Some might call Nathan Kirsh the ‘George Soros of Africa,’ yet another international, state-less billionaire Jew who funds radical, anti-White socialist ‘opposition’ causes, such as South Africa’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) lead by Julius Malema, while his family also exerts enormous control over Primedia, the largest media conglomerate in South Africa:
Two opposition parties EFF and the Democratic Alliance (DA) together with the DA’s MP Advocate Glynnis Breytenbach, are being funded by Nathan Kirsh, the director and owner of Israel’s Magal Security Systems which is complicit in the construction of Israel’s illegal apartheid wall. Lord Renwick of Clifton who is a friend of Kirsh met the EFF in London in 2015.
It should be noted that the Breytenbach case was funded through the FW de Klerk Foundation—- a foundation of Mr de Klerk, South Africa’s last apartheid President. Kirsh thought such an ingenious funding of Breytenbach will not be detected. Moreover, cases against the government are funded through endowment funds from Kirsh and Lord Renwick. It should be clear now why the EFF is ganging up with the DA in hung metros of JHB and Tshwane.
Nathan Kirsh left South Africa in 1986 to settle in Swaziland in the mid-1980s. At the time of his departure he had benefitted greatly from apartheid. He is now a resident of New York and London where he is teamimg up with Lord Renwick a blesser of the EFF who is hell-bent on pushing regime change in Southern Africa.
Magal Security Systems was founded in 1969 as a department of the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). In 1984 Magal Security Systems was established as a private company, with some shares still held by IAI but with 24.2% of Magal Security System shares being held by Nathan Kirsh, through holdings in Mira Mag and KiCorporation, both of the companies are registered in Liberia. The 24.2% stake in Magal Security Systems makes Nathan Kirsh its largest shareholder, Kirsh is also the Director of the company. Nathan Kirsh’s Magal Security Systems in September 2002 won 80% of the tenders (totalling 19 million USD) published by the Israeli Ministry of Defence to install detection systems along 150 KM of Israel’s apartheid wall in the Israeli Occupied Palestinian West Bank.
Israel’s Apartheid Wall was deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in 2004 thus making Magal Security Systems and its Director, Nathan Kirsch, complicit in criminal activity. Following the 2004 ruling by the ICJ, two Danish companies, the Danske Bank and the Pensioner Bank (PKA) both decided to withdraw all investments from Magal Security System.
How can EFF, the DA and the DA’s MPs accept monies from, basically, a criminal, Nathan Kirsh? EFF, the DA and the then Democratic Alliance’s parliamentary candidate Glyniss Breytenbach (who received 6,3 million from Nathan Kirsh) are basically being funded off criminal Israeli activity. How can the DA and Agang expect voters to support them if they are receiving money that was made off the oppression of the Palestinian people?
Firstly, it’s a moral question but, secondly, the DA and EFF will most definitely be constrained by their funder to tow a pro-Israeli agenda (and a pro-Israeli agenda is an anti-Palestinian, anti-human rights agenda). In addition, EFF and the DA will be constrained by their funder to oppose the progressive Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel campaign. The DA and EFF are basically lap dogs of an Israeli imperialist agenda. A government which pursues apartheid policies in the 21 century!
Primedia, often a critic of the ANC, is owned by the brother of Nathan Kirsh, Mr. Issie Kirsh. Nathan Kirsh’s nephew, William Kirsh is the CEO of Primedia. We wonder whether Primedia and its LeadSA campaign will come out definitively condemning Nathan Kirsh’s involvement in Israel’s illegal Apartheid Wall and his backing of EFF through Lord Renwick and the DA through profits made from criminal Israeli activity.
The writer of the piece above is clearly disillusioned to find that the promised ‘socialist revolution’ in South Africa, headed by the ANC, with support from the EFF and DA, is being controlled, one way or another, by the vast wealth of this pro-Zionist Jew who doesn’t even live in South Africa.
And with the jewish control of the mainstream media in South Africa, through the Kirsh family hand in Primedia, it’s no wonder that all the Black leadership, from President Ramaphosa down to ‘radical’ Julius Malema, are all beholden to jewish money and influence.
This is the same political tightrope that Jews are playing all across the globe, as they fund radical socialist causes which naturally oppose the brutal Zionist regime in Israel.
It would appear that these anti-White parties in South Africa will continue to receive jewish funding as long as they maintain a pro-Israel, pro-jewish stance.
But if you look closely at the “Whites” who support these radical anti-White Black parties, you’ll find out that they aren’t exactly White after all.
And if Malema has a problem with that, Kirsh will find a Black radical lackey who will.
Jews like Kirsh have no problem with the theft of White land and the murder of the White farmers as long as the Blacks don’t bite the hidden hand that feeds them.
Jack Bean.
Don’t just blame Jews for everything.
Who do you think took money so willingly from Soros for the then PFP now the DA. No other that Van Zyl Slabbert. It takes two to tango.
Tell us about the Ruperts and others like Beyers Truter, Chris Steenkamp, Krige’s, Malans, and companies like Naspers De Beers etc who are only to happy to support the ANC and shower praises on Ramaphosa? Stellenbosch is full of “verraaiers” maybe you are not aware.
Look how many “verraaiers” infested the national Party , like de Klerk, Meyer etc.
To my perspective. All the Illuminati are in this together. Fake Jews are Edomites, like Herod, and pretend to be Jews. They are Khazarians. They stretch world wide. They are not Israelites. Soros is one of the 300 in the Illuminati. He propbably got his foot in as a Khazarian or a freemason.
Hans Auht
Hey Jacky Bean, your poor logic is on display, you jew-loving wee-wee. Let me make the correct argument Jacky Wee-Wee and it follows:
If not for the vicious little Jew bastards attempts to ruin South Africa, then apartheid would be perfected by now and not a single one of the white chickensh*ts or their corporations you referred to would have even considered selling out the whites of South Africa.
Oh lordy Jacky Pee Wee, the virus causes the problem and that virus is the treacherous little Jew bastards. So, Jacky, you’re not as fair-minded as you thought, no, no, no Jacky wee-wee, you certainly are not.
Prefer to Be Anonymous
Yahya Nagdee
Modern technology in the so called developed world is not primarily aimed at improving the lives of human beings, but primarily for nations who excel and lead in it to dominate and enslave those who lag behind.The motivation for advancing technology is military superiority with which to deny and deprive and keep others dependant. The side effects and off shoot of this nefarious agenda sometimes indirectly benefits medicine, natural science and other fields of human endeavour. However, nations that then excel in these side effects i.e technology and science for eg.promptly go back to the ethos of their exploiting fore runners, profiteering, enslaving and dominating nations and their resources who lack the know how, in the name of human advancement. Socially, ethically and morally bankrupt, they now pose as advanced nations of the world.The world today is not a safer friendlier or a healthier place to live in with all the so called technological advancement we see around us.
gordon keith
of course for zionist jewish profit
Christian Lend
For jewish profit only especially for the rabid rabbis!
The Bolsheviks we are between 80 and 85% Jewish they killed over 45 million Christians their secret police were Jewish they had a torture that involved putting a rat in a tube Up against the torso heating the tube And the rat would scratch and chew its way through the body to escape.
Why is that OK I’ve never heard the jews apologizing for it ?
The first concentration camps were introduced in the boar war Christian women and children farmers were interned and died under terrible conditions
This was for the purpose of the English-speaking Jews from London to steal the newly discovered gold .
Why is it OK for the Jew to put Christian women and children in concentration camps but not for the Christians to put Jew’s in concentration camps ?
Fritz harbor was a Jew that invented war gas for the killing of Christians
Chlorine gas, phosgene gas and mustard gas , he retired to Switzerland comfortably after the war .
why is it OK for Jew to gas Christians but not for Christians to gas jews ?
The Jews, zionist jews are not Israelites and will never be, this lie that they are God’s chosen people comes out of the pits of Hell, they will one day pay for all the White Christian people, the real Isrealites they murdered, and now the poor USA has become zionist controlled and are about to fight another war on their behalf, American sons and daughters will die on behalf of the zionists.
Christian Lend
Did not offer Solomon invented the kabbalah, or did not some Israelites sacrifice their children to Moloch?
Ronald R Ruck
So true …
Amen on this message…
Everybody has been commenting on this jew who grew up in Potcheftsroom in the then known Transvaal. He made a lot of money in manufacturing so called ( king korn malt). Liquor was banned by the old apartheid and the Africans fond of drinking started making their own beer. It was made from malt which was made from corn, yeast and other items and became very popular amongst the blacks all over South Africa.
What a worthless comment, your views are exactly media driven… go back to your history books and educate yourself before making foolish comments
They are trying to control the entire world!
They do control the entire world.
Jews have got no right to continue oppressing and killing Palestinians and criticizing everyone that says it’s wrong and evil as being antisemitic.
Palestinians won’t have to suffer forever because of Americans and Europeans stupidly and supremacy
Lizette hansen
I agree with you.100%.tell me more about that please.. The Israelis in the Bible that came from Egypt were NOT the jews…do you agree..I am lizette an live in the West coast in suid email is [email protected]… Send m6e more info please…i will appreciate it.
Was the outcome of Marikana intended?
Julius was funded by the Jewish lobby and Afrikaner broederbond to disrupt the mining sector.
The idea was to shut the election funds”cash taps ” at the platinum mines that the ANC have access too.
It dented the ANC and election debts amounted to R300m.
No one expected the violent turn-out at Marikana as we seen.
Like Hitler started with 6% and grew, watch the EFF grow as well.
Old saying absolute power corrupts absolutely.
We are dealing with positive and negative “corruption” here and we as South Africans are selective as far as justice is concerned .
Take a real stand and speak out against all injustices and issues that affect us as South Africans.
To date we are still colour race classified.
Why can’t we just be South Africans and be a proud nation working together in harmony.
We can’t because of economic desperaties
Economic disparities currently lay at the feet of population ratios.
There are around 10 million black middle class people in S.A. That is twice the entire white population. With an increase of approx 145% in the HINW bracket amongst black people and a decrease by around 30% in the white bracket over the last decade, S.A is still sitting with a huge problem of “disparity”. Now you cannot equate a population of 35 million to 4.7 million.
The fact is, based on population numbers nothing is ever going to change for the majority. It’s not possible.
Visit China, and even with their mass industrialization there has only been an increase of 26% to make it a whole 30% since 2001. They have two classification of middle class. Lower & Upper, and that 30% is both combined. Their upper middle class is not even comparable to the world, middle class average standard. The average wage per month is +- R 6000.00. They have over 1.3 billion people and a 6.5% unemployment rate. Now turn those percentages into numbers and you speak of millions. Nigeria & India are also good examples. Nigeria, population 191 Million. 24% unemployment and around 50% living in abject poverty.
India, population 140 million. Unemployment 4% (that’s +- 20 Million ppl) with around 30% living in abject poverty (that’s +- 355 Million ppl).
Population density is the real real problem.
There’s 6,6(approximately)billion people in the world how can India have 140billion??? The crap politicking in your statement is amusing to say the least…lol
140 million, not billion – read again.
Wendy Ferguson
Israel would never had to build a wall if it was not constnatly invaded by muslime terrorists killing their people. go israel you are a great country who every one here is soo ignorant and led by their noses they will believe any bull———-t! the blacks in south africa forget that cyril rama pole led the communist part for years and years and was an opposition party to the anc and has sold of millions of hectares of our precious land to the chinese communist party already do a search and you wil be shocked to the core, with rama pole s also a shareholder in all the deals with the chinese. as for primedia they are a rubbish company and not one person listens to them anymore! go israel they are just hugely envious that you and president trump are doing a great service to the people of both countries. go israel go usa!
The Jews in South Africa organized and financed the ANC and all communist activity. Fact. Blacks like Ramaphosa follow the money trail. He’s a closet communist because that’s where the jewish money is. He’s a puppet of the Jews:
The Jews are invaders and cause the trouble all around the world.
Change your attitude toward Gentiles! Otherwise, your days are outnumbered!
Why don’t you go learn the history facts before you blab your bullsh1t claims on who the actual terrorists in the lands of Palestine are, & moreso, if you’re praising that Trump fool, he’s the laughing stock of the world & you’re an even bigger fool if you don’t know that the very core of Americas very existence, is politically & economically nothing more than just a fundamental military industrial complex, hence the reason that America has never ever not been at war for even one single year of their entire existence post the formation of that private federal reserve banking system who print endless empty dollars & force value to it via military extortion.
Michaela Bryant
Palestine does not need to defend itself against allegations of aggression or terrorism for resisting.
Every people under occupation have the inalienable right of self-defence against an oppressor, especially when this one commits a genocide. There is not a single law Israel can use which would precede this right of Palestine. Throughout history every nation which resisted war or genocide was and is: proud of its resistance.
And so is Palestine.
she said 140million can you not read, people like u are so quick to criticize people that that in your haste you make stupid statements
Brilliantly written my lady
Just watch the space when freedom and democracy comes to Palestine, real soon Insha Allah, all those illegal settlements would be overrun, n those things will have run into the ocean or die
You don’t even know your history. Firstly Israel never existed a 100 years ago. The jews where kicked out of germany and Palestine took them in. The jews made it their home and eventually started to take over. With funding from America they slowly begin all the killing and blamed it on the Palestinians for attacking them. If your argument is that you went to Israel and saw the Palestinians attack the jews for stealing their land and homes then you are not all there.
Do your research before you make statements like these. It is people like you who brings about racism in the world.
True: Primedia is definitely and blatantly anti-white and propagate anti-white sentiment at every opportunity.
False: Primedia are not solely anti ANC
False: Primedia are definitely not aligned with the DA… in fact the opposite. They propagate derogatory news and commentary at every opportunity.
True: Primedia are more aligned with the EFF than against it and will never propagate derogatory news and commentary unless literally forced to (as in VBS heist).
Agreed. From the synagogue of satan.
This Khazar , whose ancestors, I assure you never so much as dipped a toe in the Holy Land, is one of the Big Machers of the ANC along with his fellow Khazars (who call themselves Jews) – Albie Sachs and Yossel Mashel Slovo (1926-1995). The Communist ANC was set up by the Jews as the platform to receive the Western shekels from the Big Jew banks of the West for the Communist Revolution in Africa which they prosecuted without mercy. The ANC Communist Jewish leaders used that platform to form the military wing of the Revolution – MK: Umkhonto we Sizwe (spear of the nation) to fund, equip, train and pay the entire alphabet soup of liberation fronts and guerrilla armies against independent African nations and newly de-colonised African nations. They trained their leaders and Political Commissars at Lumumba U in Moscow and organised both Soviet and Maoist backing for armed Communist aggression against African nations. They fought for the infrastructure and first world economies built by the White Africans and pursued tribal vengeances and genocides. All of this played in the Western Jew press as ‘nationalist liberation’. The English nations in Africa that stood against the Communist Revolution in Africa are commemorated here:
As long as Blacks in South Africa cannot discern the difference between a White and a Jew, their political failure is assured, and the Jews are counting on this. Blacks are so materialistic that they are easily manipulated by jewish money and false promises–their leaders can be easily bought and have no principles to compromise, making them guaranteed slaves to the Jews once the Whites are gone.
Couldn’t agree more!!!!
White people better wake up & remember who their mortal enemy has always been.
No matter where you go, all marxist and anti-White ’causes’ are funded by the same [[[group]]]. When will people wake up and finally realise that not only are [[[they]]] ruining our socieities, but that theyre doing it with our money because [[[they]]] simply hate us?!? Rightly did Jesus say that they “were of their father the devil”.
Jesus himself was Jewish though, correct?
Jesus was a true a Judean Jew, not an Edomite Jew convert.
Jesus was a Nazarene. When did Israelites turned into jews?
Jesus is a ‘jew’ ONLY in the traditional sense that He is of the tribe of Judah, not in the ‘currently understood’ modern sense (e.g. He does NOT identify with those who call themselves ‘jews’ today, descendants of the very same ‘jews’ He called out at John 8:44 [see also Rev. 2:9 and 3:9]). Neither was Jesus a ‘jew’ in the geo-political sense of His time, as He was not a citizen of Judaea, but a Nazarene.
Z Artin
Absolutely correct! The jew of the bible is not the same jew of today, todays jews are the Edomites of the bible, similar to king herod the edomite that ruled judea. It’s believed by many researchers that the wailing wall that these devils gyrate on, is herods temple.
was jesus white and what proof is there of this claim ?
The first chapter of the first book of the New Testament gives Christ’s genealogy to prove he was a direct, legitimate descendant of King David, and a pure-blooded Israelite. We know from descriptions of David that he had red hair. Other descriptions of Israelites in the Bible tell of their skin which is white as milk. The Saxons get their name from “Sons of Issac”, the father of the Israelite people. You’ll find 100 proofs they are White here:
“It is believed by many researchers the the wall that these devils gyrate on is Herod’s temple “ is the fake jew imitating intercourse with a woman.