler sent a quarter million “Jews for Jesus” like Roy Schoeman to the gas chambers. If that won’t stop Jews from converting, nothing will!
Johnny Rottenborough
“Despite their conversion, they remain Jews and try to interpret both Church dogma and the Gospels through the lens of not only apostate Judaism — but also through cultural Jewish identity, which today largely centers around the “historical fiction” called the “Holocaust.””
Brother Nathanael has a video (3¾m) on ‘“Jews for Jesus” Hypes The Holocaust’:
‘Holocaust Remembrance Week comes to America every year around this time during the Easter season. It’s planned that way to make gullible Christians think there’s another religion equal to their own, Holocaustology.’
“A Jew remains a Jew even if he is baptized by a hundred bishops.”
–Slovak nationalist Father Andrej Hlinka
The Bear
The main aim of the Jews in the Catholic Church, is to make The Lord Jesus, more Jewish, and less God, and therefore make Catholic more Jewish and less Divinely founded. And by making the Church less divinely founded, they destroy the Salvation of Man through Christ, the Leader and Founder of the Church.
It’s the same tactic used by Freemason, to make all religions, including Catholicism, more human, and less Divine. By making The Lord more Jewish, the Jews are able to dilute the Divine Commission of the Catholics. It is a fundamental reorientation of the Church from looking up to Heaven, to looking down to the World. Nothing exemplifies this strategy better, than the infiltration of the Church during Vatican II, when the Church Fathers were threatened with nuclear attack, and were forced to endorse heretical documents, which transformed the Old Trident Catholic Church into the Church of Man.
In the documents, the Father’s claimed, that the Church, was not founded by God, nor guided by The Holy Spirit, but rather, that is was the “Wild shoot” which was grafted on “The Well-Cultivated Olive” which was presupposed it to be Judaism. They stated;
“The Church, therefore, cannot forget that she received the revelation of the Old Testament through the people with whom God in His inexpressible mercy concluded the Ancient Covenant. Nor can she forget that she draws sustenance from the root of that well-cultivated olive tree onto which have been grafted the wild shoots, the Gentiles.”
This statement is blasphemous. And the Jews are responsible for it! Jews do not convert. They Judaize.
I can’t tell if Roy Schoeman has more faith in the Holocaust or in Jesus Christ.
“Jewish Power and Control Watch” [2007]
But, See: “Ted & Alynn Pike’s False Plan Of Salvation”
“Jews and the Spanish and Mexican Inquisition”
-jews in Mexico, and Spain, Scofield Biblical Institute, conversos and crypto jews
“The Inquisition spreads to the colonies
“Most people don’t think of the Inquisition operating in North America, that it just operates in Spain,” Levine said. “But the power and authority of the Inquisition went with conquest. Anywhere in a Spanish colony, the Inquisition appeared with it.”
In Mexico City during the 1590s, a second wave of persecutions arose, stretching over a decade. Its victims included Don Luis de (((Carvajal))), a colonial governor of New Mexico, and his family.
Carvajal Records: Manuel de Lucena, Carvajal Family Inquisition records, Mexico City, Mexico, 1594. (Courtesy of The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley)
“[Carvajal] was one of a family of Judaizers,” Martinez-Davila said, using a technical term with which the Inquisition charged crypto-Jews. “His whole family was executed, burned at the stake. Two escaped to the Ottoman Empire. He was the most celebrated case. We have letters from him. He fully confessed: ‘I was Jewish, I was holding Shabbat services, Friday night services.’”
Yet, Martinez-Davila added, “parts of [Carvajal’s] extended family were running the Inquisition. One side would be very Catholic, and to protect their position inside the Inquisition, and the royal government, [they would be willing] to execute family members.”
Carvajal died in prison in 1591. His family’s Inquisition records, from Mexico City in 1594, are part of the exhibit. In 1596, the Inquisition put 46 conversos on trial, including members of Carvajal’s family who were burned at the stake.
In 1601, 45 more conversos were executed. Between 1574 to 1603, there were 115 people accused of Judaizing….” [More]:
mythological black scientist
Catholicism is so unbiblical…. the jew, just like the pagan, finds it easy to blend in amongst them. Go and have a scriptural discussion with any catholic and you would be hard pressed to find someone more retarded in their mental capacity to understand the books. Even in the dhoay rheims translation you can see how the catholic church is unscriptural, but since no one in those infernal places ever bothers to read the damn books what good does it do.
The way they latch on to that verse about Peter and the rock and use it entirely out of context is legendary. Every “denomination” always has one or two verses that become the bedrock of their particular brand. But no one has done it more glaringly than the Catholics.
From indulgences, to killing anyone who tried to read the bible on their own its hard to see them as anything but an evil force on the earth, but nevertheless the Catholics have to get credit because many times they have stood in the way of jewry’s plans and even named or expelled the jew. The number of sainted martyrs celebrated by the old catholic church is some of the best evidence of jewish ritual murder. And as dumb and biblically confused as the Crusaders were, they at least took out a ton of sandnogs.
Nothing is simple here in thunderdome. The catholic church is a prime example.
Mark C. Zirzow, Jr.
Dear Sir or Madame of Christian’s for Truth,
The Catholic Church has been infiltrated and taken over by the Jewish-Masonic Mafia since 1958. The Vatican 2 sect is the end times counter church. You and your readers can go to the following links for more information.
The Christian Church was never perfect. It felt it needed to be universal, thus Catholic, so it incorporated some Pagan beliefs and holidays to attract new followers. Later Venice (Synagogue of Satan) used these differences from original Christianity in order to split the Church.
They managed to have Leo X (a Medici) elected as Pope. He really started to destroy the Church from within with his debauchery and selling indulgences, etc. Meanwhile Venice had Luther waiting in the wings to speak out against this and thus we have the Protestant Reformation. Venice controlled both sides, the Reformation and the counter-Reformation lead by the Jesuits. The entire thing was a complete psy-op intended to divide and conquer, which was very successful. Many people are still stuck in their way of thinking and can’t see past this psy-op.
There was always an uneasy alliance between the Holy Roman Empire and the Vatican. Look no further than the murder of Dagobert by the Vatican in 639. To understand this murder you must know Dagobert’s bloodline. Later, the Church came out with a document called “The Donation of Constantine ” wherein the Church claims it’s authority as granted to them by Constantine around 400 years previously yet they only published it then. A completely forged document.
People often search for perfection in an imperfect world.
One thing the Church should have known is that you cannot convert someone’s DNA.
The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two Part 16 – The Masonic Subversion of The Catholic Church
As for burning witches, maybe there was something to that:
The Bear
“From indulgences, to killing anyone who tried to read the bible on their own its hard to see them as anything but an evil force on the earth, but nevertheless the Catholics have to get credit because many times they have stood in the way of jewry’s plans and even named or expelled the jew.”
As a Catholic, I should be offended, but I am not. If you read my comments, you will know that I know, that we have been had! I know the history of the Church has very dark chapters, which we would wish never happened. But they did. I know the disgusting history of the paedophile “priests” and I am outraged. But I also know that NOT ONE SINGLE DENOMINATION, that has not been infiltrated. We are all having a Jewish Mud bath……….sorry.
mythological black scientist
Are Christian Identity people really a denomination, though?
Like I said almost all denominations have one or two verses that they lift from scripture, typically in isolation and out of context, and use that as a foundation for their unique spin or denomination.
I do not believe CI is ‘supposed’ to be considered a denomination, though it definitely has been infiltrated. The Catholic church was a 2nd or 3rd century twisting of the “church” the apostles had started, and before Christ and the apostles, there was simply whatever remained of what we call the old testament scriptures.
I believe the Puritans who came to America were trying to be non denominational. It is hard to describe the difference between religion and CI. To a normie they would think the only difference is the fact that most of us do not feel the need to attend a church or be under the tutelage of some “Pastor”…they would say we are religious in that we follow the laws of the old testament, keep sabbath, look to old prophets and a book for guidance….but it is deeper than that.
There is no centralized church or unit that we answer to. The closest thing in CI is what some call the OLD GUARD or the initial people who stuck their necks out to speak about scripture and the racial connection. Comparet, Swift, Gale, Wickstrom etc… These guys are bigger names, though non of us consider them prophetic and we can all look back and see areas where they were flat out wrong. We appreciate them but are never afraid to question.
In this way, CI has become infiltrated. The current line up of miniature internet celebrities that claim to represent Christian Identity…the ones that pop up when you google search the topic, like finck, are almost certainly infiltrators. Google buries everything related except Christogenea which it happily, and suspiciously puts at the top of its searches.
They don’t have a CHURCH to infiltrate. There is no power center to grab the controls of. All they can do is squelch anyone they don’t control while inserting their own actors and promoting their platforms so newcomers have nowhere else to turn, and in this way they control the persons awakening and divert in key areas.
So, no, we aren’t denominational or organizational but the community itself is just as susceptible to infiltration as each one of us comes up to this body of water called the internet for a drink of information or communication. In its current state, it is more controlled than ever. Its all too easy to funnel everyone into one or two websites, with a handful of gatekeepers lurching over the moderator positions carefully controlling acceptable dialog.
There is a controlled burn going on right now. (((they))) have been keeping a close eye on white people knowing their identity since this first surfaced under the title of British Israel (PROTO christian identity, before everyone learned that jews were the children of satan and NOT of Judah) and rest assured it scares the hell out of them. If they have bad actors and disinformation agents posing in other fields, then just imagine what they have done here.
In other words I agree that all denominations have been infiltrated, and I acknowledge infiltrators exist in and around CI, but I do NOT agree christian identity is a denomination. We have 100 problems, but being a denomination aint one of them. You cannot compare us to baptists, or catholics or lutherans etc…that is all a much lower tier of foolishness.
Mark Tinley
I will say it until I am blue in the face that William Gale was a Jew. His Dad was Charles Grabfiker, a Russian jew who changed his name to Gale. William Gale’s dad listed “hebrew” as his religion in legal documents. His Grandfather’s name was Mayer Grabfiker who was also clearly a jew. His family history is well-recorded in historic documents that can be accessed on as well as other places. This information is widely available and undeniable despite nearly everyone in CI claiming Gale was a valid teacher and further claiming his “jewishness” is a conspiracy…as if anyone would go through the trouble with an obscure CI teacher and known drunk.
mythological black scientist
Hi Bill.
Mark Tinley
I suspect you mean Bill Finck? You sound a bit paranoid. Why would Finck denounce Gale when Finck has hosted Gale’s writings on his website? Doesn’t make much sense does it? Gale was a jew and there is no denying it. Sorry you CI people have such a hard time with this. Your other sacred cow, Wesley Swift, was a complete nutter who never cited his work. I say that having listened to hours of his teachings. Swift was a mix of L Ron Hubbard talking about space aliens and Dewey Tucker.
Yep, Wesley Swift seemed to make it up as he went. Lots of sci-fi, Cold-Warrior stuff, no citations, more like a dilettante than a serious writer/thinker.
CI is best without a cult of personality behind each sect. Focus on the ideas, not the person espousing them…..
Alexander of Macedon
Thanks to CFT for a well researched and written and highly relevant article. As stated, infiltration is nothing new and no organization is fully immune to it. Except by sticking by clearly articulated doctrines.
As to the ‘Petros’ (the rock) reference being the fundamental verse of the RCC, what about John CH 6 bread of life discourse? … among others.