“Violent far left Antifa members were recently filmed at a gathering during which a Hispanic female member of the group scolded a white male member of the group for the pigmentation of his skin.
“You’re still white,” she yelled at the man. “You’re still responsible. This is your fault. You’re inherently racist. It’s in your blood. It’s in your DNA.”
Remember, these are the people who are supposedly fighting racism in America.
The exchange took place after the woman berated the man for what she called “white performativeness,” which apparently means showing up to an Antifa rally as a white person and not punching “Nazis.”
If this is true, then “racism” is a genetic defect, from the perspective of non-Whites. From the perspective of Whites, however, “racism” seems to have served us well, in creating the most advanced civilizations that world has ever known – and civilizations that all non-Whites, despite our “racism”, want to live in.
Perhaps it’s time for Whites to admit the obvious: that “racism” is, in fact, in our DNA, and there’s nothing we can do about it – and therefore we should not be judged for something we cannot change.
“Racism” is of course not a “genetic defect,” it is a rule of nature. It is simply the desire of an organism to perpetuate the betterment of its own kind, rather than others. Imagine what this world would be like if every single species in nature sought the betterment of other species rather than their own – that would be self-imposed extinction.
I find it very amusing that non-whites call it “hate” while Christ (preaching from the Old Testament law) called it “love”. I also find it amusing that non-whites don’t call it racism to hate white people and try to take what is theirs, but it’s racist to love white people and want to see their culture and posterity protected. Hmmm…guess that’s not very amusing after all…
I wish what they were saying was true. We would not be in the mess we are in now.
When are Whites going to finally realize that being called a “racist” is a compliment?