(The Forward) For nearly four decades, Karen and Barry Mason owned Circus of Books, a book and video store that was considered Los Angeles’ “center of the gay universe,” and later on they became one of the largest distributors of gay pornography in the America:
Now their lives are the subject of a documentary dropping on Netflix on Wednesday, “Circus of Books,” made by their filmmaker and artist daughter, Rachel Mason. “It’s a good film,” Karen Mason said. “I just wish it were about someone else…”
“Never in a million years did I think she’d make anything the least bit mainstream,” said Karen, who had long preferred people not to know what she did for a living. “Had I known this, I never would have done it.”
But now, she’s making peace with being recognized, while her husband Barry thrives on the attention, happily schmoozing with whomever talks to him.
As the film makes clear, for most of their childhood, neither Rachel nor her two brothers had a real handle on what their parents did for a living, other than that they owned a book store. And that’s how Karen preferred it. Karen was raised in a Conservative Jewish home, and raised her children that way, too.
The Masons didn’t set out to work in the adult industry. It was just a way to provide for their family. “We always thought something else would show up and it never really did,” said Karen.
Karen started her career as a journalist and Barry was an inventor, but they each quit those professions for different reasons. When Barry took a gig distributing porn magazines for Hustler publisher Larry Flynt, he quickly recognized a lucrative opportunity when he saw one.
It was a different time, pre-Internet, when the gay scene was much more underground. The first bookstore opened in West Hollywood, the center of LA’s gay life. Later Circus of Books expanded to Silver Lake and, briefly, Sherman Oaks. The stores functioned as popular and safe meeting places for gay men. The Silver Lake store closed in 2016. When the West Hollywood location closed in 2019, it was a front page story in the Los Angeles Times.
…Karen Mason’s going public about her profession is just one part of the journey she goes on in the film. The other is related to her faith, and saying more about it here would reveal a major spoiler, but let’s just say she’s an expert in compartmentalizing between those she deals with professionally and the members of her own family.
Meanwhile, Rachel Mason hopes others can relate to her mother’s struggles, and that this film will be able to open people’s minds. At the end of the day, porn stars are just people who clock in and clock out, she said.
“You can find the dark, horrific stories to tell in any industry, and the adult industry is often painted that way,” said Rachel. “I really wanted to show that you can work in this industry and be a person of faith, and love your children, and love the people around you, and none of that is at odds with your religious values.”
So there you have it: there is no apparent conflict between their Jewish ‘faith’ and being the largest purveyors of gay pornography in America.
This, apparently, illustrates how Jews ‘heal the world’ through ‘tikkun olam‘.
Gay porn is just all about loving your family and friends, according to the Masons.
No doubt their promotion and ‘normalization’ of the gay lifestyle contributed to the explosion of AIDS in California in the early 1980s, but who can blame them?
They were ‘just trying to make a living’ after all, and gay porn was as good a way as anything else.
Just ignore the fact that porn also been linked to the psychopathy of serial killers, like the homosexual Jeffrey Dahmer.
And notice the wife, Karen, was raised in a “conservative” Jewish family — which shows just how nebulous the whole concept of ‘faith’ is to Jews in general.
But it’s not as if the Masons are anything out of the ordinary for Jews who come from the middle class — whether the pornography is gay or ‘straight’, Jews in America have controlled and dominated the porn industry from its very beginnings, a fact that they are not shy boasting about.
And the fact that Netflix is now airing a documentary about this ‘nice Jewish couple’, gay porn will hopefully become as American as apple pie.
Joe Lanning
Jewish intellectuals are virulently anti-White. Since the 1930s they’ve attempted to destroy Western civilization by destroying the nuclear family. Through feminism, divorce, pornography and homosexuality. They’ve been very successful.
Western Civilization must fight back by first recognizing its primary enemy, Jewish intellectuals. Jews fear the high IQs of the White population and see them as an obstacle to world dominance. When threatened, Jews always use the holocaust to stifle decent. This cannot be tolerated any longer.
—- Joe —
Tell us something we don’t already know! LOL.
No, but seriously …… well stated.
We need this message on Billboards across Western Nations. It is really this simple.
100% spot on. When will white Americans wake up?
Both of these are men.
Jews love the BBC so much they even made a documentary about it.
Would you take the name of religion out of it? That will bring too much expectation on anybody. Why religion has nothing to do with our feelings. The enemy is the fears. If it wasn’t because of the fears, then we didn’t have on, underground, which is All had hidden abortion bring shame to peoples cause of all the problems we have in the world. FEAR. Shame on religion they did that to us. Thanks for giving me a chance.
All races have evolved differently on this planet. This fact makes indelible differences in the various people. This is OK as long as the people remain separate but when they mix, it causes problems. We don’t see lions interbreeding with tigers even though they can. One group will kill another if they are forced together.
Jews don’t see the racial differences as an obstacle. They see it as a weapon that they can use to divide the groups and pit them against each other. They have mastered divide and conquer techniques and do it without even thinking. It is part of the complex survival genes of the Jews. They cause problems between two groups and then support the weaker of the two so that the two feuding groups never stop fighting. Eventually this ends up in the near extinction of both of the groups. In this case, the groups are those who have sexual differences.
John 3
Races have not “evolved”. Evolution is a hoax to dumb us down and demoralize us by convincing us that we have monkeys as ancestors. Yes, Professor Kevin MacDonald argues that Jewish behavior is an “evolutionary survival strategy,” but that’s an unnecessary presumption. Jews are not trying to “survive”. They are trying to subvert and dominate, and they are masters at mind games and brainwashing.
The White race is their biggest obstacle, which is why they are doing everything they can to destroy us through race mixing propaganda, and flooding our nations with non-Whites. They are already race mixed, so they have nothing to lose by doing so. We are born of Adam, and their father, as Christ stated, was a “murderer from the beginning.” It’s a battle of the bloodlines, and only one will survive. God is with us, not them.
White people have experienced and survived terrible diseases and extremely cold temperatures that have made a White person’s personality different than other peoples. Many Jews have some Negro genes so they have evolved completely different than Whites. The reality of indelible racial differences are an obstacle to those who have the unnatural egalitarian racial mixing ideology.
White people had these same personalities long before they ever migrated up into Europe from the Near East, our ancestral homeland, which was quite warm, even hot in places, like Sumer and Egypt. Yes, those civilizations were originally White. Race mixing is what brought about their destruction, and the arabs who now live in those areas those who took over once the Whites left or were absorbed through mixing.
Israeli tolerance — Israeli agents have forced homosexual marriage onto White Western Christian countries through the ACLU, SPLC, ADL, and all their other Front Groups. Their plan is to destroy all other cultures. Look at what the Jews do back home (for the dual passporters.) After putting on a Ptomkin’s village show of “tolerance”, Israel’s Supreme Court refuses to “recognize” homosexual marriage as they force it here. https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201709011056978922-israel-supreme-court-gay-marriage/
The man who is responsible for gay marriage in New York City is rabbi David Saperstein . His wife, Ellen Weiss, was formerly the head of the NPR newsroom, National Public Radio. This is a powerful force and he basically claimed responsibility. He said if it weren’t for our group of rabbis, this would have never passed. So what you see is this constant tension for Jewish revolutionary subversive activity and now the homosexual has succeeded the negro as the avant garde of the revolutionary movement in the United States.
Christian Lend
Even here are the filthy demons @work.
Jews are only in pornography to give Jesus Christ our lord and Savior their stinky finger.
Plus Jews were the main owners and distributors of porn in Weimar Germany before Hitler came to power. The National Socialists quickly rectified that.
Terri MacPherson
Send this article to all your Christian Zionist relatives, friends, neighbors. Tell them thank-you very much for helping to promote and give these people the power they now wield in the Western nations and the world. There will be a price to pay for supporting and donating money to, such evil.
You know who voted for this?
White people.
White Shabbos idiots, who now comprise of the VAST majority of White people – 99.99% of White people.
White people have become the most dangerous “useful idiots” the world has ever seen.
I don’t feel sorry for White people anymore (and I’m White).
I’m sick of White people. We (collectively) have become the most ugly race of Jewish golems. White people either need to wake up, or we (collectively) don’t deserve a place on God’s earth.
I’ve never been admonished by a Jew. They only people who ever admonish me are White Shabbos Goys or White Useful Idiots.
I grew up in a Lefist family and spend my whole life around Left-wing crackpots. If I can wake-up, then why can’t the vast majority of other Whites?
My only conclusion has to be that the vast majority of White people do not deserve passage into the Kingdom of God.
Please don’t be so hard on your people. Keep in mind that our waywardness was prophecized. If we weren’t like this, we’d have no reason to trust in God. Didn’t Christ say, what reward is there in loving those who already love you? True love is measured in how much love you show for those who hate you…those of your own kind, of course…
White people have been turned into zombie-like images of the jew. How can one not be hard on them? They want no truth, only lies (most of them.)
I don’t love anything about the jew, so those who are born again, in their image, have no love from me either.
The White man’s fetish for ‘humanitarianism’ is his ultimate downfall.
Enward Hardarr
Because after WWII, there were agent provocateurs like George Lincoln Rockwell that deliberately discredited counter-semitism and European-American ethnonationalism. The whole white nationalist bowel movement was a controlled opposition that was meant to fail to begin with and turn other white Americans away due to the shitty optics.
Apparently you never read any of his books? What books have you written?
What the hell are you talking about? The shitty optics of which you speak is the slant the jews put on Rockwell and his views. What do you think? WW2 was a just war? That Germans were evil and needed to be exterminated? Is it that YOU, are controlled opposition?
The jew problem is really a stupid goyim problem.
The jew is just a symptom of stupid goyim empowering him.
Look at all the stupid goy cops doing what they’re told and enforcing this communist lockdown on people. They know this garbage is not right, but they don’t care. Like those ‘health care workers’ (jwo agents) blocking protesters, they only want to feel an ego boost from power.
Its time to start holding the goyim accountable, otherwise they will never spiritually evolve past being stupid goyim. Being an obedient sheep is a sure sign one lacks spiritual development.
People will say “the jews have done this and the jews have done that to the Western world.” In reality the jews have done nothing but seduce White people with propaganda. jews are nothing more than weak, paranoid freaks. They will buckle fast if heat comes on them.
That’s why I’ve never carried a ‘victim’ mentality after awakening to jewish power. White people are doing this to themselves. jewish power could easily be dismantled if not for White people’s fetish for taking orders and obeying. White people have become like abused dogs, the harder they get beat the faster they wag their tails. I see most Whites buying into this beer flu hoax. They ran inside and waited for their jewish masters to instruct them on their next move.
Therein lies the problem. What power do the jews really have? How could anyone fear a jew? No one really fears the jew, they fear the system the jews setup which is enforced by stupid goyim to protect the jews.
Law enforcement does not serve and protect the people/community. They serve and protect the jew government.
The jew problem is a stupid goyim problem.
This is one insane world we are living in?
Amen Greg!
John 3
“A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.”
—Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
It’s weird how their last name is mason.
Some Jews are good people. Let’s not discriminate the 100% by the actions of the 99%. Jesus was a Jew, was he not?
No, Jesus was NOT, in fact, a Jew, the way that today’s “Jews” like Jerry Seinfeld and Marty Feldman claim to be. Jesus was from the Tribe of Judah–and those from that tribe were called Jews. Today’s Jews are NOT direct descendants of the Tribe of Judah. Today’s Jews are Edomite/Khazar/Canaanite racial admixtures that are Judah only in their minds or fantasies.
The Khazars, the ancestors of today Ashkenazis, converted to Judaism, the occult religion of ancient Babylon, around the year 900 AD, and any claim they have to the genuine Israelite bloodline is a fiction. Similarly, the Sephardic Jews are Edomite/Canaanite/Arab admixture who retained their Babylonian Judaism after the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. Please read the following essay to understand this important distinction more thoroughly:
True !
Dan — you must be new.
Great Primer — https://christiansfortruth.com/who-are-jews/
Glad you found this site. Hope you stay. Cheers
Then let the 1% that are ‘good’ convince the other 99% to do the same – somewhere else where we don’t have to worry about it. Until then, because they insist on attaching themselves to us parasitically, the 99% of evil bastards destroying our people, our country, and our culture easily count for the entire 100% that can remove themselves from our teet and learn to live productive lives – completely away from us! But we BOTH know that will never happen…
Dan all religious Jews and atheist’s surrender to the not so holy Talmud.
God is displeased when Jews show hospitality to gentiles. (BT Sanhendrin 104a).
This set of 63 books sees your Jews dicriminate against 100 % of the gentiles. Please read Elizabeth Dilling’s wonderful exposure of these people. The 100% are the destroyers of our world and nations and societies and families. 3 times they took her to court and she won every time as her facts were well researched and documented. Jews are unnaturally taught to fear and discriminate anything other. So before you use the Muslim tactic of terrorism is not all Muslims argument. I suggest you study Mohammedan wars of forced conversion. These religions are both discriminatory to all others. Naivety will not protect you. So when you meet the devil with all the facts you will repent turn around. All the blessings which gentiles enjoy come to them only because of God’s regard for Israel. (BT Yebamoth 63a).
Let us talk of 100 % discrimination and I will talk of the Jew hate of all others.
Jesus was not a Jew. The KJV Bible was mistranslated by Sir Francis Bacon, a 33rd Degree Mason.
Link for proof;
We don’t even have a true English version of the Bible available. It has been been subverted from the beginning by Freemasons (White Jews and Shabbat Goys).
The Jews are Canaanites. Forget your Khazaar theory – that’s another Jewish deception to steer you away from the Orthodox Sephardic Jews. It’s the Satanic Talmud that is the source of Jewish evil, and the Jewish have been doing blood rituals far before the Khazaars came onto the scene.
So you don’t believe God preserved his Word for us in English? You might rethink that.
The KJB is the Holy preserved Word of God translated in English. If you want proof, watch NWO Bible Versions on Youtube, that will more than likely convince you.
The KJB was an English translation of the original manuscripts, organised under the auspices of King James VI. The KJB is not the direct word of God. It is a translation, and we are trusting the translators. This is fatal for us Christians – why was the Book of Enoch left out of the KJB? Why was the Gospel of Thomas left out of the KJB? Why was the story of the Garden of Eden hidden behind metaphor, when the truth is the Serpent impregnated Eve and gave birth to the first Jew – Cain?
These important aspects of Christianity have been hidden from us, which is why Christianity has been weakened and destroyed by Jews. If the KJB is the complete word of God, then why are most Christians idiots who think that Jesus is Jewish and that “not all Jews are bad”? The Jewish Religion – Judaism – is SATANISM?
Would you respect a Christian that says “not all Satanists are bad?” – You can see how idiotic this is.
The Shakespearian poetry of the KJB is attributed to Francis Bacon. Bacon was a Freemason and the father of Modern Science. Does that mean that Bacon purposefully mistranslated aspects of the Bible? It’s worth wondering isn’t it?
This is incorrect–Francis Bacon is only one of a number of people suspected of being the real author of the plays of Shakespeare. A much more likely candidate than Bacon is Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford. Mark Anderson’s 2005 book on the subject is the most comprehensive yet. Anderson also explains why Bacon is a less likely candidate.
However, it’s possible that the plays were written by a circle of authors, not just one person, and there’s little doubt the author(s) was a member of a “secret society”. And, yes, there’s evidence that whoever wrote Shakespeare also had a hand in the King James Bible, but that doesn’t necessarily suggest something “nefarious”.
Masonry at that time had yet to be infiltrated and subverted by Jews.
That said, compared to English translations done in the last 100 years, the KJV is superior in many ways. Especially since WWII, most translations are indeed pushing the pro-Israel, pro-Jewish NWO agenda, with this Dutch translation being a perfect example.
The only agenda that is obvious in the KJV is how it seems to justify the “divine right of kings” at the behest of James I, who had just taken the British crown, and because of his Scottish ancestry perhaps desired added justification from the new Bible.
As far as Jews go, vis a vis the KJV, recall that Jews at the time of its publication had been banned from England for 300 years, and it’s unlikely that anyone would have thought that Christ was a blood relation to the hook-nosed Shylock of Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice”.
Sy Bergsteinowitz
JC was a Galilean, not a Jude.
Jew by birth as per the Law being of the tribe of Judah, Jew by manner of recognized religion – the Judaean religion – but not a Jew by citizenship (e.g. not born in the Roman province of Judaea, but in Galilee, making Christ a Galilean), and absolutely not a ‘jew’ according to the contemporary ‘jewish people’. Today’s jews are definitively pointed out by Christ first at John 8:44, then at Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.
And remember, Jesus told (((them))) that ‘they were of their father the devil…’ Its in their dna.
Think I’ll go with Jesus on this one.
This is an absolutely FATAL mindset! Now I know that each and every Jew isn’t an active member of the anti-White Ruling Elite, don’t get me wrong, but affording even the slightest level of victimhood status to ANY of them, regardless of their station in the tribe is the #1 mistake Whites have made historically when dealing with the JQ. Thinking that “some Jews are decent folks”, and thereby extending a level of trust to those “good Jews”, is the prime way that Jews have wormed their way back into our societies after each expulsion (109+ of them!). If we’re ever going to TRULY free ourselves from Jewish parasitism, we simply MUST view EVERY ONE OF THEM. as deadly enemies and allow NONE OF THEM. into any station of power and/or influence within any future society we might set up.
@Dan —
As a matter of fact, Jesus said to the jews, “You are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it”. John 8:44. I think that should at least call into question, even to the dumbest of Christians whether or not Christ was a jew. Jesus was talking to jews about jews. By today’s jew standards, what would that make Jesus? An anti-Semite! Jesus spent his whole life preaching against the jews. Of course the jews dealt with him as jews do. They killed him.
Behind the slander, defamation, or destruction of Christianity, you will always find Jews. The Jews hate Jesus and Christianity more than they hate Hitler. Read the Babylonian Talmud for their hate-filled diatribes against Christ and Christians.
How can the Son of God also be the son of lucifer? A house divided will not stand, will it not?
Dude above is right, White people are dumbest sacks on the face of the earth. They will believe anything the jews tell them. They’ll believe no truth, only jew lies.
Irish Savant
So many of them have a demonic expression.
Yes, European Christians have a long history of depicting Jews as demons–not just for their behavior but also their faces and body types. Funny thing is that Jews can’t look in the mirror and see what we see….
Just like the Christian culture does not have a word to represent the jewish word ‘chutzpah’, the jews apparently don’t even have a trait to represent what we Christians call ‘self-respect’…
Scheherazade Smith
They have an imported word: “Dollars.”